  .module('myapp', [

.config(function ($componentLoaderProvider) {
  $componentLoaderProvider.setTemplateMapping(function (name) {
    // name is component name
    return name + '.tpl.html';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myapp">

  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>AngularJS Plunker</title>
    document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');

  <!-- Bootstrap 3 -->
  <script data-require="jquery@2.1.1" data-semver="2.1.1" src="//"></script>
  <link data-require="bootstrap@*" data-semver="3.2.0" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link data-require="bootstrap-css@~3.1.1" data-semver="3.1.1" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
  <script data-require="bootstrap@*" data-semver="3.2.0" src=""></script>

  <!-- Angular -->
  <script data-require="angular.js@~1.4.0-beta.5" data-semver="1.4.0-beta.5" src=""></script>
  <script src="router.es5.js"></script>
  <!-- App -->
  <!-- order is irrelevant after app.js -->
  <script src="app.js"></script>
  <script src="AppController.js"></script>
  <script src="HeaderController.js"></script>
  <!-- home -->
  <script src="home.js"></script>
  <script src="HomeController.js"></script>
  <!-- users -->
  <script src="users.js"></script>
  <script src="UsersController.js"></script>
  <script src="UsersService.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

<body ng-controller="AppController as app">
  <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
    <div class="container-fluid">
      <div class="navbar-header">
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
          <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <a class="navbar-brand" ng-link="home">Logo</a>
      <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" ng-controller="HeaderController as header">
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
          <li ng-class="{ active: header.isActive('/home')}"><a ng-link="home">Home</a>
          <li ng-class="{ active: header.isActive('/users')}"><a ng-link="users">Users</a>
  <div ng-viewport class="container-fluid slide"></div>

/* Put your css in here */

<h1>Hello Plunker</h1>

<table class="table">
    <tr ng-repeat="user in users.list">
      <td>{{user.roles.join(', ')}}</td>
'use strict';

 * A module for adding new a routing system Angular 1.
angular.module('ngNewRouter', ['ngNewRouter.generated']).
  value('$routeParams', {}).
  provider('$componentLoader', $componentLoaderProvider).
  directive('ngViewport', ngViewportDirective).
  directive('ngViewport', ngViewportFillContentDirective).
  directive('ngLink', ngLinkDirective);

 * @name ngViewport
 * @description
 * An ngViewport is where resolved content goes.
 * ## Use
 * ```html
 * <div router-viewport="name"></div>
 * ```
 * The value for the `ngViewport` attribute is optional.
function ngViewportDirective($animate, $compile, $controller, $templateRequest, $rootScope, $location, $componentLoader, $router) {
  var rootRouter = $router;

  $rootScope.$watch(function () {
    return $location.path();
  }, function (newUrl) {

  var nav = rootRouter.navigate;
  rootRouter.navigate = function (url) {
    return, url).then(function (newUrl) {
      if (newUrl) {

  return {
    restrict: 'AE',
    transclude: 'element',
    terminal: true,
    priority: 400,
    require: ['?^^ngViewport', 'ngViewport'],
    link: viewportLink,
    controller: function() {},
    controllerAs: '$$ngViewport'

  function viewportLink(scope, $element, attrs, ctrls, $transclude) {
    var viewportName = attrs.ngViewport || 'default',
        ctrl = ctrls[0],
        myCtrl = ctrls[1],
        router = (ctrl && ctrl.$$router) || rootRouter;

    var currentScope,

    function cleanupLastView() {
      if (previousLeaveAnimation) {
        previousLeaveAnimation = null;

      if (currentScope) {
        currentScope = null;
      if (currentElement) {
        previousLeaveAnimation = $animate.leave(currentElement);
        previousLeaveAnimation.then(function() {
          previousLeaveAnimation = null;
        currentElement = null;

    function getComponentFromInstruction(instruction) {
      var component = instruction[0].handler.component;
      var componentName = typeof component === 'string' ? component : component[viewportName];
      return $componentLoader(componentName);
      canDeactivate: function (instruction) {
        return !ctrl || !ctrl.canDeactivate || ctrl.canDeactivate();
      canReactivate: function (instruction) {
        //TODO: expose controller hook
        return JSON.stringify(instruction) === previousInstruction;
      instantiate: function (instruction) {
        var controllerName = getComponentFromInstruction(instruction).controllerName;
        var component = instruction[0].handler.component;
        var componentName = typeof component === 'string' ? component : component[viewportName];

