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'use strict';

// Declare app level module which depends on views, and components
angular.module('myApp', [
    config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

        $stateProvider.state('index', {
            url: "/home",
            templateUrl: 'main.html',
            controller: 'mainCtrl as mainCtrl',
            data: {
                title: 'Home'


    .controller('mainCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', function ($rootScope, $state /*, $stateParams*/) {
        var vm = this;
        vm.viewName = $state.current.data.title;
        vm.menuItems = $state.get();

            function (event, toState /*, toParams, fromState, fromParams*/) {
                vm.viewName = toState.data.title;

/* Styles go here */

# force-horse

An angular.js wrapper for a d3.js force fayout

#### USE

force-horse is implemented as an angular.js 1.4 directive. It can be used either as an HTML element or as an HTML element attribute.

&lt;force-horse options=”ctrl.options”&gt;&lt;/force-horse&gt;
&lt;div **force-horse** options=”ctrl.options”&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

A force-horse element does not have an intrincsic size. It adapts itself to the size that is set from outside, in the surrounding HTML. force-horse is implementing CSS **flex-box** display logic.
Parameters are passed through the options attribute. Pass an object, which has to  contain the property:
**data**: the graph data (nodes and links)
force-horse writes into the options parameter the property:
**forceHorseInstance**: an object representing one directive instance (note that **several instances**of force-horse may be displayed simultaneously, and independently)
This instance property can be used by the application to register callbacks and/or to call callback apis of the directive. There are four available types of callbacks:
**hover**: a node/link is hovered upon
**select**: a node/link is selected
**dblclick**: a node/link is double-clicked upon
**filter**: remove the selected nodes/links from the graph
In addition, force-horse supports an external json file, **forceHorse.json**. In this file one can set whether each of the buttons (see below) is displayed or not. Also, force layout parameters can be set, and thus to override the parameters that force-horse computes automatically, for a specific implementation.

The forceHorse project contains a complete **demo application**. The demo application is also available on the [plunker](http://embed.plnkr.co/SYmehtaAnQVyMpLJJY2B/?show=preview) site.


On activation, force-horse show the given graph. The graph stabilizes after a short force simulation. Then, if needed, it **zooms **out, so that the whole graph can be seen at a glance.
Beside showing the graph itself, force-horse provides visual indication of **hovering **over a node/link, and of **selecting **a node/link. It supports node **dragging**, and also **pan **and **zoom**.
In addition, force-horse is providing the following buttons:
**filter**: remove selected nodes/links from the graph
**pause/play**: allows to “freeze” the graph, to locate nodes without subsequent changes by the force-layout simulation
**home**: automatically pan/zoom so that the whole graph can be seen at a glance
**labels**: show/hide node labels
**node weight**: show/hide node weight (weightier nodes will be larger)
**link weight**: show/hide link weight (weightier links will be thicker)


The main dependencies of force-horse are:
**angular.js** v1.4
**d3.js** v3
A complete list can be found in file **bower.json** at the project’s root.


force-horse was designed for high performance. Some of the measures in use are:
-minimal use of angular **$watch**’es
-large graphs are not rendered continuously, but only a few times during the force simulation. The screen rendering is controlled programmatically, implementing javascript**requestAnimationFrame**(). A thin **progress bar** is displayed, during a force simulation, so that even if rendering is held, the user can know the stage and the pace of the current force simulation.


The ability to compute multiple, parallel link between two nodes is not currently supported intrinsically by d3.js. It was also not yet developed by the users community. Therefore, we developed this ability especially for force-horse. For the mathematical and implementation details, see [here](http://webiks.com/d3-js-force-layout-straight-parallel-links/).
'use strict';

angular.module('viewForceHorse', ['ui.router', 'forceHorse'])

    .config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {
        //.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state('index.viewForceHorse', {
            url: '/viewForceHorse',
            templateUrl: 'viewForceHorse.html',
            controller: 'view3Ctrl as ctrl',
            data: {
                title: 'force-horse'

    .controller('view3Ctrl', ['$scope','$http', 'graphData', 'ViewForceHorseConstants', function ($scope, $http, graphData, constants) {
        //console.log('In view3Ctrl');
        var vm = this;
        vm.constants = constants;

        // Set the options, which are passed as a parameter to the directive
        vm.options = {

        vm.predefinedFile = 'footballBarcelona';
        // vm.options.data = graphData.getRandomData(vm.numOfNodes = constants.INITIAL_NUM_OF_NODES);

