var app = angular.module('tweets_', ['ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap']);

app.controller('errCtrl', errCtrlFunction);

app.controller('PaginationController', ['$scope', '$location', '$anchorScroll', '$http', '$stateParams',

  function($scope, $location, $anchorScroll, $http) {

    $scope.currentPage = 0;
    $scope.pageSize = 10;
    $scope.totalPages = 10;
    $scope.pagedData = [];
    $scope.sarcasmResponses = {};
    $scope.hyperboleResponses = {};
    $scope.tweets = [];
    $scope.code = ''

    //load the data from json
      .then(function getjson(res) {
        for (i = 0; i <; i++) {

    $scope.$watch('tweets.length', function(length) {
      if (length) { // <= first time length is changed from undefined to 0
        console.log('(watch) read more ' + $scope.tweets.length);
        // <= will log correct length, need to call to have change corretly

    function push_arr(old_a, new_a) {
      for (var i; i < new_a.length; i++) {

    $scope.pageButtonDisabled = function(dir) {
      if (dir == -1) {
        return $scope.currentPage === 0;
      return $scope.currentPage >= $scope.length / $scope.pageSize - 1;

    $scope.paginate = function(nextPrevMultiplier) {
      $scope.currentPage += (nextPrevMultiplier * 1);
      $scope.pagedData = $scope.tweets.slice($scope.currentPage * $scope.pageSize);
    $scope.gotoTop = function() {

    //check length section  
     * Validate the two result arrays to see if next page should be made available.
     * true if both arrays are valid.
    $scope.pagecheck = function() {
      if (validArr($scope.sarcasmResponses) &&
        validArr($scope.hyperboleResponses) === true) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

     * Check to see if an array is of a certain length and does not contain null.
     * @param  {array} arr  - the array to validate
     * @return {boolean}    - true if array is long enough and has no null value
    function validArr(arr) {
      var len = (($scope.currentPage + 1) * 10);
      console.log(isLongEnough(arr, len));
      return (isLongEnough(arr, len));

     * @param   {array}   arr   - the array to check the length of
     * @param   {int}     len   - the length to check against
     * @returns {boolean}       - true if arr.length is at least len, otherwise false.
    function isLongEnough(arr, len) {
      // negated so that the name of the function is semantical
      if ((Object.keys(arr).length >= len)) {
        for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(arr).length; i++) {
          if (arr[i] === null) {
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;
      } else {
        return true; //change to True for testing
    //to hide and unhide the buttons for next and submit
    $scope.hide = function() {
        console.log('the current page is ' + $scope.currentPage)
        if ($scope.currentPage === 9) {
          return true;
        } else false;
      //for creating a unique id without PHP
    function makeid() {
      var text = "";
      var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

      for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

      return text;

    $scope.finish = function() {
      $scope.code = makeid();

    function init() {
      $scope.$watch.totalPages = Math.ceil($scope.tweets.length / $scope.pageSize);
      $scope.pagedData = $scope.tweets;
      //var url = 'data/stimuli.csv';
      //$scope.workerid = $;
      //$scope.version = model.versionNumber;
    // save reference of this to 'model' and use model when we we want controller
    // scope, so that we always get what we expect.
    var model = this;
    //model.versionNumber = $stateParams.versionNumber;


function errCtrlFunction($scope, $stateParams) {
  var model = this;

  function init() {
    $scope.errMsg = $stateParams.code;