        // build up locals for controller
        newScope = scope.$new();

        var locals = {
          $scope: newScope,
          $router: scope.$$ngViewport.$$router = router.childRouter()

        if (router.context) {
          locals.$routeParams = router.context.params;
        try {
          ctrl = $controller(controllerName, locals);
        } catch (e) {
          console.warn && console.warn('Could not instantiate controller', controllerName);
          ctrl = $controller(angular.noop, locals);
        newScope[componentName] = ctrl;
      canActivate: function (instruction) {
        return !ctrl || !ctrl.canActivate || ctrl.canActivate(instruction);
      load: function (instruction) {
        var componentTemplateUrl = getComponentFromInstruction(instruction).template;
        return $templateRequest(componentTemplateUrl).then(function(templateHtml) {
          myCtrl.$$template = templateHtml;
      activate: function (instruction) {
        var component = instruction[0].handler.component;
        var componentName = typeof component === 'string' ? component : component[viewportName];

        var clone = $transclude(newScope, function(clone) {
          $animate.enter(clone, null, currentElement || $element);

        currentElement = clone;
        currentScope = newScope;

        // finally, run the hook
        if (ctrl.activate) {
        previousInstruction = JSON.stringify(instruction);
    }, viewportName);
ngViewportDirective.$inject = ["$animate", "$compile", "$controller", "$templateRequest", "$rootScope", "$location", "$componentLoader", "$router"];

function ngViewportFillContentDirective($compile) {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    priority: -400,
    require: 'ngViewport',
    link: function(scope, $element, attrs, ctrl) {
      var template = ctrl.$$template;
      var link = $compile($element.contents());
ngViewportFillContentDirective.$inject = ["$compile"];

function makeComponentString(name) {
  return [
    '<router-component component-name="', name, '">',

var LINK_MICROSYNTAX_RE = /^(.+?)(?:\((.*)\))?$/;
 * @name ngLink
 * @description
 * Lets you link to different parts of the app, and automatically generates hrefs.
 * ## Use
 * The directive uses a simple syntax: `router-link="componentName({ param: paramValue })"`
 * ## Example
 * ```js
 * angular.module('myApp', ['ngFuturisticRouter'])
 *   .controller('AppController', ['router', function(router) {
 *     router.config({ path: '/user/:id' component: 'user' });
 *     this.user = { name: 'Brian', id: 123 };
 *   });
 * ```
 * ```html
 * <div ng-controller="AppController as app">
 *   <a router-link="user({id:})">{{}}</a>
 * </div>
 * ```
function ngLinkDirective($router, $location, $parse) {
  var rootRouter = $router;

  angular.element(document.body).on('click', function (ev) {
    var target =;
    if (target.attributes['ng-link']) {
      var url = target.attributes.href.value;

  return {
    require: '?^^ngViewport',
    restrict: 'A',
    link: ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn

  function ngLinkDirectiveLinkFn(scope, elt, attrs, ctrl) {
    var router = (ctrl && ctrl.$$router) || rootRouter;
    if (!router) {

    var link = attrs.ngLink || '';
    var parts = link.match(LINK_MICROSYNTAX_RE);
    var routeName = parts[1];
    var routeParams = parts[2];
    var url;

    if (routeParams) {
      var routeParamsGetter = $parse(routeParams);
      // we can avoid adding a watcher if it's a literal
      if (routeParamsGetter.constant) {
        var params = routeParamsGetter();
        url = '.' + router.generate(routeName, params);
        elt.attr('href', url);
      } else {
        scope.$watch(function() {
          return routeParamsGetter(scope);
        }, function(params) {
          url = '.' + router.generate(routeName, params);
          elt.attr('href', url);
        }, true);
    } else {
      url = '.' + router.generate(routeName);
      elt.attr('href', url);
ngLinkDirective.$inject = ["$router", "$location", "$parse"];