        // Watch the variable where the directive will reference its instance.
        // Register my event handlers when the directive is ready
        $scope.$watch(function () {
            return vm.options.forceHorseInstance;
        }, function(newValue) {
            newValue.addEventListener.call(newValue, 'hover', vm.onHoverOutside)
                .addEventListener.call(newValue, 'select', vm.onSelectOutside)
                .addEventListener.call(newValue, 'filter', vm.onFilterOutside)
            .addEventListener.call(newValue, 'dblclick', vm.onDblClickOutside);

        // Other initializations
        vm.setArrays = function () {
            vm.data = [];
            vm.data[constants.NODES] = vm.options.data[constants.NODES].data;
            vm.data[constants.EDGES] = vm.options.data[constants.EDGES].data;
            vm.nodeById = {};
            vm.data[constants.NODES].forEach(function (item) {
                vm.nodeById[item.id] = item;

        vm.NODES = constants.NODES;
        vm.EDGES = constants.EDGES;

        vm.createRandomGraph = function () {
            vm.options.data = graphData.getRandomData(vm.numOfNodes);

        vm.createGraphFromFile = function () {
            var f = event.target.files[0];
            if (f) {
                var r = new FileReader();
                r.onload = function(evt2) {
                    var data = JSON.parse(evt2.target.result);
                    vm.options.data = vm.options.forceHorseInstance.convertFileDataFormat(data);
                    vm.numOfNodes = vm.data[constants.NODES].length; // show no. of nodes on screen
            } else {
                console.warn('File read error');

        function createGraphFromPredefinedFile() {
          $http.get(constants.FILES_SERVER_ADDR + vm.predefinedFile + ".json")
              .then(function (response) {
                  vm.options.data = vm.options.forceHorseInstance.convertFileDataFormat(response.data);
                  vm.numOfNodes = vm.data[constants.NODES].length; // show no. of nodes on screen
              .catch(function (response) {
                  console.warn('File read error: ' + response.status + " " + response.statusText);

        vm.createGraphFromPredefinedFile = createGraphFromPredefinedFile;

        vm.selectedItems = [new Set(), new Set()]; // selected nodes, edges

        //----- Event handlers -----//

        // An element was hovered inside this view
        vm.onHoverInside = function (item, on) {
            item.hovered = on;
            if (angular.isDefined(vm.options.forceHorseInstance)) {

        // An element was hovered outside this view (in the graph component)
        vm.onHoverOutside = function (item) {
            $scope.$apply(function () {
                //console.log("onHoverOutside: label=" + item.label + " hovered=" + item.hovered);

        // Update hover-related fields
        vm.setHoverState = function (item) {
            if (item) {
                if (item.hovered) {
                    if (item.class === constants.CLASS_NODE) {
                        vm.lastHoveredNode = item;
                    } else if (item.class === constants.CLASS_EDGE) {
                        vm.lastHoveredEdge = item;

        // An element was clicked on
        vm.onClick = function (event, item) {
            var element = event.currentTarget;
            // If the Ctrl key was pressed during the click ..
            // If the clicked element was marked as selected, unselect it, and vice versa
            if (event.ctrlKey) {
                vm.onSelectInside(element, item, !item.selected);
            } else {
                // If the Ctrl key was not pressed ..
                // If the clicked node is selected, ignore the click
                // Else, clear the current selection, and select the clicked node
                if (!item.selected) {
                    vm.onSelectInside(element, item, true, true);

        // Elements were selected inside this view
        vm.onSelectInside = function (element, item, on, clearOldSelection) {
            var itemType = (item.class === constants.CLASS_NODE ? constants.NODES : constants.EDGES);

            if (clearOldSelection) {
                vm.data[itemType].filter(function (d) {
                    return vm.selectedItems[itemType].has(d.id);
                }).forEach(function (d) {
                    d.selected = false;

            // Update the selectedItems set
            if (item.selected = on) {
            } else {

            if (angular.isDefined(vm.options.forceHorseInstance)) {

        // Elements were selected and/or unselected somewhere
        vm.onSelectOutside = function () {
            $scope.$apply(function () {
                for (var itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                    vm.data[itemType].forEach(function (item) {
                        if (item.selected) {

        // Elements were filtered out inside this view
        vm.onFilterInside = function () {
            // Mark the selected items as filtered, and unselect them
            // Also clear the selected-items sets
            for (let itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                vm.data[itemType].filter(function (d) {
                    return d.selected;
                }).forEach(function (d) {
                    d.filtered = true;
                    d.selected = false;

