const add = x => y => x + 1
const inc = add(1)
const modulo = dvr => dvd => dvd % dvr
const replace = regex => repl => str =>
str.replace(regex, repl)
const isOdd = modulo(2)
const filter = pred => xs => xs.filter(pred)
const map = f => xs =>
const censor = replace(/[aeiou]/ig)('*')
const censorAll = map(censor)
const getAllOdds = filter(isOdd)
console.log("censorAll: ", censorAll(['hello', 'world']))
console.log("getAllOdds: ", getAllOdds([1,2,3,4]))
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console.log = function (string, x) { body.innerText += string += x + '\n'; };
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