<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.scrolling-tabs.css">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="st-demo.css">


    <div class="st-demo-header">jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs Demo</div>

    <!-- Nav tabs -->
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
      <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#tab1" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 1</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab2" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 2</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab3" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 3</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab4" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 4</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab5" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 5</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab6" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 6</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab7" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 7</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab8" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 8</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab9" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 9</a></li>
      <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab10" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 10</a></li>

    <!-- Tab panes -->
    <div class="tab-content">
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">Tab 1 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab2">Tab 2 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab3">Tab 3 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab4">Tab 4 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab5">Tab 5 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab6">Tab 6 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab7">Tab 7 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab8">Tab 8 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab9">Tab 9 content...</div>
      <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab10">Tab 10 content...</div>

    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    <script src="jquery.scrolling-tabs.js"></script>

    <script src="st-demo.js"></script>

 * jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs
 * @version v2.2.1
 * @link https://github.com/mikejacobson/jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs
 * @author Mike Jacobson <michaeljjacobson1@gmail.com>
 * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
.scrtabs-tab-container * {
  box-sizing: border-box; }

.scrtabs-tab-container {
  height: 42px; }
  .scrtabs-tab-container .tab-content {
    clear: left; }

.scrtabs-tab-container.scrtabs-bootstrap4 .scrtabs-tabs-movable-container > .navbar-nav {
  -ms-flex-direction: row;
  flex-direction: row; }

.scrtabs-tabs-fixed-container {
  float: left;
  height: 42px;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100%; }

.scrtabs-tabs-movable-container {
  position: relative; }
  .scrtabs-tabs-movable-container .tab-content {
    display: none; }

.scrtabs-tab-container.scrtabs-rtl .scrtabs-tabs-movable-container > ul.nav-tabs {
  padding-right: 0; }

.scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow {
  border: 1px solid #dddddd;
  border-top: none;
  color: #428bca;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: none;
  float: left;
  font-size: 12px;
  height: 42px;
  margin-bottom: -1px;
  padding-left: 2px;
  padding-top: 13px;
  width: 20px; }
  .scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow:hover {
    background-color: #eeeeee; }

.scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow.scrtabs-disable {
  color: #ddd;
  cursor: default; }

.scrtabs-tabs-fixed-container ul.nav-tabs > li {
  white-space: nowrap; }
 * jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs
 * @version v2.2.1
 * @link https://github.com/mikejacobson/jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs
 * @author Mike Jacobson <michaeljjacobson1@gmail.com>
 * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 * jQuery plugin version of Angular directive angular-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs:
 * https://github.com/mikejacobson/angular-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs
 * Usage:
 *    Use case #1: HTML-defined tabs
 *    ------------------------------
 *    Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/thyD0grCxIjyU4PoTt4x?p=preview
 *      Sample HTML:
 *           <!-- Nav tabs -->
 *           <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
 *             <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#tab1" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 1</a></li>
 *             <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab2" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 2</a></li>
 *             <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab3" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 3</a></li>
 *             <li role="presentation"><a href="#tab4" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Tab Number 4</a></li>
 *           </ul>
 *           <!-- Tab panes -->
 *           <div class="tab-content">
 *             <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">Tab 1 content...</div>
 *             <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab2">Tab 2 content...</div>
 *             <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab3">Tab 3 content...</div>
 *             <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="tab4">Tab 4 content...</div>
 *           </div>
 *      JavaScript:
 *            $('.nav-tabs').scrollingTabs();
 *    Use Case #2: Data-driven tabs
 *    -----------------------------
 *    Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/MWBjLnTvJeetjU3NEimg?p=preview
 *      Sample HTML:
 *          <!-- build .nav-tabs and .tab-content in here -->
 *          <div id="tabs-inside-here"></div>
 *      JavaScript:
 *             $('#tabs-inside-here').scrollingTabs({
 *               tabs: tabs, // required
 *               propPaneId: 'paneId', // optional
 *               propTitle: 'title', // optional
 *               propActive: 'active', // optional
 *               propDisabled: 'disabled', // optional
 *               propContent: 'content', // optional
 *               ignoreTabPanes: false, // optional
 *               scrollToTabEdge: false, // optional
 *               disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled: false, // optional
 *               reverseScroll: false // optional
 *             });
 *      Settings/Options:
 *        tabs:             tabs data array
 *        prop*:            name of your tab object's property name that
 *                          corresponds to that required tab property if
 *                          your property name is different than the
 *                          standard name (paneId, title, etc.)
 *        ignoreTabPanes:   relevant for data-driven tabs only--set to true if
 *                          you want the plugin to only touch the tabs
 *                          and to not generate the tab pane elements
 *                          that go in .tab-content. By default, the plugin
 *                          will generate the tab panes based on the content
 *                          property in your tab data, if a content property
 *                          is present.
 *        scrollToTabEdge:  set to true if you want to force full-width tabs