function configRts($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
    .state('MTurk', {
      url: '/Mturk.html',
      templateUrl: 'mturk_page.html'
    .state('consent', {
      url: '/consent.html',
      templateUrl: 'consent_form.html'
    .state('instructions', {
      url: '/instructions.html',
      templateUrl: 'instructions.html'
    .state('stage', {
      url: '/question.html',
      templateUrl: 'question.html'
    .state('code', {
      url: '/code.html',
      templateUrl: 'Code.html'
    .state('err', {
      url: 'err/:code',
      templateUrl: 'err.html'
<!DOCTYPE html>
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[{"Tw_ID":"382365443786563584","Tweet":"@Jacob mhmm Michael was planting clues for Pearl as a boy...yeah makes sense #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400974415430959104","Tweet":"RT @Gene: Bad hair day. Don't feel good. Tired. This should be a great day. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"413362745342296064","Tweet":"Scandal, drama, violence, anger, hilarity, pacing! The best #hashtag happen right here on #hashtag and I have a season ticket! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383379254907375616","Tweet":"I just love workin allnight and then all day!  #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"544566932549435393","Tweet":"@Jacob It always is a joy to deal with. They treat us sooooo well. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"423312025347846144","Tweet":"I think the :p face is the best face. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"408050789131644928","Tweet":"What a great night #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415608251422486529","Tweet":"Wow that was a great nap my sister wasn't stomping around the house at all I slept so well omg best nap ever    #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"386569975341002752","Tweet":"Maryland really playing like a top 25 team today #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"410288599935242240","Tweet":"Love how every decision in life is easy...... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"421884479913750528","Tweet":"Being ignored by the person that means the most to you is the best feeling ever\ud83d\udc4c #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405260409575596032","Tweet":"Looks like the weatherman got the weather spot on today. Sunny with no rain lol #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389512765729026049","Tweet":"Loving these dialectical journals. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383094896300535808","Tweet":"Just dropped my phone off of my lofted bed. Can you say great end to a perfect freaking day? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402609430899855360","Tweet":"No Boyfriend November Is Going Pretty Good ! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395170523031678978","Tweet":"I love when people give me vague half answers, and no opinion #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393626517777158144","Tweet":"So this sickness causes blisters on my hands and feet. Walking and clapping are so enjoyable right now. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504196494376050688","Tweet":"Why have doctors got such good time keeping #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384072701897609217","Tweet":"I love my job SO much that I volunteered to stay SUPER late to help bc we were short staffed.. 11 hours 38 min #hashtag #hashtag \ud83d\ude10\ud83d\udd2b"},{"Tw_ID":"388767906256793601","Tweet":"Me & Jazmyn killin the game right now! Lol #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"554316520630018048","Tweet":"Essays are so fun. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400717752928722944","Tweet":"Good thing the gym has Elton John playing.. Cause nothing pumps me the fuck up like a lil \"crocodile rock\" #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"382581891528138752","Tweet":"@Jill hmmm, interesting! So the conspiracy is true! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385698830928592896","Tweet":"I love chemistry #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385782352167059456","Tweet":"Skinny arms, vests and weightlifting gloves... Yes you're right mate you do look the nuts! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403998686096543744","Tweet":"I love when my husband acts like a brat. Makes my day amazing!........oh wait. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"413491571057627136","Tweet":"@Gene @Gene Lebron's ankle must really be bothering him tonight...he's just so tough! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418423856949637120","Tweet":"Oooh we gunners love that Samurai looking mofo Bendtner lol #hashtag."},{"Tw_ID":"502826542867943424","Tweet":"Hours got cut at work so that's just really freaking awesome. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399974862934261760","Tweet":"Optimizing memory usage is really lots of fun. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395389601520427008","Tweet":"Sore, scratchy throat, stuffy nose, voice almost gone, lightheaded... Thank you flu, what a perfect way to spend this season. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"549714842459062272","Tweet":"Nothing like a family get together where your relatives hate on gays and you storm out of the room because you hate everything ^-^ #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"378948609536172032","Tweet":"RT @Jeeves: @Jacob  Sweet, booking tickets ASAP....... #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"388419432718274560","Tweet":"so excited to spend to spend five whole days with you!!!!!! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383603025899978752","Tweet":"You are just like louis.. Of course no one is #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415916282999869440","Tweet":"Well that sounds like some good parenting. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385854446728519680","Tweet":"This awesome day, just keeps getting more and more AWESOME #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420560186089037824","Tweet":"Great day for our office heater to break. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504817737324318721","Tweet":"7 to 7. Yeah that's a long day. Super pumped that I get to do it tomorrow too. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"419519804286853121","Tweet":"Your always right... Why should i even argue #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385052142823669760","Tweet":"GOP is crazy like a fox with shutdown. Last one resulted in economic growth & surplus. History repeats right? #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407912998334779392","Tweet":"Woke up feeling like someone bashed me in the head with a baseball bat... Today is just gonna be wonderful. I can feel it. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"390590733218230272","Tweet":"@Jill yeah. At least have the perverted courtesy to keep it to yourself. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397963532680953856","Tweet":"Can't wait to leave this awesome town of fargo! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405470980044103680","Tweet":"@Jeeves @Jeeves Yeah, I\u2019m sure my wife would love that idea. :P #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"381884311588593664","Tweet":"@Jullia it's fine I send such beautiful ones.. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414919566297665536","Tweet":"Just what I need after this weekend like a 5 hour sleep #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"379493135279460352","Tweet":"Double admin first two great way to start off a Monday morning\ud83d\ude11 #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"382977199584059393","Tweet":"Not like @John to take the soup. VHI \/ Porter \/ FFS. #hashtag  #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"401917138056646656","Tweet":"Of course.. This is just perfect. #hashtag \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude13\ud83d\ude24"},{"Tw_ID":"409003020190367745","Tweet":"Elle, I don't have your number so text me right now coz I know you won't text\/call me later.Me: Wow, I'm the worst. Really. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"543689291390783488","Tweet":"Yayy perfect timing. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392804694810038273","Tweet":"This has been like the best day ever #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"408973846331789312","Tweet":"So excited for this video next block. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402186113139638272","Tweet":"Oh I wonder if I'm a celebrity started tonight? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"380765548029939712","Tweet":"I love girls that vent about their relationship on twitter...#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420041578968006656","Tweet":"Nothing feels better than knowing you were the mistake.\ud83d\udc4c #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418977219189276674","Tweet":"My goodnight message was 10x better than ANYONE else's tonight I can promise you that. #hashtag \ud83d\ude02"},{"Tw_ID":"394978882337525760","Tweet":"@Gene ah shame. you're missing out on the enthralling conversation going on right now. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"386138357493157888","Tweet":"Football chanting, screaming and constantly pressing the stop button! I love the kids on this bus, I really do! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"411889658780721152","Tweet":"I love Christmas shopping 11 days before Christmas... The malls are so crowded and its snowing like crazy #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414939446023159808","Tweet":"Now we have them right where we want them... Good work #hashtag. