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    <h1>Angular 2 Router Example </h1>
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/* Styles go here */

 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/router';
import {RouteExampleAppComponent} from "./angular-2-router";

bootstrap( RouteExampleAppComponent, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]); 
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';

    selector: 'angular-2-about-us',
    template: `
    <h5 class="title">Angular 2 About Us Component</h5>
            about us 


export class AboutUsComponent { }
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/router';
import {ContactComponent} from "./contact.component";
import {ProductsComponent} from "./products.component";
import {AboutUsComponent} from "./about-us.component";
import {ProductDetailComponent} from "./product-detail.component";
import {CarService} from "./car.service";
import {ConfirmDialogService} from "./confirm-dialog.service";

    selector: 'my-app', 
    template: `
              <h3 class="title">Angular 2 Router Example</h3>
                <a [routerLink]="['Products']">Products</a>
                <a [routerLink]="['AboutUs']">About Us</a>
                <a [routerLink]="['Contact']">Contact</a>
    providers:  [ConfirmDialogService,CarService],
    directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]

        path: '/contact',
        name: 'Contact',
        component: ContactComponent,
        useAsDefault: true

        path: '/products',
        name: 'Products',
        component: ProductsComponent
        path: '/about-us',
        name: 'AboutUs',
        component: AboutUsComponent
    {path: '/car/:id', name: 'CarDetail', component: ProductDetailComponent},
export class RouteExampleAppComponent { }
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';

export class Car {
    constructor(public id: number, public name: string) { }

export class CarService {
    getCars() { return carsPromise; }

    getCar(id: number | string) {
        return carsPromise
            .then(cars => cars.filter(h => h.id === +id)[0]);

var CARS = [
    new Car(1, 'Audi 1'),
    new Car(2, 'Audi 2'),
    new Car(3, 'Audi 3'),
    new Car(4, 'Audi 4'),

var carsPromise = Promise.resolve(CARS);
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';

export class ConfirmDialogService {
     * Ask a user to confirm or cancel an action, this method accept the message related to action as a parameter
     * It returns a promise resolving to `true`=confirm or `false`=cancel (YES/NO) answers
    confirm(message?:string) {
        return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) =>
            resolve(window.confirm(message || 'Okey?')));
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';

    selector: 'angular-2-contact',
    template: `
    <h5 class="title">Angular 2 Contact Component</h5>
        <label>Your Email :</label>
        <input type="text" placeholder="enter your email">


export class ContactComponent { }
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Component,  OnInit}  from 'angular2/core';
import {Car, CarService}   from './car.service';
import {RouteParams, Router} from 'angular2/router';
import {CanDeactivate, ComponentInstruction} from 'angular2/router';
import {ConfirmDialogService} from "./confirm-dialog.service";

                  <h3>Angular 2 - Car Detail</h3>
                  <div *ngIf="car">
                      <label>Car Id: </label>{{car.id}}</div>
                      <label>Car Name: </label>
                      <input [(ngModel)]="carNameEdit" placeholder="name"/>
                    <button (click)="backToProductsList()">Back</button>
export class ProductDetailComponent implements OnInit ,CanDeactivate {
    car: Car;
        private _router:Router,
        private _routeParams:RouteParams,
        private _service:CarService,
        private _dialog: ConfirmDialogService

    routerCanDeactivate(next: ComponentInstruction, prev: ComponentInstruction) : any {
        // Allow navigation (`true`) if no car exist or the car is unmodified.
        if (!this.car || this.car.name === this.carNameEdit) {
            return true;
        // if the user has changed something, then ask before you leave : )
        // our servicee ConfirmDialogService returns a promise which resolves to true or false (YES/NO) when the user decides what to do.
        return this._dialog.confirm('Ignore changes (are you sure you want to leave this window) ?');

    ngOnInit() {
        let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
        this._service.getCar(id).then(car => {
            if (car) {
                this.carNameEdit = car.name;
                this.car = car;
            } else { // the car not found , go back to the car list view

    backToProductsList() {
        let carId = this.car ? this.car.id : null;
        this._router.navigate(['Products',  {id: carId} ]);
Copyright 2016 angulartypescript.com. All Rights Reserved.
Everyone can use this source code; don’t forget to indicate the source please:
 * Created by Tareq Boulakjar. from angulartypescript.com
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {Router, RouteParams} from 'angular2/router';
import {Car} from "./car.service";
import {CarService} from "./car.service";

    selector: 'angular-2-products',
    template: `
    <h5 class="title">Angular 2 Products Component</h5>
        <ul *ngFor="#car of myCarList">
            <li (click)="onSelectCar(car)">
                <span class="badge">{{car.id}}</span> {{car.name}}


export class ProductsComponent {
    myCarList: Car[]; // we carService services

    private _theSelectedCar:number;// when we come back from car Detail we know witch car was selected.

        private _service: CarService,
        private _router: Router,
        routeParams: RouteParams) {
        this._theSelectedCar = +routeParams.get('id');

    onSelectCar(car) {
        this._router.navigate( ['CarDetail', { id: car.id }] );
    ngOnInit() {
        this._service.getCars().then(cars => this.myCarList = cars)
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