<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

    <p>Since the whole form is read-only, both fields should be read-only.
       Instead, the type that our default-rule sets for 'b', is overridden by the schema-definition.</p>
    <form sf-schema="schema"
          sf-options="{ formDefaults: { readonly: true }}">

    <script data-require="angular.js@1.3.x" src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.3.15/angular.js" data-semver="1.3.15"></script>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.15/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
    <script src="tv4.js"></script>
    <script src="ObjectPath.js"></script>
    <script src="schema-form.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

    <!--<small>(rendered at <script>document.write(( +new Date ).toString().slice( -4 ))</script>)</small>-->
/* Styles go here */

small {
  font-size: 0.7em;

(function(root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    define(['angular', 'objectpath', 'tv4'], factory);
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    module.exports = factory(require('angular'), require('objectpath'), require('tv4'));
  } else {
    root.schemaForm = factory(root.angular, root.objectpath, root.tv4);
}(this, function(angular, objectpath, tv4) {
// Deps is sort of a problem for us, maybe in the future we will ask the user to depend
// on modules for add-ons

var deps = [];
try {
  //This throws an expection if module does not exist.
} catch (e) {}

try {
  //This throws an expection if module does not exist.
} catch (e) {}

try {
  //This throws an expection if module does not exist.
} catch (e) {}

var schemaForm = angular.module('schemaForm', deps);

[function() {

  // When building with browserify ObjectPath is available as `objectpath` but othwerwise
  // it's called `ObjectPath`.
  var ObjectPath = window.ObjectPath || objectpath;

  var sfPath = {parse: ObjectPath.parse};

  // if we're on Angular 1.2.x, we need to continue using dot notation
  if (angular.version.major === 1 && angular.version.minor < 3) {
    sfPath.stringify = function(arr) {
      return Array.isArray(arr) ? arr.join('.') : arr.toString();
  } else {
    sfPath.stringify = ObjectPath.stringify;

  // We want this to use whichever stringify method is defined above,
  // so we have to copy the code here.
  sfPath.normalize = function(data, quote) {
    return sfPath.stringify(Array.isArray(data) ? data : sfPath.parse(data), quote);

  // expose the methods in sfPathProvider
  this.parse = sfPath.parse;
  this.stringify = sfPath.stringify;
  this.normalize = sfPath.normalize;

  this.$get = function() {
    return sfPath;

// FIXME: type template (using custom builder)
angular.module('schemaForm').provider('sfBuilder', ['sfPathProvider', function(sfPathProvider) {

  var SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP = /[A-Z]/g;
  var snakeCase = function(name, separator) {
    separator = separator || '_';
    return name.replace(SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP, function(letter, pos) {
      return (pos ? separator : '') + letter.toLowerCase();
  var formId = 0;

  var builders = {
    sfField: function(args) {
      args.fieldFrag.firstChild.setAttribute('sf-field', formId);

      // We use a lookup table for easy access to our form.
      args.lookup['f' + formId] = args.form;
    ngModel: function(args) {
      if (!args.form.key) {
      var key  = args.form.key;

      // Redact part of the key, used in arrays
      // KISS keyRedaction is a number.
      if (args.state.keyRedaction) {
        key = key.slice(args.state.keyRedaction);

      // Stringify key.
      var modelValue;
      if (!args.state.modelValue) {
        var strKey = sfPathProvider.stringify(key).replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
        modelValue = (args.state.modelName || 'model');

        if (strKey) { // Sometimes, like with arrays directly in arrays strKey is nothing.
          modelValue += (strKey[0] !== '[' ? '.' : '') + strKey;
      } else {
        // Another builder, i.e. array has overriden the modelValue
        modelValue = args.state.modelValue;

      // Find all sf-field-value attributes.
      // No value means a add a ng-model.
      // sf-field-value="replaceAll", loop over attributes and replace $$value$$ in each.
      // sf-field-value="attrName", replace or set value of that attribute.
      var nodes = args.fieldFrag.querySelectorAll('[sf-field-model]');
      for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        var n = nodes[i];
        var conf = n.getAttribute('sf-field-model');
        if (!conf || conf === '') {
          n.setAttribute('ng-model', modelValue);
        } else if (conf === 'replaceAll') {
          var attributes = n.attributes;
          for (var j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++) {
            if (attributes[j].value && attributes[j].value.indexOf('$$value') !== -1) {
              attributes[j].value = attributes[j].value.replace(/\$\$value\$\$/g, modelValue);
        } else {
          var  val = n.getAttribute(conf);
          if (val && val.indexOf('$$value$$')) {
            n.setAttribute(conf, val.replace(/\$\$value\$\$/g, modelValue));
          } else {
            n.setAttribute(conf, modelValue);
    simpleTransclusion: function(args) {
      var children = args.build(args.form.items, args.path + '.items', args.state);

    // Patch on ngModelOptions, since it doesn't like waiting for its value.
    ngModelOptions: function(args) {
      if (args.form.ngModelOptions && Object.keys(args.form.ngModelOptions).length > 0) {
        args.fieldFrag.firstChild.setAttribute('ng-model-options', JSON.stringify(args.form.ngModelOptions));
    transclusion: function(args) {
      var transclusions = args.fieldFrag.querySelectorAll('[sf-field-transclude]');

      if (transclusions.length) {
        for (var i = 0; i < transclusions.length; i++) {
          var n = transclusions[i];

          // The sf-transclude attribute is not a directive,
          // but has the name of what we're supposed to
          // traverse. Default to `items`
          var sub = n.getAttribute('sf-field-transclude') || 'items';
          var items = args.form[sub];

          if (items) {
            var childFrag = args.build(items, args.path + '.' + sub, args.state);
    condition: function(args) {
      // Do we have a condition? Then we slap on an ng-if on all children,
      // but be nice to existing ng-if.
      if (args.form.condition) {
        var evalExpr = 'evalExpr(' + args.path +
                       '.condition, { model: model, "arrayIndex": $index})';
        if (args.form.key) {
          var strKey = sfPathProvider.stringify(args.form.key);
          evalExpr = 'evalExpr(' + args.path + '.condition,{ model: model, "arrayIndex": $index, ' +
                     '"modelValue": model' + (strKey[0] === '[' ? '' : '.') + strKey + '})';

        var children = args.fieldFrag.children || args.fieldFrag.childNodes;
        for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
          var child = children[i];
          var ngIf = child.getAttribute('ng-if');
            ngIf ?
            '(' + ngIf +
            ') || (' + evalExpr + ')'
            : evalExpr
    array: function(args) {
      var items = args.fieldFrag.querySelector('[schema-form-array-items]');
      if (items) {
        state = angular.copy(args.state);
        state.keyRedaction = state.keyRedaction || 0;
        state.keyRedaction += args.form.key.length + 1;

        // Special case, an array with just one item in it that is not an object.
        // So then we just override the modelValue
        if (args.form.schema && args.form.schema.items &&
            args.form.schema.items.type &&
            args.form.schema.items.type.indexOf('object') === -1 &&
            args.form.schema.items.type.indexOf('array') === -1) {
          var strKey = sfPathProvider.stringify(args.form.key).replace(/"/g, '&quot;') + '[$index]';
          state.modelValue = 'modelArray[$index]';
        } else {
          state.modelName = 'item';

        // Flag to the builder that where in an array.
        // This is needed for compatabiliy if a "old" add-on is used that
        // hasn't been transitioned to the new builder.
        state.arrayCompatFlag = true;

        var childFrag = args.build(args.form.items, args.path + '.items', state);
  this.builders = builders;
  var stdBuilders = [
  this.stdBuilders = stdBuilders;

  this.$get = ['$templateCache', 'schemaFormDecorators', 'sfPath', function($templateCache, schemaFormDecorators, sfPath) {

    var checkForSlot = function(form, slots) {
      // Finally append this field to the frag.
      // Check for slots
      if (form.key) {
        var slot = slots[sfPath.stringify(form.key)];
        if (slot) {
          while (slot.firstChild) {
          return slot;

    var build = function(items, decorator, templateFn, slots, path, state, lookup) {
      state = state || {};
      lookup = lookup || Object.create(null);
      path = path || 'schemaForm.form';
      var container = document.createDocumentFragment();
      items.reduce(function(frag, f, index) {

        // Sanity check.
        if (!f.type) {
          return frag;

        var field = decorator[f.type] || decorator['default'];
        if (!field.replace) {
          // Backwards compatability build
          var n = document.createElement(snakeCase(decorator.__name, '-'));
          if (state.arrayCompatFlag) {
          } else {
            n.setAttribute('form', path + '[' + index + ']');

          (checkForSlot(f, slots) || frag).appendChild(n);

        } else {
          var tmpl;

          // Reset arrayCompatFlag, it's only valid for direct children of the array.
          state.arrayCompatFlag = false;

          // TODO: Create a couple fo testcases, small and large and
          //       measure optmization. A good start is probably a cache of DOM nodes for a particular
          //       template that can be cloned instead of using innerHTML
          var div = document.createElement('div');
          var template = templateFn(f, field) || templateFn(f, decorator['default']);
          div.innerHTML = template;

          // Move node to a document fragment, we don't want the div.
          tmpl = document.createDocumentFragment();
          while (div.childNodes.length > 0) {

          // Possible builder, often a noop
          var args = {
            fieldFrag: tmpl,
            form: f,
            lookup: lookup,
            state: state,
            path: path + '[' + index + ']',

            // Recursive build fn
            build: function(items, path, state) {
              return build(items, decorator, templateFn, slots, path, state, lookup);


          // Let the form definiton override builders if it wants to.
          var builderFn = f.builder || field.builder;

          // Builders are either a function or a list of functions.
          if (typeof builderFn === 'function') {
          } else {
            builderFn.forEach(function(fn) { fn(args); });

          // Append
          (checkForSlot(f, slots) || frag).appendChild(tmpl);
        return frag;
      }, container);

      return container;

    return {
       * Builds a form from a canonical form definition
      build: function(form, decorator, slots, lookup) {
        return build(form, decorator, function(form, field) {
          if (form.type === 'template') {
            return form.template;
          return $templateCache.get(field.template);
        }, slots, undefined, undefined, lookup);

      builder: builders,
      stdBuilders: stdBuilders,
      internalBuild: build


['$compileProvider', 'sfPathProvider', function($compileProvider, sfPathProvider) {
  var defaultDecorator = '';
  var decorators = {};

  // Map template after decorator and type.
  var templateUrl = function(name, form) {
    //schemaDecorator is alias for whatever is set as default
    if (name === 'sfDecorator') {
      name = defaultDecorator;

    var decorator = decorators[name];
    if (decorator[form.type]) {
      return decorator[form.type].template;

    //try default
    return decorator['default'].template;

   * DEPRECATED                                     *
   * The new builder and sf-field is preferred, but *
   * we keep this in during a transitional period   *
   * so that add-ons that don't use the new builder *
   * works.                                         *
   //TODO: Move to a compatability extra script.
   var createDirective = function(name) {
      ['$parse', '$compile', '$http', '$templateCache', '$interpolate', '$q', 'sfErrorMessage',
      function($parse,  $compile,  $http,  $templateCache, $interpolate, $q, sfErrorMessage,
               sfPath, sfSelect) {

        return {
          restrict: 'AE',
          replace: false,
          transclude: false,
          scope: true,
          require: '?^sfSchema',
          link: function(scope, element, attrs, sfSchema) {

            //The ngModelController is used in some templates and
            //is needed for error messages,
            scope.$on('schemaFormPropagateNgModelController', function(event, ngModel) {
              scope.ngModel = ngModel;

            //Keep error prone logic from the template
            scope.showTitle = function() {
              return scope.form && scope.form.notitle !== true && scope.form.title;

            scope.listToCheckboxValues = function(list) {
              var values = {};
              angular.forEach(list, function(v) {
                values[v] = true;
              return values;

            scope.checkboxValuesToList = function(values) {
              var lst = [];
              angular.forEach(values, function(v, k) {
                if (v) {
              return lst;

            scope.buttonClick = function($event, form) {
              if (angular.isFunction(form.onClick)) {
                form.onClick($event, form);
              } else if (angular.isString(form.onClick)) {
                if (sfSchema) {
                  //evaluating in scope outside of sfSchemas isolated scope
                  sfSchema.evalInParentScope(form.onClick, {'$event': $event, form: form});
                } else {
                  scope.$eval(form.onClick, {'$event': $event, form: form});

             * Evaluate an expression, i.e. scope.$eval
             * but do it in sfSchemas parent scope sf-schema directive is used
             * @param {string} expression
             * @param {Object} locals (optional)
             * @return {Any} the result of the expression
            scope.evalExpr = function(expression, locals) {
              if (sfSchema) {
                //evaluating in scope outside of sfSchemas isolated scope
                return sfSchema.evalInParentScope(expression, locals);

              return scope.$eval(expression, locals);

             * Evaluate an expression, i.e. scope.$eval
             * in this decorators scope
             * @param {string} expression
             * @param {Object} locals (optional)
             * @return {Any} the result of the expression
            scope.evalInScope = function(expression, locals) {
              if (expression) {
                return scope.$eval(expression, locals);

             * Interpolate the expression.
             * Similar to `evalExpr()` and `evalInScope()`
             * but will not fail if the expression is
             * text that contains spaces.
             * Use the Angular `{{ interpolation }}`
             * braces to access properties on `locals`.
             * @param  {string} content The string to interpolate.
             * @param  {Object} locals (optional) Properties that may be accessed in the
             *                         `expression` string.
             * @return {Any} The result of the expression or `undefined`.
            scope.interp = function(expression, locals) {
              return (expression && $interpolate(expression)(locals));

            //This works since we ot the ngModel from the array or the schema-validate directive.
            scope.hasSuccess = function() {
              if (!scope.ngModel) {
                return false;
              return scope.ngModel.$valid &&
                  (!scope.ngModel.$pristine || !scope.ngModel.$isEmpty(scope.ngModel.$modelValue));

            scope.hasError = function() {
              if (!scope.ngModel) {
                return false;
              return scope.ngModel.$invalid && !scope.ngModel.$pristine;

             * DEPRECATED: use sf-messages instead.
             * Error message handler
             * An error can either be a schema validation message or a angular js validtion
             * error (i.e. required)
            scope.errorMessage = function(schemaError) {
              return sfErrorMessage.interpolate(
                (schemaError && schemaError.code + '') || 'default',
                (scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$modelValue) || '',
                (scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$viewValue) || '',
                scope.options && scope.options.validationMessage

            // Rebind our part of the form to the scope.
            var once = scope.$watch(attrs.form, function(form) {
              if (form) {
                // Workaround for 'updateOn' error from ngModelOptions
                // see https://github.com/Textalk/angular-schema-form/issues/255
                // and https://github.com/Textalk/angular-schema-form/issues/206
                form.ngModelOptions = form.ngModelOptions || {};
                scope.form  = form;

                //ok let's replace that template!
                //We do this manually since we need to bind ng-model properly and also
                //for fieldsets to recurse properly.
                var templatePromise;

