<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="demo">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>AngularJS ui-select</title>

    IE8 support, see AngularJS Internet Explorer Compatibility http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/ie
    For Firefox 3.6, you will also need to include jQuery and ECMAScript 5 shim
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    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.js"></script>
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  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.css">

  <!-- ui-select files -->
  <script src="select.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="select.css">

  <script src="script.js"></script>

  <!-- Select2 theme -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/3.4.5/select2.css">

    Selectize theme
    Less versions are available at https://github.com/brianreavis/selectize.js/tree/master/dist/less
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/selectize.js/0.8.5/css/selectize.default.css">
  <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/selectize.js/0.8.5/css/selectize.bootstrap2.css"> -->
  <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/selectize.js/0.8.5/css/selectize.bootstrap3.css"> -->

    body {
      padding: 15px;

    .select2 > .select2-choice.ui-select-match {
      /* Because of the inclusion of Bootstrap */
      height: 29px;

    .selectize-control > .selectize-dropdown {
      top: 36px;

<body ng-controller="DemoCtrl">
  <script src="demo.js"></script>
<h3>Normal Dropdown</h3>
<p>Selected: {{selectedCustomer}}</p>

<select ng-model="selectedCustomer" style="width: 200px;" ng-options="customer.name for customer in customers" ng-change="refreshCarrierGroups(selectedCustomer)">

<pre class="code"> {{carrierGroups|json}} </pre>

<h3>Ui Select Dropdown does not even appear </h3>

<p>Selected: {{uiSelectedCustomer}}</p>

<ui-select ng-model="uiSelectedCustomer" theme="select2" on-select="getDataBasedonCustomer(uiSelectedCustomer)" style="min-width: 300px;">
    <ui-select-match placeholder="Select a customer..">{{$select.selected.name}}</ui-select-match>
    <ui-select-choices repeat="cust in customers | filter: $select.search">
        <div ng-bind-html="cust.name | highlight: $select.search"></div>

<pre class="code"> {{uiCarrierGroups|json}} </pre>

<h3> Ui Select Dropdown Appears but on-select is not working</h3>

<p>Selected: {{uiSelectedCustomer}}</p>

<ui-select ng-model="uiSelectedCustomer" theme="select2" on-select="getDataBasedonCustomer(uiSelectedCustomer)" style="min-width: 300px;">
    <match placeholder="Select a customer in the list or search his name ">{{$select.selected.name}}</match>
    <choices repeat="cust in customers | filter: $select.search">
        <div ng-bind-html="cust.name | highlight: $select.search"></div>

<pre class="code"> {{uiCarrierGroups|json}} </pre>

'use strict';

var app = angular.module('demo', ['ngSanitize', 'ui.select']);

 * AngularJS default filter with the following expression:
 * "person in people | filter: {name: $select.search, age: $select.search}"
 * performs a AND between 'name: $select.search' and 'age: $select.search'.
 * We want to perform a OR.
app.filter('propsFilter', function() {
  return function(items, props) {
    var out = [];

    if (angular.isArray(items)) {
      items.forEach(function(item) {
        var itemMatches = false;

        var keys = Object.keys(props);
        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          var prop = keys[i];
          var text = props[prop].toLowerCase();
          if (item[prop].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) {
            itemMatches = true;

        if (itemMatches) {
    } else {
      // Let the output be the input untouched
      out = items;

    return out;

app.controller('DemoCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  $scope.selectedCustomer = {};
  $scope.carrierGroups = {name: "lmn"};
  $scope.customers = [{"paidCust":false,"id":-11881,"selected":false,"carrierId":-1,"name":"-Cise  Group Group","value":"CU11881,17923","children":[{"paidCust":false,"id":11881,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----eeCise Optical Group","value":"CU11881","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":17923,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Distributor Group","value":"CU17923","children":[],"type":"CUST"}],"type":"CUGRP"},{"paidCust":false,"id":11881,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----ACise Optical Group","value":"CU11881","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":17923,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Otributor Group","value":"CU17923","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":-17893,"selected":false,"carrierId":-1,"name":"Derttage Sales - Waypoint Group","value":"CU17893","children":[{"paidCust":false,"id":17893,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Derttage Sales - Waypoint","value":"CU17893","children":[],"type":"CUST"}],"type":"CUGRP"},{"paidCust":false,"id":17893,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Derttage Sales - Waypoint","value":"CU17893","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":-12244,"selected":false,"carrierId":-1,"name":"Derttage Sales Group","value":"CU12244","children":[{"paidCust":false,"id":12244,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Derttage Sales","value":"CU12244","children":[],"type":"CUST"}],"type":"CUGRP"},{"paidCust":false,"id":12244,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Derttage Sales","value":"CU12244","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":-17884,"selected":false,"carrierId":-1,"name":"Grteole Group Group","value":"CU17884,18363","children":[{"paidCust":false,"id":17884,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Grteole Group","value":"CU17884","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":18363,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----dfgdsfgds","value":"CU18363","children":[],"type":"CUST"}],"type":"CUGRP"},{"paidCust":false,"id":17884,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----Grteole Group","value":"CU17884","children":[],"type":"CUST"},{"paidCust":false,"id":18363,"selected":false,"carrierId":0,"name":"----dfgdsfgds","value":"CU18363","children":[],"type":"CUST"}];
  $scope.selectedCustomer   =   $scope.customers[2];

