import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { products } from './products';

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `
        <kendo-grid [data]="gridData" [height]="370">
            <kendo-grid-column field="ProductID" title="ID" width="40">
            <kendo-grid-column field="ProductName" title="Name" width="250">
            <kendo-grid-column field="Category.CategoryName" title="Category">
            <kendo-grid-column field="UnitPrice" title="Price" width="80">
            <kendo-grid-column field="UnitsInStock" title="In stock" width="80">
            <kendo-grid-column field="Discontinued" title="Discontinued" width="120">
                <template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
                    <input type="checkbox" [checked]="dataItem.Discontinued" disabled/>
export class AppComponent {
    private gridData: any[] = products;

import { NgModule }      from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { GridModule } from '@progress/kendo-angular-grid';

import { AppComponent }   from './app.component';

  imports:      [ BrowserModule, GridModule ],
  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]

export class AppModule { }
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './ng.module';

const platform = platformBrowserDynamic();
export const sampleProducts = [{
    "ProductID" : 1,
    "ProductName" : "Chai",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 boxes x 20 bags",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 39,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 2,
    "ProductName" : "Chang",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 19.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 17,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 40,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 3,
    "ProductName" : "Aniseed Syrup",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 550 ml bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 10.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 13,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 4,
    "ProductName" : "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "48 - 6 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 22.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 53,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 5,
    "ProductName" : "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "36 boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.3500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 6,
    "ProductName" : "Grandma's Boysenberry Spread",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 8 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 25.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 120,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 7,
    "ProductName" : "Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 30.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 15,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
        "Description" : "Dried fruit and bean curd"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 8,
    "ProductName" : "Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 12 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 40.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 6,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 9,
    "ProductName" : "Mishi Kobe Niku",
    "SupplierID" : 4,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "18 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 97.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 29,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 10,
    "ProductName" : "Ikura",
    "SupplierID" : 4,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 200 ml jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 31.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 31,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"