                // type: "template" is a special case. It can contain a template inline or an url.
                // otherwise we find out the url to the template and load them.
                if (form.type === 'template' && form.template) {
                  templatePromise = $q.when(form.template);
                } else {
                  var url = form.type === 'template' ? form.templateUrl : templateUrl(name, form);
                  templatePromise = $http.get(url, {cache: $templateCache}).then(function(res) {
                                      return res.data;

                templatePromise.then(function(template) {
                  if (form.key) {
                    var key = form.key ?
                              sfPathProvider.stringify(form.key).replace(/"/g, '&quot;') : '';
                    template = template.replace(
                      'model' + (key[0] !== '[' ? '.' : '') + key

                  // Do we have a condition? Then we slap on an ng-if on all children,
                  // but be nice to existing ng-if.
                  if (form.condition) {

                    var evalExpr = 'evalExpr(form.condition,{ model: model, "arrayIndex": arrayIndex})';
                    if (form.key) {
                      evalExpr = 'evalExpr(form.condition,{ model: model, "arrayIndex": arrayIndex, "modelValue": model' + sfPath.stringify(form.key) + '})';

                    angular.forEach(element.children(), function(child) {
                      var ngIf = child.getAttribute('ng-if');
                        ngIf ?
                        '(' + ngIf +
                        ') || (' + evalExpr +')'
                        : evalExpr

                // Where there is a key there is probably a ngModel
                if (form.key) {
                  // It looks better with dot notation.
                    'schemaForm.error.' + form.key.join('.'),
                    function(event, error, validationMessage, validity) {
                      if (validationMessage === true || validationMessage === false) {
                        validity = validationMessage;
                        validationMessage = undefined;

                      if (scope.ngModel && error) {
                        if (scope.ngModel.$setDirty) {
                        } else {
                          // FIXME: Check that this actually works on 1.2
                          scope.ngModel.$dirty = true;
                          scope.ngModel.$pristine = false;

                        // Set the new validation message if one is supplied
                        // Does not work when validationMessage is just a string.
                        if (validationMessage) {
                          if (!form.validationMessage) {
                            form.validationMessage = {};
                          form.validationMessage[error] = validationMessage;

                        scope.ngModel.$setValidity(error, validity === true);

                        if (validity === true) {
                          // Re-trigger model validator, that model itself would be re-validated

                          // Setting or removing a validity can change the field to believe its valid
                          // but its not. So lets trigger its validation as well.

                  // Clean up the model when the corresponding form field is $destroy-ed.
                  // Default behavior can be supplied as a globalOption, and behavior can be overridden in the form definition.
                  scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
                    // If the entire schema form is destroyed we don't touch the model
                    if (!scope.externalDestructionInProgress) {
                      var destroyStrategy = form.destroyStrategy ||
                                            (scope.options && scope.options.destroyStrategy) || 'remove';
                      // No key no model, and we might have strategy 'retain'
                      if (form.key && destroyStrategy !== 'retain') {

                        // Get the object that has the property we wan't to clear.
                        var obj = scope.model;
                        if (form.key.length > 1) {
                          obj = sfSelect(form.key.slice(0, form.key.length - 1), obj);

                        // We can get undefined here if the form hasn't been filled out entirely
                        if (obj === undefined) {

                        // Type can also be a list in JSON Schema
                        var type = (form.schema && form.schema.type) || '';

                        // Empty means '',{} and [] for appropriate types and undefined for the rest
                        if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('string') !== -1) {
                          obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = '';
                        } else if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('object') !== -1) {
                          obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = {};
                        } else if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('array') !== -1) {
                          obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = [];
                        } else if (destroyStrategy === 'null') {
                          obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = null;
                        } else {
                          delete obj[form.key.slice(-1)];


  var createManualDirective = function(type, templateUrl, transclude) {
    transclude = angular.isDefined(transclude) ? transclude : false;
    $compileProvider.directive('sf' + angular.uppercase(type[0]) + type.substr(1), function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'EAC',
        scope: true,
        replace: true,
        transclude: transclude,
        template: '<sf-decorator form="form"></sf-decorator>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
          var watchThis = {
            'items': 'c',
            'titleMap': 'c',
            'schema': 'c'
          var form = {type: type};
          var once = true;
          angular.forEach(attrs, function(value, name) {
            if (name[0] !== '$' && name.indexOf('ng') !== 0 && name !== 'sfField') {

              var updateForm = function(val) {
                if (angular.isDefined(val) && val !== form[name]) {
                  form[name] = val;

                  //when we have type, and if specified key we apply it on scope.
                  if (once && form.type && (form.key || angular.isUndefined(attrs.key))) {
                    scope.form = form;
                    once = false;

              if (name === 'model') {
                //"model" is bound to scope under the name "model" since this is what the decorators
                //know and love.
                scope.$watch(value, function(val) {
                  if (val && scope.model !== val) {
                    scope.model = val;
              } else if (watchThis[name] === 'c') {
                //watch collection
                scope.$watchCollection(value, updateForm);
              } else {
                attrs.$observe(name, updateForm);

   * DEPRECATED: use defineDecorator instead.
   * Create a decorator directive and its sibling "manual" use decorators.
   * The directive can be used to create form fields or other form entities.
   * It can be used in conjunction with <schema-form> directive in which case the decorator is
   * given it's configuration via a the "form" attribute.
   * ex. Basic usage
   *   <sf-decorator form="myform"></sf-decorator>
   * @param {string} name directive name (CamelCased)
   * @param {Object} templates, an object that maps "type" => "templateUrl"
  this.createDecorator = function(name, templates) {
    //console.warn('schemaFormDecorators.createDecorator is DEPRECATED, use defineDecorator instead.');
    decorators[name] = {'__name': name};

    angular.forEach(templates, function(url, type) {
      decorators[name][type] = {template: url, replace: false, builder: []};

    if (!decorators[defaultDecorator]) {
      defaultDecorator = name;

   * Define a decorator. A decorator is a set of form types with templates and builder functions
   * that help set up the form.
   * @param {string} name directive name (CamelCased)
   * @param {Object} fields, an object that maps "type" => `{ template, builder, replace}`.
                     attributes `builder` and `replace` are optional, and replace defaults to true.

                     `template` should be the key of the template to load and it should be pre-loaded
                     in `$templateCache`.

                     `builder` can be a function or an array of functions. They will be called in
                     the order they are supplied.

                     `replace` (DEPRECATED) is for backwards compatability. If false the builder
                     will use the "old" way of building that form field using a <sf-decorator>
  this.defineDecorator = function(name, fields) {
    decorators[name] = {'__name': name}; // TODO: this feels like a hack, come up with a better way.

    angular.forEach(fields, function(field, type) {
      field.builder = field.builder || [];
      field.replace = angular.isDefined(field.replace) ? field.replace : true;
      decorators[name][type] = field;

    if (!decorators[defaultDecorator]) {
      defaultDecorator = name;

   * Creates a directive of a decorator
   * Usable when you want to use the decorators without using <schema-form> directive.
   * Specifically when you need to reuse styling.
   * ex. createDirective('text','...')
   *  <sf-text title="foobar" model="person" key="name" schema="schema"></sf-text>
   * @param {string}  type The type of the directive, resulting directive will have sf- prefixed
   * @param {string}  templateUrl
   * @param {boolean} transclude (optional) sets transclude option of directive, defaults to false.
  this.createDirective = createManualDirective;

   * Same as createDirective, but takes an object where key is 'type' and value is 'templateUrl'
   * Useful for batching.
   * @param {Object} templates
  this.createDirectives = function(templates) {
    angular.forEach(templates, function(url, type) {
      createManualDirective(type, url);

   * Getter for decorator settings
   * @param {string} name (optional) defaults to defaultDecorator
   * @return {Object} rules and templates { rules: [],templates: {}}
  this.decorator = function(name) {
    name = name || defaultDecorator;
    return decorators[name];

   * DEPRECATED use defineAddOn() instead.
   * Adds a mapping to an existing decorator.
   * @param {String} name Decorator name
   * @param {String} type Form type for the mapping
   * @param {String} url  The template url
   * @param {Function} builder (optional) builder function
   * @param {boolean} replace (optional) defaults to false. Replace decorator directive with template.
  this.addMapping = function(name, type, url, builder, replace) {
    if (decorators[name]) {
      decorators[name][type] = {
        template: url,
        builder: builder,
        replace: !!replace

   * Adds an add-on to an existing decorator.
   * @param {String} name Decorator name
   * @param {String} type Form type for the mapping
   * @param {String} url  The template url
   * @param {Function|Array} builder (optional) builder function(s),
  this.defineAddOn = function(name, type, url, builder) {
    if (decorators[name]) {
      decorators[name][type] = {
        template: url,
        builder: builder,
        replace: true

  //Service is just a getter for directive templates and rules
  this.$get = function() {
    return {
      decorator: function(name) {
        return decorators[name] || decorators[defaultDecorator];
      defaultDecorator: defaultDecorator

  //Create a default directive


angular.module('schemaForm').provider('sfErrorMessage', function() {

  // The codes are tv4 error codes.
  // Not all of these can actually happen in a field, but for
  // we never know when one might pop up so it's best to cover them all.

  // TODO: Humanize these.
  var defaultMessages = {
    'default': 'Field does not validate',
    0: 'Invalid type, expected {{schema.type}}',
    1: 'No enum match for: {{viewValue}}',
    10: 'Data does not match any schemas from "anyOf"',
    11: 'Data does not match any schemas from "oneOf"',
    12: 'Data is valid against more than one schema from "oneOf"',
    13: 'Data matches schema from "not"',
    // Numeric errors
    100: 'Value is not a multiple of {{schema.multipleOf}}',
    101: '{{viewValue}} is less than the allowed minimum of {{schema.minimum}}',
    102: '{{viewValue}} is equal to the exclusive minimum {{schema.minimum}}',
    103: '{{viewValue}} is greater than the allowed maximum of {{schema.maximum}}',
    104: '{{viewValue}} is equal to the exclusive maximum {{schema.maximum}}',
    105: 'Value is not a valid number',
    // String errors
    200: 'String is too short ({{viewValue.length}} chars), minimum {{schema.minLength}}',
    201: 'String is too long ({{viewValue.length}} chars), maximum {{schema.maxLength}}',
    202: 'String does not match pattern: {{schema.pattern}}',
    // Object errors
    300: 'Too few properties defined, minimum {{schema.minProperties}}',
    301: 'Too many properties defined, maximum {{schema.maxProperties}}',
    302: 'Required',
    303: 'Additional properties not allowed',
    304: 'Dependency failed - key must exist',
    // Array errors
    400: 'Array is too short ({{value.length}}), minimum {{schema.minItems}}',
    401: 'Array is too long ({{value.length}}), maximum {{schema.maxItems}}',
    402: 'Array items are not unique',
    403: 'Additional items not allowed',
    // Format errors
    500: 'Format validation failed',
    501: 'Keyword failed: "{{title}}"',
    // Schema structure
    600: 'Circular $refs',
    // Non-standard validation options
    1000: 'Unknown property (not in schema)'

  // In some cases we get hit with an angular validation error
  defaultMessages.number    = defaultMessages[105];
  defaultMessages.required  = defaultMessages[302];
  defaultMessages.min       = defaultMessages[101];
  defaultMessages.max       = defaultMessages[103];
  defaultMessages.maxlength = defaultMessages[201];
  defaultMessages.minlength = defaultMessages[200];
  defaultMessages.pattern   = defaultMessages[202];

  this.setDefaultMessages = function(messages) {
    defaultMessages = messages;

  this.getDefaultMessages = function() {
    return defaultMessages;

  this.setDefaultMessage = function(error, msg) {
    defaultMessages[error] = msg;

  this.$get = ['$interpolate', function($interpolate) {

    var service = {};
    service.defaultMessages = defaultMessages;

     * Interpolate and return proper error for an eror code.
     * Validation message on form trumps global error messages.
     * and if the message is a function instead of a string that function will be called instead.
     * @param {string} error the error code, i.e. tv4-xxx for tv4 errors, otherwise it's whats on
     *                       ngModel.$error for custom errors.
     * @param {Any} value the actual model value.
     * @param {Any} viewValue the viewValue
     * @param {Object} form a form definition object for this field
     * @param  {Object} global the global validation messages object (even though its called global
     *                         its actually just shared in one instance of sf-schema)
     * @return {string} The error message.
    service.interpolate = function(error, value, viewValue, form, global) {
      global = global || {};
      var validationMessage = form.validationMessage || {};

      // Drop tv4 prefix so only the code is left.
      if (error.indexOf('tv4-') === 0) {
        error = error.substring(4);

      // First find apropriate message or function
      var message = validationMessage['default'] || global['default'] || '';

      [validationMessage, global, defaultMessages].some(function(val) {
        if (angular.isString(val) || angular.isFunction(val)) {
          message = val;
          return true;
        if (val && val[error]) {
          message = val[error];
          return true;

      var context = {
        error: error,
        value: value,
        viewValue: viewValue,
        form: form,
        schema: form.schema,
        title: form.title || (form.schema && form.schema.title)
      if (angular.isFunction(message)) {
        return message(context);
      } else {
        return $interpolate(message)(context);

    return service;


 * Schema form service.
 * This service is not that useful outside of schema form directive
 * but makes the code more testable.
['sfPathProvider', function(sfPathProvider) {
  var stripNullType = function(type) {
    if (Array.isArray(type) && type.length == 2) {
      if (type[0] === 'null')
        return type[1];
      if (type[1] === 'null')
        return type[0];
    return type;

  //Creates an default titleMap list from an enum, i.e. a list of strings.
  var enumToTitleMap = function(enm) {
    var titleMap = []; //canonical titleMap format is a list.
    enm.forEach(function(name) {
      titleMap.push({name: name, value: name});
    return titleMap;

  // Takes a titleMap in either object or list format and returns one in
  // in the list format.
  var canonicalTitleMap = function(titleMap, originalEnum) {
    if (!angular.isArray(titleMap)) {
      var canonical = [];
      if (originalEnum) {
        angular.forEach(originalEnum, function(value, index) {
          canonical.push({name: titleMap[value], value: value});
      } else {
        angular.forEach(titleMap, function(name, value) {
          canonical.push({name: name, value: value});
      return canonical;
    return titleMap;

  var defaultFormDefinition = function(name, schema, options) {
    var rules = defaults[stripNullType(schema.type)];
    if (rules) {
      var def;
      for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
        def = rules[i](name, schema, options);

        //first handler in list that actually returns something is our handler!
        if (def) {

          // Do we have form defaults in the schema under the x-schema-form-attribute?
          if (def.schema['x-schema-form'] && angular.isObject(def.schema['x-schema-form'])) {
            def = angular.extend(def, def.schema['x-schema-form']);

          return def;