            // Remove edges connected to filtered nodes
            vm.data[constants.EDGES].filter(function (d) {
                return vm.nodeById[d.sourceID].filtered || vm.nodeById[d.targetID].filtered;
            }).forEach(function (d) {
                d.filtered = true;

            // Broadcast event
            if (angular.isDefined(vm.options.forceHorseInstance)) {

        // Elements were filtered out somewhere
        vm.onFilterOutside = function () {
            //$scope.$apply(function () {
                // Referesh the selected-items sets
                for (var itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                    vm.data[itemType].forEach(function (item) {
                        if (item.selected) {

        // A node was double-clicked on outside the view
        vm.onDblClickOutside = function (node) {
            console.log(`view3: got a double-click on node ${node.label}`);

        }]) // .controller

    .service('graphData', ['ViewForceHorseConstants', function (constants) {
        return {
            // get
            // Get random data for the graph
            getRandomData: function (numOfNodes) {
                var graphData = [
                    {id: constants.NODES_ID, data: []},
                    {id: constants.EDGES_ID, data: []}

                // Generate a random graph

                var i, node, edge, nodeIdx,
                    alephbet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
                    //alephbet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת",
                shapes = d3.svg.symbolTypes;
                for (i = 0; i < numOfNodes; i++) {
                    node = graphData[constants.NODES].data[i] = {};
                    node.class = constants.CLASS_NODE;
                    node.label = (new Array(constants.LABEL_LENGTH)).fill(null).map(function() { return alephbet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * alephbet.length)); }).join('');
                    //node.label = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2).substr(0, 5); // a random string, 5 chars
                    node.shape = shapes[Math.floor(Math.random() * shapes.length)];
                    node.id = i;
                    node.color = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.MAX_COLOR).toString(16);
                    node.weight = constants.MIN_WEIGHT + Math.floor(Math.random() * (constants.MAX_WEIGHT - constants.MIN_WEIGHT + 1));

                var numEdges = numOfNodes * 3 / 2;
                for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
                    edge = graphData[constants.EDGES].data[i] = {};
                    edge.class = constants.CLASS_EDGE;
                    nodeIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * numOfNodes);
                    edge.sourceID = graphData[constants.NODES].data[nodeIdx].id;
                    edge.sourceLabel = graphData[constants.NODES].data[nodeIdx].label;
                    nodeIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * numOfNodes);
                    edge.targetID = graphData[constants.NODES].data[nodeIdx].id;
                    edge.targetLabel = graphData[constants.NODES].data[nodeIdx].label;
                    edge.id = i;
                    edge.color = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.MAX_COLOR).toString(16);
                    edge.weight = constants.MIN_WEIGHT + Math.floor(Math.random() * (constants.MAX_WEIGHT - constants.MIN_WEIGHT + 1));

                return graphData;

        }; // return

    .constant('ViewForceHorseConstants', {
        MAX_COLOR: parseInt("0xffffff"),
        NODES: 0,
        EDGES: 1,
        NODES_ID: 1,
        EDGES_ID: 2,
        CLASS_NODE: 'Node',
        CLASS_EDGE: 'Edge',
        MIN_WEIGHT: 0,
        MAX_WEIGHT: 4,
        LABEL_LENGTH: 5,
        PREDEFINED_FILES: ['footballBarcelona', 'Les Miserables', 'FSQ 100', 'FSQ 1000'],
        FILES_SERVER_ADDR: 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/'

        // A special on-change attribute for <input type="file">
        // which is not currently supported by angular's ng-change.
        // Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/a/19647381/4402222
    .directive('fileInputOnChange', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            var onChangeFunc = scope.$eval(attrs.fileInputOnChange);
            element.bind('change', onChangeFunc);
"use strict";
 * @ngdoc overview
 * @name forceHorse
 * @description A graph visualizer using a "force layout" engine (d3.js)
angular.module('forceHorse', [])