 *                          to display at the left scroll arrow. i.e., if the
 *                          scrolling stops with only half a tab showing,
 *                          it will snap the tab to its edge so the full tab
 *                          shows.
 *        disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled:
 *                          set to true if you want the left scroll arrow to
 *                          disable when the tabs are scrolled fully left,
 *                          and the right scroll arrow to disable when the tabs
 *                          are scrolled fully right.
 *        reverseScroll:
 *                          set to true if you want the left scroll arrow to
 *                          slide the tabs left instead of right, and the right
 *                          scroll arrow to slide the tabs right.
 *        enableSwiping:
 *                          set to true if you want to enable horizontal swiping
 *                          for touch screens.
 *        widthMultiplier:
 *                          set to a value less than 1 if you want the tabs
 *                          container to be less than the full width of its
 *                          parent element. For example, set it to 0.5 if you
 *                          want the tabs container to be half the width of
 *                          its parent.
 *        tabClickHandler:
 *                          a callback function to execute any time a tab is clicked.
 *                          The function is simply passed as the event handler
 *                          to jQuery's .on(), so the function will receive
 *                          the jQuery event as an argument, and the 'this'
 *                          inside the function will be the clicked tab's anchor
 *                          element.
 *        cssClassLeftArrow, cssClassRightArrow:
 *                          custom values for the class attributes for the
 *                          left and right scroll arrows. The defaults are
 *                          'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left' and
 *                          'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'.
 *                          Using different icons might require you to add
 *                          custom styling to the arrows to position the icons
 *                          correctly; the arrows can be targeted with these
 *                          selectors:
 *                          .scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow
 *                          .scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow-left
 *                          .scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow-right
 *        leftArrowContent, rightArrowContent:
 *                          custom HTML string for the left and right scroll
 *                          arrows. This will override any custom cssClassLeftArrow
 *                          and cssClassRightArrow settings.
 *                          For example, if you wanted to use svg icons, you
 *                          could set them like so:
 *                           leftArrowContent: [
 *                               '<div class="custom-arrow">',
 *                               '  <svg class="icon icon-point-left">',
 *                               '    <use xlink:href="#icon-point-left"></use>',
 *                               '  </svg>',
 *                               '</div>'
 *                             ].join(''),
 *                             rightArrowContent: [
 *                               '<div class="custom-arrow">',
 *                               '  <svg class="icon icon-point-right">',
 *                               '    <use xlink:href="#icon-point-right"></use>',
 *                               '  </svg>',
 *                               '</div>'
 *                             ].join('')
 *                          You would then need to add some CSS to make them
 *                          work correctly if you don't give them the
 *                          default scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow classes.
 *                          This plunk shows it working with svg icons:
 *                          http://plnkr.co/edit/2MdZCAnLyeU40shxaol3?p=preview
 *        enableRtlSupport:
 *                          set to true if you want your site to support
 *                          right-to-left languages. If true, the plugin will
 *                          check the page's <html> tag for attribute dir="rtl"
 *                          and will adjust its behavior accordingly.
 *        bootstrapVersion:
 *                          set to 4 if you're using Boostrap 4. Default is 3.
 *                          Bootstrap 4 handles some things differently than 3
 *                          (e.g., the 'active' class gets applied to the tab's
 *                          'li > a' element rather than the 'li' itself).
 *      On tabs data change:
 *            $('#tabs-inside-here').scrollingTabs('refresh');
 *      On tabs data change, if you want the active tab to be set based on
 *      the updated tabs data (i.e., you want to override the current
 *      active tab setting selected by the user), for example, if you
 *      added a new tab and you want it to be the active tab:
 *             $('#tabs-inside-here').scrollingTabs('refresh', {
 *               forceActiveTab: true
 *             });
 *      Any options that can be passed into the plugin can be set on the
 *      plugin's 'defaults' object instead so you don't have to pass them in:
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.tabs = tabs;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.forceActiveTab = true;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.scrollToTabEdge = true;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled = true;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.reverseScroll = true;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.widthMultiplier = 0.5;
 *             $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults.tabClickHandler = function () { };
 *    Methods
 *    -----------------------------
 *    - refresh
 *    On window resize, the tabs should refresh themselves, but to force a refresh:
 *      $('.nav-tabs').scrollingTabs('refresh');
 *    - scrollToActiveTab
 *    On window resize, the active tab will automatically be scrolled to
 *    if it ends up offscreen, but you can also programmatically force a
 *    scroll to the active tab any time (if, for example, you're
 *    programmatically setting the active tab) by calling the
 *    'scrollToActiveTab' method:
 *    $('.nav-tabs').scrollingTabs('scrollToActiveTab');
 *    Events
 *    -----------------------------
 *    The plugin triggers event 'ready.scrtabs' when the tabs have
 *    been wrapped in the scroller and are ready for viewing:
 *      $('.nav-tabs')
 *        .scrollingTabs()
 *        .on('ready.scrtabs', function() {
 *          // tabs ready, do my other stuff...
 *        });
 *      $('#tabs-inside-here')
 *        .scrollingTabs({ tabs: tabs })
 *        .on('ready.scrtabs', function() {
 *          // tabs ready, do my other stuff...
 *        });
 *    Destroying
 *    -----------------------------
 *    To destroy:
 *      $('.nav-tabs').scrollingTabs('destroy');
 *      $('#tabs-inside-here').scrollingTabs('destroy');
 *    If you were wrapping markup, the markup will be restored; if your tabs
 *    were data-driven, the tabs will be destroyed along with the plugin.