  //Creates a form object with all common properties
  var stdFormObj = function(name, schema, options) {
    options = options || {};
    var f = options.global && options.global.formDefaults ?
            angular.copy(options.global.formDefaults) : {};
    if (options.global && options.global.supressPropertyTitles === true) {
      f.title = schema.title;
    } else {
      f.title = schema.title || name;

    if (schema.description) { f.description = schema.description; }
    if (options.required === true || schema.required === true) { f.required = true; }
    if (schema.maxLength) { f.maxlength = schema.maxLength; }
    if (schema.minLength) { f.minlength = schema.minLength; }
    if (schema.readOnly || schema.readonly) { f.readonly  = true; }
    if (schema.minimum) { f.minimum = schema.minimum + (schema.exclusiveMinimum ? 1 : 0); }
    if (schema.maximum) { f.maximum = schema.maximum - (schema.exclusiveMaximum ? 1 : 0); }

    // Non standard attributes (DONT USE DEPRECATED)
    // If you must set stuff like this in the schema use the x-schema-form attribute
    if (schema.validationMessage) { f.validationMessage = schema.validationMessage; }
    if (schema.enumNames) { f.titleMap = canonicalTitleMap(schema.enumNames, schema['enum']); }
    f.schema = schema;

    // Ng model options doesn't play nice with undefined, might be defined
    // globally though
    f.ngModelOptions = f.ngModelOptions || {};

    return f;

  var text = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'string' && !schema['enum']) {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'text';
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  //default in json form for number and integer is a text field
  //input type="number" would be more suitable don't ya think?
  var number = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'number') {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'number';
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  var integer = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'integer') {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'number';
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  var checkbox = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'boolean') {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'checkbox';
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  var select = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'string' && schema['enum']) {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'select';
      if (!f.titleMap) {
        f.titleMap = enumToTitleMap(schema['enum']);
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  var checkboxes = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'array' && schema.items && schema.items['enum']) {
      var f = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.key  = options.path;
      f.type = 'checkboxes';
      if (!f.titleMap) {
        f.titleMap = enumToTitleMap(schema.items['enum']);
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;
      return f;

  var fieldset = function(name, schema, options) {
    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'object') {
      var f   = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.type  = 'fieldset';
      f.items = [];
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;

      //recurse down into properties
      angular.forEach(schema.properties, function(v, k) {
        var path = options.path.slice();
        if (options.ignore[sfPathProvider.stringify(path)] !== true) {
          var required = schema.required && schema.required.indexOf(k) !== -1;

          var def = defaultFormDefinition(k, v, {
            path: path,
            required: required || false,
            lookup: options.lookup,
            ignore: options.ignore,
            global: options.global
          if (def) {

      return f;


  var array = function(name, schema, options) {

    if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'array') {
      var f   = stdFormObj(name, schema, options);
      f.type  = 'array';
      f.key   = options.path;
      options.lookup[sfPathProvider.stringify(options.path)] = f;

      var required = schema.required &&
                     schema.required.indexOf(options.path[options.path.length - 1]) !== -1;

      // The default is to always just create one child. This works since if the
      // schemas items declaration is of type: "object" then we get a fieldset.
      // We also follow json form notatation, adding empty brackets "[]" to
      // signify arrays.

      var arrPath = options.path.slice();

      f.items = [defaultFormDefinition(name, schema.items, {
        path: arrPath,
        required: required || false,
        lookup: options.lookup,
        ignore: options.ignore,
        global: options.global

      return f;


  //First sorted by schema type then a list.
  //Order has importance. First handler returning an form snippet will be used.
  var defaults = {
    string:  [select, text],
    object:  [fieldset],
    number:  [number],
    integer: [integer],
    boolean: [checkbox],
    array:   [checkboxes, array]

  var postProcessFn = function(form) { return form; };

   * Provider API
  this.defaults              = defaults;
  this.stdFormObj            = stdFormObj;
  this.defaultFormDefinition = defaultFormDefinition;

   * Register a post process function.
   * This function is called with the fully merged
   * form definition (i.e. after merging with schema)
   * and whatever it returns is used as form.
  this.postProcess = function(fn) {
    postProcessFn = fn;

   * Append default form rule
   * @param {string}   type json schema type
   * @param {Function} rule a function(propertyName,propertySchema,options) that returns a form
   *                        definition or undefined
  this.appendRule = function(type, rule) {
    if (!defaults[type]) {
      defaults[type] = [];

   * Prepend default form rule
   * @param {string}   type json schema type
   * @param {Function} rule a function(propertyName,propertySchema,options) that returns a form
   *                        definition or undefined
  this.prependRule = function(type, rule) {
    if (!defaults[type]) {
      defaults[type] = [];

   * Utility function to create a standard form object.
   * This does *not* set the type of the form but rather all shared attributes.
   * You probably want to start your rule with creating the form with this method
   * then setting type and any other values you need.
   * @param {Object} schema
   * @param {Object} options
   * @return {Object} a form field defintion
  this.createStandardForm = stdFormObj;
  /* End Provider API */

  this.$get = function() {

    var service = {};

    service.merge = function(schema, form, ignore, options, readonly, asyncTemplates) {
      form  = form || ['*'];
      options = options || {};

      // Get readonly from root object
      readonly = readonly || schema.readonly || schema.readOnly;

      var stdForm = service.defaults(schema, ignore, options);

      //simple case, we have a "*", just put the stdForm there
      var idx = form.indexOf('*');
      if (idx !== -1) {
        form  = form.slice(0, idx)
                    .concat(form.slice(idx + 1));

      //ok let's merge!
      //We look at the supplied form and extend it with schema standards
      var lookup = stdForm.lookup;

      return postProcessFn(form.map(function(obj) {

        //handle the shortcut with just a name
        if (typeof obj === 'string') {
          obj = {key: obj};

        if (obj.key) {
          if (typeof obj.key === 'string') {
            obj.key = sfPathProvider.parse(obj.key);

        //If it has a titleMap make sure it's a list
        if (obj.titleMap) {
          obj.titleMap = canonicalTitleMap(obj.titleMap);

        if (obj.itemForm) {
          obj.items = [];
          var str = sfPathProvider.stringify(obj.key);
          var stdForm = lookup[str];
          angular.forEach(stdForm.items, function(item) {
            var o = angular.copy(obj.itemForm);
            o.key = item.key;

        //extend with std form from schema.
        if (obj.key) {
          var strid = sfPathProvider.stringify(obj.key);
          if (lookup[strid]) {
            var schemaDefaults = lookup[strid];
            angular.forEach(schemaDefaults, function(value, attr) {
              if (obj[attr] === undefined) {
                obj[attr] = schemaDefaults[attr];

        // Are we inheriting readonly?
        if (readonly === true) { // Inheriting false is not cool.
          obj.readonly = true;

        //if it's a type with items, merge 'em!
        if (obj.items) {
          obj.items = service.merge(schema, obj.items, ignore, options, obj.readonly, asyncTemplates);

        //if its has tabs, merge them also!
        if (obj.tabs) {
          angular.forEach(obj.tabs, function(tab) {
            tab.items = service.merge(schema, tab.items, ignore, options, obj.readonly, asyncTemplates);

        // Special case: checkbox
        // Since have to ternary state we need a default
        if (obj.type === 'checkbox' && angular.isUndefined(obj.schema['default'])) {
          obj.schema['default'] = false;

        // Special case: template type with tempplateUrl that's needs to be loaded before rendering
        // TODO: this is not a clean solution. Maybe something cleaner can be made when $ref support
        // is introduced since we need to go async then anyway
        if (asyncTemplates && obj.type === 'template' && !obj.template && obj.templateUrl) {

        return obj;

     * Create form defaults from schema
    service.defaults = function(schema, ignore, globalOptions) {
      var form   = [];
      var lookup = {}; //Map path => form obj for fast lookup in merging
      ignore = ignore || {};
      globalOptions = globalOptions || {};

      if (stripNullType(schema.type) === 'object') {
        angular.forEach(schema.properties, function(v, k) {
          if (ignore[k] !== true) {
            var required = schema.required && schema.required.indexOf(k) !== -1;
            var def = defaultFormDefinition(k, v, {
              path: [k],         // Path to this property in bracket notation.
              lookup: lookup,    // Extra map to register with. Optimization for merger.
              ignore: ignore,    // The ignore list of paths (sans root level name)
              required: required, // Is it required? (v4 json schema style)
              global: globalOptions // Global options, including form defaults
            if (def) {

      } else {
        throw new Error('Not implemented. Only type "object" allowed at root level of schema.');
      return {form: form, lookup: lookup};

    //Utility functions
     * Traverse a schema, applying a function(schema,path) on every sub schema
     * i.e. every property of an object.
    service.traverseSchema = function(schema, fn, path, ignoreArrays) {
      ignoreArrays = angular.isDefined(ignoreArrays) ? ignoreArrays : true;

      path = path || [];

      var traverse = function(schema, fn, path) {
        fn(schema, path);
        angular.forEach(schema.properties, function(prop, name) {
          var currentPath = path.slice();
          traverse(prop, fn, currentPath);

        //Only support type "array" which have a schema as "items".
        if (!ignoreArrays && schema.items) {
          var arrPath = path.slice(); arrPath.push('');
          traverse(schema.items, fn, arrPath);

      traverse(schema, fn, path || []);

    service.traverseForm = function(form, fn) {
      angular.forEach(form.items, function(f) {
        service.traverseForm(f, fn);

      if (form.tabs) {
        angular.forEach(form.tabs, function(tab) {
          angular.forEach(tab.items, function(f) {
            service.traverseForm(f, fn);

    return service;


 * @ngdoc service
 * @name sfSelect
 * @kind function
angular.module('schemaForm').factory('sfSelect', ['sfPath', function(sfPath) {
  var numRe = /^\d+$/;

    * @description
    * Utility method to access deep properties without
    * throwing errors when things are not defined.
    * Can also set a value in a deep structure, creating objects when missing
    * ex.
    * var foo = Select('address.contact.name',obj)
    * Select('address.contact.name',obj,'Leeroy')
    * @param {string} projection A dot path to the property you want to get/set
    * @param {object} obj   (optional) The object to project on, defaults to 'this'
    * @param {Any}    valueToSet (opional)  The value to set, if parts of the path of
    *                 the projection is missing empty objects will be created.
    * @returns {Any|undefined} returns the value at the end of the projection path
    *                          or undefined if there is none.
  return function(projection, obj, valueToSet) {
    if (!obj) {
      obj = this;
    //Support [] array syntax
    var parts = typeof projection === 'string' ? sfPath.parse(projection) : projection;

    if (typeof valueToSet !== 'undefined' && parts.length === 1) {
      //special case, just setting one variable
      obj[parts[0]] = valueToSet;
      return obj;

    if (typeof valueToSet !== 'undefined' &&
        typeof obj[parts[0]] === 'undefined') {
       // We need to look ahead to check if array is appropriate
      obj[parts[0]] = parts.length > 2 && numRe.test(parts[1]) ? [] : {};

    var value = obj[parts[0]];
    for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
      // Special case: We allow JSON Form syntax for arrays using empty brackets
      // These will of course not work here so we exit if they are found.
      if (parts[i] === '') {
        return undefined;
      if (typeof valueToSet !== 'undefined') {
        if (i === parts.length - 1) {
          //last step. Let's set the value
          value[parts[i]] = valueToSet;
          return valueToSet;
        } else {
          // Make sure to create new objects on the way if they are not there.
          // We need to look ahead to check if array is appropriate
          var tmp = value[parts[i]];
          if (typeof tmp === 'undefined' || tmp === null) {
            tmp = numRe.test(parts[i + 1]) ? [] : {};
            value[parts[i]] = tmp;
          value = tmp;
      } else if (value) {
        //Just get nex value.
        value = value[parts[i]];
    return value;

/*  Common code for validating a value against its form and schema definition */
/* global tv4 */
angular.module('schemaForm').factory('sfValidator', [function() {

  var validator = {};

   * Validate a value against its form definition and schema.
   * The value should either be of proper type or a string, some type
   * coercion is applied.
   * @param {Object} form A merged form definition, i.e. one with a schema.
   * @param {Any} value the value to validate.
   * @return a tv4js result object.
  validator.validate = function(form, value) {
    if (!form) {
      return {valid: true};
    var schema = form.schema;

    if (!schema) {
      return {valid: true};

    // Input of type text and textareas will give us a viewValue of ''
    // when empty, this is a valid value in a schema and does not count as something
    // that breaks validation of 'required'. But for our own sanity an empty field should
    // not validate if it's required.
    if (value === '') {
      value = undefined;

    // Numbers fields will give a null value, which also means empty field
    if (form.type === 'number' && value === null) {
      value = undefined;

    // Version 4 of JSON Schema has the required property not on the
    // property itself but on the wrapping object. Since we like to test
    // only this property we wrap it in a fake object.
    var wrap = {type: 'object', 'properties': {}};
    var propName = form.key[form.key.length - 1];
    wrap.properties[propName] = schema;

    if (form.required) {
      wrap.required = [propName];
    var valueWrap = {};
    if (angular.isDefined(value)) {
      valueWrap[propName] = value;
    return tv4.validateResult(valueWrap, wrap);


  return validator;

 * Directive that handles the model arrays
 * DEPRECATED with the new builder use the sfNewArray instead.
angular.module('schemaForm').directive('sfArray', ['sfSelect', 'schemaForm', 'sfValidator', 'sfPath',
  function(sfSelect, schemaForm, sfValidator, sfPath) {

    var setIndex = function(index) {
      return function(form) {
        if (form.key) {
          form.key[form.key.indexOf('')] = index;

    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: true,
      require: '?ngModel',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
        var formDefCache = {};

        scope.validateArray = angular.noop;

        if (ngModel) {
          // We need the ngModelController on several places,
          // most notably for errors.
          // So we emit it up to the decorator directive so it can put it on scope.
          scope.$emit('schemaFormPropagateNgModelController', ngModel);

        // Watch for the form definition and then rewrite it.
        // It's the (first) array part of the key, '[]' that needs a number
        // corresponding to an index of the form.
        var once = scope.$watch(attrs.sfArray, function(form) {
          if (!form) {

          // An array model always needs a key so we know what part of the model
          // to look at. This makes us a bit incompatible with JSON Form, on the
          // other hand it enables two way binding.
          var list = sfSelect(form.key, scope.model);

          // We only modify the same array instance but someone might change the array from
          // the outside so let's watch for that. We use an ordinary watch since the only case
          // we're really interested in is if its a new instance.
          var key = sfPath.normalize(form.key);
          scope.$watch('model' + (key[0] !== '[' ? '.' : '') + key, function(value) {
            list = scope.modelArray = value;

          // Since ng-model happily creates objects in a deep path when setting a
          // a value but not arrays we need to create the array.
          if (angular.isUndefined(list)) {
            list = [];
            sfSelect(form.key, scope.model, list);
          scope.modelArray = list;

          // Arrays with titleMaps, i.e. checkboxes doesn't have items.
          if (form.items) {

            // To be more compatible with JSON Form we support an array of items
            // in the form definition of "array" (the schema just a value).
            // for the subforms code to work this means we wrap everything in a
            // section. Unless there is just one.
            var subForm = form.items[0];
            if (form.items.length > 1) {
              subForm = {
                type: 'section',
                items: form.items.map(function(item) {
                  item.ngModelOptions = form.ngModelOptions;
                  if (angular.isUndefined(item.readonly)) {
                    item.readonly = form.readonly;
                  return item;


          // We ceate copies of the form on demand, caching them for
          // later requests
          scope.copyWithIndex = function(index) {
            if (!formDefCache[index]) {
              if (subForm) {
                var copy = angular.copy(subForm);
                copy.arrayIndex = index;
                schemaForm.traverseForm(copy, setIndex(index));
                formDefCache[index] = copy;
            return formDefCache[index];

          scope.appendToArray = function() {
            var len = list.length;
            var copy = scope.copyWithIndex(len);
            schemaForm.traverseForm(copy, function(part) {

              if (part.key) {
                var def;
                if (angular.isDefined(part['default'])) {
                  def = part['default'];
                if (angular.isDefined(part.schema) &&
                    angular.isDefined(part.schema['default'])) {
                  def = part.schema['default'];

                if (angular.isDefined(def)) {
                  sfSelect(part.key, scope.model, def);

            // If there are no defaults nothing is added so we need to initialize
            // the array. undefined for basic values, {} or [] for the others.
            if (len === list.length) {
              var type = sfSelect('schema.items.type', form);
              var dflt;
              if (type === 'object') {
                dflt = {};
              } else if (type === 'array') {
                dflt = [];

            // Trigger validation.
            return list;

          scope.deleteFromArray = function(index) {
            list.splice(index, 1);

            // Trigger validation.

