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    <h1>Open up your console to see the output</h1>

var store = new JSData.DS();

var Document = store.defineResource('document');

var d = Document.inject({ id: 5, author: 'John Anderson' });

d.author = 'Sally';

## DS#changes(resourceName, id)

Synchronously return the changes object of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` that has the primary key specified by `id`. This object represents the diff between the item in its current state and the state of the item the last time it was saved via an adapter.

###### Arguments

| name | type | description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| resourceName | string | The name of the resource to use. Unnecessary if using the resource directly. |
| id | string or number | The primary key of item for which to retrieve the changes. |

###### Examples

var d = Document.get(5); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 }

d.author = 'Sally';

// You might have to do store.digest() first

// See Method Variants section below for different ways to call DS#changes
Document.changes(5); // {...} Object describing changes