  $scope.refreshCarrierGroups = function(selCust){  
    if(selCust.name == "-Cise  Group Group"){
      $scope.carrierGroups = {name: "abc"};
       $scope.carrierGroups = {name: "def"};
  $scope.uiSelectedCustomer = {};
  $scope.uiSelectedCustomer   =   $scope.customers[1];
   $scope.uiCarrierGroups = {name: "xyz"};
  $scope.getDataBasedonCustomer = function(uiselCust){
 //   alert('ui-select');
     if(uiselCust.name == "----Otributor Group"){
      $scope.uiCarrierGroups = {name: "abc-ui"};
       $scope.uiCarrierGroups = {name: "def-ui"};
  $scope.disabled = undefined;

  $scope.enable = function() {
    $scope.disabled = false;

  $scope.disable = function() {
    $scope.disabled = true;

  $scope.clear = function() {
    $scope.person.selected = undefined;
    $scope.address.selected = undefined;
    $scope.country.selected = undefined;

  $scope.person = {};
  $scope.people = [
    { name: 'Adam',      email: 'adam@email.com',      age: 10 },
    { name: 'Amalie',    email: 'amalie@email.com',    age: 12 },
    { name: 'Wladimir',  email: 'wladimir@email.com',  age: 30 },
    { name: 'Samantha',  email: 'samantha@email.com',  age: 31 },
    { name: 'Estefanía', email: 'estefanía@email.com', age: 16 },
    { name: 'Natasha',   email: 'natasha@email.com',   age: 54 },
    { name: 'Nicole',    email: 'nicole@email.com',    age: 43 },
    { name: 'Adrian',    email: 'adrian@email.com',    age: 21 }

  $scope.address = {};
  $scope.refreshAddresses = function(address) {
    var params = {address: address, sensor: false};
    return $http.get(
      {params: params}
    ).then(function(response) {
      $scope.addresses = response.data.results

