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  <!-- XML-based view definition -->
  <script id="oView" type="sapui5/xmlview">
    <mvc:View height="100%" controllerName="myView.Template" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:unified="sap.ui.unified" xmlns="sap.m" class="viewPadding">
          <Page id="oPage" title="Appointments" class="marginBoxContent">
              <VBox class="sapUiSmallMargin">
                <PlanningCalendar id="PC1" startDate="{path: '/startDate'}" rows="{path: '/people'}" appointmentSelect="handleAppointmentSelect">
                    <Title text="Title" titleStyle="H4" />
                    <PlanningCalendarRow icon="{pic}" title="{name}" text="{role}" appointments="{appointments}" intervalHeaders="{headers}">
                        <unified:CalendarAppointment startDate="{start}" endDate="{end}" icon="{pic}" title="{title}" text="{info}" type="{type}" tentative="{tentative}">
                        <unified:CalendarAppointment startDate="{start}" endDate="{end}" icon="{pic}" title="{title}" type="{type}">

    // Controller definition
    ], function(jQuery, Controller, Filter, JSONModel, Popover, Image) {
      "use strict";

      var TableController = Controller.extend("myView.Template", {

        onInit: function() {
          // create model
          var oModel = new JSONModel();
            startDate: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "8", "0"),
            people: [{
              pic: "sap-icon://employee",
              name: "Max Mustermann",
              role: "team member",
              appointments: [{
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "10", "0"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "12", "0"),
                title: "Team meeting",
                info: "room 1",
                type: "Type01",
                pic: "sap-icon://sap-ui5",
                tentative: false
              }, {
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "16", "0", "0"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "16", "23", "59"),
                title: "Vacation",
                info: "out of office",
                type: "Type04",
                tentative: false
              headers: [{
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "16", "0", "0"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "16", "23", "59"),
                title: "Private",
                type: "Type05"
              }, ]
            }, {
              pic: "https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/johnDoe.png",
              name: "John Doe",
              role: "team member",
              appointments: [{
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "08", "30"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "09", "30"),
                title: "Meeting",
                type: "Type02",
                tentative: false
              }, {
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "10", "0"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "12", "0"),
                title: "Team meeting",
                info: "room 1",
                type: "Type01",
                pic: "sap-icon://sap-ui5",
                tentative: false
              }, {
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "11", "30"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "13", "30"),
                title: "Lunch",
                type: "Type03",
                tentative: true
              headers: [{
                start: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "8", "0"),
                end: new Date("2015", "11", "15", "10", "0"),
                title: "Reminder",
                type: "Type06"
              }, ]


        handleAppointmentSelect: function(oEvent) {
          var oSource = oEvent.getParameter("appointment");
          var oAppointment = oEvent.getParameter("appointment");
          var oTitle = oAppointment.getTitle();
          var oImage = new Image({
            src: "https://tompfister.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/sap_new_logo.png",
		      	height: "80px"
          var oPopover = new Popover({
            title: oTitle,
            placement: "Bottom",
            content: [oImage]


      return TableController;


    // Instantiate the View and display
    var oView = sap.ui.xmlview({
      viewContent: jQuery('#oView').html()


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// Code goes here

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