<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="app">
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.0/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.0/angular-touch.js"></script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.0/angular-animate.js"></script>
    <script src="http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.css" type="text/css">

    <script src="//angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls-2.5.0.js"></script>
    <link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<div ng-controller="MainCtrl as $ctrl">
  <p><b>Use http in the url to load the grid</b></p>
  <div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-selection class="grid ui-grid-selectable"></div>

    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <script src="contextMenu.js"></script>
//app module
angular.module('app', ['ngTouch', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.selection','ui.bootstrap' , 'ui.bootstrap.contextMenu'])
  .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);

function MainCtrl($scope , uiGridConstants) {
  this.myData = [
        firstName: "Cox",
        lastName: "Carney",
        company: "Enormo",
        employed: true
        firstName: "Lorraine",
        lastName: "Wise",
        company: "Comveyer",
        employed: false
        firstName: "Nancy",
        lastName: "Waters",
        company: "Fuelton",
        employed: false
        firstName: "David",
        lastName: "Waters",
        company: "Comveyer",
        employed: false
        firstName: "Mitch",
        lastName: "Carney",
        company: "Enormo",
        employed: true
   $scope.gridOptions = {
    data : this.myData ,
    columnDefs : [
      {field : 'firstName' , 
       name  : 'firstName',
       visible : true  
      {field : 'lastName' , 
       name  : 'lastName',
       visible : true  
      {field : 'employed' , 
       name  : 'employed',
       visible : true  
      {field : 'company',
      name : 'company',
      visible :true 
    rowTemplate: rowTemplate() ,
    enableRowSelection : true
   function rowTemplate() {    //custom rowtemplate to enable double click and right click menu options

        return '<div ng-dblclick="grid.appScope.rowDblClick(row)"  ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by col.colDef.name" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{ \'ui-grid-row-header-cell\': col.isRowHeader }"  ui-grid-cell context-menu="grid.appScope.contextmenuOptions(row)"  data-target="myMenu" ></div>'

    $scope.rowDblClick = function( row) {
       alert('Row double-clicked!\n'+'Full Name  --> '+row.entity.firstName+' '+row.entity.lastName) 
       //add code here 
    $scope.contextmenuOptions = function(row) {
        console.log("contextmenuOptions called");

        var contextMenuData = [];

        $scope.rightClickedRow = row;

        contextMenuData.push(['Menu Option1', function() {
            alert('Menu Option1 clicked!\n' +'Full Name -->'+row.entity.firstName + ' '+row.entity.lastName )
         contextMenuData.push(['Menu Option2', function() { 
           alert('Menu Option2 clicked!\n' +'Full Name -->'+row.entity.firstName + ' '+row.entity.lastName )
         } ]);

        return contextMenuData

/* Styles go here */

//module for context menu
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.contextMenu', [])

.service('CustomService', function () {
    "use strict";

    return {
        initialize: function (item) {
            console.log("got here", item);

.directive('contextMenu', ["$parse", "$q", "CustomService", "$sce", function ($parse, $q, custom, $sce) {

    var contextMenus = [];
    var $currentContextMenu = null;
    var defaultItemText = "New Item";

    var removeContextMenus = function (level) {
        /// <summary>Remove context menu.</summary>
        while (contextMenus.length && (!level || contextMenus.length > level)) {
        if (contextMenus.length == 0 && $currentContextMenu) {

    var processTextItem = function ($scope, item, text, event, model, $promises, nestedMenu, $) {
        "use strict";

        var $a = $('<a>');
        $a.css("padding-right", "8px");
        $a.attr({ tabindex: '-1', href: '#' });

        if (typeof item[0] === 'string') {
            text = item[0];
        else if (typeof item[0] === "function") {
            text = item[0].call($scope, $scope, event, model);
        } else if (typeof item.text !== "undefined") {
            text = item.text;

        var $promise = $q.when(text);
        $promise.then(function (text) {
            if (nestedMenu) {
                $a.css("cursor", "default");
                $a.append($('<strong style="font-family:monospace;font-weight:bold;float:right;">&gt;</strong>'));

        return $a;


    var processItem = function ($scope, event, model, item, $ul, $li, $promises, $q, $, level) {
        /// <summary>Process individual item</summary>
        "use strict";
        // nestedMenu is either an Array or a Promise that will return that array.
        var nestedMenu = angular.isArray(item[1]) || (item[1] && angular.isFunction(item[1].then))
          ? item[1] : angular.isArray(item[2]) || (item[2] && angular.isFunction(item[2].then))
          ? item[2] : angular.isArray(item[3]) || (item[3] && angular.isFunction(item[3].then))
          ? item[3] : null;

        // if html property is not defined, fallback to text, otherwise use default text
        // if first item in the item array is a function then invoke .call()
        // if first item is a string, then text should be the string.

        var text = defaultItemText;
        if (typeof item[0] === 'function' || typeof item[0] === 'string' || typeof item.text !== "undefined") {
            text = processTextItem($scope, item, text, event, model, $promises, nestedMenu, $);
        else if (typeof item.html === 'function') {
            // leave styling open to dev
            text = item.html($scope);
        else if (typeof item.html !== "undefined") {
            // leave styling open to dev
            text = item.html;


