<!DOCTYPE html>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <!-- Complied & minified library css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/pdb-component-library/v1.0/css/pdb.component.library.min-1.0.0.css" />

    <!-- Dependencey scripts (these can be skipped if already included in page) -->
    <script src="//www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/pdb-component-library/libs/d3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="//www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/pdb-component-library/libs/angular.1.4.7.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Complied & minified library JS -->
    <script src="//www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/pdb-component-library/v1.0/js/pdb.component.library.min-1.0.0.js"></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    <h3>LiteMol Component Demo</h3>
    <div class="view3d">
      <pdb-lite-mol id="litemol_1cbs" pdb-id="'1aqd'" hide-controls="true"></pdb-lite-mol>
    <div class="buttonArea">
      <button onclick="callShowControls()">Show controls</button>
      <button onclick="callHideControls()">Hide controls</button>
      <button onclick="callExpand()">Expand</button>
      <button onmouseover="callHighlightOn()" onmouseout="callHighlightOff()" style="width:100px;">Test Highlight on mouseover</button>
      <button onclick="callLoadDensity(this)">Load density</button>
      <span>Click on any residue <br>to view density</span>
      <button onclick="callToggleDensity()">Toggle density</button>
      <span>Click 'Reset scene'<br>icon in the viewer to<br>test the features below</span>
      <button onclick="callColorChains()">Color chain</button>
      <button onclick="callSelectFocus()">Select & Focus</button>
      <button onclick="callReset()">Reset to default</button>
      <button onclick="callSetBg()">Set background</button>

  //Bootstrapping / Installing the library
  angular.element(document).ready(function () {
      angular.bootstrap(document, ['pdb.component.library']);
  //Method to bind component scope
  var bindPdbComponentScope = function(element){
    return angular.element(element).isolateScope();
  //variable to store LiteMol Component Scope which has all the methods
  var liteMolScope; 
  //bind to the component scope on window.onload
  window.onload = function(e) {
    var litemolElement = document.getElementById('litemol_1cbs');
    liteMolScope = bindPdbComponentScope(litemolElement);
  List of available methods and their parameter details :
  1. hideControls()
     Use : hide control panel.
     Parameter : none
  2. showControls()
     Use : show hidden control panel.
     Parameter : none
  3. expand()
     Use : switch to fullscreen mode.
     Parameter : none
  4. setBackground()
     Use : set background colour to white.
     Parameter : none
  5. loadDensity(isWireframe)
     Use : programatically load density.
     Parameter : 
        1. isWireframe (type : boolean) (value : true / false)
           if set..
           true : shows density as wireframe.
           false: shows density as surface.
  6. toggleDensity()
     Use : programatically toggle density. If density is loaded then it is shown when user clicks on any residue in the 
           structure. Use this method to toggle the density display.
     Parameter : none
  7. colorChains( chainId, colorArr )
     Use : set chain colour and greys out remaining residues color.
     Parameter : 
        1. chainId (type : string)
        2. colorArr (type : array) (value : rgb value - example : [255,0,0] for red)
  8. SelectExtractFocus(selectionDetails, colorCode, showSideChains)
     Use : Color and focus desired range of residues in the structure
     Parameter : 
        1. selectionDetails (type : object) (desird values : entity_id, struct_asym_id, start_residue_number, end_residue_number)
           example :
             entity_id : '1', 
             struct_asym_id : 'A', 
             start_residue_number : 10, 
             end_residue_number : 15
        2. colorCode (type : object) (value : rgb value - example : {r:255, g:0, b:0} for red)
        3. showSideChains (type : boolean) (value : true / false) (optional)
           if set..
           true : shows sidechain residues for the selected range.
  9. highlightOn(selectionDetails)
     Use : highlight desired range of residues in the structure. 
           Similar to SelectExtractFocus() except it do not allow colour setting and focus.
     Parameter : 
        1. selectionDetails (type : object) (desird values : entity_id, struct_asym_id, start_residue_number, end_residue_number)
           example :
             entity_id : '1', 
             struct_asym_id : 'A', 
             start_residue_number : 10, 
             end_residue_number : 15
  10. highlightOff()
      Use : Removes highlight set using highlightOn() .
      Parameter : none
  11. resetThemeSelHighlight()
      Use : Reset any selection and highlight to default.
      Parameter : none
  //Demo button implementation
  var callShowControls = function() {
  var callHideControls = function(){
  var callExpand = function(){
  var callSetBg = function(){

  var callLoadDensity = function(btn){
    //Disabling button to avoid reloading of maps if clicked twice :)
    btn.disabled = true;
  var callToggleDensity = function(){
  var callColorChains = function(){
    liteMolScope.LiteMolComponent.colorChains( 'A', [255,0,0] );
  var callSelectFocus = function(){
    var selectionDetails = {
                             entity_id : '1', 
                             struct_asym_id : 'A', 
                             start_residue_number : 56, 
                             end_residue_number : 76
    var colorCode = {r:49, g:163, b:84};
    var showSideChains = true;
    liteMolScope.LiteMolComponent.SelectExtractFocus(selectionDetails, colorCode, showSideChains);
  var callHighlightOn = function(){
    var selectionDetails = {
                             entity_id : '1', 
                             struct_asym_id : 'G', 
                             start_residue_number : 5, 
                             end_residue_number : 76
  var callHighlightOff = function(){
  var callReset = function(){
/* Styles go here */

.buttonArea {

.buttonArea > button {
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.view3d {