export const products = [{
    "ProductID" : 1,
    "ProductName" : "Chai",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 boxes x 20 bags",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 39,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 2,
    "ProductName" : "Chang",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 19.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 17,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 40,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 3,
    "ProductName" : "Aniseed Syrup",
    "SupplierID" : 1,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 550 ml bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 10.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 13,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 4,
    "ProductName" : "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "48 - 6 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 22.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 53,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 5,
    "ProductName" : "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "36 boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.3500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 6,
    "ProductName" : "Grandma's Boysenberry Spread",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 8 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 25.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 120,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 7,
    "ProductName" : "Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 1 lb pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 30.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 15,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
        "Description" : "Dried fruit and bean curd"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 8,
    "ProductName" : "Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",
    "SupplierID" : 3,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 12 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 40.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 6,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 9,
    "ProductName" : "Mishi Kobe Niku",
    "SupplierID" : 4,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "18 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 97.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 29,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 10,
    "ProductName" : "Ikura",
    "SupplierID" : 4,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 200 ml jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 31.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 31,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 11,
    "ProductName" : "Queso Cabrales",
    "SupplierID" : 5,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "1 kg pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 22,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 30,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 12,
    "ProductName" : "Queso Manchego La Pastora",
    "SupplierID" : 5,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 38.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 86,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 13,
    "ProductName" : "Konbu",
    "SupplierID" : 6,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "2 kg box",
    "UnitPrice" : 6.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 24,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 14,
    "ProductName" : "Tofu",
    "SupplierID" : 6,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "40 - 100 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 23.2500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 35,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
        "Description" : "Dried fruit and bean curd"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 15,
    "ProductName" : "Genen Shouyu",
    "SupplierID" : 6,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 250 ml bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 15.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 39,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 16,
    "ProductName" : "Pavlova",
    "SupplierID" : 7,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "32 - 500 g boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 17.4500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 29,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 17,
    "ProductName" : "Alice Mutton",
    "SupplierID" : 7,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "20 - 1 kg tins",
    "UnitPrice" : 39.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 18,
    "ProductName" : "Carnarvon Tigers",
    "SupplierID" : 7,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "16 kg pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 62.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 42,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 19,
    "ProductName" : "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",
    "SupplierID" : 8,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 boxes x 12 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 9.2000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 25,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 20,
    "ProductName" : "Sir Rodney's Marmalade",
    "SupplierID" : 8,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "30 gift boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 81.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 40,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 21,
    "ProductName" : "Sir Rodney's Scones",
    "SupplierID" : 8,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 pkgs. x 4 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 10.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 3,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 40,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 22,
    "ProductName" : "Gustaf's Knäckebröd",
    "SupplierID" : 9,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 104,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 23,
    "ProductName" : "Tunnbröd",
    "SupplierID" : 9,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 250 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 9.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 61,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 24,
    "ProductName" : "Guaraná Fantástica",
    "SupplierID" : 10,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 355 ml cans",
    "UnitPrice" : 4.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 20,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 25,
    "ProductName" : "NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme",
    "SupplierID" : 11,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "20 - 450 g glasses",
    "UnitPrice" : 14.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 76,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 26,
    "ProductName" : "Gumbär Gummibärchen",
    "SupplierID" : 11,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "100 - 250 g bags",
    "UnitPrice" : 31.2300,
    "UnitsInStock" : 15,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 27,
    "ProductName" : "Schoggi Schokolade",
    "SupplierID" : 11,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "100 - 100 g pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 43.9000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 49,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 28,
    "ProductName" : "Rössle Sauerkraut",
    "SupplierID" : 12,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "25 - 825 g cans",
    "UnitPrice" : 45.6000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 26,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
        "Description" : "Dried fruit and bean curd"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 29,
    "ProductName" : "Thüringer Rostbratwurst",
    "SupplierID" : 12,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "50 bags x 30 sausgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 123.7900,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 30,
    "ProductName" : "Nord-Ost Matjeshering",
    "SupplierID" : 13,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 - 200 g glasses",
    "UnitPrice" : 25.8900,
    "UnitsInStock" : 10,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 31,
    "ProductName" : "Gorgonzola Telino",
    "SupplierID" : 14,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 100 g pkgs",
    "UnitPrice" : 12.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 32,
    "ProductName" : "Mascarpone Fabioli",
    "SupplierID" : 14,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 200 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 32.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 9,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 40,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 33,
