# Binary Search Algorithm using TypeScript
> Binary search is a very fundamental algorithm in Computer Science. It powers BSTs (binary search trees) which form the basis of modern databases and immutable data structures. Binary search works very much the way humans intuitively search for a name in a yellow pages directory (if you have ever seen one) or the dictionary.

> In this lesson we look at the core Binary Search Algorithm describing the problem it solves.

* We start of by writing our `binarySearch` function that takes an array of numbers and an element we have to find.
* The function should return the index of the element if its found within the array.
* If the element is not found we can simply return -1
 * Searches for specific element in a given sorted array
 * @returns the index of the element (-1 if its not found)
export function binarySearch(
  array: number[],
  element: number,
): number {
  return -1;

* Now to search for the element, one way to do that is to simply loop through all the elements till some element in the array matches the element we are searching for.
* If it matches we return the index.
  for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
    if (array[index] === element) return index;
* In the worst case the time complexity of this algorithm is O(n) since we have to access all the elements of the array.
* If we were to use the simple array prototype `findIndex` function it would internally do a similar loop over all the elements in the array and its time complexity will also be O(n)
  return array.findIndex(x => x === element);
* We can do better than this O(n) runtime. These simple loop based implementations fail to take advantage of the fact that the given array is sorted.

* In binary search we recursively break down the problem into smaller ones. We will only search for the element within a given start, and end range of the array. We initialize this range to be the entire array.

export function binarySearch(
  array: number[],
  element: number,
  start = 0,
  end = array.length - 1,
): number {

* Like all converging recursive algorithms, we will have a base case to terminate the recursion. For search we can terminate if the problem space has gone below 0. In this case we have not found our element and we can return -1.
* Next we simply divide the current problem space into two equal search spaces by finding the middle element of the current search subsection.
* If the middle element matches the element we are searching for, we can have found our index, which is simply the middle.
* Else we check if the element we have to find is less than the middle element,
  - if so we recurse through the first half of the problem space as the element (if present) will have to be in that section.
  - otherwise, if the element is greater than the middle element, we recurse through the second half of the problem space.
  if (end < start) return -1;
  const middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
  return element === array[middle]
    ? middle
    : element < array[middle]
      ? binarySearch(array, element, start, middle - 1)
      : binarySearch(array, element, middle + 1, end);
* And that's it.
* This algorithm is called binary search because we divide the search problem into two (aka binary) sub problems.
* Since in each recursive call we break down the search space in half, our problem size decreases exponentially, taking our worst case time complexity from O(n) to O(log n).
import { binarySearch } from './binarySearch';

test('should find', () => {
  const index = binarySearch([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3);

test('should not find', () => {
  const index = binarySearch([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 10);
 * Searches for specific element in a given sorted array
 * @returns the index of the element (-1 if its not found)
function binarySearch(
  array: number[],
  element: number,
  start = 0,
  end = array.length - 1,
): number {
  if (end < start) return -1;
  const middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
  return element === array[middle]
    ? middle
    : element < array[middle]
      ? binarySearch(array, element, start, middle - 1)
      : binarySearch(array, element, middle + 1, end);

const unsortedArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

console.log("Index of 2: ", binarySearch(unsortedArray, 2))
console.log("22 not found: ", binarySearch(unsortedArray, 22))
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  <script src="binarySearch.js"></script>