angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl',['$scope',function($scope){
$scope.key= null;
$scope.keyDown = function(event) {
var e = KeyCode.translate_event(event.originalEvent);
$scope.key = KeyCode.hot_key(e);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app" ng-controller='ctrl' ng-keydown='keyDown($event)'>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>AngularJS Template</title>
document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="keycode.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
Key Down : {{key}}
/* Put your css in here */
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
(function() {
* Library to normalize key codes across browsers. This works with keydown
* events; keypress events are not fired for all keys, and the codes are
* different for them. It returns an object with the following fields:
* { int code, bool shift, bool alt, bool ctrl }. The normalized keycodes
* obey the following rules:
* For alphabetic characters, the ASCII code of the uppercase version
* For codes that are identical across all browsers (this includes all
* modifiers, esc, delete, arrows, etc.), the common keycode
* For numeric keypad keys, the value returned by numkey().
* (Usually 96 + the number)
* For symbols, the ASCII code of the character that appears when shift
* is not held down, EXCEPT for '" => 222 (conflicts with right-arrow/pagedown),
* .> => 190 (conflicts with Delete) and `~ => 126 (conflicts with Num0).
* Basic usage:
* document.onkeydown = function(e) {
* do_something_with(KeyCode.translateEvent(e)
* };
* The naming conventions for functions use 'code' to represent an integer
* keycode, 'key' to represent a key description (specified above), and 'e'
* to represent an event object.
* There's also functionality to track and detect which keys are currently
* being held down: install 'key_up' and 'key_down' on their respective event
* handlers, and then check with 'is_down'.
* @fileoverview
* @author Jonathan Tang
* @version 0.9
* @license BSD
var modifiers = ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift'],
KEY_MAP = {},
shifted_symbols = {
58: 59, // : -> ;
43: 61, // = -> +
60: 44, // < -> ,
95: 45, // _ -> -
62: 46, // > -> .
63: 47, // ? -> /
96: 192, // ` -> ~
124: 92, // | -> \
39: 222, // ' -> 222
34: 222, // " -> 222
33: 49, // ! -> 1
64: 50, // @ -> 2
35: 51, // # -> 3
36: 52, // $ -> 4
37: 53, // % -> 5
94: 54, // ^ -> 6
38: 55, // & -> 7
42: 56, // * -> 8
40: 57, // ( -> 9
41: 58, // ) -> 0
123: 91, // { -> [
125: 93 // } -> ]
function isLower(ascii) {
return ascii >= 97 && ascii <= 122;
function capitalize(str) {
return str.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase();
var is_gecko = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') != -1,
is_ie = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1,
is_windows = navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1,
is_opera = window.opera && window.opera.version() < '9.5',
is_konqueror = navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.indexOf('KDE') != -1,
is_icab = navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.indexOf('iCab') != -1;
186: 59, // ;: in IE
187: 61, // =+ in IE
188: 44, // ,<
109: 95, // -_ in Mozilla
107: 61, // =+ in Mozilla
189: 95, // -_ in IE
190: 62, // .>
191: 47, // /?