    "ProductName" : "Geitost",
    "SupplierID" : 15,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "500 g",
    "UnitPrice" : 2.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 112,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 34,
    "ProductName" : "Sasquatch Ale",
    "SupplierID" : 16,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 14.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 111,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 35,
    "ProductName" : "Steeleye Stout",
    "SupplierID" : 16,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 20,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
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        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 36,
    "ProductName" : "Inlagd Sill",
    "SupplierID" : 17,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 250 g  jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 19.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 112,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
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        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 37,
    "ProductName" : "Gravad lax",
    "SupplierID" : 17,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 26.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 11,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 50,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 38,
    "ProductName" : "Côte de Blaye",
    "SupplierID" : 18,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 75 cl bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 263.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 17,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 39,
    "ProductName" : "Chartreuse verte",
    "SupplierID" : 18,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "750 cc per bottle",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 69,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 40,
    "ProductName" : "Boston Crab Meat",
    "SupplierID" : 19,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 4 oz tins",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.4000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 123,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 41,
    "ProductName" : "Jack's New England Clam Chowder",
    "SupplierID" : 19,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 12 oz cans",
    "UnitPrice" : 9.6500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 85,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 42,
    "ProductName" : "Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee",
    "SupplierID" : 20,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "32 - 1 kg pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 14.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 26,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 43,
    "ProductName" : "Ipoh Coffee",
    "SupplierID" : 20,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "16 - 500 g tins",
    "UnitPrice" : 46.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 17,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 10,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 44,
    "ProductName" : "Gula Malacca",
    "SupplierID" : 20,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "20 - 2 kg bags",
    "UnitPrice" : 19.4500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 27,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
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        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 45,
    "ProductName" : "Rogede sild",
    "SupplierID" : 21,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "1k pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 9.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 5,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
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        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 46,
    "ProductName" : "Spegesild",
    "SupplierID" : 21,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "4 - 450 g glasses",
    "UnitPrice" : 12.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 95,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
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        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 47,
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    "SupplierID" : 22,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 - 4 oz boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 9.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 36,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
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}, {
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    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 pkgs.",
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    "UnitsInStock" : 15,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 70,
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        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 49,
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    "SupplierID" : 23,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 50 g pkgs.",
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    "UnitsInStock" : 10,
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    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 50,
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    "SupplierID" : 23,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 - 100 g bars",
    "UnitPrice" : 16.2500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 65,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
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    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 51,
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    "SupplierID" : 24,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "50 - 300 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 53.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 20,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
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}, {
    "ProductID" : 52,
    "ProductName" : "Filo Mix",
    "SupplierID" : 24,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "16 - 2 kg boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 7.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 38,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
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    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
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}, {
    "ProductID" : 53,
    "ProductName" : "Perth Pasties",
    "SupplierID" : 24,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "48 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 32.8000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 0,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : true,
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        "CategoryID" : 6,
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}, {
    "ProductID" : 54,
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    "SupplierID" : 25,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "16 pies",
    "UnitPrice" : 7.4500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 21,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
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    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 55,
    "ProductName" : "Pâté chinois",
    "SupplierID" : 25,
    "CategoryID" : 6,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 boxes x 2 pies",
    "UnitPrice" : 24.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 115,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 6,
        "CategoryName" : "Meat/Poultry",
        "Description" : "Prepared meats"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 56,
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    "SupplierID" : 26,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 250 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 38.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 21,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 10,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 57,
    "ProductName" : "Ravioli Angelo",
    "SupplierID" : 26,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 250 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 19.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 36,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 58,
    "ProductName" : "Escargots de Bourgogne",
    "SupplierID" : 27,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 13.2500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 62,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 59,
