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describe('directiveUsingAsyncService', function(){
  var elementUnderTest;
  var deferredResolution;
  var parentScope;
  beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $q, AsyncService ) {

    // $q.defer() returns an object that packages a promise together with
    // methods to resolve or reject it. We will use this variable to manually
    // resolve the promise at the right moment.
    deferredResolution = $q.defer();
    // Replace the AsyncService.promiseToDoSomething() with a spy that
    // returns the promise inside our $q.defer() object.
    // Add the directive we want to test to the DOM.
    elementUnderTest = angular.element('<directive-using-async-service></directive-using-async-service>');
    parentScope = $rootScope.$new();
  afterEach(function() {
  var getCurrentText = function () {
    return $(elementUnderTest).text();
  it('says "Waiting..." before the async method completes', function() {
    // We have not yet resolved deferToResolveCallToAsyncService.promise,
    // so the directive should behave as if the service call has not completed.
  it('says "Done!" after the async method completes', function() {
    // Pretend that the AsyncService.promiseToDoSomething has completed.
    deferredResolution.resolve("Here's your data!");
    // Need to run a digest cycle. Angular's asynchronous methods such as
    // $http.get generally do this for you, but our method does no such favor.

.service('AsyncService', function ($q) {
  // Like Angular's $http.get, this function returns a promise.
  this.promiseToDoSomething = function() {
    return $q.when('Promise fulfilled!');

.directive('directiveUsingAsyncService', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {},
    controller: ['$scope', 'AsyncService', function ($scope, asyncService) {
      // The text to which this directive's <p> element binds changes from 
      // "Waiting..." to "Done!" when the async operation completes.
      $scope.text = 'Waiting...';
      // Like Angular's $http.get, this function returns a promise.
      asyncService.promiseToDoSomething().then( function() {
        $scope.text = 'Done!';
    template: '<p>{{text}}</p>'
 // Runs the Jasmine 1.3.1 tests.
 // Jasmine 2.0 provides this functionality in its boot.js.
(function () {
    var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
    jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;

    var trivialReporter = new jasmine.TrivialReporter();


    jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
        return trivialReporter.specFilter(spec);

    var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;

    window.onload = function () {
        if (currentWindowOnload) {

    function execJasmine() {