;(function ($, window) {
  'use strict';
  /* jshint unused:false */

  /* exported CONSTANTS */
  var CONSTANTS = {
    CONTINUOUS_SCROLLING_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL: 50, // timeout interval for repeatedly moving the tabs container
                                                // by one increment while the mouse is held down--decrease to
                                                // make mousedown continous scrolling faster
    SCROLL_OFFSET_FRACTION: 6, // each click moves the container this fraction of the fixed container--decrease
                               // to make the tabs scroll farther per click
    DATA_KEY_DDMENU_MODIFIED: 'scrtabsddmenumodified',
    DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN: 'scrtabsismousedown',
      BOOTSTRAP4: 'scrtabs-bootstrap4',
      RTL: 'scrtabs-rtl',
      SCROLL_ARROW_DISABLE: 'scrtabs-disable'
      LEFT: 1,
      RIGHT: 2
    EVENTS: {
      CLICK: 'click.scrtabs',
      DROPDOWN_MENU_HIDE: 'hide.bs.dropdown.scrtabs',
      DROPDOWN_MENU_SHOW: 'show.bs.dropdown.scrtabs',
      FORCE_REFRESH: 'forcerefresh.scrtabs',
      MOUSEDOWN: 'mousedown.scrtabs',
      MOUSEUP: 'mouseup.scrtabs',
      TABS_READY: 'ready.scrtabs',
      TOUCH_END: 'touchend.scrtabs',
      TOUCH_MOVE: 'touchmove.scrtabs',
      TOUCH_START: 'touchstart.scrtabs',
      WINDOW_RESIZE: 'resize.scrtabs'
  // smartresize from Paul Irish (debounced window resize)
  (function (sr) {
    var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) {
      var timeout;
      return function debounced() {
        var obj = this, args = arguments;
        function delayed() {
          if (!execAsap) {
            func.apply(obj, args);
          timeout = null;
        if (timeout) {
        } else if (execAsap) {
          func.apply(obj, args);
        timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
    $.fn[sr] = function (fn, customEventName) {
      var eventName = customEventName || CONSTANTS.EVENTS.WINDOW_RESIZE;
      return fn ? this.bind(eventName, debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr);
  /* ***********************************************************************************
   * ElementsHandler - Class that each instance of ScrollingTabsControl will instantiate
   * **********************************************************************************/
  function ElementsHandler(scrollingTabsControl) {
    var ehd = this;
    ehd.stc = scrollingTabsControl;
  // ElementsHandler prototype methods
  (function (p) {
      p.initElements = function (options) {
        var ehd = this;
      p.listenForTouchEvents = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            smv = stc.scrollMovement,
            ev = CONSTANTS.EVENTS;
        var touching = false;
        var touchStartX;
        var startingContainerLeftPos;
        var newLeftPos;
          .on(ev.TOUCH_START, function (e) {
            touching = true;
            startingContainerLeftPos = stc.movableContainerLeftPos;
            touchStartX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
          .on(ev.TOUCH_END, function () {
            touching = false;
          .on(ev.TOUCH_MOVE, function (e) {
            if (!touching) {
            var touchPageX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
            var diff = touchPageX - touchStartX;
            if (stc.rtl) {
              diff = -diff;
            var minPos;
            newLeftPos = startingContainerLeftPos + diff;
            if (newLeftPos > 0) {
              newLeftPos = 0;
            } else {
              minPos = smv.getMinPos();
              if (newLeftPos < minPos) {
                newLeftPos = minPos;
            stc.movableContainerLeftPos = newLeftPos;
            var leftOrRight = stc.rtl ? 'right' : 'left';
            stc.$movableContainer.css(leftOrRight, smv.getMovableContainerCssLeftVal());
      p.refreshAllElementSizes = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            smv = stc.scrollMovement,
            scrollArrowsWereVisible = stc.scrollArrowsVisible,
            actionsTaken = {
              didScrollToActiveTab: false
            isPerformingSlideAnim = false,
        // this could have been a window resize or the removal of a
        // dynamic tab, so make sure the movable container is positioned
        // correctly because, if it is far to the left and we increased the
        // window width, it's possible that the tabs will be too far left,
        // beyond the min pos.
        if (stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
          // make sure container not too far left
          minPos = smv.getMinPos();
          isPerformingSlideAnim = smv.scrollToActiveTab({
            isOnWindowResize: true
          if (!isPerformingSlideAnim) {
            if (stc.rtl) {
              if (stc.movableContainerRightPos < minPos) {
            } else {
              if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos < minPos) {
          actionsTaken.didScrollToActiveTab = true;
        } else if (scrollArrowsWereVisible) {
          // scroll arrows went away after resize, so position movable container at 0
          stc.movableContainerLeftPos = 0;
        return actionsTaken;
      p.setElementReferences = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            $tabsContainer = stc.$tabsContainer,
        stc.isNavPills = false;
        if (stc.rtl) {
        if (stc.usingBootstrap4) {
        stc.$fixedContainer = $tabsContainer.find('.scrtabs-tabs-fixed-container');
        $leftArrow = stc.$fixedContainer.prev();
        $rightArrow = stc.$fixedContainer.next();
        stc.$movableContainer = $tabsContainer.find('.scrtabs-tabs-movable-container');
        stc.$tabsUl = $tabsContainer.find('.nav-tabs');
        // check for pills
        if (!stc.$tabsUl.length) {
          stc.$tabsUl = $tabsContainer.find('.nav-pills');
          if (stc.$tabsUl.length) {
            stc.isNavPills = true;
        stc.$tabsLiCollection = stc.$tabsUl.find('> li');
        stc.$slideLeftArrow = stc.reverseScroll ? $leftArrow : $rightArrow;
        stc.$slideRightArrow = stc.reverseScroll ? $rightArrow : $leftArrow;
        stc.$scrollArrows = stc.$slideLeftArrow.add(stc.$slideRightArrow);
        stc.$win = $(window);
      p.setElementWidths = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc;
        stc.winWidth = stc.$win.width();
        stc.scrollArrowsCombinedWidth = stc.$slideLeftArrow.outerWidth() + stc.$slideRightArrow.outerWidth();
      p.setEventListeners = function (settings) {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            evh = stc.eventHandlers,
            ev = CONSTANTS.EVENTS,
            resizeEventName = ev.WINDOW_RESIZE + stc.instanceId;
        if (settings.enableSwiping) {
          .on(ev.MOUSEDOWN, function (e) { evh.handleMousedownOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow.call(evh, e); })
          .on(ev.MOUSEUP, function (e) { evh.handleMouseupOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow.call(evh, e); })
          .on(ev.CLICK, function (e) { evh.handleClickOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow.call(evh, e); });
          .on(ev.MOUSEDOWN, function (e) { evh.handleMousedownOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow.call(evh, e); })
          .on(ev.MOUSEUP, function (e) { evh.handleMouseupOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow.call(evh, e); })
