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<h2 id="detecting-browser-window-focus">Detecting browser window focus in AngularJS</h2>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-lg">{{dog}}</button>
<p>When using hhtml5 built-in window.onfocus and window.blur you need to inject $window in the controller and after you update the $scope you need to $scope.apply() so angular knows about it. <a href="http://plnkr.co/edit/jyUJ6y64cBQDPTMXMWVb?p=preview">plnkr</a></p>
<pre><code>var app = angular.module(&quot;App&quot;, []);

app.controller(&quot;AppController&quot;, function($scope, $window){
    var onFocus = function(){
        $scope.dog = &#39;onfocus&#39;;
    var onBlur = function(){
        $scope.dog = &#39;onblur&#39;;
    $window.onfocus = onFocus;
    $window.onblur = onBlur;   

var app = angular.module("App", []);

app.controller("AppController", function($scope, $window){
    var onFocus = function(){
        $scope.dog = 'onfocus';
    var onBlur = function(){
        $scope.dog = 'onblur';
    $window.onfocus = onFocus;
    $window.onblur = onBlur;   
/* Styles go here */

div {
Detecting browser window focus in AngularJS
When using hhtml5 built-in window.onfocus and window.blur you need to inject $window in the controller and after you update the $scope you need to $scope.apply() so angular knows about it. [plnkr](http://plnkr.co/edit/jyUJ6y64cBQDPTMXMWVb?p=preview)

	var app = angular.module("App", []);

	app.controller("AppController", function($scope, $window){
	    var onFocus = function(){
	        $scope.dog = 'onfocus';
	    var onBlur = function(){
	        $scope.dog = 'onblur';
	    $window.onfocus = onFocus;
	    $window.onblur = onBlur;   