    .run(function ($templateCache) {
        // cache our buttons template
            '<div class="buttonsWrapper" layout="row" layout-align="start center">\
              <span flex="10"></span>\
              <span flex="40">\
                <i class="mdi mdi-filter"\
                   title="Remove selected elements"\
                   ng-if="forceHorseInstance.config.showFilterButton" \
                <i class="mdi"\
                   title="Fix/release all nodes"\
                   ng-class="forceHorseInstance.fixedNodesMode ? \'mdi-play-circle-outline\' : \'mdi-pause-circle-outline\'" \
                <i class="mdi mdi-home"\
                   title="Zoom to viewport"\
              <span flex>\
                <i class="mdi"\
                   title="Show/hide labels"\
                   ng-if="forceHorseInstance.config.showLabelsButton" \
                   ng-class="forceHorseInstance.config.showLabels ? \'mdi-label-outline\' : \'mdi-label\'" \
                <i class="img img-link-weight"\
                   title="Show/hide edge weight"\
                   ng-if="forceHorseInstance.config.showEdgeWeightButton" \
                <i class="img img-node-weight"\
                   title="Show/hide node weight"\
                   ng-if="forceHorseInstance.config.showNodeWeightButton" \

     * @ngdoc directive
     * @name forceHorse.directive:forceHorse
     * @restrict EA
     * @scope
     * @priority 100
     * @description Directive definition for the forceHorse component
    .directive('forceHorse', ['$compile', 'ForceHorseFactory', 'ForceHorseHelper', function ($compile, ForceHorseFactory, helper) {
        return {
            restrict: "EA",
            controllerAs: "forceHorseCtrl",
            priority: 100,
            scope: {
                options: "="
                //onHover: '&',
                //onSelect: '&'
            bindToController: true,

            controller: function ($scope, $element) {
                //this.externalEventHandlers = helper.applyScopeToEventHandlers(this, $scope);
                var vm = this;
                // Create my instance
                // Also provide the caller with a reference to my instance, for API
                this.options.forceHorseInstance =
                    $scope.forceHorseInstance = new ForceHorseFactory($element, this.options)

                // Clear the instance reference on destruction, to prevent memory leak
                $scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
                    console.log("Destroying forceHorse instance");
                    vm.options.forceHorseInstance =
                        $scope.forceHorseInstance = null;

            link: function (scope, element) { //, attr, ctrl) {
                //console.log('In forceHorse link');

                // Add CSS class to set a CSS "namespace"
                // Add flex-box properties
                element.attr("layout", "column");
                element.attr("flex", "");
                // Add button bar
                helper.addButtons(scope, element);

     * @ngdoc factory
     * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory
     * @description Produces a class-instance for each instance of ForceHorse on a page
    .factory('ForceHorseFactory', ['$http', '$log', 'ForceHorseConstants', 'ForceHorseHelper',
        function ($http, $log, constants, helper) {
         * @ngdoc method
         * @name ForceHorseFactory
         * @methodOf forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory
         * @constructor
         * @description Constructor; initializes the eventListeners object
         * @param element A JSLite reference to the HTML container for this component
         * @param options An external options object
        function ForceHorseFactory(element, options) {
            this.element = element[0];
            this.options = options;
            // Set a variable to hold references to registered event listeners
            this.eventListeners = {hover: [], select: [], filter: [], dblclick: []};

        var proto = ForceHorseFactory.prototype;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#redraw
         * @description Draws a new graph, based on the input data
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.redraw = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            var proceed = function (json) {
            $http.get(helper.getCurrentDirectory() + constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
            .then(function (response) {
            }, function (response) {
                $log.warn(constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME + ' ' + response.statusText);
            //d3.json("forceHorse.json", function (error, json) {
            //    if (error) {
            //        console.warn(error);
            //        json = {};
            //    }
            //    myInstance.initLayout(json);
            //    myInstance.draw();
            //    myInstance.startForceSimulation();
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#initLayout
         * @description Init force layout & SVG
         * @param config an external configration object (typically from a json file)
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.initLayout = function (config) {
            var myInstance = this;
            // Generate a random instance name, for a "namespace"
            this.instanceName = new Array(constants.INSTANCE_NAME_LENGTH).fill(null).map(function () {
                return constants.ALEPHBET.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * constants.ALEPHBET.length));

            // Process input data
            var data = this.options.data;
            if (!(data instanceof Array)) {
                data = helper.convertFileDataFormat(data);
            this.nodeDataArray = data[constants.NODES].data;
            this.edgeDataArray = data[constants.EDGES].data;