          .on(ev.CLICK, function (e) { evh.handleClickOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow.call(evh, e); });
        if (stc.tabClickHandler) {
            .on(ev.CLICK, stc.tabClickHandler);
          .smartresizeScrtabs(function (e) { evh.handleWindowResize.call(evh, e); }, resizeEventName);
        $('body').on(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.FORCE_REFRESH, stc.elementsHandler.refreshAllElementSizes.bind(stc.elementsHandler));
      p.setFixedContainerWidth = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            tabsContainerRect = stc.$tabsContainer.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
         * @author poletaew
         * It solves problem with rounding by jQuery.outerWidth
         * If we have real width 100.5 px, jQuery.outerWidth returns us 101 px and we get layout's fail
        stc.fixedContainerWidth = tabsContainerRect.width || (tabsContainerRect.right - tabsContainerRect.left);
        stc.fixedContainerWidth = stc.fixedContainerWidth * stc.widthMultiplier;
      p.setFixedContainerWidthForHiddenScrollArrows = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc;
      p.setFixedContainerWidthForVisibleScrollArrows = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc;
        stc.$fixedContainer.width(stc.fixedContainerWidth - stc.scrollArrowsCombinedWidth);
      p.setMovableContainerWidth = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            $tabLi = stc.$tabsUl.find('> li');
        stc.movableContainerWidth = 0;
        if ($tabLi.length) {
          $tabLi.each(function () {
            var $li = $(this),
                totalMargin = 0;
            if (stc.isNavPills) { // pills have a margin-left, tabs have no margin
              totalMargin = parseInt($li.css('margin-left'), 10) + parseInt($li.css('margin-right'), 10);
            stc.movableContainerWidth += ($li.outerWidth() + totalMargin);
          stc.movableContainerWidth += 1;
          // if the tabs don't span the width of the page, force the
          // movable container width to full page width so the bottom
          // border spans the page width instead of just spanning the
          // width of the tabs
          if (stc.movableContainerWidth < stc.fixedContainerWidth) {
            stc.movableContainerWidth = stc.fixedContainerWidth;
      p.setScrollArrowVisibility = function () {
        var ehd = this,
            stc = ehd.stc,
            shouldBeVisible = stc.movableContainerWidth > stc.fixedContainerWidth;
        if (shouldBeVisible && !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
          stc.scrollArrowsVisible = true;
        } else if (!shouldBeVisible && stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
          stc.scrollArrowsVisible = false;
        if (stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
        } else {
  /* ***********************************************************************************
   * EventHandlers - Class that each instance of ScrollingTabsControl will instantiate
   * **********************************************************************************/
  function EventHandlers(scrollingTabsControl) {
    var evh = this;
    evh.stc = scrollingTabsControl;
  // prototype methods
  (function (p){
    p.handleClickOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
    p.handleClickOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
    p.handleMousedownOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
      stc.$slideLeftArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN, true);
    p.handleMousedownOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
      stc.$slideRightArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN, true);
    p.handleMouseupOnSlideMovContainerLeftArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
      stc.$slideLeftArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN, false);
    p.handleMouseupOnSlideMovContainerRightArrow = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc;
      stc.$slideRightArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN, false);
    p.handleWindowResize = function () {
      var evh = this,
          stc = evh.stc,
          newWinWidth = stc.$win.width();
      if (newWinWidth === stc.winWidth) {
        return false;
      stc.winWidth = newWinWidth;
  /* ***********************************************************************************
   * ScrollMovement - Class that each instance of ScrollingTabsControl will instantiate
   * **********************************************************************************/
  function ScrollMovement(scrollingTabsControl) {
    var smv = this;
    smv.stc = scrollingTabsControl;
  // prototype methods
  (function (p) {
    p.continueSlideMovableContainerLeft = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      setTimeout(function() {
        if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos <= smv.getMinPos()  ||
            !stc.$slideLeftArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN)) {
        if (!smv.incrementMovableContainerLeft()) { // haven't reached max left
    p.continueSlideMovableContainerRight = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      setTimeout(function() {
        if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos >= 0  ||
            !stc.$slideRightArrow.data(CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_IS_MOUSEDOWN)) {
        if (!smv.incrementMovableContainerRight()) { // haven't reached max right
    p.decrementMovableContainerLeftPos = function (minPos) {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      stc.movableContainerLeftPos -= (stc.fixedContainerWidth / CONSTANTS.SCROLL_OFFSET_FRACTION);
      if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos < minPos) {
        stc.movableContainerLeftPos = minPos;
      } else if (stc.scrollToTabEdge) {
        if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos < minPos) {
          stc.movableContainerLeftPos = minPos;
    p.disableSlideLeftArrow = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      if (!stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled || !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
    p.disableSlideRightArrow = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      if (!stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled || !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
    p.enableSlideLeftArrow = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      if (!stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled || !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
    p.enableSlideRightArrow = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      if (!stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled || !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
    p.getMinPos = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      return stc.scrollArrowsVisible ? (stc.fixedContainerWidth - stc.movableContainerWidth - stc.scrollArrowsCombinedWidth) : 0;
    p.getMovableContainerCssLeftVal = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      return (stc.movableContainerLeftPos === 0) ? '0' : stc.movableContainerLeftPos + 'px';
    p.incrementMovableContainerLeft = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc,
          minPos = smv.getMinPos();
