  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>
  <script src="https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/sap-ui-core.js"
  data-sap-ui-libs="sap.ui.commons,sap.ui.table, sap.m"
				"task3": "./"
		<!-- add sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3 and/or other libraries to 'data-sap-ui-libs' if required -->

				new sap.m.Shell("ShellId",{title: "Page",
					showLogout: false,
					app: new sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer({
						name: "task3"		

	<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
		<div id="content"></div>
// Code goes here

/* Styles go here */

sap.ui.core.UIComponent.extend("task3.Component", {
  createContent: function() {
    // create root view  
    var oView = sap.ui.view({
      id: "app",
      viewName: "task3.Home",
      type: "JS",

    return oView;
sap.ui.jsview("task3.Home", {  
  /** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View. 
  * In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller. 
  * @memberOf routingdemo.App 
  getControllerName : function() {  
  return "task3.Home";  
  /** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed. 
  * Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away. 
  * @memberOf routingdemo.App 
  createContent : function(oController) {  
	this.app = new sap.m.App("mainApp",{initialPage:"page1"});

		var page = sap.ui.jsview("page1", "task3.page1");
  return this.app;  
sap.ui.controller("task3.Home", {

* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* @memberOf zui5_sample.Home
//	onInit: function() {
//	},

* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered
* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).
* @memberOf zui5_sample.Home
//	onBeforeRendering: function() {
//	},

* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.
* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.
* @memberOf zui5_sample.Home
//	onAfterRendering: function() {
//	},

* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.
* @memberOf zui5_sample.Home
//	onExit: function() {
//	}

sap.ui.jsview("task3.page1", {

  /** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.
   * In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller.
   * @memberOf task3.page1
  getControllerName: function() {
    return "task3.page1";

  /** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed.
   * Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away.
   * @memberOf task3.page1
  createContent: function(oController) {
    var vData = [{
      assID: "EM1234",
      name: "kishan",
      linkText: "crave Technology Solutions",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9934307162",
      rating: 5
    }, {
      assID: "EM123456",
      name: "Bharath S",
      linkText: "crave Technology Solutions",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9934307162",
      rating: 5
    }, {
      assID: "EM263521",
      name: "Arun M",
      linkText: "crave Technology Solutions",
      href: "http://www.cognizant.com",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9786721460",
      rating: 3
    }, {
      assID: "EM323455",
      name: "Anitha",
      linkText: "Cognizant Technology Solutions",
      href: "http://www.cognizant.com",
      gender: "Female",
      mobile: "9524396759",
      rating: 4
    }, {
      assID: "EM237652",
      name: "Ganesh",
      linkText: "Cognizant Technology Solutions",
      href: "http://www.cognizant.com",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9876543210",
      rating: 1
    }, {
      assID: "EM398454",
      name: "Ajai",
      linkText: "Cognizant Technology Solutions",
      href: "http://www.cognizant.com",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9576113218",
      rating: 4
    }, {
      assID: "EM348092",
      name: "Pranav",
      linkText: "Cognizant Technology Solutions",
      href: "http://www.cognizant.com",
      gender: "Male",
      mobile: "9576113218",
      rating: 5

    var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
      // Displayed as the heading of the table
      visibleRowCount: 8, // How much rows you want to display in the table
      selectionMode: sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single, //Use Singe or Multi
      navigationMode: sap.ui.table.NavigationMode.Paginator, //Paginator or Scrollbar
      fixedColumnCount: 7, // Freezes the number of columns
      enableColumnReordering: true, // Allows you to drag and drop the column and reorder the position of the column
      width: "1024px" // width of the table

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Name"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value", "assID"),
      sortProperty: "assID",
      filterProperty: "assID",
      width: "125px"

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Discription"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value", "name"),
      sortProperty: "name",
      filterProperty: "name",
      width: "125px"

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "MasterReading"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value", "name"),
      sortProperty: "name",
      filterProperty: "name",
      width: "125px"

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Value"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value", "name"),
      sortProperty: "name",
      filterProperty: "name",
      width: "125px"
    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Gender"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.ComboBox({
        items: [new sap.ui.core.ListItem({
            text: "Female"
          new sap.ui.core.ListItem({
            text: "Male"
      }).bindProperty("value", "gender"),
      sortProperty: "gender",
      filterProperty: "gender",
      width: "75px"

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Details"
      template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value", "name"),
      sortProperty: "name",
      filterProperty: "name",
      width: "125px"
    //    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
    //    label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Details"}),
    //    template: new sap.ui.commons.Button().bindProperty("value", "name2"),
    //    sortProperty: "name2",
    //    filterProperty: "name2",
    //    width: "125px"
    // }));

    oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
      label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({
        text: "Confirmation"
      width: "125px",
      template: new sap.ui.layout.HorizontalLayout({
        content: [
          new sap.ui.commons.TextView({

            textAlign: sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Left,
            visible: false
          new sap.ui.commons.Button({
            text: "DETAILS",

            visible: true



    var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(); // created a JSON model     
      modelData: vData
    }); // Set the data to the model using the JSON object defined already
    oTable.bindRows("/modelData"); // binding all the rows into the model

    var footer = new sap.m.Bar({
      contentRight: [
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "Order",
          type: "Emphasized"
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "Start",
          type: "Emphasized"
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "Submit",
          type: "Emphasized"
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "Approve",
          type: "Emphasized"
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "ER",
          type: "Emphasized"
        new sap.m.Button({
          text: "Synchoniz",
          type: "Emphasized"


    page = new sap.m.Page({
      title: "My Table",
      content: [oTable],
      footer: footer

    return page;


sap.ui.controller("task3.page1", {
* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* @memberOf inline.FIRST
// onInit: function() {
// },
* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered
* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).
* @memberOf inline.FIRST
// onBeforeRendering: function() {
// },
* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.
* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.
* @memberOf inline.FIRST
// onAfterRendering: function() {
// },
* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.
* @memberOf inline.FIRST
// onExit: function() {
// }