<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Angular input dropdown demo</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    body {
      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
      padding: 10px 0 0 40px;
    h2 {
      font-weight: normal;
    h2 {
      font-size: 22px;
      margin: 50px 0 15px 0;
    button[type='submit'] {
      font-size: 15px;
      padding: 10px;
    /* Custom input dropdown styles */
    .input-dropdown {
      margin: 0 30px 0 0;
      width: 350px;
      /* set the width of the input and dropdown */
    .input-dropdown input[type='text'] {
      font-size: 15px;
      padding: 5px;
    .input-dropdown ul > li {
      transition: background .15s;

<body ng-app="inputDropdownDemo">
  <div class="content" ng-controller="InputDropdownController as dropdownCtrl">
    <h1>Angular input dropdown demo</h1>
    <p>Select items form the lists with the arrow/return keys or the mouse.</p>
    <p>Code on <a href="https://github.com/hannaholl/angular-input-dropdown">Github</a>.</p>

    <h2>Select a country from a list of strings</h2>
    <p>This input dropdown has allow-custom-input set to true, allowing the user to enter any value into the field, instead of forcing them to select a value from the list.</p>
    <form name="demoFormStrings" ng-submit="dropdownCtrl.submitFormStrings()" novalidate="">
      <input-dropdown allow-custom-input="true" input-placeholder="Country string" input-name="country-strings" input-required="true" selected-item="dropdownCtrl.countryString" default-dropdown-items="dropdownCtrl.defaultDropdownStrings" filter-list-method="dropdownCtrl.filterStringList(userInput)"
      <button type="submit" ng-disabled="demoFormStrings.$invalid">Submit</button>
    <h2>Select a country from a list of objects</h2>
    <form name="demoFormObjects" ng-submit="dropdownCtrl.submitFormObjects()" novalidate="">
      <input-dropdown input-placeholder="Country object" input-name="country-object" input-required="true" selected-item="dropdownCtrl.countryObject" default-dropdown-items="dropdownCtrl.defaultDropdownObjects" filter-list-method="dropdownCtrl.filterObjectList(userInput)"
      <button type="submit" ng-disabled="demoFormObjects.$invalid">Submit</button>

  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.5.8/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="inputDropdown.js"></script>

    // Add 'inputDropdown' as a dependency when creating angular app
    var demoApp = angular.module('inputDropdownDemo', ['inputDropdown']);

    demoApp.controller('InputDropdownController', [
      function($scope, $q) {
        var self = this;
        self.stringMessage = '';
        self.objectMessage = '';
        self.countryString = null; // Holds the selected in demoFormStrings, set with attribute 'selected-item'
        self.countryObject = null; // Holds the selected in demoFormObjects, set with attribute 'selected-item'

        // Pass strings to the dropdown for simple usage
        self.defaultDropdownStrings = [
          'United Kingdom',
          'United States'

        // Use objects in the dropdown list if more data than just a string is needed.
        // Every object needs to have a property 'readableName', this is what will be displayed in the dropdown.
        self.defaultDropdownObjects = [{
          readableName: 'China',
          countryCode: 'CH',
          id: 0,
          toString: function() {
            return '{readableName: ' + this.readableName + ', countryCode: ' + this.countryCode + ', id: ' + this.id + '}';
        }, {
          readableName: 'Sweden',
          countryCode: 'SE',
          id: 1,
          toString: function() {
            return '{readableName: ' + this.readableName + ', countryCode: ' + this.countryCode + ', id: ' + this.id + '}';
        }, {
          readableName: 'United Kingdom',
          countryCode: 'UK',
          id: 2,
          toString: function() {
            return '{readableName: ' + this.readableName + ', countryCode: ' + this.countryCode + ', id: ' + this.id + '}';
        }, {
          readableName: 'United States',
          countryCode: 'US',
          id: 3,
          toString: function() {
            return '{readableName: ' + this.readableName + ', countryCode: ' + this.countryCode + ', id: ' + this.id + '}';