      // return true if we're fully left, false otherwise
      return (stc.movableContainerLeftPos === minPos);
    p.incrementMovableContainerRight = function (minPos) {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      // if minPos passed in, the movable container was beyond the minPos
      if (minPos) {
        stc.movableContainerLeftPos = minPos;
      } else {
        stc.movableContainerLeftPos += (stc.fixedContainerWidth / CONSTANTS.SCROLL_OFFSET_FRACTION);
        if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos > 0) {
          stc.movableContainerLeftPos = 0;
        } else if (stc.scrollToTabEdge) {
      // return true if we're fully right, false otherwise
      // left pos of 0 is the movable container's max position (farthest right)
      return (stc.movableContainerLeftPos === 0);
    p.refreshScrollArrowsDisabledState = function() {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc;
      if (!stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled || !stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
      if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos >= 0) { // movable container fully right
      if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos <= smv.getMinPos()) { // fully left
    p.scrollToActiveTab = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc,
          RIGHT_OFFSET_BUFFER = 20,
      if (!stc.scrollArrowsVisible) {
      if (stc.usingBootstrap4) {
        $activeTabAnchor = stc.$tabsUl.find('li > .nav-link.active');
        if ($activeTabAnchor.length) {
          $activeTab = $activeTabAnchor.parent();
      } else {
        $activeTab = stc.$tabsUl.find('li.active');
      if (!$activeTab || !$activeTab.length) {
       * @author poletaew
       * We need relative offset (depends on $fixedContainer), don't absolute
      activeTabLeftPos = $activeTab.offset().left - stc.$fixedContainer.offset().left;
      activeTabRightPos = activeTabLeftPos + $activeTab.outerWidth();
      rightArrowLeftPos = stc.fixedContainerWidth - RIGHT_OFFSET_BUFFER;
      if (stc.rtl) {
        leftScrollArrowWidth = stc.$slideLeftArrow.outerWidth();
        if (activeTabLeftPos < 0) { // active tab off left side
          stc.movableContainerLeftPos += activeTabLeftPos;
          return true;
        } else { // active tab off right side
          rightScrollArrowWidth = stc.$slideRightArrow.outerWidth();
          if (activeTabRightPos > rightArrowLeftPos) {
            stc.movableContainerLeftPos += (activeTabRightPos - rightArrowLeftPos) + rightScrollArrowWidth + RIGHT_OFFSET_BUFFER;
            return true;
      } else {
        if (activeTabRightPos > rightArrowLeftPos) { // active tab off right side
          rightScrollArrowWidth = stc.$slideRightArrow.outerWidth();
          stc.movableContainerLeftPos -= (activeTabRightPos - rightArrowLeftPos + rightScrollArrowWidth);
          return true;
        } else {
          leftScrollArrowWidth = stc.$slideLeftArrow.outerWidth();
          if (activeTabLeftPos < leftScrollArrowWidth) { // active tab off left side
            stc.movableContainerLeftPos += leftScrollArrowWidth - activeTabLeftPos;
            return true;
      return false;
    p.setMovableContainerLeftPosToTabEdge = function (slideDirection) {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc,
          offscreenWidth = -stc.movableContainerLeftPos,
          totalTabWidth = 0;
        // make sure LeftPos is set so that a tab edge will be against the
        // left scroll arrow so we won't have a partial, cut-off tab
        stc.$tabsLiCollection.each(function () {
          var tabWidth = $(this).width();
          totalTabWidth += tabWidth;
          if (totalTabWidth > offscreenWidth) {
            stc.movableContainerLeftPos = (slideDirection === CONSTANTS.SLIDE_DIRECTION.RIGHT) ? -(totalTabWidth - tabWidth) : -totalTabWidth;
            return false; // exit .each() loop
    p.slideMovableContainerToLeftPos = function () {
      var smv = this,
          stc = smv.stc,
          minPos = smv.getMinPos(),
      if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos > 0) {
        stc.movableContainerLeftPos = 0;
      } else if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos < minPos) {
        stc.movableContainerLeftPos = minPos;
      stc.movableContainerLeftPos = stc.movableContainerLeftPos / 1;
      leftOrRightVal = smv.getMovableContainerCssLeftVal();
      smv.performingSlideAnim = true;
      var targetPos = stc.rtl ? { right: leftOrRightVal } : { left: leftOrRightVal };
      stc.$movableContainer.stop().animate(targetPos, 'slow', function __slideAnimComplete() {
        var newMinPos = smv.getMinPos();
        smv.performingSlideAnim = false;
        // if we slid past the min pos--which can happen if you resize the window
        // quickly--move back into position
        if (stc.movableContainerLeftPos < newMinPos) {
          targetPos = stc.rtl ? { right: smv.getMovableContainerCssLeftVal() } : { left: smv.getMovableContainerCssLeftVal() };
          stc.$movableContainer.stop().animate(targetPos, 'fast', function() {
        } else {
  /* **********************************************************************
   * ScrollingTabsControl - Class that each directive will instantiate
   * **********************************************************************/
  function ScrollingTabsControl($tabsContainer) {
    var stc = this;
    stc.$tabsContainer = $tabsContainer;
    stc.instanceId = $.fn.scrollingTabs.nextInstanceId++;
    stc.movableContainerLeftPos = 0;
    stc.scrollArrowsVisible = false;
    stc.scrollToTabEdge = false;
    stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled = false;
    stc.reverseScroll = false;
    stc.widthMultiplier = 1;
    stc.scrollMovement = new ScrollMovement(stc);
    stc.eventHandlers = new EventHandlers(stc);
    stc.elementsHandler = new ElementsHandler(stc);
  // prototype methods
  (function (p) {
    p.initTabs = function (options, $scroller, readyCallback, attachTabContentToDomCallback) {
      var stc = this,
          elementsHandler = stc.elementsHandler,
      if (options.enableRtlSupport && $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl') {
        stc.rtl = true;
      if (options.scrollToTabEdge) {
        stc.scrollToTabEdge = true;
      if (options.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled) {
        stc.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled = true;
      if (options.reverseScroll) {
        stc.reverseScroll = true;
      if (options.widthMultiplier !== 1) {
        num = Number(options.widthMultiplier); // handle string value
        if (!isNaN(num)) {
          stc.widthMultiplier = num;
      if (options.bootstrapVersion.toString().charAt(0) === '4') {
        stc.usingBootstrap4 = true;
      setTimeout(initTabsAfterTimeout, 100);
      function initTabsAfterTimeout() {
        var actionsTaken;
        // if we're just wrapping non-data-driven tabs, the user might
        // have the .nav-tabs hidden to prevent the clunky flash of
        // multi-line tabs on page refresh, so we need to make sure
        // they're visible before trying to wrap them
        actionsTaken = elementsHandler.refreshAllElementSizes();
        $scroller.css('visibility', 'visible');
        if (attachTabContentToDomCallback) {
        if (readyCallback) {
    p.scrollToActiveTab = function(options) {
      var stc = this,
          smv = stc.scrollMovement;