  $scope.country = {};
  $scope.countries = [ // Taken from https://gist.github.com/unceus/6501985
    {name: 'Afghanistan', code: 'AF'},
    {name: 'Åland Islands', code: 'AX'},
    {name: 'Albania', code: 'AL'},
    {name: 'Algeria', code: 'DZ'},
    {name: 'American Samoa', code: 'AS'},
    {name: 'Andorra', code: 'AD'},
    {name: 'Angola', code: 'AO'},
    {name: 'Anguilla', code: 'AI'},
    {name: 'Antarctica', code: 'AQ'},
    {name: 'Antigua and Barbuda', code: 'AG'},
    {name: 'Argentina', code: 'AR'},
    {name: 'Armenia', code: 'AM'},
    {name: 'Aruba', code: 'AW'},
    {name: 'Australia', code: 'AU'},
    {name: 'Austria', code: 'AT'},
    {name: 'Azerbaijan', code: 'AZ'},
    {name: 'Bahamas', code: 'BS'},
    {name: 'Bahrain', code: 'BH'},
    {name: 'Bangladesh', code: 'BD'},
    {name: 'Barbados', code: 'BB'},
    {name: 'Belarus', code: 'BY'},
    {name: 'Belgium', code: 'BE'},
    {name: 'Belize', code: 'BZ'},
    {name: 'Benin', code: 'BJ'},
    {name: 'Bermuda', code: 'BM'},
    {name: 'Bhutan', code: 'BT'},
    {name: 'Bolivia', code: 'BO'},
    {name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', code: 'BA'},
    {name: 'Botswana', code: 'BW'},
    {name: 'Bouvet Island', code: 'BV'},
    {name: 'Brazil', code: 'BR'},
    {name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', code: 'IO'},
    {name: 'Brunei Darussalam', code: 'BN'},
    {name: 'Bulgaria', code: 'BG'},
    {name: 'Burkina Faso', code: 'BF'},
    {name: 'Burundi', code: 'BI'},
    {name: 'Cambodia', code: 'KH'},
    {name: 'Cameroon', code: 'CM'},
    {name: 'Canada', code: 'CA'},
    {name: 'Cape Verde', code: 'CV'},
    {name: 'Cayman Islands', code: 'KY'},
    {name: 'Central African Republic', code: 'CF'},
    {name: 'Chad', code: 'TD'},
    {name: 'Chile', code: 'CL'},
    {name: 'China', code: 'CN'},
    {name: 'Christmas Island', code: 'CX'},
    {name: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', code: 'CC'},
    {name: 'Colombia', code: 'CO'},
    {name: 'Comoros', code: 'KM'},
    {name: 'Congo', code: 'CG'},
    {name: 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the', code: 'CD'},
    {name: 'Cook Islands', code: 'CK'},
    {name: 'Costa Rica', code: 'CR'},
    {name: 'Cote D\'Ivoire', code: 'CI'},
    {name: 'Croatia', code: 'HR'},
    {name: 'Cuba', code: 'CU'},
    {name: 'Cyprus', code: 'CY'},
    {name: 'Czech Republic', code: 'CZ'},
    {name: 'Denmark', code: 'DK'},
    {name: 'Djibouti', code: 'DJ'},
    {name: 'Dominica', code: 'DM'},
    {name: 'Dominican Republic', code: 'DO'},
    {name: 'Ecuador', code: 'EC'},
    {name: 'Egypt', code: 'EG'},
    {name: 'El Salvador', code: 'SV'},
    {name: 'Equatorial Guinea', code: 'GQ'},
    {name: 'Eritrea', code: 'ER'},
    {name: 'Estonia', code: 'EE'},
    {name: 'Ethiopia', code: 'ET'},
    {name: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', code: 'FK'},
    {name: 'Faroe Islands', code: 'FO'},
    {name: 'Fiji', code: 'FJ'},
    {name: 'Finland', code: 'FI'},
    {name: 'France', code: 'FR'},
    {name: 'French Guiana', code: 'GF'},
    {name: 'French Polynesia', code: 'PF'},
    {name: 'French Southern Territories', code: 'TF'},
    {name: 'Gabon', code: 'GA'},
    {name: 'Gambia', code: 'GM'},
    {name: 'Georgia', code: 'GE'},
    {name: 'Germany', code: 'DE'},
    {name: 'Ghana', code: 'GH'},
    {name: 'Gibraltar', code: 'GI'},
    {name: 'Greece', code: 'GR'},
    {name: 'Greenland', code: 'GL'},
    {name: 'Grenada', code: 'GD'},
    {name: 'Guadeloupe', code: 'GP'},
    {name: 'Guam', code: 'GU'},
    {name: 'Guatemala', code: 'GT'},
    {name: 'Guernsey', code: 'GG'},
    {name: 'Guinea', code: 'GN'},
    {name: 'Guinea-Bissau', code: 'GW'},
    {name: 'Guyana', code: 'GY'},
    {name: 'Haiti', code: 'HT'},
    {name: 'Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands', code: 'HM'},
    {name: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', code: 'VA'},
    {name: 'Honduras', code: 'HN'},
    {name: 'Hong Kong', code: 'HK'},
    {name: 'Hungary', code: 'HU'},
    {name: 'Iceland', code: 'IS'},
    {name: 'India', code: 'IN'},
    {name: 'Indonesia', code: 'ID'},
    {name: 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of', code: 'IR'},
    {name: 'Iraq', code: 'IQ'},
    {name: 'Ireland', code: 'IE'},
    {name: 'Isle of Man', code: 'IM'},
    {name: 'Israel', code: 'IL'},
    {name: 'Italy', code: 'IT'},
    {name: 'Jamaica', code: 'JM'},
    {name: 'Japan', code: 'JP'},
    {name: 'Jersey', code: 'JE'},
    {name: 'Jordan', code: 'JO'},
    {name: 'Kazakhstan', code: 'KZ'},
    {name: 'Kenya', code: 'KE'},
    {name: 'Kiribati', code: 'KI'},
    {name: 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of', code: 'KP'},
    {name: 'Korea, Republic of', code: 'KR'},
    {name: 'Kuwait', code: 'KW'},
    {name: 'Kyrgyzstan', code: 'KG'},
    {name: 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic', code: 'LA'},
    {name: 'Latvia', code: 'LV'},
    {name: 'Lebanon', code: 'LB'},
    {name: 'Lesotho', code: 'LS'},
