		<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
		<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>

		<script src="https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/sap-ui-core.js" 
  data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"list": "./list/"}'
		<!-- only load the mobile lib "sap.m" and the "sap_bluecrystal" theme -->

				var app = new sap.m.App({initialPage:"idpage1"});
				var page = sap.ui.view({id:"idpage1",
				viewName:"list.page", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});

	<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
		<div id="content"></div>
// Code goes here

/* Styles go here */

sap.ui.jsview("list.page", {

	/** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View. 
	* In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller.
	* @memberOf list.page
	getControllerName : function() {
		return "list.page";

	/** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed. 
	* Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away. 
	* @memberOf list.page
	createContent : function(oController) {
 		return new sap.m.Page({
			title: "Title",
			content: [
					new sap.m.Button({text:"Hello",press:[oController,oController.press]})

sap.ui.controller("list.page", {

* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* @memberOf list.page
	onInit: function() {
	  var a = new sap.m.BusyDialog()
	  //write your odata code 
	  //after getting the values you have close the dialog
* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered
* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).
* @memberOf list.page
//	onBeforeRendering: function() {
//	},

* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.
* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.
* @memberOf list.page
//	onAfterRendering: function() {
//	},

* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.
* @memberOf list.page
//	onExit: function() {
//	}