  /* exported buildNavTabsAndTabContentForTargetElementInstance */
  var tabElements = (function () {
    return {
      getElTabPaneForLi: getElTabPaneForLi,
      getNewElNavTabs: getNewElNavTabs,
      getNewElScrollerElementWrappingNavTabsInstance: getNewElScrollerElementWrappingNavTabsInstance,
      getNewElTabAnchor: getNewElTabAnchor,
      getNewElTabContent: getNewElTabContent,
      getNewElTabLi: getNewElTabLi,
      getNewElTabPane: getNewElTabPane
    // ---- retrieve existing elements from the DOM ----------
    function getElTabPaneForLi($li) {
      return $($li.find('a').attr('href'));
    // ---- create new elements ----------
    function getNewElNavTabs() {
      return $('<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"></ul>');
    function getNewElScrollerElementWrappingNavTabsInstance($navTabsInstance, settings) {
      var $tabsContainer = $('<div class="scrtabs-tab-container"></div>'),
          leftArrowContent = settings.leftArrowContent || '<div class="scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow-left"><span class="' + settings.cssClassLeftArrow + '"></span></div>',
          $leftArrow = $(leftArrowContent),
          rightArrowContent = settings.rightArrowContent || '<div class="scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow scrtabs-tab-scroll-arrow-right"><span class="' + settings.cssClassRightArrow + '"></span></div>',
          $rightArrow = $(rightArrowContent),
          $fixedContainer = $('<div class="scrtabs-tabs-fixed-container"></div>'),
          $movableContainer = $('<div class="scrtabs-tabs-movable-container"></div>');
      if (settings.disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled) {
      return $tabsContainer
    function getNewElTabAnchor(tab, propNames) {
      return $('<a role="tab" data-toggle="tab"></a>')
              .attr('href', '#' + tab[propNames.paneId])
    function getNewElTabContent() {
      return $('<div class="tab-content"></div>');
    function getNewElTabLi(tab, propNames, forceActiveTab) {
      var $li = $('<li role="presentation" class=""></li>'),
          $a = getNewElTabAnchor(tab, propNames).appendTo($li);
      if (tab[propNames.disabled]) {
        $a.attr('data-toggle', '');
      } else if (forceActiveTab && tab[propNames.active]) {
      return $li;
    function getNewElTabPane(tab, propNames, forceActiveTab) {
      var $pane = $('<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane"></div>')
                  .attr('id', tab[propNames.paneId])
      if (forceActiveTab && tab[propNames.active]) {
      return $pane;
  }()); // tabElements
  var tabUtils = (function () {
    return {
      didTabOrderChange: didTabOrderChange,
      getIndexOfClosestEnabledTab: getIndexOfClosestEnabledTab,
      getTabIndexByPaneId: getTabIndexByPaneId,
      storeDataOnLiEl: storeDataOnLiEl
    function didTabOrderChange($currTabLis, updatedTabs, propNames) {
      var isTabOrderChanged = false;
      $currTabLis.each(function (currDomIdx) {
        var newIdx = getTabIndexByPaneId(updatedTabs, propNames.paneId, $(this).data('tab')[propNames.paneId]);
        if ((newIdx > -1) && (newIdx !== currDomIdx)) { // tab moved
          isTabOrderChanged = true;
          return false; // exit .each() loop
      return isTabOrderChanged;
    function getIndexOfClosestEnabledTab($currTabLis, startIndex) {
      var lastIndex = $currTabLis.length - 1,
          closestIdx = -1,
          incrementFromStartIndex = 0,
          testIdx = 0;
      // expand out from the current tab looking for an enabled tab;
      // we prefer the tab after us over the tab before
      while ((closestIdx === -1) && (testIdx >= 0)) {
        if ( (((testIdx = startIndex + (++incrementFromStartIndex)) <= lastIndex) &&
              !$currTabLis.eq(testIdx).hasClass('disabled')) ||
              (((testIdx = startIndex - incrementFromStartIndex) >= 0) &&
               !$currTabLis.eq(testIdx).hasClass('disabled')) ) {
          closestIdx = testIdx;
      return closestIdx;
    function getTabIndexByPaneId(tabs, paneIdPropName, paneId) {
      var idx = -1;
      tabs.some(function (tab, i) {
        if (tab[paneIdPropName] === paneId) {
          idx = i;
          return true; // exit loop
      return idx;
    function storeDataOnLiEl($li, tabs, index) {
        tab: $.extend({}, tabs[index]), // store a clone so we can check for changes
        index: index
  }()); // tabUtils
  function buildNavTabsAndTabContentForTargetElementInstance($targetElInstance, settings, readyCallback) {
    var tabs = settings.tabs,
        propNames = {
          paneId: settings.propPaneId,
          title: settings.propTitle,
          active: settings.propActive,
          disabled: settings.propDisabled,
          content: settings.propContent
        ignoreTabPanes = settings.ignoreTabPanes,
        hasTabContent = tabs.length && tabs[0][propNames.content] !== undefined,
        $navTabs = tabElements.getNewElNavTabs(),
        $tabContent = tabElements.getNewElTabContent(),
        attachTabContentToDomCallback = ignoreTabPanes ? null : function() {
    if (!tabs.length) {
    tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
        .getNewElTabLi(tab, propNames, true) // true -> forceActiveTab
      // build the tab panes if we weren't told to ignore them and there's
      // tab content data available
      if (!ignoreTabPanes && hasTabContent) {
          .getNewElTabPane(tab, propNames, true) // true -> forceActiveTab
    $scroller = wrapNavTabsInstanceInScroller($navTabs,
      scrtabs: {
        tabs: tabs,
        propNames: propNames,
        ignoreTabPanes: ignoreTabPanes,
        hasTabContent: hasTabContent,
        scroller: $scroller
    // once the nav-tabs are wrapped in the scroller, attach each tab's
    // data to it for reference later; we need to wait till they're
    // wrapped in the scroller because we wrap a *clone* of the nav-tabs
    // we built above, not the original nav-tabs
    $scroller.find('.nav-tabs > li').each(function (index) {
      tabUtils.storeDataOnLiEl($(this), tabs, index);
    return $targetElInstance;
  function wrapNavTabsInstanceInScroller($navTabsInstance, settings, readyCallback, attachTabContentToDomCallback) {
    var $scroller = tabElements.getNewElScrollerElementWrappingNavTabsInstance($navTabsInstance.clone(true), settings), // use clone because we replaceWith later
        scrollingTabsControl = new ScrollingTabsControl($scroller),
        navTabsInstanceData = $navTabsInstance.data('scrtabs');
    if (!navTabsInstanceData) {
      $navTabsInstance.data('scrtabs', {
        scroller: $scroller
    } else {
      navTabsInstanceData.scroller = $scroller;
    $navTabsInstance.replaceWith($scroller.css('visibility', 'hidden'));
    if (settings.tabClickHandler && (typeof settings.tabClickHandler === 'function')) {
      $scroller.hasTabClickHandler = true;
      scrollingTabsControl.tabClickHandler = settings.tabClickHandler;
    $scroller.initTabs = function () {
    $scroller.scrollToActiveTab = function() {
    listenForDropdownMenuTabs($scroller, scrollingTabsControl);
    return $scroller;
  /* exported listenForDropdownMenuTabs,
              scrollToActiveTab */
  function checkForTabAdded(refreshData) {
    var updatedTabsArray = refreshData.updatedTabsArray,
        propNames = refreshData.propNames,
        ignoreTabPanes = refreshData.ignoreTabPanes,
        options = refreshData.options,
        $currTabLis = refreshData.$currTabLis,