            // Angular 1.2 lacks setDirty
            if (ngModel && ngModel.$setDirty) {
            return list;

          // Always start with one empty form unless configured otherwise.
          // Special case: don't do it if form has a titleMap
          if (!form.titleMap && form.startEmpty !== true && list.length === 0) {

          // Title Map handling
          // If form has a titleMap configured we'd like to enable looping over
          // titleMap instead of modelArray, this is used for intance in
          // checkboxes. So instead of variable number of things we like to create
          // a array value from a subset of values in the titleMap.
          // The problem here is that ng-model on a checkbox doesn't really map to
          // a list of values. This is here to fix that.
          if (form.titleMap && form.titleMap.length > 0) {
            scope.titleMapValues = [];

            // We watch the model for changes and the titleMapValues to reflect
            // the modelArray
            var updateTitleMapValues = function(arr) {
              scope.titleMapValues = [];
              arr = arr || [];

              form.titleMap.forEach(function(item) {
                scope.titleMapValues.push(arr.indexOf(item.value) !== -1);
            //Catch default values
            scope.$watchCollection('modelArray', updateTitleMapValues);

            //To get two way binding we also watch our titleMapValues
            scope.$watchCollection('titleMapValues', function(vals, old) {
              if (vals && vals !== old) {
                var arr = scope.modelArray;

                // Apparently the fastest way to clear an array, readable too.
                // http://jsperf.com/array-destroy/32
                while (arr.length > 0) {
                form.titleMap.forEach(function(item, index) {
                  if (vals[index]) {

                // Time to validate the rebuilt array.

          // If there is a ngModel present we need to validate when asked.
          if (ngModel) {
            var error;

            scope.validateArray = function() {
              // The actual content of the array is validated by each field
              // so we settle for checking validations specific to arrays

              // Since we prefill with empty arrays we can get the funny situation
              // where the array is required but empty in the gui but still validates.
              // Thats why we check the length.
              var result = sfValidator.validate(
                scope.modelArray.length > 0 ? scope.modelArray : undefined

              // TODO: DRY this up, it has a lot of similarities with schema-validate
              // Since we might have different tv4 errors we must clear all
              // errors that start with tv4-
                    .filter(function(k) { return k.indexOf('tv4-') === 0; })
                    .forEach(function(k) { ngModel.$setValidity(k, true); });

              if (result.valid === false &&
                  result.error &&
                  (result.error.dataPath === '' ||
                  result.error.dataPath === '/' + form.key[form.key.length - 1])) {

                // Set viewValue to trigger $dirty on field. If someone knows a
                // a better way to do it please tell.
                error = result.error;
                ngModel.$setValidity('tv4-' + result.error.code, false);

            scope.$on('schemaFormValidate', scope.validateArray);

            scope.hasSuccess = function() {
              if (scope.options && scope.options.pristine &&
                  scope.options.pristine.success === false) {
                return ngModel.$valid &&
                    !ngModel.$pristine && !ngModel.$isEmpty(ngModel.$modelValue);
              } else {
                return ngModel.$valid &&
                  (!ngModel.$pristine || !ngModel.$isEmpty(ngModel.$modelValue));

            scope.hasError = function() {
              if (!scope.options || !scope.options.pristine || scope.options.pristine.errors !== false) {
                // Show errors in pristine forms. The default.
                // Note that "validateOnRender" option defaults to *not* validate initial form.
                // so as a default there won't be any error anyway, but if the model is modified
                // from the outside the error will show even if the field is pristine.
                return ngModel.$invalid;
              } else {
                // Don't show errors in pristine forms.
                return ngModel.$invalid && !ngModel.$pristine;

            scope.schemaError = function() {
              return error;



 * A version of ng-changed that only listens if
 * there is actually a onChange defined on the form
 * Takes the form definition as argument.
 * If the form definition has a "onChange" defined as either a function or
angular.module('schemaForm').directive('sfChanged', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    restrict: 'AC',
    scope: false,
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
      var form = scope.$eval(attrs.sfChanged);
      //"form" is really guaranteed to be here since the decorator directive
      //waits for it. But best be sure.
      if (form && form.onChange) {
        ctrl.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
          if (angular.isFunction(form.onChange)) {
            form.onChange(ctrl.$modelValue, form);
          } else {
            scope.evalExpr(form.onChange, {'modelValue': ctrl.$modelValue, form: form});

    ['$parse', '$compile', '$http', '$templateCache', '$interpolate', '$q', 'sfErrorMessage',
    function($parse,  $compile,  $http,  $templateCache, $interpolate, $q, sfErrorMessage,
             sfPath, sfSelect) {

      return {
        restrict: 'AE',
        replace: false,
        transclude: false,
        scope: true,
        require: '^sfSchema',
        link: {
          pre: function(scope, element, attrs, sfSchema) {
            //The ngModelController is used in some templates and
            //is needed for error messages,
            scope.$on('schemaFormPropagateNgModelController', function(event, ngModel) {
              scope.ngModel = ngModel;

            // Fetch our form.
            scope.form = sfSchema.lookup['f' + attrs.sfField];
          post: function(scope, element, attrs, sfSchema) {
            //Keep error prone logic from the template
            scope.showTitle = function() {
              return scope.form && scope.form.notitle !== true && scope.form.title;

            scope.listToCheckboxValues = function(list) {
              var values = {};
              angular.forEach(list, function(v) {
                values[v] = true;
              return values;

            scope.checkboxValuesToList = function(values) {
              var lst = [];
              angular.forEach(values, function(v, k) {
                if (v) {
              return lst;

            scope.buttonClick = function($event, form) {
              if (angular.isFunction(form.onClick)) {
                form.onClick($event, form);
              } else if (angular.isString(form.onClick)) {
                if (sfSchema) {
                  //evaluating in scope outside of sfSchemas isolated scope
                  sfSchema.evalInParentScope(form.onClick, {'$event': $event, form: form});
                } else {
                  scope.$eval(form.onClick, {'$event': $event, form: form});

             * Evaluate an expression, i.e. scope.$eval
             * but do it in sfSchemas parent scope sf-schema directive is used
             * @param {string} expression
             * @param {Object} locals (optional)
             * @return {Any} the result of the expression
            scope.evalExpr = function(expression, locals) {
              if (sfSchema) {
                //evaluating in scope outside of sfSchemas isolated scope
                return sfSchema.evalInParentScope(expression, locals);

              return scope.$eval(expression, locals);

             * Evaluate an expression, i.e. scope.$eval
             * in this decorators scope
             * @param {string} expression
             * @param {Object} locals (optional)
             * @return {Any} the result of the expression
            scope.evalInScope = function(expression, locals) {
              if (expression) {
                return scope.$eval(expression, locals);

             * Interpolate the expression.
             * Similar to `evalExpr()` and `evalInScope()`
             * but will not fail if the expression is
             * text that contains spaces.
             * Use the Angular `{{ interpolation }}`
             * braces to access properties on `locals`.
             * @param  {string} content The string to interpolate.
             * @param  {Object} locals (optional) Properties that may be accessed in the
             *                         `expression` string.
             * @return {Any} The result of the expression or `undefined`.
            scope.interp = function(expression, locals) {
              return (expression && $interpolate(expression)(locals));

            //This works since we get the ngModel from the array or the schema-validate directive.
            scope.hasSuccess = function() {
              if (!scope.ngModel) {
                return false;
              if (scope.options && scope.options.pristine &&
                  scope.options.pristine.success === false) {
                return scope.ngModel.$valid &&
                    !scope.ngModel.$pristine && !scope.ngModel.$isEmpty(scope.ngModel.$modelValue);
              } else {
                return scope.ngModel.$valid &&
                  (!scope.ngModel.$pristine || !scope.ngModel.$isEmpty(scope.ngModel.$modelValue));

            scope.hasError = function() {
              if (!scope.ngModel) {
                return false;
              if (!scope.options || !scope.options.pristine || scope.options.pristine.errors !== false) {
                // Show errors in pristine forms. The default.
                // Note that "validateOnRender" option defaults to *not* validate initial form.
                // so as a default there won't be any error anyway, but if the model is modified
                // from the outside the error will show even if the field is pristine.
                return scope.ngModel.$invalid;
              } else {
                // Don't show errors in pristine forms.
                return scope.ngModel.$invalid && !scope.ngModel.$pristine;

             * DEPRECATED: use sf-messages instead.
             * Error message handler
             * An error can either be a schema validation message or a angular js validtion
             * error (i.e. required)
            scope.errorMessage = function(schemaError) {
              return sfErrorMessage.interpolate(
                (schemaError && schemaError.code + '') || 'default',
                (scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$modelValue) || '',
                (scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$viewValue) || '',
                scope.options && scope.options.validationMessage

            var form = scope.form;

            // Where there is a key there is probably a ngModel
            if (form.key) {
              // It looks better with dot notation.
                'schemaForm.error.' + form.key.join('.'),
                function(event, error, validationMessage, validity) {
                  if (validationMessage === true || validationMessage === false) {
                    validity = validationMessage;
                    validationMessage = undefined;

                  if (scope.ngModel && error) {
                    if (scope.ngModel.$setDirty) {
                    } else {
                      // FIXME: Check that this actually works on 1.2
                      scope.ngModel.$dirty = true;
                      scope.ngModel.$pristine = false;

                    // Set the new validation message if one is supplied
                    // Does not work when validationMessage is just a string.
                    if (validationMessage) {
                      if (!form.validationMessage) {
                        form.validationMessage = {};
                      form.validationMessage[error] = validationMessage;

                    scope.ngModel.$setValidity(error, validity === true);

                    if (validity === true) {
                      // Re-trigger model validator, that model itself would be re-validated

                      // Setting or removing a validity can change the field to believe its valid
                      // but its not. So lets trigger its validation as well.

              // Clean up the model when the corresponding form field is $destroy-ed.
              // Default behavior can be supplied as a globalOption, and behavior can be overridden
              // in the form definition.
              scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
                // If the entire schema form is destroyed we don't touch the model
                if (!scope.externalDestructionInProgress) {
                  var destroyStrategy = form.destroyStrategy ||
                                        (scope.options && scope.options.destroyStrategy) || 'remove';
                  // No key no model, and we might have strategy 'retain'
                  if (form.key && destroyStrategy !== 'retain') {

                    // Get the object that has the property we wan't to clear.
                    var obj = scope.model;
                    if (form.key.length > 1) {
                      obj = sfSelect(form.key.slice(0, form.key.length - 1), obj);

                    // We can get undefined here if the form hasn't been filled out entirely
                    if (obj === undefined) {

                    // Type can also be a list in JSON Schema
                    var type = (form.schema && form.schema.type) || '';

                    // Empty means '',{} and [] for appropriate types and undefined for the rest
                    //console.log('destroy', destroyStrategy, form.key, type, obj);
                    if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('string') !== -1) {
                      obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = '';
                    } else if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('object') !== -1) {
                      obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = {};
                    } else if (destroyStrategy === 'empty' && type.indexOf('array') !== -1) {
                      obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = [];
                    } else if (destroyStrategy === 'null') {
                      obj[form.key.slice(-1)] = null;
                    } else {
                      delete obj[form.key.slice(-1)];

['$injector', 'sfErrorMessage', function($injector, sfErrorMessage) {

  //Inject sanitizer if it exists
  var $sanitize = $injector.has('$sanitize') ?
                  $injector.get('$sanitize') : function(html) { return html; };

  return {
    scope: false,
    restrict: 'EA',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

      var message = '';
      if (attrs.sfMessage) {
        scope.$watch(attrs.sfMessage, function(msg) {
          if (msg) {
            message = $sanitize(msg);

      var currentMessage;
      // Only call html() if needed.
      var setMessage = function(msg) {
        if (msg !== currentMessage) {
          currentMessage = msg;

      var update = function(checkForErrors) {
        if (checkForErrors) {
          if (!scope.hasError()) {
          } else {
            var errors = [];
            angular.forEach(scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$error, function(status, code) {
              if (status) {
                // if true then there is an error
                // Angular 1.3 removes properties, so we will always just have errors.
                // Angular 1.2 sets them to false.