            // Some nodes-related fields
            // The size (area) of the containing circle
            this.numOfNodes = this.nodeDataArray.length;
            this.nodeIconAreaDefault = constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH / 54 * constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT / 48 * 2;
            this.nodeIconRadius = Math.sqrt(this.nodeIconAreaDefault / Math.PI);
            this.selectedItems = [new Set(), new Set()]; // selected nodes, selected edges
            this.fixedNodesMode = false;
            //this.isBoundedGraphMode = false; // redundant?
            this.isFirstZoomDone = false; // Zooming to viewport after first simlation
            this.isDragging = false;

            // Set config parameters, which may be overwritten by the config argument
            // (that is, in fact, by an external json file)
            this.config = {
                showLabels: false,
                showNodeWeight: false,
                showEdgeWeight: false,
                showFilterButton: true,
                showLabelsButton: true,
                showNodeWeightButton: true,
                showEdgeWeightButton: true,
                forceParameters: {
                    //charge: -350,
                    linkStrength: 1,
                    gravity: 0.3,
                    linkDistance: 10
            Object.assign(this.config, config);

            // Create a forceLayout instance
            myInstance.force = d3.layout.force()
                .size([constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH, constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT])
                .on("start", function () {
            let p;
            if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.linkDistance)) myInstance.force.linkDistance(p);
            if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.linkStrength)) myInstance.force.linkStrength(p);
            //if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.charge)) myInstance.force.charge(p);
            if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.gravity)) myInstance.force.gravity(p);
            if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.charge)) {
            } else {
                if (myInstance.numOfNodes < constants.HEAVY_SIMULATION_NUM_OF_NODES) {
                    myInstance.force.charge(function (d) {
                        return d.weight * constants.DEFAULT_CHARGE_LIGHT;
                } else {
            if (angular.isDefined(p = myInstance.config.forceParameters.friction)) {
            } else {
                myInstance.force.friction(helper.computeFrictionParameter(constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH, constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT, this.nodeDataArray.length))

            myInstance.drag = myInstance.force.drag()
                .on("drag", function (d) {
                .on("dragend", function () {


            myInstance.zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
                .scaleExtent([constants.MAX_ZOOM, constants.MIN_ZOOM])
                .on("zoom", function () {

            // Create the main SVG (canvas).
            // If that element exists, remove it first.
            // TODO - is the element really filtered from memory (and not just the DOM)?
            myInstance.svg = d3.select(myInstance.element)
                .attr("class", "svgWrapper")
                .attr("class", "graph-svg")
                .attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH + " " + constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT)
                .attr("preserveAspectRatio", "none")
                .on("click", function () {
                .call(myInstance.zoom.event) // Used in zoomToViewport()

            // Set wrapper group, to use for pan & zoom transforms
            myInstance.inSvgWrapper = myInstance.svg.append("g");

            // Set SVG groups, and through them default colors,
            // for nodes and edges (note: the edge group has to be inserted first, so that the nodes
            // will render above the edges).
            myInstance.edgeGroup = myInstance.inSvgWrapper.append("g")
                .attr("class", "edges")
                .attr("stroke", constants.DEFAULT_EDGE_COLOR)
                .attr("stroke-width", constants.DEFAULT_EDGE_WIDTH + 'px');
            myInstance.nodeGroup = myInstance.inSvgWrapper.append("g")
                .attr("class", "nodes")
                .attr("fill", constants.DEFAULT_NODE_COLOR);
            myInstance.labelGroup = myInstance.inSvgWrapper.append("g")
                .attr("class", "labels")
                .attr("fill", constants.DEFAULT_NODE_COLOR)
                .classed("display_none", !myInstance.config.showLabels);

            return myInstance;
        }; // initLayout()

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#draw
         * @description Set the graph in the DOM: nodes, edges, labels, progress bar
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.draw = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            myInstance.elements = new Array(2); // nodes, edges

            // draw edges
            this.elements[constants.EDGES] = this.edgeGroup.selectAll("." + constants.CSS_CLASS_EDGE)
                .attr("class", constants.CSS_CLASS_EDGE)
                .attr("stroke", function (d) {
                    return d.color;
                .attr("stroke-width", (!this.config.showEdgeWeight ? null : function (d) {
                    return myInstance.getEdgeWidth(d);
                .on("mouseenter", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onHoverInside(this, d, true);
                .on("mouseleave", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onHoverInside(this, d, false);
                .on("click", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onClick(d, this);
                // Prevent panning when dragging a node
                .on("mousedown", function () {