    {name: 'Liberia', code: 'LR'},
    {name: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', code: 'LY'},
    {name: 'Liechtenstein', code: 'LI'},
    {name: 'Lithuania', code: 'LT'},
    {name: 'Luxembourg', code: 'LU'},
    {name: 'Macao', code: 'MO'},
    {name: 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of', code: 'MK'},
    {name: 'Madagascar', code: 'MG'},
    {name: 'Malawi', code: 'MW'},
    {name: 'Malaysia', code: 'MY'},
    {name: 'Maldives', code: 'MV'},
    {name: 'Mali', code: 'ML'},
    {name: 'Malta', code: 'MT'},
    {name: 'Marshall Islands', code: 'MH'},
    {name: 'Martinique', code: 'MQ'},
    {name: 'Mauritania', code: 'MR'},
    {name: 'Mauritius', code: 'MU'},
    {name: 'Mayotte', code: 'YT'},
    {name: 'Mexico', code: 'MX'},
    {name: 'Micronesia, Federated States of', code: 'FM'},
    {name: 'Moldova, Republic of', code: 'MD'},
    {name: 'Monaco', code: 'MC'},
    {name: 'Mongolia', code: 'MN'},
    {name: 'Montserrat', code: 'MS'},
    {name: 'Morocco', code: 'MA'},
    {name: 'Mozambique', code: 'MZ'},
    {name: 'Myanmar', code: 'MM'},
    {name: 'Namibia', code: 'NA'},
    {name: 'Nauru', code: 'NR'},
    {name: 'Nepal', code: 'NP'},
    {name: 'Netherlands', code: 'NL'},
    {name: 'Netherlands Antilles', code: 'AN'},
    {name: 'New Caledonia', code: 'NC'},
    {name: 'New Zealand', code: 'NZ'},
    {name: 'Nicaragua', code: 'NI'},
    {name: 'Niger', code: 'NE'},
    {name: 'Nigeria', code: 'NG'},
    {name: 'Niue', code: 'NU'},
    {name: 'Norfolk Island', code: 'NF'},
    {name: 'Northern Mariana Islands', code: 'MP'},
    {name: 'Norway', code: 'NO'},
    {name: 'Oman', code: 'OM'},
    {name: 'Pakistan', code: 'PK'},
    {name: 'Palau', code: 'PW'},
    {name: 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', code: 'PS'},
    {name: 'Panama', code: 'PA'},
    {name: 'Papua New Guinea', code: 'PG'},
    {name: 'Paraguay', code: 'PY'},
    {name: 'Peru', code: 'PE'},
    {name: 'Philippines', code: 'PH'},
    {name: 'Pitcairn', code: 'PN'},
    {name: 'Poland', code: 'PL'},
    {name: 'Portugal', code: 'PT'},
    {name: 'Puerto Rico', code: 'PR'},
    {name: 'Qatar', code: 'QA'},
    {name: 'Reunion', code: 'RE'},
    {name: 'Romania', code: 'RO'},
    {name: 'Russian Federation', code: 'RU'},
    {name: 'Rwanda', code: 'RW'},
    {name: 'Saint Helena', code: 'SH'},
    {name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', code: 'KN'},
    {name: 'Saint Lucia', code: 'LC'},
    {name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', code: 'PM'},
    {name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', code: 'VC'},
    {name: 'Samoa', code: 'WS'},
    {name: 'San Marino', code: 'SM'},
    {name: 'Sao Tome and Principe', code: 'ST'},
    {name: 'Saudi Arabia', code: 'SA'},
    {name: 'Senegal', code: 'SN'},
    {name: 'Serbia and Montenegro', code: 'CS'},
    {name: 'Seychelles', code: 'SC'},
    {name: 'Sierra Leone', code: 'SL'},
    {name: 'Singapore', code: 'SG'},
    {name: 'Slovakia', code: 'SK'},
    {name: 'Slovenia', code: 'SI'},
    {name: 'Solomon Islands', code: 'SB'},
    {name: 'Somalia', code: 'SO'},
    {name: 'South Africa', code: 'ZA'},
    {name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', code: 'GS'},
    {name: 'Spain', code: 'ES'},
    {name: 'Sri Lanka', code: 'LK'},
    {name: 'Sudan', code: 'SD'},
    {name: 'Suriname', code: 'SR'},
    {name: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', code: 'SJ'},
    {name: 'Swaziland', code: 'SZ'},
    {name: 'Sweden', code: 'SE'},
    {name: 'Switzerland', code: 'CH'},
    {name: 'Syrian Arab Republic', code: 'SY'},
    {name: 'Taiwan, Province of China', code: 'TW'},
    {name: 'Tajikistan', code: 'TJ'},
    {name: 'Tanzania, United Republic of', code: 'TZ'},
    {name: 'Thailand', code: 'TH'},
    {name: 'Timor-Leste', code: 'TL'},
    {name: 'Togo', code: 'TG'},
    {name: 'Tokelau', code: 'TK'},
    {name: 'Tonga', code: 'TO'},
    {name: 'Trinidad and Tobago', code: 'TT'},
    {name: 'Tunisia', code: 'TN'},
    {name: 'Turkey', code: 'TR'},
    {name: 'Turkmenistan', code: 'TM'},
    {name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', code: 'TC'},
    {name: 'Tuvalu', code: 'TV'},
    {name: 'Uganda', code: 'UG'},
    {name: 'Ukraine', code: 'UA'},
    {name: 'United Arab Emirates', code: 'AE'},
    {name: 'United Kingdom', code: 'GB'},
    {name: 'United States', code: 'US'},
    {name: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', code: 'UM'},
    {name: 'Uruguay', code: 'UY'},
    {name: 'Uzbekistan', code: 'UZ'},
    {name: 'Vanuatu', code: 'VU'},
    {name: 'Venezuela', code: 'VE'},
    {name: 'Vietnam', code: 'VN'},
    {name: 'Virgin Islands, British', code: 'VG'},
    {name: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', code: 'VI'},
    {name: 'Wallis and Futuna', code: 'WF'},
    {name: 'Western Sahara', code: 'EH'},
    {name: 'Yemen', code: 'YE'},
    {name: 'Zambia', code: 'ZM'},
    {name: 'Zimbabwe', code: 'ZW'}
/* Styles go here */