            // In Angular 1.3 we use one $validator to stop the model value from getting updated.
            // this means that we always end up with a 'schemaForm' error.
            errors = errors.filter(function(e) { return e !== 'schemaForm'; });

            // We only show one error.
            // TODO: Make that optional
            var error = errors[0];

            if (error) {
                scope.options && scope.options.validationMessage
            } else {
        } else {

      // Update once.

      var once = scope.$watch('ngModel',function(ngModel) {
        if (ngModel) {
          // We also listen to changes of the model via parsers and formatters.
          // This is since both the error message can change and given a pristine
          // option to not show errors the ngModel.$error might not have changed
          // but we're not pristine any more so we should change!
          ngModel.$parsers.push(function(val) { update(true); return val; });
          ngModel.$formatters.push(function(val) { update(true); return val; });

      // We watch for changes in $error
      scope.$watchCollection('ngModel.$error', function() {


 * Directive that handles the model arrays
angular.module('schemaForm').directive('sfNewArray', ['sfSelect', 'sfPath', 'schemaForm',
function(sel, sfPath, schemaForm) {
  return {
    scope: false,
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      scope.min = 0;

      scope.modelArray = scope.$eval(attrs.sfNewArray);

      // We need to have a ngModel to hook into validation. It doesn't really play well with
      // arrays though so we both need to trigger validation and onChange.
      // So we watch the value as well. But watching an array can be tricky. We wan't to know
      // when it changes so we can validate,
      var watchFn =  function() {
        //scope.modelArray = modelArray;
        scope.modelArray = scope.$eval(attrs.sfNewArray);
        // validateField method is exported by schema-validate
        if (scope.ngModel && scope.ngModel.$pristine && scope.firstDigest &&
            (!scope.options || scope.options.validateOnRender !== true)) {
        } else if (scope.validateField) {

      var onChangeFn =  function() {
        if (scope.form && scope.form.onChange) {
          if (angular.isFunction(scope.form.onChange)) {
            scope.form.onChange(scope.modelArray, scope.form);
          } else {
            scope.evalExpr(scope.form.onChange, {'modelValue': scope.modelArray, form: scope.form});

      // If model is undefined make sure it gets set.
      var getOrCreateModel = function() {
        var model = scope.modelArray;
        if (!model) {
          var selection = sfPath.parse(attrs.sfNewArray);
          model = [];
          sel(selection, scope, model);
          scope.modelArray = model;
        return model;

      // We need the form definition to make a decision on how we should listen.
      var once = scope.$watch('form', function(form) {
        if (!form) {

        // Always start with one empty form unless configured otherwise.
        // Special case: don't do it if form has a titleMap
        if (!form.titleMap && form.startEmpty !== true && (!scope.modelArray || scope.modelArray.length === 0)) {

        // If we have "uniqueItems" set to true, we must deep watch for changes.
        if (scope.form && scope.form.schema && scope.form.schema.uniqueItems === true) {
          scope.$watch(attrs.sfNewArray, watchFn, true);

          // We still need to trigger onChange though.
          scope.$watch([attrs.sfNewArray, attrs.sfNewArray + '.length'], onChangeFn);

        } else {
          // Otherwise we like to check if the instance of the array has changed, or if something
          // has been added/removed.
          if (scope.$watchGroup) {
            scope.$watchGroup([attrs.sfNewArray, attrs.sfNewArray + '.length'], function() {
          } else {
            // Angular 1.2 support
            scope.$watch(attrs.sfNewArray, function() {
            scope.$watch(attrs.sfNewArray + '.length', function() {

        // Title Map handling
        // If form has a titleMap configured we'd like to enable looping over
        // titleMap instead of modelArray, this is used for intance in
        // checkboxes. So instead of variable number of things we like to create
        // a array value from a subset of values in the titleMap.
        // The problem here is that ng-model on a checkbox doesn't really map to
        // a list of values. This is here to fix that.
        if (form.titleMap && form.titleMap.length > 0) {
          scope.titleMapValues = [];

          // We watch the model for changes and the titleMapValues to reflect
          // the modelArray
          var updateTitleMapValues = function(arr) {
            scope.titleMapValues = [];
            arr = arr || [];

            form.titleMap.forEach(function(item) {
              scope.titleMapValues.push(arr.indexOf(item.value) !== -1);
          //Catch default values

          // TODO: Refactor and see if we can get rid of this watch by piggy backing on the
          // validation watch.
          scope.$watchCollection('modelArray', updateTitleMapValues);

          //To get two way binding we also watch our titleMapValues
          scope.$watchCollection('titleMapValues', function(vals, old) {
            if (vals && vals !== old) {
              var arr = getOrCreateModel();

              // Apparently the fastest way to clear an array, readable too.
              // http://jsperf.com/array-destroy/32
              while (arr.length > 0) {
              form.titleMap.forEach(function(item, index) {
                if (vals[index]) {

              // Time to validate the rebuilt array.
              // validateField method is exported by schema-validate
              if (scope.validateField) {


      scope.appendToArray = function() {
        var empty;

        // Create and set an array if needed.
        var model = getOrCreateModel();

        // Same old add empty things to the array hack :(
        if (scope.form && scope.form.schema && scope.form.schema.items) {

          var items = scope.form.schema.items;
          if (items.type && items.type.indexOf('object') !== -1) {
            empty = {};

            // Check for possible defaults
            if (!scope.options || scope.options.setSchemaDefaults !== false) {
              empty = angular.isDefined(items['default']) ? items['default'] : empty;

              // Check for defaults further down in the schema.
              // If the default instance sets the new array item to something falsy, i.e. null
              // then there is no need to go further down.
              if (empty) {
                schemaForm.traverseSchema(items, function(prop, path) {
                  if (angular.isDefined(prop['default'])) {
                    sel(path, empty, prop['default']);

          } else if (items.type && items.type.indexOf('array') !== -1) {
            empty = [];
            if (!scope.options || scope.options.setSchemaDefaults !== false) {
              empty = items['default'] || empty;
          } else {
            // No type? could still have defaults.
            if (!scope.options || scope.options.setSchemaDefaults !== false) {
              empty = items['default'] || empty;

        return model;

      scope.deleteFromArray = function(index) {
        var model = scope.modelArray;
        if (model) {
          model.splice(index, 1);
        return model;

      // For backwards compatability, i.e. when a bootstrap-decorator tag is used
      // as child to the array.
      var setIndex = function(index) {
        return function(form) {
          if (form.key) {
            form.key[form.key.indexOf('')] = index;
      var formDefCache = {};
      scope.copyWithIndex = function(index) {
        var form = scope.form;
        if (!formDefCache[index]) {

          // To be more compatible with JSON Form we support an array of items
          // in the form definition of "array" (the schema just a value).
          // for the subforms code to work this means we wrap everything in a
          // section. Unless there is just one.
          var subForm = form.items[0];
          if (form.items.length > 1) {
            subForm = {
              type: 'section',
              items: form.items.map(function(item) {
                item.ngModelOptions = form.ngModelOptions;
                if (angular.isUndefined(item.readonly)) {
                  item.readonly = form.readonly;
                return item;

          if (subForm) {
            var copy = angular.copy(subForm);
            copy.arrayIndex = index;
            schemaForm.traverseForm(copy, setIndex(index));
            formDefCache[index] = copy;
        return formDefCache[index];


FIXME: real documentation
<form sf-form="form"  sf-schema="schema" sf-decorator="foobar"></form>

['$compile', '$http', '$templateCache', '$q','schemaForm', 'schemaFormDecorators', 'sfSelect', 'sfPath', 'sfBuilder',
  function($compile, $http, $templateCache, $q, schemaForm,  schemaFormDecorators, sfSelect, sfPath, sfBuilder) {

    return {
      scope: {
        schema: '=sfSchema',
        initialForm: '=sfForm',
        model: '=sfModel',
        options: '=sfOptions'
      controller: ['$scope', function($scope) {
        this.evalInParentScope = function(expr, locals) {
          return $scope.$parent.$eval(expr, locals);

        // Set up form lookup map
        var that  = this;
        $scope.lookup = function(lookup) {
          if (lookup) {
            that.lookup = lookup;
          return that.lookup;
      replace: false,
      restrict: 'A',
      transclude: true,
      require: '?form',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, formCtrl, transclude) {

        //expose form controller on scope so that we don't force authors to use name on form
        scope.formCtrl = formCtrl;

        //We'd like to handle existing markup,
        //besides using it in our template we also
        //check for ng-model and add that to an ignore list
        //i.e. even if form has a definition for it or form is ["*"]
        //we don't generate it.
        var ignore = {};
        transclude(scope, function(clone) {

          if (element[0].querySelectorAll) {
            var models = element[0].querySelectorAll('[ng-model]');
            if (models) {
              for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
                var key = models[i].getAttribute('ng-model');
                //skip first part before .
                ignore[key.substring(key.indexOf('.') + 1)] = true;

        var lastDigest = {};
        var childScope;

        // Common renderer function, can either be triggered by a watch or by an event.
        var render = function(schema, form) {
          var asyncTemplates = [];
          var merged = schemaForm.merge(schema, form, ignore, scope.options, undefined, asyncTemplates);

          if (asyncTemplates.length > 0) {
            // Pre load all async templates and put them on the form for the builder to use.
            $q.all(asyncTemplates.map(function(form) {
              return $http.get(form.templateUrl, {cache: $templateCache}).then(function(res) {
                                  form.template = res.data;
            })).then(function() {
              internalRender(schema, form, merged);

          } else {
            internalRender(schema, form, merged);


        var internalRender = function(schema, form, merged) {
          // Create a new form and destroy the old one.
          // Not doing keeps old form elements hanging around after
          // they have been removed from the DOM
          // https://github.com/Textalk/angular-schema-form/issues/200
          if (childScope) {
            // Destroy strategy should not be acted upon
            scope.externalDestructionInProgress = true;
            scope.externalDestructionInProgress = false;
          childScope = scope.$new();

          //make the form available to decorators
          childScope.schemaForm  = {form:  merged, schema: schema};

          //clean all but pre existing html.

          // Find all slots.
          var slots = {};
          var slotsFound = element[0].querySelectorAll('*[sf-insert-field]');

          for (var i = 0; i < slotsFound.length; i++) {
            slots[slotsFound[i].getAttribute('sf-insert-field')] = slotsFound[i];

          // if sfUseDecorator is undefined the default decorator is used.
          var decorator = schemaFormDecorators.decorator(attrs.sfUseDecorator);
          // Use the builder to build it and append the result
          var lookup = Object.create(null);
          scope.lookup(lookup); // give the new lookup to the controller.
          element[0].appendChild(sfBuilder.build(merged, decorator, slots, lookup));

          // We need to know if we're in the first digest looping
          // I.e. just rendered the form so we know not to validate
          // empty fields.
          childScope.firstDigest = true;
          // We use a ordinary timeout since we don't need a digest after this.
          setTimeout(function() {
            childScope.firstDigest = false;
          }, 0);

          //compile only children

          //ok, now that that is done let's set any defaults
          if (!scope.options || scope.options.setSchemaDefaults !== false) {
            schemaForm.traverseSchema(schema, function(prop, path) {
              if (angular.isDefined(prop['default'])) {
                var val = sfSelect(path, scope.model);
                if (angular.isUndefined(val)) {
                  sfSelect(path, scope.model, prop['default']);

          scope.$emit('sf-render-finished', element);

        var defaultForm = ['*'];

        //Since we are dependant on up to three
        //attributes we'll do a common watch
        scope.$watch(function() {

          var schema = scope.schema;
          var form   = scope.initialForm || defaultForm;

          //The check for schema.type is to ensure that schema is not {}
          if (form && schema && schema.type &&
              (lastDigest.form !== form || lastDigest.schema !== schema) &&
              Object.keys(schema.properties).length > 0) {
            lastDigest.schema = schema;
            lastDigest.form = form;

            render(schema, form);

        // We also listen to the event schemaFormRedraw so you can manually trigger a change if
        // part of the form or schema is chnaged without it being a new instance.
        scope.$on('schemaFormRedraw', function() {
          var schema = scope.schema;
          var form   = scope.initialForm ? angular.copy(scope.initialForm) : ['*'];
          if (schema) {
            render(schema, form);

        scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
          // Each field listens to the $destroy event so that it can remove any value
          // from the model if that field is removed from the form. This is the default
          // destroy strategy. But if the entire form (or at least the part we're on)
          // gets removed, like when routing away to another page, then we definetly want to
          // keep the model intact. So therefore we set a flag to tell the others it's time to just
          // let it be.
          scope.externalDestructionInProgress = true;

         * Evaluate an expression, i.e. scope.$eval
         * but do it in parent scope
         * @param {String} expression
         * @param {Object} locals (optional)
         * @return {Any} the result of the expression
        scope.evalExpr = function(expression, locals) {
          return scope.$parent.$eval(expression, locals);

angular.module('schemaForm').directive('schemaValidate', ['sfValidator', '$parse', 'sfSelect',
  function(sfValidator, $parse, sfSelect) {

    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: false,
      // We want the link function to be *after* the input directives link function so we get access
      // the parsed value, ex. a number instead of a string
      priority: 500,
      require: 'ngModel',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
        // We need the ngModelController on several places,
        // most notably for errors.
        // So we emit it up to the decorator directive so it can put it on scope.
        scope.$emit('schemaFormPropagateNgModelController', ngModel);

        var error = null;
        var form = scope.$eval(attrs.schemaValidate);

        if (form.copyValueTo) {
          ngModel.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
            var paths = form.copyValueTo;
            angular.forEach(paths, function(path) {
              sfSelect(path, scope.model, ngModel.$modelValue);

        // Validate against the schema.

        var validate = function(viewValue) {
          //console.log('validate called', viewValue)
          //Still might be undefined
          if (!form) {
            return viewValue;

          // Omit TV4 validation
          if (scope.options && scope.options.tv4Validation === false) {
            return viewValue;

          var result =  sfValidator.validate(form, viewValue);
          //console.log('result is', result)
          // Since we might have different tv4 errors we must clear all
          // errors that start with tv4-
              .filter(function(k) { return k.indexOf('tv4-') === 0; })
              .forEach(function(k) { ngModel.$setValidity(k, true); });

          if (!result.valid) {
            // it is invalid, return undefined (no model update)
            ngModel.$setValidity('tv4-' + result.error.code, false);
            error = result.error;

            // In Angular 1.3+ return the viewValue, otherwise we inadvertenly
            // will trigger a 'parse' error.
            // we will stop the model value from updating with our own $validator
            // later.
            if (ngModel.$validators) {
              return viewValue;
            // Angular 1.2 on the other hand lacks $validators and don't add a 'parse' error.
            return undefined;
          return viewValue;

        // Custom validators, parsers, formatters etc
        if (typeof form.ngModel === 'function') {

        ['$parsers', '$viewChangeListeners', '$formatters'].forEach(function(attr) {
          if (form[attr] && ngModel[attr]) {
            form[attr].forEach(function(fn) {

        ['$validators', '$asyncValidators'].forEach(function(attr) {
          // Check if our version of angular has validators, i.e. 1.3+
          if (form[attr] && ngModel[attr]) {
            angular.forEach(form[attr], function(fn, name) {
              ngModel[attr][name] = fn;

        // Get in last of the parses so the parsed value has the correct type.
        // We don't use $validators since we like to set different errors depending tv4 error codes

        // But we do use one custom validator in the case of Angular 1.3 to stop the model from
        // updating if we've found an error.
        if (ngModel.$validators) {
          ngModel.$validators.schemaForm = function() {
            //console.log('validators called.')
            // Any error and we're out of here!
            return !Object.keys(ngModel.$error).some(function(e) { return e !== 'schemaForm';});

        var schema = form.schema;

        // A bit ugly but useful.
        scope.validateField =  function(formName) {

          // If we have specified a form name, and this model is not within
          // that form, then leave things be.
          if(formName != undefined && ngModel.$$parentForm.$name !== formName) {

          // Special case: arrays
          // TODO: Can this be generalized in a way that works consistently?
          // Just setting the viewValue isn't enough to trigger validation
          // since it's the same value. This will be better when we drop
          // 1.2 support.
          if (schema && schema.type.indexOf('array') !== -1) {

          // We set the viewValue to trigger parsers,
          // since modelValue might be empty and validating just that
          // might change an existing error to a "required" error message.
          if (ngModel.$setDirty) {

            // Angular 1.3+

            // In Angular 1.3 setting undefined as a viewValue does not trigger parsers
            // so we need to do a special required check. Fortunately we have $isEmpty
            if (form.required && ngModel.$isEmpty(ngModel.$modelValue)) {
              ngModel.$setValidity('tv4-302', false);

          } else {
            // Angular 1.2
            // In angular 1.2 setting a viewValue of undefined will trigger the parser.
            // hence required works.

        ngModel.$formatters.push(function(val) {
          // When a form first loads this will be called for each field.
          // we usually don't want that.
          if (ngModel.$pristine  && scope.firstDigest &&
              (!scope.options || scope.options.validateOnRender !== true))  {
            return val;
          return val;

        // Listen to an event so we can validate the input on request
        scope.$on('schemaFormValidate', function(event, formName) {

        scope.schemaError = function() {
          return error;

return schemaForm;

Author: Geraint Luff and others
Year: 2013

This code is released into the "public domain" by its author(s).  Anybody may use, alter and distribute the code without restriction.  The author makes no guarantees, and takes no liability of any kind for use of this code.