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418229077984563200","Tweet":"@Gene I know right! over protected parents are the best #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"396460803953790976","Tweet":"Doesn't get much better than this #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"394102384336850944","Tweet":"Good start for United...nice work! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"388504817104334848","Tweet":"So glad there are 6 more home games to enjoy this big blue wrecking crew team #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"396723656023240704","Tweet":"I like your fringe tho #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"552973255838285824","Tweet":"Because I've always wanted to have a blood clot. \ud83d\udc4e\ud83d\ude1f\ud83d\ude29 #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395358844450115584","Tweet":"I so love it when my hair is in a bun, and people have to mess with it. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"551808707885953024","Tweet":"@Jullia: And the Bengals will have to punt.Heem: Yeah, great drive there by the Bengals. #hashtag?"},{"Tw_ID":"383972430110134272","Tweet":"here's to another great weekend #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"413491190856962048","Tweet":"I love how gay rights supporters can push their beliefs all in your face, but don't you dare voice yours #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383630799628537856","Tweet":"@Jeeves they'll be so good that Dwight will ask for the team to try and sign LeBron. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"379610417422557184","Tweet":"@John Is that like a GTA V expansion or something? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387739095025614848","Tweet":"Well I'm glad that lasted.#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"412630551955140608","Tweet":"So glad all the WI end at the end of this week and I'm home alone until then #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"413084970283196416","Tweet":"This night could not get any better #hashtag \ud83d\ude23"},{"Tw_ID":"552270674283077632","Tweet":"@Gene Mike Ditka doing a great job listening to your questions. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383664368438636544","Tweet":"@Jill but as a fan on Twitter we know better than someone with 40+ years of experience. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400083156713226240","Tweet":"I hope common sense is the next cool trend. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393716313434374145","Tweet":"I love the Mbta in the morning all packed and what not every body in my personal space and nothing to hold on too just so much fun #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392130470227771393","Tweet":"Mmmm yeah nothing like a nice cold shower to end the night #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392608796071440384","Tweet":"forgot my pic and my lunch.. gonna be a great day! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"424041759430017024","Tweet":"Damn so many people at the game like \ud83d\ude31 right?! @Gene  #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415486090007805953","Tweet":"Thanks for that perfect early dentist appointment #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"502536339662045187","Tweet":"Great job by the Yankees scratching out a win against the Astros to avoid being swept at home.....pfft..#hashtag#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409764245845188608","Tweet":"The Steelers are making really good play calls right now. They should definitely keep it up and not make any adjustments at all. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383141000199544832","Tweet":"Watching the rest of Zero Dark Thirty all like.. \"I wonder if the good guys catch the bad guys..\" #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"396939819663626241","Tweet":"What happens when you put 5 American girls in a room? A stranger says \"Just so you know, your accent is cute 2 stories above you.\" #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"406505134664187904","Tweet":"LOVE that Twitter have put those new Follow buttons right where you scroll on your news feed. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"388786008290242560","Tweet":"@Jullia ive recorded it all im very excited about watching #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"552695718541295616","Tweet":"\u201c@John: Edgewood City Schools will be CLOSED today, January 7th.\u201d Awesome!!! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504293781051834369","Tweet":"I love hanging out at the bank all morning!! #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"553689133160230916","Tweet":"\u201c@John: Islam is doing a great job at showing the world that they are the #hashtag\u201d #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"419765297449824256","Tweet":"Driving lessons with my favourite person in the whole world and I'm feeling shit... looks like it's going to be a good day #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405351112645308417","Tweet":"So glad I got to experience dumping dog food out of my uggs.. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"406956873246461952","Tweet":"@Jacob @Jeeves Just tell ur honey that a #hashtag of ur Twitter followers think 80% is good enough. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"419574264446980096","Tweet":"Pouring snow right now before our supposed #hashtag which will be below zero weather.  I am none to thrilled to await tomorrow! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"411364182240411648","Tweet":"RT @Gene: I love jamming my fingers #hashtag \ud83d\ude12"},{"Tw_ID":"420198644235513856","Tweet":"Great start to the first day back. Loving it. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"}]
[{"Tw_ID":"402203796593336320","Tweet":"Best possible time for me to be driving back right now. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"549714278211522560","Tweet":"@Gene @Gene &gt; Might be the most well thought out & condensed comment on the state of the @Gene in a long time. Genius! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"421616998704226304","Tweet":"Well. What a lovely way to start my morning. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"548087656186269696","Tweet":"@John Yeah, right^^ #hashtag trollololol"},{"Tw_ID":"399589361760894976","Tweet":"Catching up on my shows and gonna study for upcoming tests I have this week. Sounds like a fantastic day. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"391296056543440896","Tweet":"Love Ian Hislop on @Jacob #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405549614226358272","Tweet":"That's what I like to see #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414168722094694400","Tweet":"Thanks for wishing I hope a good flight, I have great fraaaannnnzzz #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"553959706717196288","Tweet":"Received a message to use #hashtag to verify me to follow someone. Yeah... That captcha isn't at all shady. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"417383676402360321","Tweet":"Wow trains are so interesting i love nebraska wow #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"388412915809652736","Tweet":"It's funny how much you bitch about people behind their backs but then you're best friends with them. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392479184850669568","Tweet":"\u201c@Jullia: What a great Monday to start off the week!\u201d #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"416976657178963968","Tweet":"Yesterday was just wonderful. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414867380045488129","Tweet":"Does anyone else love it when their friends say they'll text to hang out and never do? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400997631683354624","Tweet":"I feel like crap, and my moms making me go to school. Thanks for caring!! #hashtag \ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude20"},{"Tw_ID":"405503688048771073","Tweet":"@Jill He gives the best advice. \"YOU have to do what's best for YOU to make YOU feel good about YOU.\" #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409381859567480832","Tweet":"RT \"@Jacob: Wanted to get out at this grocery store but nope... Both kids fell asleep!\"Oh DAMMIT! There goes your good time! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"411954238307065857","Tweet":"i can't cope up with my \"too\" fast internet. it's like i'm being left behind #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504351711730077696","Tweet":"@Gene @Jeeves @Gene The air quality is gonna get awesome since we're no longer requiring vehicle inspections. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"394990483539103745","Tweet":"Overeating at night is so much fun #hashtag."},{"Tw_ID":"385119381925404672","Tweet":"So excited to hear about how \"San Diego weather is like this all the time.\" #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403662792701386752","Tweet":"Wayne Memorial thinks Im going to be writing 5 paragraph essays all the time in my future so I need to get good at it #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"503035645833789440","Tweet":"Great going away party #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"547535787194331138","Tweet":"I just love that my soon to be step mom is basically the same age as me. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"505052734463426561","Tweet":"DC have a \"no jokes\" rule for their movies? What about the hilarious: \"I just think he's kinda hot\" line in Man of Steel? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"412053194530111489","Tweet":"Cool. Cool. Cool really great day! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"544237547388682240","Tweet":"Candids + instagram every weekend. OK. It's not like they are overselling it. