<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href="." />
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
window.AngularVersionForThisPlunker = 'latest'
<title>angular playground</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/core-js@2.4.1/client/shim.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/zone.js/dist/long-stack-trace-zone.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/reflect-metadata@0.1.3/Reflect.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/systemjs@0.19.31/dist/system.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
/* Styles go here */
ul.child {
padding-left: 13px;
.child ul {
padding-left: 26px;
.child li {
white-space: nowrap;
z-index: 1;
color: #333;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 5px 0 7px;
position: relative;
.child li::before,
.child li::after {
content: '';
left: -7.5px;
position: absolute;
right: auto;
.child li::before {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
width: 1px;
.child li:last-child::before {
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
width: 1px;
.child li::after {
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
top: 15px;
width: 10px;
.child li div {
display: block;
position: relative;
z-index: 10;
background: #fff;
display: inline-block;
padding: 3px 8px;
white-space: nowrap;
text-decoration: none;
.child li div:last-of-type {
padding: 3px 20px 3px 8px;
margin-right: 15px;
.child > ul > li::before,
.child > ul > li::after {
border: 0;
.child li:last-child::before {
height: 15px;
### Angular Starter Plunker - Typescript
var angularVersion;
if(window.AngularVersionForThisPlunker === 'latest'){
angularVersion = ''; //picks up latest
else {
angularVersion = '@' + window.AngularVersionForThisPlunker;
//use typescript for compilation
transpiler: 'typescript',
//typescript compiler options
typescriptOptions: {
emitDecoratorMetadata: true
paths: {
'npm:': 'https://unpkg.com/'
//map tells the System loader where to look for things
map: {
'app': './src',
'@angular/core': 'npm:@angular/core'+ angularVersion + '/bundles/core.umd.js',
'@angular/common': 'npm:@angular/common' + angularVersion + '/bundles/common.umd.js',
'@angular/compiler': 'npm:@angular/compiler' + angularVersion + '/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
'@angular/platform-browser': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser' + angularVersion + '/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js',
'@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic' + angularVersion + '/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js',
'@angular/http': 'npm:@angular/http' + angularVersion + '/bundles/http.umd.js',
'@angular/router': 'npm:@angular/router' + angularVersion +'/bundles/router.umd.js',
'@angular/forms': 'npm:@angular/forms' + angularVersion + '/bundles/forms.umd.js',
'@angular/animations': 'npm:@angular/animations' + angularVersion + '/bundles/animations.umd.js',
'@angular/platform-browser/animations': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser' + angularVersion + '/bundles/platform-browser-animations.umd.js',
'@angular/animations/browser': 'npm:@angular/animations' + angularVersion + '/bundles/animations-browser.umd.js',
'@angular/core/testing': 'npm:@angular/core' + angularVersion + '/bundles/core-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/common/testing': 'npm:@angular/common' + angularVersion + '/bundles/common-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/compiler/testing': 'npm:@angular/compiler' + angularVersion + '/bundles/compiler-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/platform-browser/testing': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser' + angularVersion + '/bundles/platform-browser-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic' + angularVersion + '/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/http/testing': 'npm:@angular/http' + angularVersion + '/bundles/http-testing.umd.js',
'@angular/router/testing': 'npm:@angular/router' + angularVersion + '/bundles/router-testing.umd.js',
'tslib': 'npm:tslib@1.6.1',
'rxjs': 'npm:rxjs',
'typescript': 'npm:typescript@2.2.1/lib/typescript.js'
//packages defines our app package
packages: {
app: {
main: './main.ts',
defaultExtension: 'ts'
rxjs: {
defaultExtension: 'js'
//main entry point
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import {AppModule} from './app';
//our root app component
import {Component, NgModule, VERSION} from '@angular/core'
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'
import {Tree} from './tree'
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<my-tree [children]="tree"></my-tree>
export class App {
public tree: any = [{
name: "Jack",
children: [{
name: "Rob"
children: [{
name: "Daniel"
}, {
name: "Joe"
name: "Jack"
children: [{
name: "Robin"
children: [{
name: "Peter"
children: [{
name: "Henry"
constructor() {
imports: [ BrowserModule ],
declarations: [ App, Tree ],
bootstrap: [ App ]
export class AppModule {}
//our root app component
import {Component, NgModule, VERSION, Input} from '@angular/core'
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'
selector: 'my-tree',
template: `
<ul class="child">
<li *ngFor="let child of children">
<my-tree *ngIf="child.children" [children]="child.children"></my-tree>
export class Tree {
public children;
constructor() {