 * @name $componentLoaderProvider
 * @description
 * This lets you configure conventions for what controllers are named and where to load templates from.
 * The default behavior is to dasherize and serve from `./components`. A component called `myWidget`
 * uses a controller named `MyWidgetController` and a template loaded from `./components/my-widget/my-widget.html`.
 * A component is:
 * - a controller
 * - a template
 * - an optional router
 * This service makes it easy to group all of them into a single concept.
function $componentLoaderProvider() {
  var componentToCtrl = function componentToCtrlDefault(name) {
    return name[0].toUpperCase() +
        name.substr(1) +

  var componentToTemplate = function componentToTemplateDefault(name) {
    var dashName = dashCase(name);
    return './components/' + dashName + '/' + dashName + '.html';

  function componentLoader(name) {
    return {
      controllerName: componentToCtrl(name),
      template: componentToTemplate(name)

  return {
    $get: function () {
      return componentLoader;
     * @name $componentLoaderProvider#setCtrlNameMapping
     * @description takes a function for mapping component names to component controller names
    setCtrlNameMapping: function(newFn) {
      componentToCtrl = newFn;
      return this;
     * @name $componentLoaderProvider#setTemplateMapping
     * @description takes a function for mapping component names to component template URLs
    setTemplateMapping: function(newFn) {
      componentToTemplate = newFn;
      return this;

function dashCase(str) {
  return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) {
    return '-' + $1.toLowerCase();

angular.module('ngNewRouter.generated', []).factory('$router', ['$q', function($q) {/*
 * artisinal, handcrafted subset of the traceur runtime for picky webdevs

var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty,
    $defineProperties = Object.defineProperties,
    $create = Object.create,
    $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
    $getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;

function createClass(ctor, object, staticObject, superClass) {
  $defineProperty(object, 'constructor', {
    value: ctor,
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true
  if (arguments.length > 3) {
    if (typeof superClass === 'function')
      ctor.__proto__ = superClass;
    ctor.prototype = $create(getProtoParent(superClass), getDescriptors(object));
  } else {
    ctor.prototype = object;
  $defineProperty(ctor, 'prototype', {
    configurable: false,
    writable: false
  return $defineProperties(ctor, getDescriptors(staticObject));

function getProtoParent(superClass) {
  if (typeof superClass === 'function') {
    var prototype = superClass.prototype;
    if (Object(prototype) === prototype || prototype === null)
      return superClass.prototype;
    throw new TypeError('super prototype must be an Object or null');
  if (superClass === null)
    return null;
  throw new TypeError(("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass + "."));

function getDescriptors(object) {
  var descriptors = {};
  var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object);
  for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    var name = names[i];
    descriptors[name] = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
  // TODO: someday you might use symbols and you'll have to re-evaluate
  //       your life choices that led to the creation of this file

  // var symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
  // for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
  //   var symbol = symbols[i];
  //   descriptors[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(symbol)] = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, $traceurRuntime.toProperty(symbol));
  // }
  return descriptors;