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"501921506335539201","Tweet":"Don't you just love when \u2640 have sex with \u2642 it's usually framed as \"\u2640 (ab)using sex to gain\" & never \"\u2642 abusing power to gain sex\"?#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384896813334929408","Tweet":"So glad my Facebook feed has devolved into the low information voter super highway. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409200076360130560","Tweet":"I just love when you don't text me, it makes my day! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"401172578170961920","Tweet":"Guys! I got chosen by a Prize account to win $$!!!! I'm so excited #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"394517834975694849","Tweet":"Another really smart play by the veteran athletic qb named Vick. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"396706975817678848","Tweet":"Back in Bolton and loving this weather \ud83d\ude12#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409027546957627392","Tweet":"I love being hated! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"406114391570923521","Tweet":"Thanksgiving game in Detroit this year? Good for them. Nice change of pace. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"390193540044566528","Tweet":"Like look at that for a fantastic goal like.. #hashtag! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420568775096676352","Tweet":"It's always fun walking to class in negative degree weather #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420331809906655233","Tweet":"@Gene: #hashtag Ignore the gentlemen... adore the jerk... yah, that makes perfect sense. #hashtag&lt;&lt;&lt;THIS!!"},{"Tw_ID":"420018738436382722","Tweet":"Demons just came on. This night just keeps getting better and better. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384140964324839424","Tweet":"Funny how all these huge swole men are battling at the Olympia for a million dollar purse... Better be a fk'n gucci! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383876510383210496","Tweet":"RT @Gene: Great night #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"380676066576068608","Tweet":"Awesome! My Facebook was hacked by someone in Malaysia. Cool story. #hashtag #hashtag."},{"Tw_ID":"382385698135113728","Tweet":"Well that was a great 3 hour sleep I had.. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"406263241674088448","Tweet":"i like how one time you would always talk to me and now you ignore me #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397111329154011136","Tweet":"So I just read a new hate comment on a old vlog. Nice to know people take the time to spread some love. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392503985543720960","Tweet":"Yeah cause that makes complete sense #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504113159645323264","Tweet":"Boy do I love when my sunburn peals #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384739489748246528","Tweet":"@Jacob they're just the best, right? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389352607828819969","Tweet":"Good thing the guy I room with is the absolute nastiest mother fucker on this planet #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418260511428739072","Tweet":"Well my year was off to a great start. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397178843925991424","Tweet":"high school season is so fun when you forget your under armor! love the feeling of not being able to feel my fingers \u26bd\ufe0f #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384114853310242816","Tweet":"Listening to the family knock gays and lesbians is great fun. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384899147083440129","Tweet":"Wow. Glad our President is mature. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418391065209487360","Tweet":"Started the new year with having to work and I decided to eat a donut on my break. Here's to hoping the whole year is this good! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415094252608446464","Tweet":"If today is like Friday.... I'm walking into oncoming traffic #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387679074782425088","Tweet":"Thanks, SHS. You're so nice to the students who have full schedules and can't get their permits during the day :\/ #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418494707153391619","Tweet":"@Gene Yeah, well those are just myths. Jesus is real!! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414630235942825984","Tweet":"Isn't family great? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"396283072808632320","Tweet":"I love that I slept like 3 hours last night #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"391036386490331136","Tweet":"I actually love when you say youre going to text me and dont #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"410558988229439488","Tweet":"It makes me so happy to know that my own technology teacher doesn't know how to use the technology in this classroom. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399946036439175168","Tweet":"The library is so quiet I'm glad I can focus #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407040372729057280","Tweet":"It's good that people remembers someone after they're gone #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409438187686088704","Tweet":"i get a good laugh every momma bf is hilarious...#hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"379423129719681025","Tweet":"Had such a great night like soo much fun #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400692173521571840","Tweet":"I jus feel the need to express my love for traffic so much!! I friggin laaaaaaaaaaaave it!!! Whooooo whooop whoooo #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"398612244755259393","Tweet":"@Jeeves I love what you did with the site, it honestly is a LOT better than before #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385269140006502402","Tweet":"Sigh . . . back to the exciting world of Fundamentals of Income Taxation (#hashtag). . . atleast this stuff is kind of clicking"},{"Tw_ID":"379080193878405120","Tweet":"Nothing like some good old 1950s polka music... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"398613394812461056","Tweet":"I love being cold and wet. I absolutely love it. Thank you Washington. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395141787414581248","Tweet":"Great way to start the day... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"408750137503014912","Tweet":"@Jacob oh my gosh, Daigo uses two armed modes instead of one like the others, that makes him a marty stu in my book. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384866811461660672","Tweet":"You really know how to make me feel like a million bucks, thanks buddy. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403542216708071424","Tweet":"@Jeeves @Jeeves We are saving a set of \"beautiful\" quality knives for you to look at \/ test #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"503582809475522561","Tweet":"@Jill @Jill You're cheating. Get back out those rulers and ellipses #hashtag. Whatever the artist enjoys is always the best way."},{"Tw_ID":"410595396595879936","Tweet":"Wait,  does that mean he won't be good? \"@Jullia: This Wiggins kid is going to be a good player. #hashtag\""},{"Tw_ID":"411610469066375170","Tweet":"@Jill @Jill Well, he \"just\" killed four people. It's nothing, really... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395430375964803072","Tweet":"Awesome first night of nba! Now bedtime \ud83d\ude34\ud83d\ude34 gotta love 8 am classes\ud83d\ude12 #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"390387657001697280","Tweet":"My jaw is killing me!!! I just love this pain, sure am glad my jaw got broke 22 yrs ago.  #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"504831443013754880","Tweet":"After all, it's not like you're the local ABC affiliate or anything... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420378651155132417","Tweet":"@Jill @Jill @Jill Yeah that was a decent hit. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399595484240949248","Tweet":"Nice thjr, that will get you more minutes #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387733269384425472","Tweet":"Aww that's sweet. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383377710451396609","Tweet":"I love how much support our team gets #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"398915229922254849","Tweet":"It was good hearing from @Jill  today! Haha #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389184556550455296","Tweet":"I love the way my dad drags me with him to be his DD. I just love hanging out with a bunch of hillbillies #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387707183137169408","Tweet":"RT @Gene: I'm very nice. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"381464449460101120","Tweet":"I can tell this is going to be a great weekend #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"551339108208242689","Tweet":"Love being forced to listen to other peoples music on public transport! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389074516460056576","Tweet":"I love Hulu because even cord cutters need to see traditional TV commercials over and over. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"411896304995172352","Tweet":"@John @Jacob Yeah right, because he beat us so bad didn't he? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399618607476256768","Tweet":"Great catch Crocker! We didn't need it ... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393932317406023681","Tweet":"Yeah whatever, I didn't care either #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384985155162894336","Tweet":"lebos are amazing creatures #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405945520952070144","Tweet":"RT @Jullia: Lol kennys joke actually made me laugh , shocker since im always so serious#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385259587886010368","Tweet":"I love when @John falls asleep on me every night #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"386913467552526336","Tweet":"Don't you just love licking an envelope, it tastes wonderful. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"380147981174861824","Tweet":"You don't gotta seem so excited about it jeese #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418194978431442944","Tweet":"Looks like the Aggie defense made it to Atlanta. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"417971460527771648","Tweet":"@Jill Perfect example of the \"caring left\" demonstrated right here in the replies to @Jill. Wow. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"}]