/* Style when highlighting a search. */
.ui-select-highlight {
  font-weight: bold;

/* Select2 theme */

/* Selectize theme */

/* Fix input width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-input > input {
  width: 100%;

/* Fix dropdown width for Selectize theme */
.selectize-control > .selectize-dropdown {
  width: 100%;

/* Bootstrap theme */

/* Fix Bootstrap dropdown position when inside a input-group */
.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap.dropdown {
  /* Instead of relative */
  position: static;

.input-group > .ui-select-bootstrap > input.ui-select-search.form-control {
  border-radius: 4px; /* FIXME hardcoded value :-/ */
  border-top-right-radius: 0;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;

.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match {
  /* Instead of center because of .btn */
  text-align: left;

.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-match > .caret {
  position: absolute;
  top: 45%;
  right: 15px;

.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-choices {
  width: 100%;

/* See Scrollable Menu with Bootstrap 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19227496 */
.ui-select-bootstrap > .ui-select-choices {
  height: auto;
  max-height: 200px;
  overflow-x: hidden;
'use strict';

 * Add querySelectorAll() to jqLite.
 * jqLite find() is limited to lookups by tag name.
 * TODO This will change with future versions of AngularJS, to be removed when this happens
 * See jqLite.find - why not use querySelectorAll? https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/3586
 * See feat(jqLite): use querySelectorAll instead of getElementsByTagName in jqLite.find https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/3598
if (angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll === undefined) {
  angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function(selector) {
    return angular.element(this[0].querySelectorAll(selector));

angular.module('ui.select', [])

.constant('uiSelectConfig', {
  theme: 'bootstrap',
  placeholder: '', // Empty by default, like HTML tag <select>
  refreshDelay: 1000 // In milliseconds

// See Rename minErr and make it accessible from outside https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6913
.service('uiSelectMinErr', function() {
  var minErr = angular.$$minErr('ui.select');
  return function() {
    var error = minErr.apply(this, arguments);
    var message = error.message.replace(new RegExp('\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/.*'), '');
    return new Error(message);

 * Parses "repeat" attribute.
 * Taken from AngularJS ngRepeat source code
 * See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/v1.2.15/src/ng/directive/ngRepeat.js#L211
 * Original discussion about parsing "repeat" attribute instead of fully relying on ng-repeat:
 * https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select/commit/5dd63ad#commitcomment-5504697
.service('RepeatParser', ['uiSelectMinErr', function(uiSelectMinErr) {
  var self = this;