        // Store the last user input in this variable in filterStringList
        var lastUserStringInput = '';
        // Filter method is passed with attribute 'filter-list-method="method(userInput)"'.
        // Called on the onchange event from the input field. Should return a promise resolving with an array of items to show in the dropdown.
        // If no filter method is passed to the the directive, the default dropdown will show constantly.
        self.filterStringList = function(userInput) {
          lastUserStringInput = userInput;
          var filter = $q.defer();
          var normalisedInput = userInput.toLowerCase();

          var filteredArray = self.defaultDropdownStrings.filter(function(country) {
            return country.toLowerCase().indexOf(normalisedInput) === 0;

          return filter.promise;

        self.filterObjectList = function(userInput) {
          var filter = $q.defer();
          var normalisedInput = userInput.toLowerCase();

          var filteredArray = self.defaultDropdownObjects.filter(function(country) {
            var matchCountryName = country.readableName.toLowerCase().indexOf(normalisedInput) === 0;
            var matchCountryCode = country.countryCode.toLowerCase().indexOf(normalisedInput) === 0;
            return matchCountryName || matchCountryCode;

          return filter.promise;

        // Called when user selected an item from dropdown. Passed with attribute 'item-selected-method="method(item)"'.
        self.itemStringSelected = function(item) {
          console.log('Handle item string selected in controller:', item);
          self.stringMessage = 'String item selected: ' + item;

        self.itemObjectSelected = function(item) {
          console.log('Handle item object selected in controller:', item);
          self.objectMessage = 'Object item selected: ' + item;

        self.submitFormStrings = function() {
          if ($scope.demoFormStrings.$valid) {
            // If the user has selected something from the dropdown, the value will be stored in self.countryString.
            // If they haven't and we set allowCustomInput=true, we can grab the input value
            // from lastUserStringInput which we set in filterStringList().
            // There are probably better ways to grab the current value from the input field, this is just a quick example.
            var country = self.countryString || lastUserStringInput;
            console.log('Submit form STRINGS with country:', country);
            self.stringMessage = 'Submit form STRINGS with country: ' + country;

        self.submitFormObjects = function() {
          if ($scope.demoFormObjects.$valid) {
            console.log('Submit form OBJECTS with country:', self.countryObject);
            self.objectMessage = 'Submit form OBJECT with country: ' + self.countryObject;


.input-dropdown {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;

.input-dropdown input[type='text'] {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 100%;

.input-dropdown ul {
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 1000;

.input-dropdown ul > li {
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 10px;

.input-dropdown ul > li.active {
  background: #608AEB;
angular.module('inputDropdown', []).directive('inputDropdown', [function() {
  var templateString =
  '<div class="input-dropdown">' +
    '<input type="text"' +
           'name="{{inputName}}"' +
           'placeholder="{{inputPlaceholder}}"' +
           'autocomplete="off"' +
           'ng-model="inputValue"' +
           'ng-required="inputRequired"' +
           'ng-change="inputChange()"' +
           'ng-focus="inputFocus()"' +
           'ng-blur="inputBlur($event)"' +
           'input-dropdown-validator>' +
     '<ul ng-show="dropdownVisible">' +
      '<li ng-repeat="item in dropdownItems"' +
          'ng-click="selectItem(item)"' +
          'ng-mouseenter="setActive($index)"' +
          'ng-mousedown="dropdownPressed()"' +
          'ng-class="{\'active\': activeItemIndex === $index}"' +
          '>' +
        '<span ng-if="item.readableName">{{item.readableName}}</span>' +
        '<span ng-if="!item.readableName">{{item}}</span>' +
      '</li>' +
    '</ul>' +