[{"Tw_ID":"389412501433360384","Tweet":"Yea I had so much fun with my \"friends\" this weekend \/s #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400850904196190208","Tweet":"Nice to see you care enough not to leave me stranded. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407208151134392320","Tweet":"I am quite proud of myself for being so good at managing things. Self-five! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397523236977532928","Tweet":"And it's dark at 430PM now... Awesome. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403279044940021760","Tweet":"I just love when you complain about me to me. I'll be sure to change just for you. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"401075010929836032","Tweet":"Always great to hear that my fantasy football 1st round pick is doing well after season ending BACK SURGERY... #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415150266309427200","Tweet":"Good thing my buzzcard didn't work at the field. I didn't want to get better today anyway. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387292015291297792","Tweet":"RT @John: The road is really visible while driving today #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399021667156246528","Tweet":"RT @Jill: I'm really looking forward to being on the ice at 5:30 tomorrow morning \ud83d\ude0a #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384868213122957312","Tweet":"@Gene is so right. @Gene can never draw money. Not with reactions like that #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403494311767339009","Tweet":"Majority of my friends push me out for other people. love being second, third, fourth best #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403924885753176065","Tweet":"You know what's great? That we all have perfect pitch! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"379330863927787520","Tweet":"Boy, those NFL refs are really cracking down on the helmet to helmet shots. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"413963861029421056","Tweet":"Phil Robertson spoke out loud. Let's go back to the pre-civil rights era! Queers and Negroes were happier? Right? :) @Jill #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407337029672779776","Tweet":"My mom really knows how to make me feel good about myself. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"381129668381786112","Tweet":"I love getting out late on friday. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405336635988275200","Tweet":"Love PR agencies that understand children! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"391019474997870592","Tweet":"Goodnight world, I shall see you again at the beautiful hour of 4:30 am and I couldnt be more excited! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"405762789064847360","Tweet":"Today is a fun day of fun customer emails. No. Really it is. Really. #hashtag."},{"Tw_ID":"418707229534339073","Tweet":"Nice to know my help is always appreciated... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387765740066967552","Tweet":"Oh, Huff Street, keep singing me the sounds of your people.I love the sounds of fire trucks, ambulances, and police.#hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409863680663109632","Tweet":"Best moment of my life #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"548839413334441985","Tweet":"I can already tell this little trip is going to be filled with fun and excitement. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"416260834529390592","Tweet":"RT @John: Brother playing FIFA 14...perfect opportunity to use my power of sarcasm to annoy him #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418569339365634049","Tweet":"Sick the whole day so far.... Nice way to start the year! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"392057112789929984","Tweet":"perfect.just perfect. #hashtag \ud83d\ude12"},{"Tw_ID":"384129591637327873","Tweet":"I love searching for awards tickets on! The website always works, and I always find low mileage tix!! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"546497244191817728","Tweet":"I'm glad boldin, a 12 year vet with a super bowl ring has impressed this dumbass kapaernick #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"386644145445830657","Tweet":"Yea I flick off the camera in every picture I take, because that's just the cool mother fucker I am #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"408505476888797184","Tweet":"This #hashtag will be brilliant. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"553957222460694528","Tweet":"I love her good morning wishes... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"549614652142145536","Tweet":"I love to sit at the airport all day. \ud83d\ude10 #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"395447364086804480","Tweet":"super productive day #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385074234403586048","Tweet":"@John @Jullia im super offended that you made fun of dick eating bitches, how dare you! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"543677002101063680","Tweet":"Wow I have great friends #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385099548332679168","Tweet":"I'm so looking forward this 6 hour shift on this beautiful day which means every single person is going to want ice cream...yay... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"548696879014232067","Tweet":"I love not talking to you and being ignored.. it's my absolute favorite #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387334022470184960","Tweet":"You're going to be a great contribution to society one day! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414588340101726208","Tweet":"Spending my Saturday night at Mass General was exactly what I planned. Much better than a raspberry stoli's and a fat blunt. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"548731678194421761","Tweet":"RT @Jullia: @Jeeves fans keepin it classy as always. #hashtag."},{"Tw_ID":"502854159356674049","Tweet":"@Jeeves exactly we don't need people like that supporting lfc I tweeted him so ur a real lfc fan eh?!  Didn't answer back #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409189766085636096","Tweet":"Dang man I think you love yourself more than any girl ever could. Don't let go of that. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"400327165923057665","Tweet":"RT @Jeeves: @Jacob make sure you put the fares up in the new year for the great service you provide the company deserves it #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"551273403848876033","Tweet":"Late night sneeze attacks are always the best \ud83d\udc4c #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402339002243485697","Tweet":"I haven't had fun in high school, I've had all core classes with no electives. My elective is Spanish wooo! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407847867261673472","Tweet":"That Auburn education really shining through this morning on @espn @John  #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393486655937871872","Tweet":"@Jacob @Jacob'sThey had a bad quarter, get off their backs, investors are starving.I love #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"406691684693446656","Tweet":"That was a nice nap. I'm sure I will have no problem going back to sleep now. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"387725432105099264","Tweet":"Right now all I need is to get sick. (-.-) Thank you tonsillitis. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420752604873121792","Tweet":"Finish this homework or sleep ?? Yeah that'll be a hard decision #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393550805238050816","Tweet":"@Jacob we da motha fuckin best #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"394533125436366848","Tweet":"@Jacob Its a good thing I picked Danica, she never has any problems...riiiiight? #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"380062850552979456","Tweet":"RT @Jacob: That's cool I didn't text you for a reply anyway... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"547899384957263873","Tweet":"Oh, good. the Christmas fireworks have begun. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"394981214328602625","Tweet":"@John disecting them in Zoology are ganna be so much fun! Lol #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399290433974460416","Tweet":"Yes I get to go to work I'm so happy. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"418616777896366080","Tweet":"Great, really really great #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397475235059867648","Tweet":"Shadowing my dentist for 10 hours is a great time #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"420045035359334400","Tweet":"Tweeted that with excitement. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"415228928337649666","Tweet":"i love that super cute thing you do when you text me back for hours.#hashtag. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402862775224905728","Tweet":"Damn Kayne. That video for Bound 2 is genius #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409788264707391488","Tweet":"Nothing says serious musical talent like a band having the #hashtag at Macy's.  NOT. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"410100438159994880","Tweet":"Oh Monday how I just love you! #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402802894090829824","Tweet":"Laptop dies halfway through lecture. Brilliant. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"545679452798066688","Tweet":"RT @Gene: @Gene I'm super excited. Can't wait till the shore is nearer to my doorstep! Good times ahead. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"501962695743373312","Tweet":".@Jullia Yeah...because we all know how cheap organic,fresh food is #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"385492316728741889","Tweet":"whats the app that makes you look like a super model -@Jacob #hashtag \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d"},{"Tw_ID":"554526375961702400","Tweet":"Knowing I need sleep but not being tired.. it'll be a great first day back tomorrow #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"411847575067561985","Tweet":"I'm really glad I slept all night long with out tossing and turning all night... #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"419522936060383233","Tweet":"@Jacob Good job Mylique!! #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"414078749785612288","Tweet":"Some comments are almost laughfully #hashtag. (Auto correct loves my #hashtag & right way of thinking wrong) Don't take my word, read some."},{"Tw_ID":"382997767590662144","Tweet":"BEST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!!! Like really, it was so exciting haha it has been a very eventful day.. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"412424669904388097","Tweet":"As I watch the end of the Twolves-Grizzlies game on my Tivo, I'm thinking it's really good that Memphis fired Lionel Hollins #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393938146091474945","Tweet":"I really love dressing up just to find out that I'm not going anywhere... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"501707497649209345","Tweet":"Love the way this morning is going #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384849559433670656","Tweet":"@Jill something like that. Glad Americas future looks promising. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"391539332026470400","Tweet":"RT @Gene: Loved spending time w\/ my cousins today.. It was lovely. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397506608697458689","Tweet":"Always fun to set the clock back each fall here on the cusp of the Central Time Zone where it gets dark a 4:30pm. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"404378697605455872","Tweet":"Real great to be in #hashtag right now #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"422330412426596352","Tweet":"Work is a bundle of fun today. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"409509770098647040","Tweet":"OSU has a great defense #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"416221407669153792","Tweet":"RT @John: Would it kill you to be happy for me? \ud83d\ude12 Ah crap, I forgot.. It really will, no wonder why you never are. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"407681144360931328","Tweet":"We should watch the same matches over and over again and bury Dolph Ziggler. Yeah that's a good idea #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"388527783497830400","Tweet":"Group just did cyber drama pitch, soo good. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"383596998487998464","Tweet":"@Jill @Jullia @Jill And it isn't like the American Family Association ever boycotted anything...oh...wait... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"397595469859151872","Tweet":"RT @John: Just a wonderful Monday. So glad it's over. Hopefully a better week is ahead of me. #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"408835934935724032","Tweet":"RT @Jullia: @John @Gene and he better like that audit, because the IRS can only do good #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389105301750030336","Tweet":"Since #hashtag is soooo strong, these minor league teams like #hashtag&M & #hashtag will never b able to compete. #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"412370257370972161","Tweet":"Gonna be a lot of fun finishing it #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"546497244191817728","Tweet":"I'm glad boldin, a 12 year vet with a super bowl ring has impressed this dumbass kapaernick #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"404442363226910720","Tweet":"Good on ya Abbott - make Australia as hated as the States. You are doing well #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"389126904437293056","Tweet":"@Jullia Scientific-based evidence at its best #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"399309172832874496","Tweet":"Nice 70 miles with @Jullia today. #hashtag,stupiddrivers nothing better #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"384666900183019520","Tweet":"I really wonder what gave it away that Omar Quintanilla cannot hit enough to be an every-day guy.  #hashtag #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"417427449254019072","Tweet":"@SportsCenter Yeah, with those QB\u2019s, the Browns should\u2019ve been a LOT better. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"398456749646041088","Tweet":"When all the \"good\" people are gathered in one place. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"403354150471086080","Tweet":"@John How... Mature. #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"393564519668383744","Tweet":"It's a good thing my retainer fits... #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"402220919436750848","Tweet":"I'm so glad I'll be working tonight when the biggest game of the season is on #hashtag #hashtag"},{"Tw_ID":"380786010860556288","Tweet":"I love that I left my computer cord at home while I'm on the road in #hashtag. That's a lie, not really! #hashtag #hashtag"}]
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                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_11" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="1" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_11">Very Sarcastic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_12" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="2" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_12">Sarcastic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_13" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="3" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_13">Slightly Sarcastic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_14" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="4" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_14">Neutral</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_15" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="5" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_15">Slightly Jocular</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_16" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="6" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_16">Jocular</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="sarcasmResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_17" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_1" type="radio" value="7" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_17">Very Jocular</label>
          <tbody class="lik">
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_21" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="1" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_21">Very Hyperbolic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_22" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="2" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_22">Hyperbolic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_23" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="3" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_23">Slightly Hyperbolic</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_24" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="4" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_24">Neutral</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_25" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="5" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_25">Slightly Understated</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_26" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="6" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_26">Understated</label>
                <input class="radiobttn" ng-model="hyperboleResponses[tweet.Tw_ID+$index]" id="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_27" name="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_2" type="radio" value="7" />
                <label for="{{currentPage}}_{{$index}}_27">Very Understated</label>
  <br />
  <button class="btn btn_color" ng-hide="hide()" ng-disabled="pageButtonDisabled(1); pagecheck()" ng-click="paginate(1); gotoTop(); reset()">Next</button>
  <a ui-sref='code'>
    <button class="btn btn_color" ng-show="hide()" ng-disable="pagecheck()" ng-click="finish()">Finish Experiment</button>
  <h4 class="page"> Page {{currentPage+1}} of {{totalPages}}</h4>
        <br />
        <br />
          <i>this is just for testing</i>
          <br />To turn next button off till all fields are selected change line 103 in app.js [isLongEnough]<br />
{teet ID : value selected}</p>
        <p>Sarc_Joc set: </p>
          <br />
        <p>Hype_Undr set: </p>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="container-instructions">