If you find a bug or make an improvement, it would be courteous to let the author know, but it is not compulsory.
(function (global, factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
    define([], factory);
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    // CommonJS. Define export.
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    // Browser globals
    global.tv4 = factory();
}(this, function () {

// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=JavaScript%2FReference%2FGlobal_Objects%2FObject%2Fkeys
if (!Object.keys) {
	Object.keys = (function () {
		var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
			hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
			dontEnums = [
			dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;

		return function (obj) {
			if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null) {
				throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');

			var result = [];

			for (var prop in obj) {
				if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) {

			if (hasDontEnumBug) {
				for (var i=0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) {
					if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, dontEnums[i])) {
			return result;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create
if (!Object.create) {
	Object.create = (function(){
		function F(){}

		return function(o){
			if (arguments.length !== 1) {
				throw new Error('Object.create implementation only accepts one parameter.');
			F.prototype = o;
			return new F();
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=JavaScript%2FReference%2FGlobal_Objects%2FArray%2FisArray
if(!Array.isArray) {
	Array.isArray = function (vArg) {
		return Object.prototype.toString.call(vArg) === "[object Array]";
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=JavaScript%2FReference%2FGlobal_Objects%2FArray%2FindexOf
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
	Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) {
		if (this === null) {
			throw new TypeError();
		var t = Object(this);
		var len = t.length >>> 0;

		if (len === 0) {
			return -1;
		var n = 0;
		if (arguments.length > 1) {
			n = Number(arguments[1]);
			if (n !== n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN
				n = 0;
			} else if (n !== 0 && n !== Infinity && n !== -Infinity) {
				n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
		if (n >= len) {
			return -1;
		var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
		for (; k < len; k++) {
			if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) {
				return k;
		return -1;

// Grungey Object.isFrozen hack
if (!Object.isFrozen) {
	Object.isFrozen = function (obj) {
		var key = "tv4_test_frozen_key";
		while (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
			key += Math.random();
		try {
			obj[key] = true;
			delete obj[key];
			return false;
		} catch (e) {
			return true;
var ValidatorContext = function ValidatorContext(parent, collectMultiple, errorMessages, checkRecursive, trackUnknownProperties) {
	this.missing = [];
	this.missingMap = {};
	this.formatValidators = parent ? Object.create(parent.formatValidators) : {};
	this.schemas = parent ? Object.create(parent.schemas) : {};
	this.collectMultiple = collectMultiple;
	this.errors = [];
	this.handleError = collectMultiple ? this.collectError : this.returnError;
	if (checkRecursive) {
		this.checkRecursive = true;
		this.scanned = [];
		this.scannedFrozen = [];
		this.scannedFrozenSchemas = [];
		this.scannedFrozenValidationErrors = [];
		this.validatedSchemasKey = 'tv4_validation_id';
		this.validationErrorsKey = 'tv4_validation_errors_id';
	if (trackUnknownProperties) {
		this.trackUnknownProperties = true;
		this.knownPropertyPaths = {};
		this.unknownPropertyPaths = {};
	this.errorMessages = errorMessages;
	this.definedKeywords = {};
	if (parent) {
		for (var key in parent.definedKeywords) {
			this.definedKeywords[key] = parent.definedKeywords[key].slice(0);
ValidatorContext.prototype.defineKeyword = function (keyword, keywordFunction) {
	this.definedKeywords[keyword] = this.definedKeywords[keyword] || [];
ValidatorContext.prototype.createError = function (code, messageParams, dataPath, schemaPath, subErrors) {
	var messageTemplate = this.errorMessages[code] || ErrorMessagesDefault[code];
	if (typeof messageTemplate !== 'string') {
		return new ValidationError(code, "Unknown error code " + code + ": " + JSON.stringify(messageParams), dataPath, schemaPath, subErrors);
	// Adapted from Crockford's supplant()
	var message = messageTemplate.replace(/\{([^{}]*)\}/g, function (whole, varName) {
		var subValue = messageParams[varName];
		return typeof subValue === 'string' || typeof subValue === 'number' ? subValue : whole;
	return new ValidationError(code, message, dataPath, schemaPath, subErrors);
ValidatorContext.prototype.returnError = function (error) {
	return error;
ValidatorContext.prototype.collectError = function (error) {
	if (error) {
	return null;
ValidatorContext.prototype.prefixErrors = function (startIndex, dataPath, schemaPath) {
	for (var i = startIndex; i < this.errors.length; i++) {
		this.errors[i] = this.errors[i].prefixWith(dataPath, schemaPath);
	return this;
ValidatorContext.prototype.banUnknownProperties = function () {
	for (var unknownPath in this.unknownPropertyPaths) {
		var error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY, {path: unknownPath}, unknownPath, "");
		var result = this.handleError(error);
		if (result) {
			return result;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.addFormat = function (format, validator) {
	if (typeof format === 'object') {
		for (var key in format) {
			this.addFormat(key, format[key]);
		return this;
	this.formatValidators[format] = validator;
ValidatorContext.prototype.resolveRefs = function (schema, urlHistory) {
	if (schema['$ref'] !== undefined) {
		urlHistory = urlHistory || {};
		if (urlHistory[schema['$ref']]) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.CIRCULAR_REFERENCE, {urls: Object.keys(urlHistory).join(', ')}, '', '');
		urlHistory[schema['$ref']] = true;
		schema = this.getSchema(schema['$ref'], urlHistory);
	return schema;
ValidatorContext.prototype.getSchema = function (url, urlHistory) {
	var schema;
	if (this.schemas[url] !== undefined) {
		schema = this.schemas[url];
		return this.resolveRefs(schema, urlHistory);
	var baseUrl = url;
	var fragment = "";
	if (url.indexOf('#') !== -1) {
		fragment = url.substring(url.indexOf("#") + 1);
		baseUrl = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("#"));
	if (typeof this.schemas[baseUrl] === 'object') {
		schema = this.schemas[baseUrl];
		var pointerPath = decodeURIComponent(fragment);
		if (pointerPath === "") {
			return this.resolveRefs(schema, urlHistory);
		} else if (pointerPath.charAt(0) !== "/") {
			return undefined;
		var parts = pointerPath.split("/").slice(1);
		for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
			var component = parts[i].replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
			if (schema[component] === undefined) {
				schema = undefined;
			schema = schema[component];
		if (schema !== undefined) {
			return this.resolveRefs(schema, urlHistory);
	if (this.missing[baseUrl] === undefined) {
		this.missing[baseUrl] = baseUrl;
		this.missingMap[baseUrl] = baseUrl;
ValidatorContext.prototype.searchSchemas = function (schema, url) {
	if (schema && typeof schema === "object") {
		if (typeof schema.id === "string") {
			if (isTrustedUrl(url, schema.id)) {
				if (this.schemas[schema.id] === undefined) {
					this.schemas[schema.id] = schema;
		for (var key in schema) {
			if (key !== "enum") {
				if (typeof schema[key] === "object") {
					this.searchSchemas(schema[key], url);
				} else if (key === "$ref") {
					var uri = getDocumentUri(schema[key]);
					if (uri && this.schemas[uri] === undefined && this.missingMap[uri] === undefined) {
						this.missingMap[uri] = uri;
ValidatorContext.prototype.addSchema = function (url, schema) {
	if (typeof url !== 'string' || typeof schema === 'undefined') {
		if (typeof url === 'object' && typeof url.id === 'string') {
			schema = url;
			url = schema.id;
		else {
	if (url = getDocumentUri(url) + "#") {
		// Remove empty fragment
		url = getDocumentUri(url);
	this.schemas[url] = schema;
	delete this.missingMap[url];
	normSchema(schema, url);
	this.searchSchemas(schema, url);

ValidatorContext.prototype.getSchemaMap = function () {
	var map = {};
	for (var key in this.schemas) {
		map[key] = this.schemas[key];
	return map;

ValidatorContext.prototype.getSchemaUris = function (filterRegExp) {
	var list = [];
	for (var key in this.schemas) {
		if (!filterRegExp || filterRegExp.test(key)) {
	return list;

ValidatorContext.prototype.getMissingUris = function (filterRegExp) {
	var list = [];
	for (var key in this.missingMap) {
		if (!filterRegExp || filterRegExp.test(key)) {
	return list;

ValidatorContext.prototype.dropSchemas = function () {
	this.schemas = {};
ValidatorContext.prototype.reset = function () {
	this.missing = [];
	this.missingMap = {};
	this.errors = [];

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateAll = function (data, schema, dataPathParts, schemaPathParts, dataPointerPath) {
	var topLevel;
	schema = this.resolveRefs(schema);
	if (!schema) {
		return null;
	} else if (schema instanceof ValidationError) {
		return schema;

	var startErrorCount = this.errors.length;
	var frozenIndex, scannedFrozenSchemaIndex = null, scannedSchemasIndex = null;
	if (this.checkRecursive && data && typeof data === 'object') {
		topLevel = !this.scanned.length;
		if (data[this.validatedSchemasKey]) {
			var schemaIndex = data[this.validatedSchemasKey].indexOf(schema);
			if (schemaIndex !== -1) {
				this.errors = this.errors.concat(data[this.validationErrorsKey][schemaIndex]);
				return null;
		if (Object.isFrozen(data)) {
			frozenIndex = this.scannedFrozen.indexOf(data);
			if (frozenIndex !== -1) {
				var frozenSchemaIndex = this.scannedFrozenSchemas[frozenIndex].indexOf(schema);
				if (frozenSchemaIndex !== -1) {
					this.errors = this.errors.concat(this.scannedFrozenValidationErrors[frozenIndex][frozenSchemaIndex]);
					return null;
		if (Object.isFrozen(data)) {
			if (frozenIndex === -1) {
				frozenIndex = this.scannedFrozen.length;
			scannedFrozenSchemaIndex = this.scannedFrozenSchemas[frozenIndex].length;
			this.scannedFrozenSchemas[frozenIndex][scannedFrozenSchemaIndex] = schema;
			this.scannedFrozenValidationErrors[frozenIndex][scannedFrozenSchemaIndex] = [];
		} else {
			if (!data[this.validatedSchemasKey]) {
				try {
					Object.defineProperty(data, this.validatedSchemasKey, {
						value: [],
						configurable: true
					Object.defineProperty(data, this.validationErrorsKey, {
						value: [],
						configurable: true
				} catch (e) {
					//IE 7/8 workaround
					data[this.validatedSchemasKey] = [];
					data[this.validationErrorsKey] = [];
			scannedSchemasIndex = data[this.validatedSchemasKey].length;
			data[this.validatedSchemasKey][scannedSchemasIndex] = schema;
			data[this.validationErrorsKey][scannedSchemasIndex] = [];

	var errorCount = this.errors.length;
	var error = this.validateBasic(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateNumeric(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateString(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateArray(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateObject(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateCombinations(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateFormat(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateDefinedKeywords(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

	if (topLevel) {
		while (this.scanned.length) {
			var item = this.scanned.pop();
			delete item[this.validatedSchemasKey];
		this.scannedFrozen = [];
		this.scannedFrozenSchemas = [];

	if (error || errorCount !== this.errors.length) {
		while ((dataPathParts && dataPathParts.length) || (schemaPathParts && schemaPathParts.length)) {
			var dataPart = (dataPathParts && dataPathParts.length) ? "" + dataPathParts.pop() : null;
			var schemaPart = (schemaPathParts && schemaPathParts.length) ? "" + schemaPathParts.pop() : null;
			if (error) {
				error = error.prefixWith(dataPart, schemaPart);
			this.prefixErrors(errorCount, dataPart, schemaPart);
	if (scannedFrozenSchemaIndex !== null) {
		this.scannedFrozenValidationErrors[frozenIndex][scannedFrozenSchemaIndex] = this.errors.slice(startErrorCount);
	} else if (scannedSchemasIndex !== null) {
		data[this.validationErrorsKey][scannedSchemasIndex] = this.errors.slice(startErrorCount);

	return this.handleError(error);
ValidatorContext.prototype.validateFormat = function (data, schema) {
	if (typeof schema.format !== 'string' || !this.formatValidators[schema.format]) {
		return null;
	var errorMessage = this.formatValidators[schema.format].call(null, data, schema);
	if (typeof errorMessage === 'string' || typeof errorMessage === 'number') {
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.FORMAT_CUSTOM, {message: errorMessage}).prefixWith(null, "format");
	} else if (errorMessage && typeof errorMessage === 'object') {
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.FORMAT_CUSTOM, {message: errorMessage.message || "?"}, errorMessage.dataPath || null, errorMessage.schemaPath || "/format");
	return null;
ValidatorContext.prototype.validateDefinedKeywords = function (data, schema) {
	for (var key in this.definedKeywords) {
		var validationFunctions = this.definedKeywords[key];
		for (var i = 0; i < validationFunctions.length; i++) {
			var func = validationFunctions[i];
			var result = func(data, schema[key], schema);
			if (typeof result === 'string' || typeof result === 'number') {
				return this.createError(ErrorCodes.KEYWORD_CUSTOM, {key: key, message: result}).prefixWith(null, "format");
			} else if (result && typeof result === 'object') {
				var code = result.code || ErrorCodes.KEYWORD_CUSTOM;
				if (typeof code === 'string') {
					if (!ErrorCodes[code]) {
						throw new Error('Undefined error code (use defineError): ' + code);
					code = ErrorCodes[code];
				var messageParams = (typeof result.message === 'object') ? result.message : {key: key, message: result.message || "?"};
				var schemaPath = result.schemaPath ||( "/" + key.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1'));
				return this.createError(code, messageParams, result.dataPath || null, schemaPath);
	return null;

function recursiveCompare(A, B) {
	if (A === B) {
		return true;
	if (typeof A === "object" && typeof B === "object") {
		if (Array.isArray(A) !== Array.isArray(B)) {
			return false;
		} else if (Array.isArray(A)) {
			if (A.length !== B.length) {
				return false;
			for (var i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
				if (!recursiveCompare(A[i], B[i])) {
					return false;
		} else {
			var key;
			for (key in A) {
				if (B[key] === undefined && A[key] !== undefined) {
					return false;
			for (key in B) {
				if (A[key] === undefined && B[key] !== undefined) {
					return false;
			for (key in A) {
				if (!recursiveCompare(A[key], B[key])) {
					return false;
		return true;
	return false;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateBasic = function validateBasic(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	var error;
	if (error = this.validateType(data, schema, dataPointerPath)) {
		return error.prefixWith(null, "type");
	if (error = this.validateEnum(data, schema, dataPointerPath)) {
		return error.prefixWith(null, "type");
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateType = function validateType(data, schema) {
	if (schema.type === undefined) {
		return null;
	var dataType = typeof data;
	if (data === null) {
		dataType = "null";
	} else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
		dataType = "array";
	var allowedTypes = schema.type;
	if (typeof allowedTypes !== "object") {
		allowedTypes = [allowedTypes];

	for (var i = 0; i < allowedTypes.length; i++) {
		var type = allowedTypes[i];
		if (type === dataType || (type === "integer" && dataType === "number" && (data % 1 === 0))) {
			return null;
	return this.createError(ErrorCodes.INVALID_TYPE, {type: dataType, expected: allowedTypes.join("/")});