192: 126, // `~
219: 91, // {[
220: 92, // \|
221: 93 // }]
var OPERA_KEYMAP = {};
// Browser detection taken from
if(is_opera && is_windows) {
} else if(is_opera || is_konqueror || is_icab) {
var unshift = [33, 64, 35, 36, 37, 94, 38, 42, 40, 41,
58, 43, 60, 95, 62, 63, 124, 34];
for(var i = 0; i < unshift.length; ++i) {
KEY_MAP[unshift[i]] = shifted_symbols[unshift[i]];
} else {
// IE and Gecko are close enough that we can use the same map for both,
// and the rest of the world (eg. Opera 9.50) seems to be standardizing
// on them
if(is_konqueror) {
KEY_MAP[0] = 45;
KEY_MAP[127] = 46;
KEY_MAP[45] = 95;
var key_names = {
32: 'SPACE',
13: 'ENTER',
9: 'TAB',
16: 'SHIFT',
17: 'CTRL',
18: 'ALT',
20: 'CAPS_LOCK',
144: 'NUM_LOCK',
37: 'LEFT',
38: 'UP',
39: 'RIGHT',
40: 'DOWN',
33: 'PAGE_UP',
34: 'PAGE_DOWN',
36: 'HOME',
35: 'END',
45: 'INSERT',
46: 'DELETE',
27: 'ESCAPE',
19: 'PAUSE',
222: "'"
function fn_name(code) {
if(code >= 112 && code <= 123) return 'F' + (code - 111);
return false;
function num_name(code) {
if(code >= 96 && code < 106) return 'Num' + (code - 96);
switch(code) {
case 106: return 'Num*';
case 111: return 'Num/';
case 110: return 'Num.';
default: return false;
var current_keys = {
codes: {},
ctrl: false,
alt: false,
shift: false
function update_current_modifiers(key) {
current_keys.ctrl = key.ctrl;
current_keys.alt = key.alt;
current_keys.shift = key.shift;
function same_modifiers(key1, key2) {
return key1.ctrl === key2.ctrl
&& key1.alt === key2.alt
&& key1.shift === key2.shift;
if(typeof window.KeyCode != "undefined") {
var _KeyCode = window.KeyCode;
var KeyCode = window.KeyCode = {
no_conflict: function() {
window.KeyCode = _KeyCode;
return KeyCode;
/** Generates a function key code from a number between 1 and 12 */
fkey: function(num) { return 111 + num; },
* Generates a numeric keypad code from a number between 0 and 9.
* Also works for (some) arithmetic operators. The mappings are:
* *: 106, /: 111, .: 110
* + and - are not supported because the keycodes generated by Mozilla
* conflict with the non-keypad codes. The same applies to all the
* arithmetic keypad keys on Konqueror and early Opera.
numkey: function(num) {
switch(num) {
case '*': return 106;
case '/': return 111;
case '.': return 110;
default: return 96 + num;
/** Generates a key code from the ASCII code of (the first character of) a
* string.
key: function(str) {
var c = str.charCodeAt(0);
if(isLower(c)) return c - 32;
return shifted_symbols[c] || c;
/** Checks if two key objects are equal. */
key_equals: function(key1, key2) {
return key1.code == key2.code && same_modifiers(key1, key2);
/** Translates a keycode to its normalized value. */
translate_key_code: function(code) {
return KEY_MAP[code] || code;
/** Translates a keyDown event to a normalized key event object. The
* object has the following fields:
* { int code; boolean shift, boolean alt, boolean ctrl }
translate_event: function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var code = e.which || e.keyCode;
return {
code: KeyCode.translate_key_code(code),
shift: e.shiftKey,
alt: e.altKey,
ctrl: e.ctrlKey
* Keydown event listener to update internal state of which keys are
* currently pressed.
key_down: function(e) {
var key = KeyCode.translate_event(e);[key.code] = key.code;
* Keyup event listener to update internal state.
key_up: function(e) {
var key = KeyCode.translate_event(e);
* Returns true if the key spec (as returned by translate_event) is
* currently held down.
is_down: function(key) {
var code = key.code;
if(code == KeyCode.CTRL) return current_keys.ctrl;
if(code == KeyCode.ALT) return current_keys.alt;
if(code == KeyCode.SHIFT) return current_keys.shift;
return[code] !== undefined
&& same_modifiers(key, current_keys);
/** Returns a string representation of a key event suitable for the
* shortcut.js or JQuery HotKeys plugins. Also makes a decent UI display.
hot_key: function(key) {
var pieces = [];
for(var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; ++i) {
var modifier = modifiers[i];
if(key[modifier] && modifier.toUpperCase() != key_names[key.code]) {
var c = key.code;
var key_name = key_names[c] || fn_name(c) || num_name(c) || String.fromCharCode(c);
return pieces.join('+');
// Add key constants
for(var code in key_names) {
KeyCode[key_names[code]] = code;