<!DOCTYPE html>

	<script src="//api.rocketreach.co/v1/api.min.js"></script>
		var API_KEY = "3E7k0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef";
        //Generic function to handle failure.
        var handleFailure = function () {
            console.error("Error:", arguments);
        var out = function (html, tag) {
            document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += (tag ? ("<" + tag + ">" + html + "</" + tag + ">") : html)

        //Once RocketReach has initialized, perform a search follwed by a lookup
        var searchAndLookup = function (account) {
            //Start Search
            out('Calling Search', "h2")
                name: "Marc Benioff",
                company: "salesforce"}).then(function success(searchResult) {

                //Print Results
                for (var i = 0; searchResult && searchResult.profiles && i < searchResult.profiles.length; i++) {
                    out("Profile:" + i + ": [id:" + searchResult.profiles[i].id + ",name:" + searchResult.profiles[i].name + "]", "pre")

                //Retreive the first Profile
                out('Lookup First result (id:' + searchResult.profiles[0].id + ')', "h2")
                    id: searchResult.profiles[0].id
                }).then(function success(profiles) {
                    //Print Results
                    var contactInfo = profiles[0];
                    out("Image: <img width=50 height=50 src='" + contactInfo.profile_pic + "'/>\n"
                            + JSON.stringify(contactInfo,null,4), "pre")

                }, handleFailure);
            }, handleFailure);
            "error": handleFailure

	<h1>RocketReach.co API</h1>
	<p>Search for a person by name, company, keywords. Then lookup email and social links. info.</p>
	<div id="output"></div>

#RocketReach API: Simple Example

1. In this example, you will see how to do a simple initialization. 
1. Then the API will be used to search people by name & company. 
1. The first result from search will used to lookup contact information. 

## Methods used
- init()
- search()
- lookupProfile()