   * Example:
   * expression = "address in addresses | filter: {street: $select.search} track by $index"
   * lhs = "address",
   * rhs = "addresses | filter: {street: $select.search}",
   * trackByExp = "$index",
   * valueIdentifier = "address",
   * keyIdentifier = undefined
  self.parse = function(expression) {
    var match = expression.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/);

    if (!match) {
      throw uiSelectMinErr('iexp', "Expected expression in form of '_item_ in _collection_[ track by _id_]' but got '{0}'.",

    var lhs = match[1]; // Left-hand side
    var rhs = match[2]; // Right-hand side
    var trackByExp = match[3];

    match = lhs.match(/^(?:([\$\w]+)|\(([\$\w]+)\s*,\s*([\$\w]+)\))$/);
    if (!match) {
      throw uiSelectMinErr('iidexp', "'_item_' in '_item_ in _collection_' should be an identifier or '(_key_, _value_)' expression, but got '{0}'.",

    // Unused for now
    var valueIdentifier = match[3] || match[1];
    var keyIdentifier = match[2];

    return {
      lhs: lhs,
      rhs: rhs,
      trackByExp: trackByExp

  self.getNgRepeatExpression = function(lhs, rhs, trackByExp) {
    var expression = lhs + ' in ' + rhs;
    if (trackByExp) {
      expression += ' track by ' + trackByExp;
    return expression;

 * Contains ui-select "intelligence".
 * The goal is to limit dependency on the DOM whenever possible and
 * put as much logic in the controller (instead of the link functions) as possible so it can be easily tested.
  ['$scope', '$element', '$timeout', 'RepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr',
  function($scope, $element, $timeout, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr) {

  var ctrl = this;

  var EMPTY_SEARCH = '';

  ctrl.placeholder = undefined;
  ctrl.search = EMPTY_SEARCH;
  ctrl.activeIndex = 0;
  ctrl.items = [];
  ctrl.selected = undefined;
  ctrl.open = false;
  ctrl.disabled = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function
  ctrl.resetSearchInput = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive link function
  ctrl.refreshDelay = undefined; // Initialized inside choices directive link function

  var _searchInput = $element.querySelectorAll('input.ui-select-search');
  if (_searchInput.length !== 1) {
    throw uiSelectMinErr('searchInput', "Expected 1 input.ui-select-search but got '{0}'.", _searchInput.length);

  // Most of the time the user does not want to empty the search input when in typeahead mode
  function _resetSearchInput() {
    if (ctrl.resetSearchInput) {
      ctrl.search = EMPTY_SEARCH;

  // When the user clicks on ui-select, displays the dropdown list
  ctrl.activate = function() {
    if (!ctrl.disabled) {
      ctrl.open = true;

      // Give it time to appear before focus
      $timeout(function() {

  ctrl.parseRepeatAttr = function(repeatAttr) {
    var repeat = RepeatParser.parse(repeatAttr);

    // See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/v1.2.15/src/ng/directive/ngRepeat.js#L259
    $scope.$watchCollection(repeat.rhs, function(items) {

      if (items === undefined || items === null) {
        // If the user specifies undefined or null => reset the collection
        // Special case: items can be undefined if the user did not initialized the collection on the scope
        // i.e $scope.addresses = [] is missing
        ctrl.items = [];
      } else {
        if (!angular.isArray(items)) {
          throw uiSelectMinErr('items', "Expected an array but got '{0}'.", items);
        } else {
          // Regular case
          ctrl.items = items;


  var _refreshDelayPromise = undefined;

   * Typeahead mode: lets the user refresh the collection using his own function.
   * See Expose $select.search for external / remote filtering https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-select/pull/31
  ctrl.refresh = function(refreshAttr) {
    if (refreshAttr !== undefined) {

      // Throttle / debounce
      // See https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/0.10.0/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L155
      // FYI AngularStrap typeahead does not have debouncing: https://github.com/mgcrea/angular-strap/blob/v2.0.0-rc.4/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L177
      if (_refreshDelayPromise) {
      _refreshDelayPromise = $timeout(function() {
      }, ctrl.refreshDelay);

  // When the user clicks on an item inside the dropdown
  ctrl.select = function(item) {
    ctrl.selected = item;
    // Using a watch instead of $scope.ngModel.$setViewValue(item)