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateEnum = function validateEnum(data, schema) {
	if (schema["enum"] === undefined) {
		return null;
	for (var i = 0; i < schema["enum"].length; i++) {
		var enumVal = schema["enum"][i];
		if (recursiveCompare(data, enumVal)) {
			return null;
	return this.createError(ErrorCodes.ENUM_MISMATCH, {value: (typeof JSON !== 'undefined') ? JSON.stringify(data) : data});

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateNumeric = function validateNumeric(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	return this.validateMultipleOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateMinMax(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateMultipleOf = function validateMultipleOf(data, schema) {
	var multipleOf = schema.multipleOf || schema.divisibleBy;
	if (multipleOf === undefined) {
		return null;
	if (typeof data === "number") {
		if (data % multipleOf !== 0) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NUMBER_MULTIPLE_OF, {value: data, multipleOf: multipleOf});
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateMinMax = function validateMinMax(data, schema) {
	if (typeof data !== "number") {
		return null;
	if (schema.minimum !== undefined) {
		if (data < schema.minimum) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NUMBER_MINIMUM, {value: data, minimum: schema.minimum}).prefixWith(null, "minimum");
		if (schema.exclusiveMinimum && data === schema.minimum) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NUMBER_MINIMUM_EXCLUSIVE, {value: data, minimum: schema.minimum}).prefixWith(null, "exclusiveMinimum");
	if (schema.maximum !== undefined) {
		if (data > schema.maximum) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NUMBER_MAXIMUM, {value: data, maximum: schema.maximum}).prefixWith(null, "maximum");
		if (schema.exclusiveMaximum && data === schema.maximum) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NUMBER_MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE, {value: data, maximum: schema.maximum}).prefixWith(null, "exclusiveMaximum");
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateString = function validateString(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	return this.validateStringLength(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateStringPattern(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateStringLength = function validateStringLength(data, schema) {
	if (typeof data !== "string") {
		return null;
	if (schema.minLength !== undefined) {
		if (data.length < schema.minLength) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.STRING_LENGTH_SHORT, {length: data.length, minimum: schema.minLength}).prefixWith(null, "minLength");
	if (schema.maxLength !== undefined) {
		if (data.length > schema.maxLength) {
			return this.createError(ErrorCodes.STRING_LENGTH_LONG, {length: data.length, maximum: schema.maxLength}).prefixWith(null, "maxLength");
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateStringPattern = function validateStringPattern(data, schema) {
	if (typeof data !== "string" || schema.pattern === undefined) {
		return null;
	var regexp = new RegExp(schema.pattern);
	if (!regexp.test(data)) {
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.STRING_PATTERN, {pattern: schema.pattern}).prefixWith(null, "pattern");
	return null;
ValidatorContext.prototype.validateArray = function validateArray(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
		return null;
	return this.validateArrayLength(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateArrayUniqueItems(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateArrayItems(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateArrayLength = function validateArrayLength(data, schema) {
	var error;
	if (schema.minItems !== undefined) {
		if (data.length < schema.minItems) {
			error = (this.createError(ErrorCodes.ARRAY_LENGTH_SHORT, {length: data.length, minimum: schema.minItems})).prefixWith(null, "minItems");
			if (this.handleError(error)) {
				return error;
	if (schema.maxItems !== undefined) {
		if (data.length > schema.maxItems) {
			error = (this.createError(ErrorCodes.ARRAY_LENGTH_LONG, {length: data.length, maximum: schema.maxItems})).prefixWith(null, "maxItems");
			if (this.handleError(error)) {
				return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateArrayUniqueItems = function validateArrayUniqueItems(data, schema) {
	if (schema.uniqueItems) {
		for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			for (var j = i + 1; j < data.length; j++) {
				if (recursiveCompare(data[i], data[j])) {
					var error = (this.createError(ErrorCodes.ARRAY_UNIQUE, {match1: i, match2: j})).prefixWith(null, "uniqueItems");
					if (this.handleError(error)) {
						return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateArrayItems = function validateArrayItems(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (schema.items === undefined) {
		return null;
	var error, i;
	if (Array.isArray(schema.items)) {
		for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			if (i < schema.items.length) {
				if (error = this.validateAll(data[i], schema.items[i], [i], ["items", i], dataPointerPath + "/" + i)) {
					return error;
			} else if (schema.additionalItems !== undefined) {
				if (typeof schema.additionalItems === "boolean") {
					if (!schema.additionalItems) {
						error = (this.createError(ErrorCodes.ARRAY_ADDITIONAL_ITEMS, {})).prefixWith("" + i, "additionalItems");
						if (this.handleError(error)) {
							return error;
				} else if (error = this.validateAll(data[i], schema.additionalItems, [i], ["additionalItems"], dataPointerPath + "/" + i)) {
					return error;
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			if (error = this.validateAll(data[i], schema.items, [i], ["items"], dataPointerPath + "/" + i)) {
				return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateObject = function validateObject(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (typeof data !== "object" || data === null || Array.isArray(data)) {
		return null;
	return this.validateObjectMinMaxProperties(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateObjectRequiredProperties(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateObjectProperties(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateObjectDependencies(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateObjectMinMaxProperties = function validateObjectMinMaxProperties(data, schema) {
	var keys = Object.keys(data);
	var error;
	if (schema.minProperties !== undefined) {
		if (keys.length < schema.minProperties) {
			error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_PROPERTIES_MINIMUM, {propertyCount: keys.length, minimum: schema.minProperties}).prefixWith(null, "minProperties");
			if (this.handleError(error)) {
				return error;
	if (schema.maxProperties !== undefined) {
		if (keys.length > schema.maxProperties) {
			error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_PROPERTIES_MAXIMUM, {propertyCount: keys.length, maximum: schema.maxProperties}).prefixWith(null, "maxProperties");
			if (this.handleError(error)) {
				return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateObjectRequiredProperties = function validateObjectRequiredProperties(data, schema) {
	if (schema.required !== undefined) {
		for (var i = 0; i < schema.required.length; i++) {
			var key = schema.required[i];
			if (data[key] === undefined) {
				var error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_REQUIRED, {key: key}).prefixWith(null, "" + i).prefixWith(null, "required");
				if (this.handleError(error)) {
					return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateObjectProperties = function validateObjectProperties(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	var error;
	for (var key in data) {
		var keyPointerPath = dataPointerPath + "/" + key.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1');
		var foundMatch = false;
		if (schema.properties !== undefined && schema.properties[key] !== undefined) {
			foundMatch = true;
			if (error = this.validateAll(data[key], schema.properties[key], [key], ["properties", key], keyPointerPath)) {
				return error;
		if (schema.patternProperties !== undefined) {
			for (var patternKey in schema.patternProperties) {
				var regexp = new RegExp(patternKey);
				if (regexp.test(key)) {
					foundMatch = true;
					if (error = this.validateAll(data[key], schema.patternProperties[patternKey], [key], ["patternProperties", patternKey], keyPointerPath)) {
						return error;
		if (!foundMatch) {
			if (schema.additionalProperties !== undefined) {
				if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
					this.knownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath] = true;
					delete this.unknownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath];
				if (typeof schema.additionalProperties === "boolean") {
					if (!schema.additionalProperties) {
						error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES, {}).prefixWith(key, "additionalProperties");
						if (this.handleError(error)) {
							return error;
				} else {
					if (error = this.validateAll(data[key], schema.additionalProperties, [key], ["additionalProperties"], keyPointerPath)) {
						return error;
			} else if (this.trackUnknownProperties && !this.knownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath]) {
				this.unknownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath] = true;
		} else if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
			this.knownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath] = true;
			delete this.unknownPropertyPaths[keyPointerPath];
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateObjectDependencies = function validateObjectDependencies(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	var error;
	if (schema.dependencies !== undefined) {
		for (var depKey in schema.dependencies) {
			if (data[depKey] !== undefined) {
				var dep = schema.dependencies[depKey];
				if (typeof dep === "string") {
					if (data[dep] === undefined) {
						error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_KEY, {key: depKey, missing: dep}).prefixWith(null, depKey).prefixWith(null, "dependencies");
						if (this.handleError(error)) {
							return error;
				} else if (Array.isArray(dep)) {
					for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) {
						var requiredKey = dep[i];
						if (data[requiredKey] === undefined) {
							error = this.createError(ErrorCodes.OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_KEY, {key: depKey, missing: requiredKey}).prefixWith(null, "" + i).prefixWith(null, depKey).prefixWith(null, "dependencies");
							if (this.handleError(error)) {
								return error;
				} else {
					if (error = this.validateAll(data, dep, [], ["dependencies", depKey], dataPointerPath)) {
						return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateCombinations = function validateCombinations(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	return this.validateAllOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateAnyOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateOneOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| this.validateNot(data, schema, dataPointerPath)
		|| null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateAllOf = function validateAllOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (schema.allOf === undefined) {
		return null;
	var error;
	for (var i = 0; i < schema.allOf.length; i++) {
		var subSchema = schema.allOf[i];
		if (error = this.validateAll(data, subSchema, [], ["allOf", i], dataPointerPath)) {
			return error;
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateAnyOf = function validateAnyOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (schema.anyOf === undefined) {
		return null;
	var errors = [];
	var startErrorCount = this.errors.length;
	var oldUnknownPropertyPaths, oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		oldUnknownPropertyPaths = this.unknownPropertyPaths;
		oldKnownPropertyPaths = this.knownPropertyPaths;
	var errorAtEnd = true;
	for (var i = 0; i < schema.anyOf.length; i++) {
		if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
			this.unknownPropertyPaths = {};
			this.knownPropertyPaths = {};
		var subSchema = schema.anyOf[i];

		var errorCount = this.errors.length;
		var error = this.validateAll(data, subSchema, [], ["anyOf", i], dataPointerPath);

		if (error === null && errorCount === this.errors.length) {
			this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, startErrorCount);

			if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
				for (var knownKey in this.knownPropertyPaths) {
					oldKnownPropertyPaths[knownKey] = true;
					delete oldUnknownPropertyPaths[knownKey];
				for (var unknownKey in this.unknownPropertyPaths) {
					if (!oldKnownPropertyPaths[unknownKey]) {
						oldUnknownPropertyPaths[unknownKey] = true;
				// We need to continue looping so we catch all the property definitions, but we don't want to return an error
				errorAtEnd = false;

			return null;
		if (error) {
			errors.push(error.prefixWith(null, "" + i).prefixWith(null, "anyOf"));
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		this.unknownPropertyPaths = oldUnknownPropertyPaths;
		this.knownPropertyPaths = oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (errorAtEnd) {
		errors = errors.concat(this.errors.slice(startErrorCount));
		this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, startErrorCount);
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.ANY_OF_MISSING, {}, "", "/anyOf", errors);

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateOneOf = function validateOneOf(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (schema.oneOf === undefined) {
		return null;
	var validIndex = null;
	var errors = [];
	var startErrorCount = this.errors.length;
	var oldUnknownPropertyPaths, oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		oldUnknownPropertyPaths = this.unknownPropertyPaths;
		oldKnownPropertyPaths = this.knownPropertyPaths;
	for (var i = 0; i < schema.oneOf.length; i++) {
		if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
			this.unknownPropertyPaths = {};
			this.knownPropertyPaths = {};
		var subSchema = schema.oneOf[i];

		var errorCount = this.errors.length;
		var error = this.validateAll(data, subSchema, [], ["oneOf", i], dataPointerPath);

		if (error === null && errorCount === this.errors.length) {
			if (validIndex === null) {
				validIndex = i;
			} else {
				this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, startErrorCount);
				return this.createError(ErrorCodes.ONE_OF_MULTIPLE, {index1: validIndex, index2: i}, "", "/oneOf");
			if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
				for (var knownKey in this.knownPropertyPaths) {
					oldKnownPropertyPaths[knownKey] = true;
					delete oldUnknownPropertyPaths[knownKey];
				for (var unknownKey in this.unknownPropertyPaths) {
					if (!oldKnownPropertyPaths[unknownKey]) {
						oldUnknownPropertyPaths[unknownKey] = true;
		} else if (error) {
			errors.push(error.prefixWith(null, "" + i).prefixWith(null, "oneOf"));
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		this.unknownPropertyPaths = oldUnknownPropertyPaths;
		this.knownPropertyPaths = oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (validIndex === null) {
		errors = errors.concat(this.errors.slice(startErrorCount));
		this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, startErrorCount);
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.ONE_OF_MISSING, {}, "", "/oneOf", errors);
	} else {
		this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, startErrorCount);
	return null;

ValidatorContext.prototype.validateNot = function validateNot(data, schema, dataPointerPath) {
	if (schema.not === undefined) {
		return null;
	var oldErrorCount = this.errors.length;
	var oldUnknownPropertyPaths, oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		oldUnknownPropertyPaths = this.unknownPropertyPaths;
		oldKnownPropertyPaths = this.knownPropertyPaths;
		this.unknownPropertyPaths = {};
		this.knownPropertyPaths = {};
	var error = this.validateAll(data, schema.not, null, null, dataPointerPath);
	var notErrors = this.errors.slice(oldErrorCount);
	this.errors = this.errors.slice(0, oldErrorCount);
	if (this.trackUnknownProperties) {
		this.unknownPropertyPaths = oldUnknownPropertyPaths;
		this.knownPropertyPaths = oldKnownPropertyPaths;
	if (error === null && notErrors.length === 0) {
		return this.createError(ErrorCodes.NOT_PASSED, {}, "", "/not");
	return null;