  "use strict";
  var RouteRecognizer = (function() {
    var map = (function() {
      function Target(path, matcher, delegate) {
        this.path = path;
        this.matcher = matcher;
        this.delegate = delegate;
      Target.prototype = {to: function(target, callback) {
          var delegate = this.delegate;
          if (delegate && delegate.willAddRoute) {
            target = delegate.willAddRoute(, target);
          this.matcher.add(this.path, target);
          if (callback) {
            if (callback.length === 0) {
              throw new Error("You must have an argument in the function passed to `to`");
            this.matcher.addChild(this.path, target, callback, this.delegate);
          return this;
      function Matcher(target) {
        this.routes = {};
        this.children = {}; = target;
      Matcher.prototype = {
        add: function(path, handler) {
          this.routes[path] = handler;
        addChild: function(path, target, callback, delegate) {
          var matcher = new Matcher(target);
          this.children[path] = matcher;
          var match = generateMatch(path, matcher, delegate);
          if (delegate && delegate.contextEntered) {
            delegate.contextEntered(target, match);
      function generateMatch(startingPath, matcher, delegate) {
        return function(path, nestedCallback) {
          var fullPath = startingPath + path;
          if (nestedCallback) {
            nestedCallback(generateMatch(fullPath, matcher, delegate));
          } else {
            return new Target(startingPath + path, matcher, delegate);
      function addRoute(routeArray, path, handler) {
        var len = 0;
        for (var i = 0,
            l = routeArray.length; i < l; i++) {
          len += routeArray[i].path.length;
        path = path.substr(len);
        var route = {
          path: path,
          handler: handler
      function eachRoute(baseRoute, matcher, callback, binding) {
        var routes = matcher.routes;
        for (var path in routes) {
          if (routes.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
            var routeArray = baseRoute.slice();
            addRoute(routeArray, path, routes[path]);
            if (matcher.children[path]) {
              eachRoute(routeArray, matcher.children[path], callback, binding);
            } else {
    , routeArray);
      return function(callback, addRouteCallback) {
        var matcher = new Matcher();
        callback(generateMatch("", matcher, this.delegate));
        eachRoute([], matcher, function(route) {
          if (addRouteCallback) {
            addRouteCallback(this, route);
          } else {
        }, this);
    var specials = ['/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'];
    var escapeRegex = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g');
    function isArray(test) {
      return === "[object Array]";
    function StaticSegment(string) {
      this.string = string;
    StaticSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
        var string = this.string,
        for (var i = 0,
            l = string.length; i < l; i++) {
          ch = string.charAt(i);
          callback({validChars: ch});
      regex: function() {
        return this.string.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$1');
      generate: function() {
        return this.string;
    function DynamicSegment(name) { = name;
    DynamicSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
          invalidChars: "/",
          repeat: true
      regex: function() {
        return "([^/]+)";
      generate: function(params) {
        return params[];
    function StarSegment(name) { = name;
    StarSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function(callback) {
          invalidChars: "",
          repeat: true
      regex: function() {
        return "(.+)";
      generate: function(params) {
        return params[];
    function EpsilonSegment() {}
    EpsilonSegment.prototype = {
      eachChar: function() {},
      regex: function() {
        return "";
      generate: function() {
        return "";
    function parse(route, names, types) {
      if (route.charAt(0) === "/") {
        route = route.substr(1);
      var segments = route.split("/"),
          results = [];
      for (var i = 0,
          l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
        var segment = segments[i],
        if (match = segment.match(/^:([^\/]+)$/)) {
          results.push(new DynamicSegment(match[1]));
        } else if (match = segment.match(/^\*([^\/]+)$/)) {
          results.push(new StarSegment(match[1]));
        } else if (segment === "") {
          results.push(new EpsilonSegment());
        } else {
          results.push(new StaticSegment(segment));
      return results;
    function State(charSpec) {
      this.charSpec = charSpec;
      this.nextStates = [];
    State.prototype = {
      get: function(charSpec) {
        var nextStates = this.nextStates;
        for (var i = 0,
            l = nextStates.length; i < l; i++) {
          var child = nextStates[i];
          var isEqual = child.charSpec.validChars === charSpec.validChars;
          isEqual = isEqual && child.charSpec.invalidChars === charSpec.invalidChars;
          if (isEqual) {
            return child;
      put: function(charSpec) {
        var state;
        if (state = this.get(charSpec)) {
          return state;
        state = new State(charSpec);
        if (charSpec.repeat) {
        return state;
      match: function(ch) {
        var nextStates = this.nextStates,
        var returned = [];
        for (var i = 0,
            l = nextStates.length; i < l; i++) {
          child = nextStates[i];
          charSpec = child.charSpec;
          if (typeof(chars = charSpec.validChars) !== 'undefined') {
            if (chars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) {
          } else if (typeof(chars = charSpec.invalidChars) !== 'undefined') {
            if (chars.indexOf(ch) === -1) {
        return returned;
    function sortSolutions(states) {
      return states.sort(function(a, b) {
        if (a.types.stars !== b.types.stars) {
          return a.types.stars - b.types.stars;
        if (a.types.stars) {
          if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) {
            return b.types.statics - a.types.statics;
          if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) {
            return b.types.dynamics - a.types.dynamics;
        if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) {
          return a.types.dynamics - b.types.dynamics;
        if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) {
          return b.types.statics - a.types.statics;
        return 0;
    function recognizeChar(states, ch) {
      var nextStates = [];
      for (var i = 0,
          l = states.length; i < l; i++) {