        $navTabs = refreshData.$navTabs,
        $currTabContentPanesContainer = ignoreTabPanes ? null : refreshData.$currTabContentPanesContainer,
        $currTabContentPanes = ignoreTabPanes ? null : refreshData.$currTabContentPanes,
        isInitTabsRequired = false;
    // make sure each tab in the updated tabs array has a corresponding DOM element
    updatedTabsArray.forEach(function (tab, idx) {
      var $li = $currTabLis.find('a[href="#' + tab[propNames.paneId] + '"]'),
          isTabIdxPastCurrTabs = (idx >= $currTabLis.length),
      if (!$li.length) { // new tab
        isInitTabsRequired = true;
        // add the tab, add its pane (if necessary), and refresh the scroller
        $li = tabElements.getNewElTabLi(tab, propNames, options.forceActiveTab);
        tabUtils.storeDataOnLiEl($li, updatedTabsArray, idx);
        if (isTabIdxPastCurrTabs) { // append to end of current tabs
        } else {                        // insert in middle of current tabs
        if (!ignoreTabPanes && tab[propNames.content] !== undefined) {
          $pane = tabElements.getNewElTabPane(tab, propNames, options.forceActiveTab);
          if (isTabIdxPastCurrTabs) { // append to end of current tabs
          } else {                        // insert in middle of current tabs
    return isInitTabsRequired;
  function checkForTabPropertiesUpdated(refreshData) {
    var tabLiData = refreshData.tabLi,
        ignoreTabPanes = refreshData.ignoreTabPanes,
        $li = tabLiData.$li,
        $contentPane = tabLiData.$contentPane,
        origTabData = tabLiData.origTabData,
        newTabData = tabLiData.newTabData,
        propNames = refreshData.propNames,
        isInitTabsRequired = false;
    // update tab title if necessary
    if (origTabData[propNames.title] !== newTabData[propNames.title]) {
          .html(origTabData[propNames.title] = newTabData[propNames.title]);
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    // update tab disabled state if necessary
    if (origTabData[propNames.disabled] !== newTabData[propNames.disabled]) {
      if (newTabData[propNames.disabled]) { // enabled -> disabled
        $li.find('a[role="tab"]').attr('data-toggle', '');
      } else { // disabled -> enabled
        $li.find('a[role="tab"]').attr('data-toggle', 'tab');
      origTabData[propNames.disabled] = newTabData[propNames.disabled];
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    // update tab active state if necessary
    if (refreshData.options.forceActiveTab) {
      // set the active tab based on the tabs array regardless of the current
      // DOM state, which could have been changed by the user clicking a tab
      // without those changes being reflected back to the tab data
      $li[newTabData[propNames.active] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('active');
      $contentPane[newTabData[propNames.active] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('active');
      origTabData[propNames.active] = newTabData[propNames.active];
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    // update tab content pane if necessary
    if (!ignoreTabPanes && origTabData[propNames.content] !== newTabData[propNames.content]) {
      $contentPane.html(origTabData[propNames.content] = newTabData[propNames.content]);
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    return isInitTabsRequired;
  function checkForTabRemoved(refreshData) {
    var tabLiData = refreshData.tabLi,
        ignoreTabPanes = refreshData.ignoreTabPanes,
        $li = tabLiData.$li,
    if (tabLiData.newIdx !== -1) { // tab was not removed--it has a valid index
      return false;
    // if this was the active tab, make the closest enabled tab active
    if ($li.hasClass('active')) {
      idxToMakeActive = tabUtils.getIndexOfClosestEnabledTab(refreshData.$currTabLis, tabLiData.currDomIdx);
      if (idxToMakeActive > -1) {
        if (!ignoreTabPanes) {
    if (!ignoreTabPanes) {
    return true;
  function checkForTabsOrderChanged(refreshData) {
    var $currTabLis = refreshData.$currTabLis,
        updatedTabsArray = refreshData.updatedTabsArray,
        propNames = refreshData.propNames,
        ignoreTabPanes = refreshData.ignoreTabPanes,
        newTabsCollection = [],
        newTabPanesCollection = ignoreTabPanes ? null : [];
    if (!tabUtils.didTabOrderChange($currTabLis, updatedTabsArray, propNames)) {
      return false;
    // the tab order changed...
    updatedTabsArray.forEach(function (t) {
      var paneId = t[propNames.paneId];
            .find('a[role="tab"][href="#' + paneId + '"]')
      if (!ignoreTabPanes) {
        newTabPanesCollection.push($('#' + paneId));
    if (!ignoreTabPanes) {
    return true;
  function checkForTabsRemovedOrUpdated(refreshData) {
    var $currTabLis = refreshData.$currTabLis,
        updatedTabsArray = refreshData.updatedTabsArray,
        propNames = refreshData.propNames,
        isInitTabsRequired = false;
    $currTabLis.each(function (currDomIdx) {
      var $li = $(this),
          origTabData = $li.data('tab'),
          newIdx = tabUtils.getTabIndexByPaneId(updatedTabsArray, propNames.paneId, origTabData[propNames.paneId]),
          newTabData = (newIdx > -1) ? updatedTabsArray[newIdx] : null;
      refreshData.tabLi = {
        $li: $li,
        currDomIdx: currDomIdx,
        newIdx: newIdx,
        $contentPane: tabElements.getElTabPaneForLi($li),
        origTabData: origTabData,
        newTabData: newTabData
      if (checkForTabRemoved(refreshData)) {
        isInitTabsRequired = true;
        return; // continue to next $li in .each() since we removed this tab
      if (checkForTabPropertiesUpdated(refreshData)) {
        isInitTabsRequired = true;
    return isInitTabsRequired;
  function listenForDropdownMenuTabs($scroller, stc) {
    var $ddMenu;
    // for dropdown menus to show, we need to move them out of the
    // scroller and append them to the body
      .on(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.DROPDOWN_MENU_SHOW, handleDropdownShow)
      .on(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.DROPDOWN_MENU_HIDE, handleDropdownHide);
    function handleDropdownHide(e) {
      // move the dropdown menu back into its tab
    function handleDropdownShow(e) {
      var $ddParentTabLi = $(e.target),
          ddLiOffset = $ddParentTabLi.offset(),
          $currActiveTab = $scroller.find('li[role="presentation"].active'),
      $ddMenu = $ddParentTabLi
                  .attr('data-' + CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_DDMENU_MODIFIED, true);
      // if the dropdown's parent tab li isn't already active,
      // we need to deactivate any active menu item in the dropdown
      if ($currActiveTab[0] !== $ddParentTabLi[0]) {
      // we need to do our own click handling because the built-in
      // bootstrap handlers won't work since we moved the dropdown
      // menu outside the tabs container
      $ddMenu.on(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.CLICK, 'a[role="tab"]', handleClickOnDropdownMenuItem);
      // make sure the menu doesn't go off the right side of the page
      ddMenuRightX = $ddMenu.width() + ddLiOffset.left;
      tabsContainerMaxX = $scroller.width() - (stc.$slideRightArrow.outerWidth() + 1);
      ddMenuTargetLeft = ddLiOffset.left;
      if (ddMenuRightX > tabsContainerMaxX) {
        ddMenuTargetLeft -= (ddMenuRightX - tabsContainerMaxX);
        'display': 'block',
        'top': ddLiOffset.top + $ddParentTabLi.outerHeight() - 2,