  // Closes the dropdown
  ctrl.close = function() {
    if (ctrl.open) {
      ctrl.open = false;

  var Key = {
    Enter: 13,
    Tab: 9,
    Up: 38,
    Down: 40,
    Escape: 27

  function _onKeydown(key) {
    var processed = true;
    switch (key) {
      case Key.Down:
        if (ctrl.activeIndex < ctrl.items.length - 1) { ctrl.activeIndex++; }
      case Key.Up:
        if (ctrl.activeIndex > 0) { ctrl.activeIndex--; }
      case Key.Tab:
      case Key.Enter:
      case Key.Escape:
        processed = false;
    return processed;

  // Bind to keyboard shortcuts
  // Cannot specify a namespace: not supported by jqLite
  _searchInput.on('keydown', function(e) {
    // Keyboard shortcuts are all about the items,
    // does not make sense (and will crash) if ctrl.items is empty
    if (ctrl.items.length > 0) {
      var key = e.which;

      $scope.$apply(function() {
        var processed = _onKeydown(key);
        if (processed) {

      switch (key) {
        case Key.Down:
        case Key.Up:

  // See https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/blob/3.4.6/select2.js#L1431
  function _ensureHighlightVisible() {
    var container = $element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-content');
    var rows = container.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row');
    if (rows.length < 1) {
      throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected multiple .ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", rows.length);

    var highlighted = rows[ctrl.activeIndex];
    var posY = highlighted.offsetTop + highlighted.clientHeight - container[0].scrollTop;
    var height = container[0].offsetHeight;

    if (posY > height) {
      container[0].scrollTop += posY - height;
    } else if (posY < highlighted.clientHeight) {
      container[0].scrollTop -= highlighted.clientHeight - posY;

  $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

  ['$document', 'uiSelectConfig',
  function($document, uiSelectConfig) {

  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
      var theme = tAttrs.theme || uiSelectConfig.theme;
      return theme + '/select.tpl.html';
    replace: true,
    transclude: true,
    require: ['uiSelect', 'ngModel'],
    scope: true,

    controller: 'uiSelectCtrl',
    controllerAs: '$select',

    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls, transcludeFn) {
      var $select = ctrls[0];
      var ngModel = ctrls[1];

      attrs.$observe('disabled', function() {
        // No need to use $eval() (thanks to ng-disabled) since we already get a boolean instead of a string
        $select.disabled = attrs.disabled !== undefined ? attrs.disabled : false;

      attrs.$observe('resetSearchInput', function() {
        // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a boolean
        var resetSearchInput = scope.$eval(attrs.resetSearchInput);
        $select.resetSearchInput = resetSearchInput !== undefined ? resetSearchInput : true;

      scope.$watch('$select.selected', function(newValue, oldValue) {
        if (ngModel.$viewValue !== newValue) {

      ngModel.$render = function() {
        $select.selected = ngModel.$viewValue;

      // See Click everywhere but here event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12931369
      $document.on('mousedown', function(e) {
        var contains = false;

        if (window.jQuery) {
          // Firefox 3.6 does not support element.contains()
          // See Node.contains https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node.contains
          contains = window.jQuery.contains(element[0], e.target);
        } else {
          contains = element[0].contains(e.target);

        if (!contains) {

      scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

      // Move transcluded elements to their correct position in main template
      transcludeFn(scope, function(clone) {
        // See Transclude in AngularJS http://blog.omkarpatil.com/2012/11/transclude-in-angularjs.html

        // One day jqLite will be replaced by jQuery and we will be able to write:
        // var transcludedElement = clone.filter('.my-class')
        // instead of creating a hackish DOM element:
        var transcluded = angular.element('<div>').append(clone);

        var transcludedMatch = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-match');
        if (transcludedMatch.length !== 1) {
          throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-match but got '{0}'.", transcludedMatch.length);

        var transcludedChoices = transcluded.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices');
        if (transcludedChoices.length !== 1) {
          throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices but got '{0}'.", transcludedChoices.length);

  ['uiSelectConfig', 'RepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr',
  function(uiSelectConfig, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr) {

  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    require: '^uiSelect',
    replace: true,
    transclude: true,
    templateUrl: function(tElement) {
      // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select)
      var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme;
      return theme + '/choices.tpl.html';

    compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
      var repeat = RepeatParser.parse(tAttrs.repeat);

      var rows = tElement.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row');
      if (rows.length !== 1) {
        throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", rows.length);

      rows.attr('ng-repeat', RepeatParser.getNgRepeatExpression(repeat.lhs, '$select.items', repeat.trackByExp))
          .attr('ng-mouseenter', '$select.activeIndex = $index')
          .attr('ng-click', '$select.select(' + repeat.lhs + ')');

      return function link(scope, element, attrs, $select) {

        scope.$watch('$select.search', function() {
          $select.activeIndex = 0;

        attrs.$observe('refreshDelay', function() {
          // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a number
          var refreshDelay = scope.$eval(attrs.refreshDelay);
          $select.refreshDelay = refreshDelay !== undefined ? refreshDelay : uiSelectConfig.refreshDelay;