        // if item is object, and has enabled prop invoke the prop
        // els if fallback to item[2]

        var isEnabled = function () {
            if (typeof item.enabled !== "undefined") {
                return item.enabled.call($scope, $scope, event, model, text);
            } else if (typeof item[2] === "function") {
                return item[2].call($scope, $scope, event, model, text);
            } else {
                return true;

        registerEnabledEvents($scope, isEnabled(), item, $ul, $li, nestedMenu, model, text, event, $, level);

    var handlePromises = function ($ul, level, event, $promises) {
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate if drop down menu would go out of screen at left or bottom
        /// calculation need to be done after element has been added (and all texts are set; thus thepromises)
        /// to the DOM the get the actual height
        /// </summary>
        "use strict";
        $q.all($promises).then(function () {
            var topCoordinate = event.pageY;
            var menuHeight = angular.element($ul[0]).prop('offsetHeight');
            var winHeight = event.view.innerHeight;
            if (topCoordinate > menuHeight && winHeight - topCoordinate < menuHeight) {
                topCoordinate = event.pageY - menuHeight;
            } else if(winHeight <= menuHeight) {
                // If it really can't fit, reset the height of the menu to one that will fit
                angular.element($ul[0]).css({"height": winHeight - 5, "overflow-y": "scroll"});
                // ...then set the topCoordinate height to 0 so the menu starts from the top
                topCoordinate = 0;
            } else if(winHeight - topCoordinate < menuHeight) {
                var reduceThreshold = 5;
                if(topCoordinate < reduceThreshold) {
                    reduceThreshold = topCoordinate;
                topCoordinate = winHeight - menuHeight - reduceThreshold;

            var leftCoordinate = event.pageX;
            var menuWidth = angular.element($ul[0]).prop('offsetWidth');
            var winWidth = event.view.innerWidth;
            var rightPadding = 5;
            if (leftCoordinate > menuWidth && winWidth - leftCoordinate - rightPadding < menuWidth) {
                leftCoordinate = winWidth - menuWidth - rightPadding;
            } else if(winWidth - leftCoordinate < menuWidth) {
                var reduceThreshold = 5;
                if(leftCoordinate < reduceThreshold + rightPadding) {
                    reduceThreshold = leftCoordinate + rightPadding;
                leftCoordinate = winWidth - menuWidth - reduceThreshold - rightPadding;

                display: 'block',
                position: 'absolute',
                left: leftCoordinate + 'px',
                top: topCoordinate + 'px'


    var registerEnabledEvents = function ($scope, enabled, item, $ul, $li, nestedMenu, model, text, event, $, level) {
        /// <summary>If item is enabled, register various mouse events.</summary>
        if (enabled) {
            var openNestedMenu = function ($event) {
                removeContextMenus(level + 1);
                 * The object here needs to be constructed and filled with data
                 * on an "as needed" basis. Copying the data from event directly
                 * or cloning the event results in unpredictable behavior.
                var ev = {
                    pageX: event.pageX + $ul[0].offsetWidth - 1,
                    pageY: $ul[0].offsetTop + $li[0].offsetTop - 3,
                    view: event.view || window

                 * At this point, nestedMenu can only either be an Array or a promise.
                 * Regardless, passing them to when makes the implementation singular.
                $q.when(nestedMenu).then(function(promisedNestedMenu) {
                    renderContextMenu($scope, ev, promisedNestedMenu, model, level + 1);

            $li.on('click', function ($event) {
                $scope.$apply(function () {
                    if (nestedMenu) {
                    } else {

                        if (angular.isFunction(item[1])) {
                            item[1].call($scope, $scope, event, model, text)
                        } else {
                            item.click.call($scope, $scope, event, model, text);

            $li.on('mouseover', function ($event) {
                $scope.$apply(function () {
                    if (nestedMenu) {
        } else {
            $li.on('click', function ($event) {


    var renderContextMenu = function ($scope, event, options, model, level, customClass) {
        /// <summary>Render context menu recursively.</summary>
        if (!level) { level = 0; }
        if (!$) { var $ = angular.element; }
        var $contextMenu = $('<div>');
        if ($currentContextMenu) {
            $contextMenu = $currentContextMenu;
        } else {
            $currentContextMenu = $contextMenu;
            $contextMenu.addClass('angular-bootstrap-contextmenu dropdown clearfix');
        if (customClass) {
        var $ul = $('<ul>');
        $ul.attr({ 'role': 'menu' });
            display: 'block',
            position: 'absolute',
            left: event.pageX + 'px',
            top: event.pageY + 'px',
            "z-index": 10000

        var $promises = [];

        angular.forEach(options, function (item) {

            var $li = $('<li>');
            if (item === null) {
            } else if (typeof item[0] === "object") {
                custom.initialize($li, item);
            } else {
                processItem($scope, event, model, item, $ul, $li, $promises, $q, $, level);
        var height = Math.max(
            document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
            document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight,
            document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight
            width: '100%',
            height: height + 'px',
            position: 'absolute',
            top: 0,
            left: 0,
            zIndex: 9999,
            "max-height" : window.innerHeight - 3,

        handlePromises($ul, level, event, $promises);

        $contextMenu.on("mousedown", function (e) {
            if ($(e.target).hasClass('dropdown')) {
        }).on('contextmenu', function (event) {

        $scope.$on("$destroy", function () {


    function isTouchDevice() {
      return 'ontouchstart' in window        // works on most browsers
          || navigator.maxTouchPoints;       // works on IE10/11 and Surface

    return function ($scope, element, attrs) {
        var openMenuEvent = "contextmenu";
        if(attrs.contextMenuOn && typeof(attrs.contextMenuOn) === "string"){
            openMenuEvent = attrs.contextMenuOn;
        element.on(openMenuEvent, function (event) {
            // Don't show context menu if on touch device and element is draggable
            if(isTouchDevice() && element.attr('draggable') === 'true') {
              return false;

            $scope.$apply(function () {
                var options = $scope.$eval(attrs.contextMenu);
                var customClass = attrs.contextMenuClass;
                var model = $scope.$eval(attrs.model);
                if (options instanceof Array) {
                    if (options.length === 0) { return; }
                    renderContextMenu($scope, event, options, model, undefined, customClass);
                } else {
                    throw '"' + attrs.contextMenu + '" not an array';