        var state = states[i];
        nextStates = nextStates.concat(state.match(ch));
      return nextStates;
    var oCreate = Object.create || function(proto) {
      function F() {}
      F.prototype = proto;
      return new F();
    function RecognizeResults(queryParams) {
      this.queryParams = queryParams || {};
    RecognizeResults.prototype = oCreate({
      splice: Array.prototype.splice,
      slice: Array.prototype.slice,
      push: Array.prototype.push,
      length: 0,
      queryParams: null
    function findHandler(state, path, queryParams) {
      var handlers = state.handlers,
          regex = state.regex;
      var captures = path.match(regex),
          currentCapture = 1;
      var result = new RecognizeResults(queryParams);
      for (var i = 0,
          l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
        var handler = handlers[i],
            names = handler.names,
            params = {};
        for (var j = 0,
            m = names.length; j < m; j++) {
          params[names[j]] = captures[currentCapture++];
          handler: handler.handler,
          params: params,
          isDynamic: !!names.length
      return result;
    function addSegment(currentState, segment) {
      segment.eachChar(function(ch) {
        var state;
        currentState = currentState.put(ch);
      return currentState;
    var RouteRecognizer = function() {
      this.rootState = new State();
      this.names = {};
    RouteRecognizer.prototype = {
      add: function(routes, options) {
        var currentState = this.rootState,
            regex = "^",
            types = {
              statics: 0,
              dynamics: 0,
              stars: 0
            handlers = [],
            allSegments = [],
        var isEmpty = true;
        for (var i = 0,
            l = routes.length; i < l; i++) {
          var route = routes[i],
              names = [];
          var segments = parse(route.path, names, types);
          allSegments = allSegments.concat(segments);
          for (var j = 0,
              m = segments.length; j < m; j++) {
            var segment = segments[j];
            if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) {
            isEmpty = false;
            currentState = currentState.put({validChars: "/"});
            regex += "/";
            currentState = addSegment(currentState, segment);
            regex += segment.regex();
          var handler = {
            handler: route.handler,
            names: names
        if (isEmpty) {
          currentState = currentState.put({validChars: "/"});
          regex += "/";
        currentState.handlers = handlers;
        currentState.regex = new RegExp(regex + "$");
        currentState.types = types;
        if (name = options && {
          this.names[name] = {
            segments: allSegments,
            handlers: handlers
      handlersFor: function(name) {
        var route = this.names[name],
            result = [];
        if (!route) {
          throw new Error("There is no route named " + name);
        for (var i = 0,
            l = route.handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
        return result;
      hasRoute: function(name) {
        return !!this.names[name];
      generate: function(name, params) {
        var route = this.names[name],
            output = "";
        if (!route) {
          throw new Error("There is no route named " + name);
        var segments = route.segments;
        for (var i = 0,
            l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
          var segment = segments[i];
          if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) {
          output += "/";
          output += segment.generate(params);
        if (output.charAt(0) !== '/') {
          output = '/' + output;
        if (params && params.queryParams) {
          output += this.generateQueryString(params.queryParams, route.handlers);
        return output;
      generateQueryString: function(params, handlers) {
        var pairs = [];
        var keys = [];
        for (var key in params) {
          if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        for (var i = 0,
            len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
          key = keys[i];
          var value = params[key];
          if (value == null) {
          var pair = encodeURIComponent(key);
          if (isArray(value)) {
            for (var j = 0,
                l = value.length; j < l; j++) {
              var arrayPair = key + '[]' + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value[j]);
          } else {
            pair += "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
        if (pairs.length === 0) {
          return '';
        return "?" + pairs.join("&");
      parseQueryString: function(queryString) {
        var pairs = queryString.split("&"),
            queryParams = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
          var pair = pairs[i].split('='),
              key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]),
              keyLength = key.length,
              isArray = false,
          if (pair.length === 1) {
            value = 'true';
          } else {
            if (keyLength > 2 && key.slice(keyLength - 2) === '[]') {
              isArray = true;
              key = key.slice(0, keyLength - 2);
              if (!queryParams[key]) {
                queryParams[key] = [];
            value = pair[1] ? decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) : '';
          if (isArray) {
          } else {
            queryParams[key] = value;
        return queryParams;
      recognize: function(path) {
        var states = [this.rootState],
            queryParams = {},
            isSlashDropped = false;
        queryStart = path.indexOf('?');
        if (queryStart !== -1) {
          var queryString = path.substr(queryStart + 1, path.length);
          path = path.substr(0, queryStart);
          queryParams = this.parseQueryString(queryString);
        path = decodeURI(path);
        if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") {
          path = "/" + path;
        pathLen = path.length;
        if (pathLen > 1 && path.charAt(pathLen - 1) === "/") {
          path = path.substr(0, pathLen - 1);
          isSlashDropped = true;
        for (i = 0, l = path.length; i < l; i++) {
          states = recognizeChar(states, path.charAt(i));
          if (!states.length) {
        var solutions = [];
        for (i = 0, l = states.length; i < l; i++) {
          if (states[i].handlers) {
        states = sortSolutions(solutions);
        var state = solutions[0];
        if (state && state.handlers) {
          if (isSlashDropped && state.regex.source.slice(-5) === "(.+)$") {
            path = path + "/";
          return findHandler(state, path, queryParams);
