<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="do_game()">
var colors =['red','blue','green','yellow','Magenta','cyan','grey','black','brown','white','violet','indigo'];
var target;
var guess;
var count=0;
function do_game() 
            target = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
            do {
                guess = prompt(
                    "I have a color on my mind\n\n" + colors +
                    "\n\nWhat color is it?"
            } while (check_guess());
        function check_guess(){

        	var cg= colors.indexOf(guess);
        	if(cg < 0)
        	alert("Please Enter a valid choice");

        	else if(cg> target)        
        	alert("Your color is alphabetically higher than mine");

        	else if(cg< target) 
        	alert("Your color is alphabetically lower than mine");

        	alert("Congrats! You have guessed the right color\n\n" + "You took" + " " +count + " "+ "no. of guesses");
        		return false;	

        	return true;
// Code goes here

/* Styles go here */