  <h1 class='heading'>Instructions</h1>

  <hr />

  <div class="instructions well">

		    Choose Descriptors for Sentence.

      <li>Each sentence is intended as ironic (conveying a meaning opposite to its literal meaning). Decide if you think the sentence is Sarcastic, Jocular, Hyperbolic or Understated. </li>

      <li>Two scales are used:
          <li>Very Sarcastic to Very Jocular</li>
          <li>Very Hyperbolic to Very Understated</li>
      <li>These are on a 7 point scale with "neutral" in the middle.</li>
      <li>Click on a box with text to choose it as your answer (it will highlight as a darker color)</li>
      <li>All sentences are taken from Twitter
        <ul><li> All users' @ information has been scrubbed from the sentences.</li> 
        <li>@users names have been changed, except a number of hashtags and @users that are public entities.</li></ul></li></ul>
      <hr />

      <u>Sarcasm</u>: conveying harsh or bitter derision or contempt 
      <br> <u>Jocular</u>: characterized by joking; humorous or playful
      <br> <u>Hyperbole</u>: exaggerated or overstated
      <br> <u>Understatement</u>: expressed in a weak or restrained way 
        <fieldset id='field'>
          <h2 class='example_sentence'>Always nice to get a call reminding me not to get pregnant. The parents have so much faith in me.</h2></br>
          <table class='lik'>

                <th colspan='7'>Below is the Sarcastic to Jocular selection (click the answer you deem appropriate)</th>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='1' type='radio' value='1' />
                  <label for='1'>Very Sarcastic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='2' type='radio' value='2' />
                  <label for='2'>Sarcastic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='3' type='radio' value='3' />
                  <label for='3'>Slightly Sarcastic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='4' type='radio' value='4' />
                  <label for='4'>Neutral</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='5' type='radio' value='5' />
                  <label for='5'>Slightly Jocular</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='6' type='radio' value='6' />
                  <label for='6'>Jocular</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample1' id='7' type='radio' value='7' />
                  <label for='7'>Very Jocular</label>
                <th colspan='7'>Below is the Hyperbolic to Understated selection (click the answer you deem appropriate)</th>


                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='11' type='radio' value='1' />
                  <label for='11'>Very Hyperbolic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='12' type='radio' value='2' />
                  <label for='12'>Hyperbolic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='13' type='radio' value='3' />
                  <label for='13'>Slightly Hyperbolic</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='14' type='radio' value='4' />
                  <label for='14'>Neutral</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='15' type='radio' value='5' />
                  <label for='15'>Slightly Understated</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='16' type='radio' value='6' />
                  <label for='16'>Understated</label>

                  <input class="radiobttn" name='sample2' id='17' type='radio' value='7' />
                  <label for='17'>Very Understated</label>
      <p><br>There will be ten pages of sentences to judge, each page will have ten sentences.<br>You must finish each page before moving on.</p>
  <div class="col-btn">
    <a ui-sref='stage'>
      <button class="btn btn_color">Start experiment</button>

//Create Connection
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "User";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "db";
try {
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname;charset=utf8", $username, $password);

    // set the PDO error mode to exception
    $mtcode = uniqid();
    //differing fileds
    $_Fields_ = [
        //'participantID',//, this only needs to be set the first time, then it should be commented out, need to set a function to do this automatically
        'worker_id',  // Mechanical Turk worker ID
        'mt_code', //code to send back to MT site to show they finished

    $table_Row =[];
    //$table_Row['participantID'] =1;
    $WID = $_POST['workerid'];
    $table_Row['worker_id'] = $conn->quote($WID);
    $table_Row['mt_code'] = $conn->quote($mtcode);
    $table_Row['set_Number'] =  $_POST['setNumber']; //which set of the test data this is taken from