    }; = map;
    return RouteRecognizer;
  var CHILD_ROUTE_SUFFIX = '/*childRoute';
  var Router = function Router(parent, configPrefix) {
    this.parent = parent || null;
    this.navigating = false;
    this.ports = {};
    this.rewrites = {};
    this.children = [];
    this.context = null;
    this.recognizer = new RouteRecognizer();
  var $Router = Router;
  (createClass)(Router, {
    childRouter: function() {
      var child = new $Router(this);
      return child;
    registerViewport: function(view) {
      var name = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : 'default';
      if (this.ports[name]) {
        throw new Error(name + ' viewport is already registered');
      this.ports[name] = view;
      return this.renavigate();
    config: function(mapping) {
      var $__0 = this;
      if (mapping instanceof Array) {
        mapping.forEach((function(nav) {
          return $__0.configOne(nav);
      } else {
      return this.renavigate();
    configOne: function(mapping) {
      if (mapping.redirectTo) {
        this.rewrites[mapping.path] = mapping.redirectTo;
      var component = mapping.component;
      if (typeof component === 'string') {
        mapping.handler = {component: component};
      } else if (typeof component === 'function') {
        mapping.handler = component();
      } else if (!mapping.handler) {
        mapping.handler = {component: component};
      this.recognizer.add([mapping], {as: component});
      var withChild = copy(mapping);
      withChild.path += CHILD_ROUTE_SUFFIX;
        path: withChild.path,
        handler: withChild
    navigate: function(url) {
      var $__0 = this;
      if (url[0] === '.') {
        url = url.substr(1);
      var self = this;
      if (this.navigating) {
        return $q.when();
      url = this.getCanonicalUrl(url);
      this.lastNavigationAttempt = url;
      var context = this.recognizer.recognize(url);
      var segment = url;
      if (notMatched(context)) {
        return $q.when();
      var lastParams = context[context.length - 1].params;
      if (lastParams && lastParams.childRoute) {
        var path = context[0].handler.path;
        segment = path.substr(0, path.length - CHILD_ROUTE_SUFFIX.length);
        if (this.previousSegment === segment) {
          return this.navigateChildren(context).then(finishNavigating, cancelNavigating);
      if (this.context === context[0]) {
        return $q.when();
      this.context = context[0];
      this.fullContext = context;
      this.navigating = true;
      context.component = this.context.handler.component;
      return this.canNavigate(context).then((function(status) {
        return (status && $__0.activatePorts(context));
      })).then(finishNavigating, cancelNavigating);
      function startNavigating() {
        self.context = context[0];
        self.fullContext = context;
        self.navigating = true;
      function finishNavigating(childUrl) {
        self.navigating = false;
        self.previousSegment = segment;
        self.previousContext = context;
        return self.previousUrl = segment + (childUrl || '');
      function cancelNavigating() {
        self.previousUrl = url;
        self.navigating = false;
    getCanonicalUrl: function(url) {
      forEach(this.rewrites, function(toUrl, fromUrl) {
        if (fromUrl === '/') {
          if (url === '/') {
            url = toUrl;
        } else if (url.indexOf(fromUrl) === 0) {
          url = url.replace(fromUrl, toUrl);
      return url;
    renavigate: function() {
      var renavigateDestination = this.previousUrl || this.lastNavigationAttempt;
      if (!this.navigating && renavigateDestination) {
        return this.navigate(renavigateDestination);
      } else {
        return $q.when();
    navigateChildren: function(context) {
      if (context[0].params.childRoute || this.children.length > 0) {
        var subNav = '/' + (context[0].params.childRoute || '');
        return $q.all( {
          return child.navigate(subNav);
        }))).then((function(childUrls) {
          return childUrls[0];
      return $q.when();
    generate: function(name, params) {
      var router = this,
          prefix = '';
      while (router && !router.recognizer.hasRoute(name)) {
        router = router.parent;
      if (!router) {
        return '';
      var path = router.recognizer.generate(name, params);
      while (router = router.parent) {
        prefix += router.previousSegment;
      return prefix + path;
    activatePorts: function(context) {
      var $__0 = this;
      var activations = mapObj(this.ports, (function(port) {
        return $q.when(port.canReactivate && port.canReactivate(context)).then((function(status) {
          if (status) {
            return $q.when(!port.reactivate || port.reactivate(context));
          return $q.when(port.deactivate && port.deactivate(context)).then(port.activate(context));
      return $q.all(activations).then((function() {
        return $__0.navigateChildren(context);
    canNavigate: function(context) {
      return $q.all(this.gatherNagigationPredicates(context)).then(booleanReduction);
    gatherNagigationPredicates: function(context) {
      return this.children.reduce((function(promises, child) {
        return promises.concat(child.gatherNagigationPredicates(context));
      }), [this.navigationPredicate(context)]);
    navigationPredicate: function(context) {
      return this.queryViewports((function(port) {
        return $q.when(port.canReactivate && port.canReactivate(context)).then((function(status) {
          if (status) {
            return true;
          return $q.when(!port.canDeactivate || port.canDeactivate(context)).then((function(status) {
            if (status) {
              return $q.when(port.load(context)).then((function() {
                return $q.when(!port.canActivate || port.canActivate(context));
            return false;
    queryViewports: function(fn) {
      var allViewportQueries = mapObj(this.ports, fn);
      return $q.all(allViewportQueries).then(booleanReduction).then(boolToPromise);
  }, {});
  Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype.generate, "parameters", {get: function() {
      return [[$traceurRuntime.type.string], []];
  function copy(obj) {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
  function notMatched(context) {
    return context == null || context.length < 1;
  function forEach(obj, fn) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach((function(key) {
      return fn(obj[key], key);
  function mapObj(obj, fn) {
    var result = [];
    Object.keys(obj).forEach((function(key) {
      return result.push(fn(obj[key], key));
    return result;
  function booleanReduction(arr) {
    return arr.reduce((function(acc, val) {
      return acc && val;
    }), true);
  function boolToPromise(value) {
    return value ? $q.when(value) : $q.reject();