  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      defaultDropdownItems: '=',
      selectedItem: '=',
      allowCustomInput: '=',
      inputRequired: '=',
      inputName: '@',
      inputPlaceholder: '@',
      filterListMethod: '&',
      itemSelectedMethod: '&'
    template: templateString,
    controller: function($scope) {
      this.getSelectedItem = function() {
        return $scope.selectedItem;
      this.isRequired = function() {
        return $scope.inputRequired;
      this.customInputAllowed = function() {
        return $scope.allowCustomInput;
      this.getInput = function() {
        return $scope.inputValue;
    link: function(scope, element) {
      var pressedDropdown = false;
      var inputScope = element.find('input').isolateScope();

      scope.activeItemIndex = 0;
      scope.inputValue = '';
      scope.dropdownVisible = false;
      scope.dropdownItems = scope.defaultDropdownItems || [];

      scope.$watch('dropdownItems', function(newValue, oldValue) {
        if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {
          // If new dropdownItems were retrieved, reset active item
          if (scope.allowCustomInput) {
          else {

      scope.$watch('selectedItem', function(newValue, oldValue) {

        if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {
          if (newValue) {
            // Update value in input field to match readableName of selected item
            if (typeof newValue === 'string') {
              scope.inputValue = newValue;
            else {
              scope.inputValue = newValue.readableName;
          else {
            // Uncomment to clear input field when editing it after making a selection
            // scope.inputValue = '';

      scope.setInputActive = function() {

        //TODO: Add active/selected class to input field for styling

      scope.setActive = function(itemIndex) {
        scope.activeItemIndex = itemIndex;

      scope.inputChange = function() {
        scope.selectedItem = null;

        if (!scope.inputValue) {
          scope.dropdownItems = scope.defaultDropdownItems || [];
        else if (scope.allowCustomInput) {

        if (scope.filterListMethod) {
          var promise = scope.filterListMethod({userInput: scope.inputValue});
          if (promise) {
            promise.then(function(dropdownItems) {
              scope.dropdownItems = dropdownItems;

      scope.inputFocus = function() {
        if (scope.allowCustomInput) {
        else {

      scope.inputBlur = function(event) {
        if (pressedDropdown) {
          // Blur event is triggered before click event, which means a click on a dropdown item wont be triggered if we hide the dropdown list here.
          pressedDropdown = false;

      scope.dropdownPressed = function() {
        pressedDropdown = true;

      scope.selectItem = function(item) {
        scope.selectedItem = item;
        scope.dropdownItems = [item];

        if (scope.itemSelectedMethod) {
          scope.itemSelectedMethod({item: item});

      var showDropdown = function () {
        scope.dropdownVisible = true;
      var hideDropdown = function() {
        scope.dropdownVisible = false;

      var selectPreviousItem = function() {
        var prevIndex = scope.activeItemIndex - 1;
        if (prevIndex >= 0) {
        else if (scope.allowCustomInput) {

      var selectNextItem = function() {
        var nextIndex = scope.activeItemIndex + 1;
        if (nextIndex < scope.dropdownItems.length) {

      var selectActiveItem = function()  {
        if (scope.activeItemIndex >= 0 && scope.activeItemIndex < scope.dropdownItems.length) {
        else if (scope.allowCustomInput && scope.activeItemIndex === -1) {
          //TODO: Select user input. Do we need to call the controller here (ie scope.itemSelectedMethod()) or is it enough to just leave the input value in the field?

      element.bind("keydown keypress", function (event) {
        switch (event.which) {
          case 38: //up
          case 40: //down
          case 13: // return
            if (scope.dropdownVisible && scope.dropdownItems && scope.dropdownItems.length > 0 && scope.activeItemIndex !== -1) {
              // only preventDefault when there is a list so that we can submit form with return key after a selection is made

angular.module('inputDropdown').directive('inputDropdownValidator', function() {
  return {
    require: ['^inputDropdown', 'ngModel'],
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {},
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls) {
      var inputDropdownCtrl = ctrls[0];
      var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[1];
      var validatorName = 'itemSelectedValid';

      scope.updateInputValidity = function() {
        var selection = inputDropdownCtrl.getSelectedItem();
        var isValid = false;

        if (!inputDropdownCtrl.isRequired()) {
          // Input isn't required, so it's always valid
          isValid = true;
        else if (inputDropdownCtrl.customInputAllowed() && inputDropdownCtrl.getInput()) {
          // Custom input is allowed so we just need to make sure the input field isn't empty
          isValid = true;
        else if (selection) {
          // Input is required and custom input is not allowed, so only validate if an item is selected
          isValid = true;

        ngModelCtrl.$setValidity(validatorName, isValid);