    // mysql array into row
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (substr($key,0,4) === 'item') {
            $table_Row[$key] = $value;

    $columns = implode(", ",array_values($_Fields_));
    // $escaped_values = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
    $values  = implode(", ", array_values($table_Row));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `Synth` ($columns) VALUES ($values)";

    // use exec() because no results are returned
    echo "<br> Your completion code is: " . $mtcode . "<br> Please enter this code into the Mechanical Turk window";
catch(PDOException $e)
    echo $sql . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();


$conn = null;

define('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DATABASE_NAME', 'db');
define('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'User');
define('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('BASE_URL', 'some_URL');
define('KEY', 'key_goes_here'); //40 digit code

<!--this is the html to go into the MTurk project, press source and past-->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<section class="container" id="SurveyLink" style="margin-bottom:15px; padding: 10px 10px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; color:#333333; font-size:0.9em;">
<div class="row col-xs-12 col-md-12"><!-- Instructions -->
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading"><strong>Instructions</strong></div>

<div class="panel-body">
<p>The purpose of this research study is to determine ability to perceive ironic intent from tweets. The results of this study may help to increase the general knowledge of human perceptions of sarcasm. Select the link below to complete the survey. At the end of the survey, you will receive a code to past into the box below to receive credit for taking our survey.</p>

<p><strong>Make sure to leave this window open as you complete the survey. </strong>When you are finished, you will return to this page to paste the code into the box.</p>
<!-- End Instruction -->
<p><i>This is just for test purposes, click link to continue</i></p>
			<tr><h3><a ui-sref='consent'>Testing Survey Link:</a></h3></tr>
			<div id="myelementLink" style="display: inline; font-family: Verdana;"><tt>URL not shown because there is an error with Javascript on your computer. To perform this HIT, you must have Javascript and cookies enabled on your browser.</tt></div>
			<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--
		//Adapted from
		var assignment_id_field = document.getElementById('myelementLink');
		var paramstr =;
		var parampairs = paramstr.split("&");
		var mturkworkerID = "";
		for (i in parampairs) {
		  var pair = parampairs[i].split("=");
		  if (pair[0] == "workerId")
			mturkworkerID = pair[1];
		if (mturkworkerID == "" ) {
		  assignment_id_field.innerHTML = '<tt>The link will appear here only if you accept this HIT.</tt>';
		} else {
		  assignment_id_field.innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href="${link}?workerId=' + mturkworkerID + '"><h1><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="font-family: Courier New;"><b>${text}</b></span></span></h1></a>';

		// --></script>

			<div class="link" id="linkDiv">&nbsp;</div>
			<td><strong>Provide the survey code here:</strong></td>
			<td style="vertical-align: middle;"><input class="form-control" id="surveycode" name="surveycode" placeholder="e.g. 123456" type="text" /></td>
<!-- close container section -->
<style type="text/css">td { font-size:1.0em; padding:5px 5px; }

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="container-consent">
  <div id="consent">
    <h1 class='heading'>We need your consent to proceed</h1>
    <div class="legal well">
        You have been invited to take part in a research study title "Investigation of Speech for Pragmatic Purposes"
        <h2 align='center'>THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK</h2>
    <h3 align='center'><i>The Graduate Center</i></h3>
    <h3 align='center'>Linguistics</i></h3>
        <td><b>Title of Research Study:</b></td>
        <td>Investigation of Speech for Pragmatic Purposes</td>
        <td><b>Principal	Investigator:</b></td>
        <td>Michael Madden</td>
        <td>PhD student of linguistics</td>
    <p align='left'>You are invited to participate in a research study. The study is conducted under the direction of Michael Madden, Graduate Student, and Hunter College @ CUNY. The purpose of this research study is to determine ability to perceive sarcasm from out-of-context
      examples.  The results of this study may help to increase the general knowledge of human perceptions of sarcasm. </br>

      You are being asked to participate in this research study because you are a monolingual English speaker of normal hearing and perception. If you agree to participate, we will ask you to take an online survey.  The time commitment of each participant is
      expected to be approximately 20 minutes.  Sessions will take place online, on a one-time basis. Your answers will be part of an open scientific database.  Your participation in this study may involve minor frustration, annoyance, tedium, and stress.
      No personally identifiable information will be recorded, only your answers will be recorded. Your participation in this research is voluntary. </br>

      If you have any questions, you can contact Michael Madden at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or if you would like to talk to someone other than the researchers, you can contact CUNY Research
      Compliance Administrator, Arita Winter, at 646-664-8919 or</br>

      By completing this survey, you are giving your consent to participate. </p>

    <button type="button" class=" print btn" onClick="window.print();">
      Print a copy of this

  <hr />
  <h4>Do you understand and consent to these terms?</h4>
  <br />

  <a class='link_btn' ui-sref='instructions'>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn_color">I agree</button>

  <button type="button" class="btn oth_btn btn_color" onclick="window.close()">No thanks, I do not want to do this HIT</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class='heading'>
<h4 >
<u>Sarcasm</u>: conveying harsh or bitter derision or contempt 
      <br><br> <u>Jocular</u>: characterized by joking; humorous or playful
      <br><br> <u>Hyperbole</u>: exaggerated or overstated
      <br><br> <u>Understatement</u>: expressed in a weak or restrained way 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<fieldset class='code' id='field'>
  <h2>Thank you for taking our research study.<br><br>Your completion code is&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>{{code}}</b><br><br> Please enter this code into the Mechanical Turk window to complete your HIT</h2>

for testing purposes
<button ng-click='finish()'>button creating code</button>
<p>Sarc_Joc set: </p>
<br />
<p>Hype_Undr set: </p>