return new Router();}]);
(function() {
'use strict';

 * Users Service
  .factory('UsersService', service);

function service(){
  var get = function() {
    return [{
      username: 'batman',
      roles: ['admin', 'user']
    }, {
      username: 'spiderman',
      roles: ['user']

  return {
    get: get

(function() {
'use strict';

 * Header Controller
  .controller('HeaderController', Controller);

Controller.$inject = [

function Controller($location) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.isActive = isActive;
  function isActive(route){
    return route === $location.path();

(function() {
'use strict';

 * Users Controller
  .controller('UsersController', Controller);

Controller.$inject = [

function Controller(UsersService) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.list = UsersService.get();

(function() {
'use strict';

 * Home Controller
  .controller('HomeController', Controller);

function Controller() {
  var vm = this; = "Plunker";

(function() {
'use strict';

 * App Controller
  .controller('AppController', Controller);

Controller.$inject = [

function Controller($router, $location) {
    { path: '/home', component: 'home' },
    { path: '/users', component: 'users' },
    { path: '/', redirectTo: '/home' }
  $location.path('/'); //set default otherwise is blank

  .module('myapp.home', [])
  .module('myapp.users', [])
# Basic website example using Bootstrap 3
Demonstrates a simple website with a top navigation using `ngNewRouter` and `ng-viewport`.

##AngularJS Features
- Modules:
  - ngNewRouter
- Directives:  
  - ng-controller (using controller as notation)
  - ng-class
  - ng-viewport
  - ng-link

- There are two sections:
  - Homepage, 'Home' section with route: `/` or `/home`. 
  - Users list, 'Users' seciton with route `/users`. Displays a User list.

- 1.0
  - Added Bootstrap 3 responsive navigation bar
  - Added `isActive(route)` to highlight active section
  - Applied [John Papas Guidelines]( to code

#More Information
You can read a post explaining more details [here](