    "ProductName" : "Raclette Courdavault",
    "SupplierID" : 28,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "5 kg pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 55.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 79,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 60,
    "ProductName" : "Camembert Pierrot",
    "SupplierID" : 28,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "15 - 300 g rounds",
    "UnitPrice" : 34.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 19,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 61,
    "ProductName" : "Sirop d'érable",
    "SupplierID" : 29,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 500 ml bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 28.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 113,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 62,
    "ProductName" : "Tarte au sucre",
    "SupplierID" : 29,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "48 pies",
    "UnitPrice" : 49.3000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 17,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 63,
    "ProductName" : "Vegie-spread",
    "SupplierID" : 7,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "15 - 625 g jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 43.9000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 24,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 64,
    "ProductName" : "Wimmers gute Semmelknödel",
    "SupplierID" : 12,
    "CategoryID" : 5,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "20 bags x 4 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 33.2500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 22,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 80,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 5,
        "CategoryName" : "Grains/Cereals",
        "Description" : "Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 65,
    "ProductName" : "Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "32 - 8 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.0500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 76,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 66,
    "ProductName" : "Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra",
    "SupplierID" : 2,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 8 oz jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 17.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 4,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 100,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 67,
    "ProductName" : "Laughing Lumberjack Lager",
    "SupplierID" : 16,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 12 oz bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 14.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 52,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 10,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 68,
    "ProductName" : "Scottish Longbreads",
    "SupplierID" : 8,
    "CategoryID" : 3,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 boxes x 8 pieces",
    "UnitPrice" : 12.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 6,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 10,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 3,
        "CategoryName" : "Confections",
        "Description" : "Desserts, candies, and sweet breads"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 69,
    "ProductName" : "Gudbrandsdalsost",
    "SupplierID" : 15,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 kg pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 36.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 26,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 70,
    "ProductName" : "Outback Lager",
    "SupplierID" : 7,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 355 ml bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 15.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 15,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 10,
    "ReorderLevel" : 30,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 71,
    "ProductName" : "Flotemysost",
    "SupplierID" : 15,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "10 - 500 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 21.5000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 26,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 72,
    "ProductName" : "Mozzarella di Giovanni",
    "SupplierID" : 14,
    "CategoryID" : 4,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 200 g pkgs.",
    "UnitPrice" : 34.8000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 14,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 0,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 4,
        "CategoryName" : "Dairy Products",
        "Description" : "Cheeses"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 73,
    "ProductName" : "Röd Kaviar",
    "SupplierID" : 17,
    "CategoryID" : 8,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 150 g jars",
    "UnitPrice" : 15.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 101,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 8,
        "CategoryName" : "Seafood",
        "Description" : "Seaweed and fish"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 74,
    "ProductName" : "Longlife Tofu",
    "SupplierID" : 4,
    "CategoryID" : 7,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "5 kg pkg.",
    "UnitPrice" : 10.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 4,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 20,
    "ReorderLevel" : 5,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 7,
        "CategoryName" : "Produce",
        "Description" : "Dried fruit and bean curd"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 75,
    "ProductName" : "Rhönbräu Klosterbier",
    "SupplierID" : 12,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "24 - 0.5 l bottles",
    "UnitPrice" : 7.7500,
    "UnitsInStock" : 125,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 25,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 76,
    "ProductName" : "Lakkalikööri",
    "SupplierID" : 23,
    "CategoryID" : 1,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "500 ml",
    "UnitPrice" : 18.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 57,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 20,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 1,
        "CategoryName" : "Beverages",
        "Description" : "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
}, {
    "ProductID" : 77,
    "ProductName" : "Original Frankfurter grüne Soße",
    "SupplierID" : 12,
    "CategoryID" : 2,
    "QuantityPerUnit" : "12 boxes",
    "UnitPrice" : 13.0000,
    "UnitsInStock" : 32,
    "UnitsOnOrder" : 0,
    "ReorderLevel" : 15,
    "Discontinued" : false,
    "Category" : {
        "CategoryID" : 2,
        "CategoryName" : "Condiments",
        "Description" : "Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings"
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      '@angular/compiler': 'npm:@angular/compiler@' + angularVersion +'/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser@' + angularVersion +'/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js',
      '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': 'npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic@' + angularVersion +'/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js',
      '@angular/http': 'npm:@angular/http@' + angularVersion +'/bundles/http.umd.js',
      '@angular/http/testing': 'npm:@angular/http@' + angularVersion +'/bundles/http-testing.umd.js',
      '@angular/forms': 'npm:@angular/forms@' + angularVersion + '/bundles/forms.umd.js',
      '@angular/router': 'npm:@angular/router@3.0.0-rc.3/bundles/router.umd.js',

      // other libraries
      'rxjs':                       'npm:rxjs',
      'hammerjs':                   'npm:hammerjs@2',
      'angular2-in-memory-web-api': 'npm:angular2-in-memory-web-api',
      'ts':                         'npm:plugin-typescript@4.0.10/lib/plugin.js',
      'typescript':                 'npm:typescript@1.9.0-dev.20160409/lib/typescript.js'
    // packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension
    packages: {
      "@progress/kendo-angular-grid": {"main":"dist/cdn/js/kendo-angular-grid.js","defaultExtension":"js"},

      app: {
        main: './main.ts',
        defaultExtension: 'ts'
      rxjs: {
        defaultExtension: 'js'
      'angular2-in-memory-web-api': {
        main: './index.js',
        defaultExtension: 'js'
      '@progress/kendo-data-query': {
        main: 'dist/cdn/js/kendo-data-query.js',
        defaultExtension: 'js'
      '@progress/kendo-file-saver': {
        main: 'dist/npm/main.js',
        defaultExtension: 'js'
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true