<!DOCTYPE html>

  	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
  	<title>Contextmenu Fancytree - Demo</title>
  	<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  	<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  	<link href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.fancytree/2/skin-win8/ui.fancytree.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
  	<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.fancytree/2/jquery.fancytree-all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

 <link rel="stylesheet"
              href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-contextmenu/2.2.3/jquery.contextMenu.min.css" />
        <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-contextmenu/2.2.3/jquery.contextMenu.min.js">
        <script src="http://wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/3rd-party/extensions/contextmenu/js/jquery.fancytree.contextMenu.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
              var SOURCE = [
	{"title": "simple node (no explicit id, so a default key is generated)" },
	{"key": "2", "title": "item1 with key and tooltip", "tooltip": "Look, a tool tip!" },
	{"key": "3", "title": "<span>item2 with <b>html</b> inside a span tag</span>" },
	{"key": "4", "title": "node 4" },
	{"key": "5", "title": "using href", "href": "http://www.wwWendt.de/" },
	{"key": "6", "title": "node with some extra classes (will be added to the generated markup)", "extraClasses": "my-extra-class" },
	{"key": "10", "title": "Folder 1", "folder": true, "children": [
		{"key": "10_1", "title": "Sub-item 1.1", "children": [
			{"key": "10_1_1", "title": "Sub-item 1.1.1"},
			{"key": "10_1_2", "title": "Sub-item 1.1.2 r"}
		{"key": "10_2", "title": "Sub-item 1.2", "children": [
			{"key": "10_2_1", "title": "Sub-item 1.2.1"},
			{"key": "10_2_2", "title": "Sub-item 1.2.2"}
	{"key": "20", "title": "Simple node with active children (expand)", "expanded": true, "children": [
		{"key": "20_1", "title": "Sub-item 2.1", "children": [
			{"key": "20_1_1", "title": "Sub-item 2.1.1"},
			{"key": "20_1_2", "title": "Sub-item 2.1.2"}
		{"key": "20_2", "title": "Sub-item 2.2", "children": [
			{"key": "20_2_1", "title": "Sub-item 2.2.1"},
			{"key": "20_2_2", "title": "Sub-item 2.2.2"}
                    extensions: ['contextMenu'],
                    source: SOURCE,
                    contextMenu: {
                        menu: {
                            'edit': {'name': 'Edit', 'icon': 'edit'},
                            'cut': {'name': 'Cut', 'icon': 'cut'},
                            'copy': {'name': 'Copy', 'icon': 'copy'},
                            'paste': {'name': 'Paste', 'icon': 'paste'},
                            'delete': {'name': 'Delete', 'icon': 'delete', 'disabled': true},
                            'sep1': '---------',
                            'quit': {'name': 'Quit', 'icon': 'quit'},
                            'sep2': '---------',
                            'fold1': {
                                'name': 'Sub group',
                                'items': {
                                    'fold1-key1': {'name': 'Foo bar'},
                                    'fold2': {
                                        'name': 'Sub group 2',
                                        'items': {
                                            'fold2-key1': {'name': 'alpha'},
                                            'fold2-key2': {'name': 'bravo'},
                                            'fold2-key3': {'name': 'charlie'}
                                    'fold1-key3': {'name': 'delta'}
                            'fold1a': {
                                'name': 'Other group',
                                'items': {
                                    'fold1a-key1': {'name': 'echo'},
                                    'fold1a-key2': {'name': 'foxtrot'},
                                    'fold1a-key3': {'name': 'golf'}
                        actions: function (node, action, options) {
                            $('#selected-action').text('Selected action "' + action + '" on node ' + node);
                    lazyLoad: function (event, data) {
                        data.result = {url: '../../ajax-sub2.json'}

   <body class="example">

        <!-- Tree wrapper -->
        <div id="tree"></div>

        <hr />

        <div id="selected-action">Click right mouse button on node</div>


  var sampleSource = [
	    { title: "Folder 1", folder: true, children: [
	      { title: "Subnode 1.1"},
	      { title: "Subnode 1.2"},
	      { title: "Subnode 1.3"}
	    { title: "Folder 2", expanded: true, children: [
	      { title: "Subnode 2.1"},
	      { title: "Subnode 2.2"},
	      { title: "Subnode 2.3"}
	    { title: "Lazy Folder", lazy: true }

//	  extensions: ["childcounter"],
//    checkbox: true,
	  source: sampleSource,
	  lazyLoad: function(event, data) {
	    data.result = { url: "sample1.json" };
	  var tree = $("#tree").fancytree("getTree"),
	      node = tree.getActiveNode();

	  alert("Actie node " + node);
/* Styles go here */

# Fancytree Basic Sample

Use this Plunk to try Fancytree options or reproduce errors.
  {"title": "Subnode 1"},
  {"title": "Subnode 2", "lazy": true}