<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>JS Collision Demo</title>
  <body style="margin:0; overflow: hidden">
    <canvas id="canvas"
        style="width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display:block;"></canvas>
  <script type="module">
    import render from 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/guybedford/wasm-demo/dc70a37d/lib/render.js';

    // number of circles to render
    // (reduced from 20000 to 10000 for init performance)
    const circleCount = 10000;
    // grid size for collision detection optimization
    const gridWidth = 70;
    const gridHeight = 120;

    // position data (x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r1, ...)
    const circleData = new Float32Array(circleCount * 3);
    // velocity data (vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2, ...)
    const circlevData = new Float32Array(circleCount * 2);

    function detectCircleCollision (x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
      // before circle intersection, check bounding box intersection
      if (x1 + r1 < x2 - r2 || x1 - r1 > x2 + r2 ||
          y1 + r1 < y2 - r2 || y1 - r1 > y2 + r2)
        return false;
      // circle intersection when distance between centers < radius total
      return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)) <= r1 + r2;

    function init (displayWidth, displayHeight) {
      for (let i = 0, iv = 0; i < circleData.length; i += 3, iv += 2) {
        let collision, x, y, r;
        // loop to ensure we don't place circles overlapping
        do {
          collision = false;
          x = displayWidth * Math.random();
          y = displayHeight * Math.random();
          // size of 0.5 - 128, exponentially distributed (maximum gl_POINT render size)
          r = Math.ceil(Math.exp(Math.random() * 8) / 23.2887);

          // ensure within window bounds
          if (displayWidth - (x + r) < 0 || x - r < 0 ||
              displayHeight - (y + r) < 0 || y - r < 0) {
            collision = true;
          else {
            // ensure no collisions for starting position
            for (let j = 0; j < i; j += 3) {
              if (detectCircleCollision(x, y, r, circleData[j], circleData[j + 1], circleData[j + 2])) {
                collision = true;
        while (collision);

        circleData[i] = x;
        circleData[i + 1] = y;
        circleData[i + 2] = r;

        // velocity of -0.1 - +0.1 pixels / iteration
        circlevData[iv] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.1;
        circlevData[iv + 1] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.1;

    const grid = [];

    function timeStep (displayWidth, displayHeight) {
      // initialize the grid
      for (let p = 0; p < gridWidth; p++) {
        const col = grid[p] = [];
        for (let q = 0; q < gridHeight; q++) {
          col[q] = [];

      for (let i = 0, iv = 0; i < circleData.length; i += 3, iv += 2) {
        const xi = circleData[i];
        const yi = circleData[i + 1];
        const ri = circleData[i + 2];

        let vxi = circlevData[iv];
        let vyi = circlevData[iv + 1];

        // gravity
        vyi += 0.0001;

        // window bounds
        if (displayWidth - (xi + ri) < 0 && vxi > 0 || xi - ri < 0 && vxi < 0) {
          vxi = -vxi;
        if (displayHeight - (yi + ri) < 0 && vyi > 0 || yi - ri < 0 && vyi < 0) {
          vyi = -vyi;

        circleData[i] = xi + vxi;
        circleData[i + 1] = yi + vyi;
        circlevData[iv] = vxi;
        circlevData[iv + 1] = vyi;

        // detect grid cell range for each circle
        let leftCol = Math.floor((xi - ri) / displayWidth * gridWidth);
        let rightCol = Math.floor((xi + ri) / displayWidth * gridWidth);
        let topRow = Math.floor((yi - ri) / displayHeight * gridHeight);
        let bottomRow = Math.floor((yi + ri) / displayHeight * gridHeight);

        if (leftCol < 0)
          leftCol = 0;
        if (rightCol >= gridWidth)
          rightCol = gridWidth - 1;
        if (topRow < 0)
          topRow = 0;
        if (bottomRow >= gridHeight)
          bottomRow = gridHeight - 1;

        // assign each circle to its grid cell range
        for (let p = leftCol; p <= rightCol; p++) {
          const col = grid[p];
          for (let q = topRow; q <= bottomRow; q++) {

       * Collision detection
      for (let p = 0; p < gridWidth; p++) {
        const col = grid[p];
        for (let q = 0; q < gridHeight; q++) {
          const cell = col[q];

          // loop through each circle in each grid cell
          for (let k = 0; k < cell.length; k++) {
            const i = cell[k];
            const iv = i / 3 * 2;

            const xi = circleData[i];
            const yi = circleData[i + 1];
            const ri = circleData[i + 2];

            let vxi = circlevData[iv];
            let vyi = circlevData[iv + 1];

            // check for collisions with every other circle in the grid cell
            for (let l = k + 1; l < cell.length; l++) {
              const j = cell[l];
              const jv = j / 3 * 2;

              const xj = circleData[j];
              const yj = circleData[j + 1];
              const rj = circleData[j + 2];

              if (detectCircleCollision(xi, yi, ri, xj, yj, rj)) {
                const vxj = circlevData[jv];
                const vyj = circlevData[jv + 1];

                // calculate collision unit vector
                let collDx = xj - xi;
                let collDy = yj - yi;
                const collLen = Math.sqrt(collDx * collDx + collDy * collDy);
                collDx = collDx / collLen;
                collDy = collDy / collLen;

                // dot product of unit collision vector with velocity vector gives
                // 1d collision velocities before collision along collisionv vector
                const cui = collDx * vxi + collDy * vyi;
                const cuj = collDx * vxj + collDy * vyj;

                // skip collision if moving away from eachother
                if (cui - cuj <= 0)

                // we then use 1d elastic collision equations
                // to get resultant 1d velocities after collision
                // (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elastic_collision)
                const massSum = ri + rj;
                const massDiff = ri - rj;
                const cvi = (cui * massDiff + 2 * rj * cuj) / massSum;
                const cvj = (2 * ri * cui - cuj * massDiff) / massSum;

                // calculate the collision velocity change
                const dcvi = cvi - cui;
                const dcvj = cvj - cuj;

                // apply that velocity change dotted with the collision unit vector
                // to the original velocities
                circlevData[iv] = vxi + collDx * dcvi;
                circlevData[iv + 1] = vyi + collDy * dcvi;
                circlevData[jv] = vxj + collDx * dcvj;
                circlevData[jv + 1] = vyj + collDy * dcvj;

    render(circleData, circleCount, init, timeStep);