.directive('match', ['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    require: '^uiSelect',
    replace: true,
    transclude: true,
    templateUrl: function(tElement) {
      // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select)
      var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme;
      return theme + '/match.tpl.html';
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, $select) {
      attrs.$observe('placeholder', function(placeholder) {
        $select.placeholder = placeholder !== undefined ? placeholder : uiSelectConfig.placeholder;

 * Highlights text that matches $select.search.
 * Taken from AngularUI Bootstrap Typeahead
 * See https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/0.10.0/src/typeahead/typeahead.js#L340
.filter('highlight', function() {
  function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) {
    return queryToEscape.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1');

  return function(matchItem, query) {
    return query ? matchItem.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '<span class="ui-select-highlight">$&</span>') : matchItem;

angular.module('ui.select').run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {
	$templateCache.put('bootstrap/choices.tpl.html', '<ul class="ui-select-choices ui-select-choices-content dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel" ng-show="$select.items.length> 0"> <li class="ui-select-choices-row" ng-class="{active: $select.activeIndex===$index}"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-transclude></a> </li> </ul> ');
	$templateCache.put('bootstrap/match.tpl.html', '<button class="btn btn-default form-control ui-select-match" ng-hide="$select.open" ng-disabled="$select.disabled" ng-click="$select.activate()"> <span ng-hide="$select.selected !==undefined" class="text-muted">{{$select.placeholder}}</span> <span ng-show="$select.selected !==undefined" ng-transclude></span> <span class="caret"></span> </button> ');
	$templateCache.put('bootstrap/select.tpl.html', '<div class="ui-select-bootstrap dropdown" ng-class="{open: $select.open}"> <div class="ui-select-match"></div> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" tabindex="" class="form-control ui-select-search" placeholder="{{$select.placeholder}}" ng-model="$select.search" ng-show="$select.open"> <div class="ui-select-choices"></div> </div> ');
	$templateCache.put('select2/choices.tpl.html', '<ul class="ui-select-choices ui-select-choices-content select2-results"> <li class="ui-select-choices-row" ng-class="{\'select2-highlighted\': $select.activeIndex===$index}"> <div class="select2-result-label" ng-transclude></div> </li> </ul> ');
	$templateCache.put('select2/match.tpl.html', '<a class="select2-choice ui-select-match" ng-class="{\'select2-default\': $select.selected === undefined}" ng-click="$select.activate()"> <span ng-hide="$select.selected !==undefined" class="select2-chosen">{{$select.placeholder}}</span> <span ng-show="$select.selected !==undefined" class="select2-chosen" ng-transclude></span> <span class="select2-arrow"><b></b></span> </a> ');
	$templateCache.put('select2/select.tpl.html', '<div class="select2 select2-container" ng-class="{\'select2-container-active select2-dropdown-open\': $select.open, \'select2-container-disabled\': $select.disabled}"> <div class="ui-select-match"></div> <div class="select2-drop select2-with-searchbox select2-drop-active" ng-class="{\'select2-display-none\': !$select.open}"> <div class="select2-search"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" class="ui-select-search select2-input" ng-model="$select.search"> </div> <div class="ui-select-choices"></div> </div> </div> ');
	$templateCache.put('selectize/choices.tpl.html', '<div ng-show="$select.open" class="ui-select-choices selectize-dropdown single"> <div class="ui-select-choices-content selectize-dropdown-content"> <div class="ui-select-choices-row" ng-class="{\'active\': $select.activeIndex===$index}"> <div class="option" data-selectable ng-transclude></div> </div> </div> </div> ');
	$templateCache.put('selectize/match.tpl.html', '<div ng-hide="$select.open || $select.selected===undefined" class="ui-select-match" ng-transclude></div> ');
	$templateCache.put('selectize/select.tpl.html', '<div class="selectize-control single"> <div class="selectize-input" ng-class="{\'focus\': $select.open, \'disabled\': $select.disabled}" ng-click="$select.activate()"> <div class="ui-select-match"></div> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" tabindex="" class="ui-select-search" placeholder="{{$select.placeholder}}" ng-model="$select.search" ng-hide="$select.selected && !$select.open" ng-disabled="$select.disabled"> </div> <div class="ui-select-choices"></div> </div> ');