<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/js-data/js-data-schema/master/dist/js-data-schema.js"></script>
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    <h1>Open up your console to see the output</h1>

var schemator = new Schemator();

console.log('schemator.availableRules()', schemator.availableRules());

schemator.defineRule('divisibleBy', function(x, divisor) {
  if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof divisor === 'number' && x % divisor !== 0) {
    return {
      rule: 'divisibleBy',
      actual: '' + x + ' % ' + divisor + ' === ' + (x % divisor),
      expected: '' + x + ' % ' + divisor + ' === 0'
  return null;

console.log('schemator.availableRules()', schemator.availableRules());

console.log('schemator.defineSchema(\'mySchema\', { seats: { divisibleBy: 4 } })');

schemator.defineSchema('mySchema', {
  seats: {
    divisibleBy: 4

console.log('schemator.getSchema(\'mySchema\').validateSync({ seats: 16 })');
var errors = schemator.getSchema('mySchema').validateSync({
  seats: 16

console.log('errors', errors);

console.log('schemator.getSchema(\'mySchema\').validateSync({ seats: 17 })');
errors = schemator.getSchema('mySchema').validateSync({
  seats: 17

console.log('errors', errors);

console.log('schemator.defineRule(\'divisibleByAsync\', function (x, divisor, cb) {...}, true)');
schemator.defineRule('divisibleByAsync', function(x, divisor, cb) {

  // asynchronity here is fake, but you could do something async, like make an http request
  setTimeout(function() {
    if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof divisor === 'number' && x % divisor !== 0) {
        rule: 'divisibleBy',
        actual: '' + x + ' % ' + divisor + ' === ' + (x % divisor),
        expected: '' + x + ' % ' + divisor + ' === 0'
  }, 1);
}, true); // pass true as the third argument

console.log('schemator.availableRules()', schemator.availableRules());

console.log('schemator.defineSchema(\'mySchema2\', { seats: { divisibleByAsync: 4 } })');
schemator.defineSchema('mySchema2', {
  seats: {
    divisibleByAsync: 4

console.log('schemator.getSchema(\'mySchema2\').validate({ seats: 16 }, function (errors) {...})');
  seats: 16
}, function(errors) {
  console.log('errors', errors);

  console.log('schemator.getSchema(\'mySchema2\').validate({ seats: 17 }, function (errors) {...})');
    seats: 17
  }, function(errors) {
    console.log('errors', errors);
## Schemator#defineRule(name, ruleFunc[, async])

Define a new rule.