// parseURI() and resolveUrl() are from https://gist.github.com/1088850
//   -  released as public domain by author ("Yaffle") - see comments on gist

function parseURI(url) {
	var m = String(url).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').match(/^([^:\/?#]+:)?(\/\/(?:[^:@]*(?::[^:@]*)?@)?(([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?))?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#[\s\S]*)?/);
	// authority = '//' + user + ':' + pass '@' + hostname + ':' port
	return (m ? {
		href     : m[0] || '',
		protocol : m[1] || '',
		authority: m[2] || '',
		host     : m[3] || '',
		hostname : m[4] || '',
		port     : m[5] || '',
		pathname : m[6] || '',
		search   : m[7] || '',
		hash     : m[8] || ''
	} : null);

function resolveUrl(base, href) {// RFC 3986

	function removeDotSegments(input) {
		var output = [];
		input.replace(/^(\.\.?(\/|$))+/, '')
			.replace(/\/(\.(\/|$))+/g, '/')
			.replace(/\/\.\.$/, '/../')
			.replace(/\/?[^\/]*/g, function (p) {
				if (p === '/..') {
				} else {
		return output.join('').replace(/^\//, input.charAt(0) === '/' ? '/' : '');

	href = parseURI(href || '');
	base = parseURI(base || '');

	return !href || !base ? null : (href.protocol || base.protocol) +
		(href.protocol || href.authority ? href.authority : base.authority) +
		removeDotSegments(href.protocol || href.authority || href.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' ? href.pathname : (href.pathname ? ((base.authority && !base.pathname ? '/' : '') + base.pathname.slice(0, base.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + href.pathname) : base.pathname)) +
		(href.protocol || href.authority || href.pathname ? href.search : (href.search || base.search)) +

function getDocumentUri(uri) {
	return uri.split('#')[0];
function normSchema(schema, baseUri) {
	if (schema && typeof schema === "object") {
		if (baseUri === undefined) {
			baseUri = schema.id;
		} else if (typeof schema.id === "string") {
			baseUri = resolveUrl(baseUri, schema.id);
			schema.id = baseUri;
		if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
			for (var i = 0; i < schema.length; i++) {
				normSchema(schema[i], baseUri);
		} else {
			if (typeof schema['$ref'] === "string") {
				schema['$ref'] = resolveUrl(baseUri, schema['$ref']);
			for (var key in schema) {
				if (key !== "enum") {
					normSchema(schema[key], baseUri);

var ErrorCodes = {
	// Numeric errors
	// String errors
	// Object errors
	// Array errors
	// Custom/user-defined errors
	// Schema structure
	// Non-standard validation options
var ErrorCodeLookup = {};
for (var key in ErrorCodes) {
	ErrorCodeLookup[ErrorCodes[key]] = key;
var ErrorMessagesDefault = {
	INVALID_TYPE: "invalid type: {type} (expected {expected})",
	ENUM_MISMATCH: "No enum match for: {value}",
	ANY_OF_MISSING: "Data does not match any schemas from \"anyOf\"",
	ONE_OF_MISSING: "Data does not match any schemas from \"oneOf\"",
	ONE_OF_MULTIPLE: "Data is valid against more than one schema from \"oneOf\": indices {index1} and {index2}",
	NOT_PASSED: "Data matches schema from \"not\"",
	// Numeric errors
	NUMBER_MULTIPLE_OF: "Value {value} is not a multiple of {multipleOf}",
	NUMBER_MINIMUM: "Value {value} is less than minimum {minimum}",
	NUMBER_MINIMUM_EXCLUSIVE: "Value {value} is equal to exclusive minimum {minimum}",
	NUMBER_MAXIMUM: "Value {value} is greater than maximum {maximum}",
	NUMBER_MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE: "Value {value} is equal to exclusive maximum {maximum}",
	// String errors
	STRING_LENGTH_SHORT: "String is too short ({length} chars), minimum {minimum}",
	STRING_LENGTH_LONG: "String is too long ({length} chars), maximum {maximum}",
	STRING_PATTERN: "String does not match pattern: {pattern}",
	// Object errors
	OBJECT_PROPERTIES_MINIMUM: "Too few properties defined ({propertyCount}), minimum {minimum}",
	OBJECT_PROPERTIES_MAXIMUM: "Too many properties defined ({propertyCount}), maximum {maximum}",
	OBJECT_REQUIRED: "Missing required property: {key}",
	OBJECT_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES: "Additional properties not allowed",
	OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_KEY: "Dependency failed - key must exist: {missing} (due to key: {key})",
	// Array errors
	ARRAY_LENGTH_SHORT: "Array is too short ({length}), minimum {minimum}",
	ARRAY_LENGTH_LONG: "Array is too long ({length}), maximum {maximum}",
	ARRAY_UNIQUE: "Array items are not unique (indices {match1} and {match2})",
	ARRAY_ADDITIONAL_ITEMS: "Additional items not allowed",
	// Format errors
	FORMAT_CUSTOM: "Format validation failed ({message})",
	KEYWORD_CUSTOM: "Keyword failed: {key} ({message})",
	// Schema structure
	CIRCULAR_REFERENCE: "Circular $refs: {urls}",
	// Non-standard validation options
	UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: "Unknown property (not in schema)"

function ValidationError(code, message, dataPath, schemaPath, subErrors) {
	if (code === undefined) {
		throw new Error ("No code supplied for error: "+ message);
	this.message = message;
	this.code = code;
	this.dataPath = dataPath || "";
	this.schemaPath = schemaPath || "";
	this.subErrors = subErrors || null;

	var err = new Error(this.message);
	this.stack = err.stack || err.stacktrace;
	if (!this.stack) {
		try {
			throw err;
		catch(err) {
			this.stack = err.stack || err.stacktrace;
ValidationError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
ValidationError.prototype.constructor = ValidationError;
ValidationError.prototype.name = 'ValidationError';

ValidationError.prototype.prefixWith = function (dataPrefix, schemaPrefix) {
	if (dataPrefix !== null) {
		dataPrefix = dataPrefix.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
		this.dataPath = "/" + dataPrefix + this.dataPath;
	if (schemaPrefix !== null) {
		schemaPrefix = schemaPrefix.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
		this.schemaPath = "/" + schemaPrefix + this.schemaPath;
	if (this.subErrors !== null) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this.subErrors.length; i++) {
			this.subErrors[i].prefixWith(dataPrefix, schemaPrefix);
	return this;

function isTrustedUrl(baseUrl, testUrl) {
	if(testUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.length) === baseUrl){
		var remainder = testUrl.substring(baseUrl.length);
		if ((testUrl.length > 0 && testUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length - 1) === "/")
			|| remainder.charAt(0) === "#"
			|| remainder.charAt(0) === "?") {
			return true;
	return false;

var languages = {};
function createApi(language) {
	var globalContext = new ValidatorContext();
	var currentLanguage = language || 'en';
	var api = {
		addFormat: function () {
			globalContext.addFormat.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		language: function (code) {
			if (!code) {
				return currentLanguage;
			if (!languages[code]) {
				code = code.split('-')[0]; // fall back to base language
			if (languages[code]) {
				currentLanguage = code;
				return code; // so you can tell if fall-back has happened
			return false;
		addLanguage: function (code, messageMap) {
			var key;
			for (key in ErrorCodes) {
				if (messageMap[key] && !messageMap[ErrorCodes[key]]) {
					messageMap[ErrorCodes[key]] = messageMap[key];
			var rootCode = code.split('-')[0];
			if (!languages[rootCode]) { // use for base language if not yet defined
				languages[code] = messageMap;
				languages[rootCode] = messageMap;
			} else {
				languages[code] = Object.create(languages[rootCode]);
				for (key in messageMap) {
					if (typeof languages[rootCode][key] === 'undefined') {
						languages[rootCode][key] = messageMap[key];
					languages[code][key] = messageMap[key];
			return this;
		freshApi: function (language) {
			var result = createApi();
			if (language) {
			return result;
		validate: function (data, schema, checkRecursive, banUnknownProperties) {
			var context = new ValidatorContext(globalContext, false, languages[currentLanguage], checkRecursive, banUnknownProperties);
			if (typeof schema === "string") {
				schema = {"$ref": schema};
			context.addSchema("", schema);
			var error = context.validateAll(data, schema, null, null, "");
			if (!error && banUnknownProperties) {
				error = context.banUnknownProperties();
			this.error = error;
			this.missing = context.missing;
			this.valid = (error === null);
			return this.valid;
		validateResult: function () {
			var result = {};
			this.validate.apply(result, arguments);
			return result;
		validateMultiple: function (data, schema, checkRecursive, banUnknownProperties) {
			var context = new ValidatorContext(globalContext, true, languages[currentLanguage], checkRecursive, banUnknownProperties);
			if (typeof schema === "string") {
				schema = {"$ref": schema};
			context.addSchema("", schema);
			context.validateAll(data, schema, null, null, "");
			if (banUnknownProperties) {
			var result = {};
			result.errors = context.errors;
			result.missing = context.missing;
			result.valid = (result.errors.length === 0);
			return result;
		addSchema: function () {
			return globalContext.addSchema.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		getSchema: function () {
			return globalContext.getSchema.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		getSchemaMap: function () {
			return globalContext.getSchemaMap.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		getSchemaUris: function () {
			return globalContext.getSchemaUris.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		getMissingUris: function () {
			return globalContext.getMissingUris.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		dropSchemas: function () {
			globalContext.dropSchemas.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		defineKeyword: function () {
			globalContext.defineKeyword.apply(globalContext, arguments);
		defineError: function (codeName, codeNumber, defaultMessage) {
			if (typeof codeName !== 'string' || !/^[A-Z]+(_[A-Z]+)*$/.test(codeName)) {
				throw new Error('Code name must be a string in UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES');
			if (typeof codeNumber !== 'number' || codeNumber%1 !== 0 || codeNumber < 10000) {
				throw new Error('Code number must be an integer > 10000');
			if (typeof ErrorCodes[codeName] !== 'undefined') {
				throw new Error('Error already defined: ' + codeName + ' as ' + ErrorCodes[codeName]);
			if (typeof ErrorCodeLookup[codeNumber] !== 'undefined') {
				throw new Error('Error code already used: ' + ErrorCodeLookup[codeNumber] + ' as ' + codeNumber);
			ErrorCodes[codeName] = codeNumber;
			ErrorCodeLookup[codeNumber] = codeName;
			ErrorMessagesDefault[codeName] = ErrorMessagesDefault[codeNumber] = defaultMessage;
			for (var langCode in languages) {
				var language = languages[langCode];
				if (language[codeName]) {
					language[codeNumber] = language[codeNumber] || language[codeName];
		reset: function () {
			this.error = null;
			this.missing = [];
			this.valid = true;
		missing: [],
		error: null,
		valid: true,
		normSchema: normSchema,
		resolveUrl: resolveUrl,
		getDocumentUri: getDocumentUri,
		errorCodes: ErrorCodes
	return api;

var tv4 = createApi();
tv4.addLanguage('en-gb', ErrorMessagesDefault);

//legacy property
tv4.tv4 = tv4;

return tv4; // used by _header.js to globalise.



.module( 'app', [ 'schemaForm' ])
.directive( 'body', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    link: function ( scope ) {
      scope.schema = {
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
          a: { type: 'string' },
          b: { type: 'string' }
      scope.form = [
        { key: 'a' },
        { key: 'b', type: 'text' }  // 'text' seems to override 'readonly' as set by my default-rule (below)
      scope.model = {
        a: "aye",
        b: "bee"

// turn strings within read-only forms into dedicated readonly type:
.config( function ( schemaFormProvider, sfPathProvider ) {
  schemaFormProvider.defaults.string.unshift( function ( name, schema, options ) {
    if ( options.global.formDefaults.readonly ) {
      var f = schemaFormProvider.stdFormObj( name, schema, options );
      f.key = options.path;
      f.type = 'readonly';
      options.lookup[ sfPathProvider.stringify( options.path )] = f;
      return f;

// define field types:
.config( function ( schemaFormDecoratorsProvider, sfBuilderProvider ) {
  var decorator = {
    text:      { template: 'form/text.html',     builder: sfBuilderProvider.stdBuilders },
    readonly:  { template: 'form/readonly.html', builder: sfBuilderProvider.stdBuilders },

  schemaFormDecoratorsProvider.defineDecorator( 'myDecorator', decorator, []);


// define templates:
.run( function( $templateCache ) {
  $templateCache.put( 'form/text.html',     '<div>{{ form.title }}: <input type="text" sf-field-model/></div>' );
  $templateCache.put( 'form/readonly.html', '<p>{{ form.title }}: <span sf-field-model="ng-bind-html" ng-bind-html="$$value$$"></span> (read-only)</p>' );

'use strict';

;!function(undefined) {

	var ObjectPath = {
		parse: function(str){
			if(typeof str !== 'string'){
				throw new TypeError('ObjectPath.parse must be passed a string');

			var i = 0;
			var parts = [];
			var d, b, q, c;
			while (i < str.length){
				d = str.indexOf('.', i);
				b = str.indexOf('[', i);

				// we've reached the end
				if (d === -1 && b === -1){
					parts.push(str.slice(i, str.length));
					i = str.length;

				// dots
				else if (b === -1 || (d !== -1 && d < b)) {
					parts.push(str.slice(i, d));
					i = d + 1;

				// brackets
				else {
					if (b > i){
						parts.push(str.slice(i, b));
						i = b;
					q = str.slice(b+1, b+2);
					if (q !== '"' && q !=='\'') {
						c = str.indexOf(']', b);
						if (c === -1) c = str.length;
						parts.push(str.slice(i + 1, c));
						i = (str.slice(c + 1, c + 2) === '.') ? c + 2 : c + 1;
					} else {
						c = str.indexOf(q+']', b);
						if (c === -1) c = str.length;
						while (str.slice(c - 1, c) === '\\' && b < str.length){
							c = str.indexOf(q+']', b);
						parts.push(str.slice(i + 2, c).replace(new RegExp('\\'+q,'g'), q));
						i = (str.slice(c + 2, c + 3) === '.') ? c + 3 : c + 2;
			return parts;

		// root === true : auto calculate root; must be dot-notation friendly
		// root String : the string to use as root
		stringify: function(arr, quote){

				arr = [arr.toString()];

			quote = quote === '"' ? '"' : '\'';

			return arr.map(function(n){ return '[' + quote + (n.toString()).replace(new RegExp(quote, 'g'), '\\' + quote) + quote + ']'; }).join('');

		normalize: function(data, quote){
			return ObjectPath.stringify(Array.isArray(data) ? data : ObjectPath.parse(data), quote);

		// Angular
		registerModule: function(angular) {
			angular.module('ObjectPath', []).provider('ObjectPath', function(){
				this.parse = ObjectPath.parse;
				this.stringify = ObjectPath.stringify;
				this.normalize = ObjectPath.normalize;
				this.$get = function(){
					return ObjectPath;

	// AMD
	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		define(function() {
			return ObjectPath;

	// CommonJS
	else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
		exports.ObjectPath = ObjectPath;

	// Browser global
	else {
		window.ObjectPath = ObjectPath;