        'left': ddMenuTargetLeft
      function handleClickOnDropdownMenuItem() {
        /* jshint validthis: true */
        var $selectedMenuItemAnc = $(this),
            $selectedMenuItemLi = $selectedMenuItemAnc.parent('li'),
            $selectedMenuItemDropdownMenu = $selectedMenuItemLi.parent('.dropdown-menu'),
            targetPaneId = $selectedMenuItemAnc.attr('href');
        if ($selectedMenuItemLi.hasClass('active')) {
        // once we select a menu item from the dropdown, deactivate
        // the current tab (unless it's our parent tab), deactivate
        // any active dropdown menu item, make our parent tab active
        // (if it's not already), and activate the selected menu item
        // manually deactivate current active pane and activate our pane
        $('.tab-content .tab-pane.active').removeClass('active');
  function refreshDataDrivenTabs($container, options) {
    var instanceData = $container.data().scrtabs,
        scroller = instanceData.scroller,
        $navTabs = $container.find('.scrtabs-tab-container .nav-tabs'),
        $currTabContentPanesContainer = $container.find('.tab-content'),
        isInitTabsRequired = false,
        refreshData = {
          options: options,
          updatedTabsArray: instanceData.tabs,
          propNames: instanceData.propNames,
          ignoreTabPanes: instanceData.ignoreTabPanes,
          $navTabs: $navTabs,
          $currTabLis: $navTabs.find('> li'),
          $currTabContentPanesContainer: $currTabContentPanesContainer,
          $currTabContentPanes: $currTabContentPanesContainer.find('.tab-pane')
    // to preserve the tab positions if we're just adding or removing
    // a tab, don't completely rebuild the tab structure, but check
    // for differences between the new tabs array and the old
    if (checkForTabAdded(refreshData)) {
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    if (checkForTabsOrderChanged(refreshData)) {
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    if (checkForTabsRemovedOrUpdated(refreshData)) {
      isInitTabsRequired = true;
    if (isInitTabsRequired) {
    return isInitTabsRequired;
  function refreshTargetElementInstance($container, options) {
    if (!$container.data('scrtabs')) { // target element doesn't have plugin on it
    // force a refresh if the tabs are static html or they're data-driven
    // but the data didn't change so we didn't call initTabs()
    if ($container.data('scrtabs').isWrapperOnly || !refreshDataDrivenTabs($container, options)) {
  function scrollToActiveTab() {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var $targetElInstance = $(this),
        scrtabsData = $targetElInstance.data('scrtabs');
    if (!scrtabsData) {
  var methods = {
    destroy: function() {
      var $targetEls = this;
      return $targetEls.each(destroyPlugin);
    init: function(options) {
      var $targetEls = this,
          targetElsLastIndex = $targetEls.length - 1,
          settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults, options || {});
      // ---- tabs NOT data-driven -------------------------
      if (!settings.tabs) {
        // just wrap the selected .nav-tabs element(s) in the scroller
        return $targetEls.each(function(index) {
          var dataObj = {
                isWrapperOnly: true
              $targetEl = $(this).data({ scrtabs: dataObj }),
              readyCallback = (index < targetElsLastIndex) ? null : function() {
          wrapNavTabsInstanceInScroller($targetEl, settings, readyCallback);
      // ---- tabs data-driven -------------------------
      return $targetEls.each(function (index) {
        var $targetEl = $(this),
            readyCallback = (index < targetElsLastIndex) ? null : function() {
        buildNavTabsAndTabContentForTargetElementInstance($targetEl, settings, readyCallback);
    refresh: function(options) {
      var $targetEls = this,
          settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults, options || {});
      return $targetEls.each(function () {
        refreshTargetElementInstance($(this), settings);
    scrollToActiveTab: function() {
      return this.each(scrollToActiveTab);
  function destroyPlugin() {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var $targetElInstance = $(this),
        scrtabsData = $targetElInstance.data('scrtabs'),
    if (!scrtabsData) {
    if (scrtabsData.enableSwipingElement === 'self') {
    } else if (scrtabsData.enableSwipingElement === 'parent') {
    // if there were any dropdown menus opened, remove the css we added to
    // them so they would display correctly
      .find('[data-' + CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_DDMENU_MODIFIED + ']')
        display: '',
        left: '',
        top: ''
      .removeAttr('data-' + CONSTANTS.DATA_KEY_DDMENU_MODIFIED);
    if (scrtabsData.scroller.hasTabClickHandler) {
    if (scrtabsData.isWrapperOnly) { // we just wrapped nav-tabs markup, so restore it
      // $targetElInstance is the ul.nav-tabs
      $tabsContainer = $targetElInstance.parents('.scrtabs-tab-container');
      if ($tabsContainer.length) {
    } else { // we generated the tabs from data so destroy everything we created
      if (scrtabsData.scroller && scrtabsData.scroller.initTabs) {
        scrtabsData.scroller.initTabs = null;
      // $targetElInstance is the container for the ul.nav-tabs we generated
    while(--$.fn.scrollingTabs.nextInstanceId >= 0) {
      $(window).off(CONSTANTS.EVENTS.WINDOW_RESIZE + $.fn.scrollingTabs.nextInstanceId);
  $.fn.scrollingTabs = function(methodOrOptions) {
    if (methods[methodOrOptions]) {
      return methods[methodOrOptions].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
    } else if (!methodOrOptions || (typeof methodOrOptions === 'object')) {
      return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
      $.error('Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist on $.scrollingTabs.');
  $.fn.scrollingTabs.nextInstanceId = 0;
  $.fn.scrollingTabs.defaults = {
    tabs: null,
    propPaneId: 'paneId',
    propTitle: 'title',
    propActive: 'active',
    propDisabled: 'disabled',
    propContent: 'content',
    ignoreTabPanes: false,
    scrollToTabEdge: false,
    disableScrollArrowsOnFullyScrolled: false,
    forceActiveTab: false,
    reverseScroll: false,
    widthMultiplier: 1,
    tabClickHandler: null,
    cssClassLeftArrow: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left',
    cssClassRightArrow: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right',
    leftArrowContent: '',
    rightArrowContent: '',
    enableSwiping: false,
    enableRtlSupport: false,
    bootstrapVersion: 3

}(jQuery, window));
;(function() {
  'use strict';


  function activate() {

      .on('ready.scrtabs', function() {

/* hide the tabs and panes to prevent flash of tabs on page
 * load/refresh before plugin has time to wrap them in the 
 * scroller; .nav-tabs are automatically unhidden by the 
 * plugin when they're ready, and .tab-content is unhidden 
 * in st-demo.js when the 'ready.scrtabs' event fires */
.tab-content {
  display: none;

.st-demo-header {
  background-color: #666666;
  color: white;
  font-size: 24px;
  padding: 8px 24px;

.st-demo-header button {
  color: black;
  font-size: 12px;

.st-demo-subheader {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  color: #333;
  font-size: 16px;
  height: 65px;
  margin-top: 50px;
  padding: 8px 24px;

.st-demo-subheader:first-child {
  margin-top: 0;