            // draw nodes
            this.elements[constants.NODES] = this.nodeGroup.selectAll("." + constants.CSS_CLASS_NODE)
                // Set node shape & size
                .attr("d", d3.svg.symbol()
                    .type(function (d) {
                        return d.shape;
                    .size(function (d) {
                        return myInstance.getNodeIconArea(d);
                .attr("fill", function (d) {
                    return d.color;
                .attr("class", constants.CSS_CLASS_NODE)
                .on("mouseenter", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onHoverInside(this, d, true);
                .on("mouseleave", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onHoverInside(this, d, false);
                .on("click", function (d) {
                    myInstance.onClick(d, this);
                .on("dblclick", function (d) {
                    myInstance.callEventListeners("dblclick", d);
                // Prevent panning when dragging a node
                .on("mousedown", function () {

            // draw node labels
            this.labels = this.labelGroup.selectAll("text.label")
                .attr("fill", function (d) {
                    return d.color;
                .text(function (d) {
                    return d.label;
                .attr("dx", function (d) {
                    return (helper.isHebrewString(d.label) ? -1 : +1) * constants.LABEL_DISPLACEMENT;
                .attr("text-anchor", function (d) {
                    return (helper.isHebrewString(d.label) ? "end" : "start");

            // Draw progress bar
            this.progressBar = this.svg
                .attr('class', 'progress')
                .attr('x1', '0')
                .attr('y1', '1')
                .attr('x2', '0')
                .attr('y2', '1');

            // set an on-resize event, to fix aspect ratios
            d3.select(window).on(`resize.${this.instanceName}`, function () {

            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#startForceSimulation
         * @description Restart the force simulation
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.startForceSimulation = function () {
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#calcFixAspectRatio
         * @description Returns a number to be multiplied by an element's width, to fix aspect ratio deformation, due to the svg fixAspectRatio="none"
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.calcFixAspectRatio = function () {
            var currentRect = this.svg[0][0].getBoundingClientRect(),
                currentHeight = currentRect.height,
                currentWidth = currentRect.width;
            this.fixAspectRatio = (constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH / constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT) * (currentHeight / currentWidth);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#getNodeIconArea
         * @description Calculates the desired node icon area (with or without showing weight)
         * @returns {number}
        proto.getNodeIconArea = function (nodeData) {
            var myInstance = this;
            return myInstance.nodeIconAreaDefault
                + (myInstance.config.showNodeWeight ? nodeData.weight * constants.node_size_addition_per_weight_unit : 0);

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#getEdgeWidth
         * @description Calculates the desired edge width (with or without showing weight)
         * @returns {number}
        proto.getEdgeWidth = function (edgeData) {
            return constants.DEFAULT_EDGE_WIDTH + (edgeData.weight / 3) + 'px';

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onFilterInside
         * @description Filter button action: remove selected elements
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onFilterInside = function () {
            // Mark the selected items as filtered, and unselect them
            // Also clear the selected-items sets
            for (var itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                this.elements[itemType].filter(function (item) {
                    return item.selected;
                }).classed('filtered', function (d) {
                    return d.filtered = true;
                }).classed('selected', function (d) {
                    return d.selected = false;

            // Remove the labels of filtered nodes
            this.labels.classed("selected", "false")
                .classed("filtered", function (d) {
                    return d.filtered;

            // Remove edges connected to filtered nodes
            this.elements[constants.EDGES].filter(function (d) {
                return d.source.filtered || d.target.filtered;
            }).classed("filtered", function (d) {
                return d.filtered = true;

            // Cancel selection mode
            this.svg.classed("selectionMode", false);

            // Broadcast event

            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onFilterOutside
         * @description API: some elements were filtered out, update the graph
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onFilterOutside = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            // Give the filtered elements the approprite CSS class
            // If a filtered element was selected, mark it as unselected
            for (var itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                this.elements[itemType].filter(function (item) {
                    return item.filtered;
                }).classed('filtered', true)
                    .classed('selected', false)
                    .each(function (d) {
                        let type = (d.class === constants.CLASS_NODE ? constants.NODES : constants.EDGES);

            // Remove the labels of filtered nodes
            this.labels.filter(function (item) {
                return item.filtered;
            }).classed('filtered', true)
                .classed('selected', false);

            // Remove edges connected to filtered nodes
            this.elements[constants.EDGES].filter(function (d) {
                return d.source.filtered || d.target.filtered;
            }).classed("filtered", function (d) {
                return d.filtered = true;

            // Update visual selection mode
                myInstance.selectedItems[constants.NODES].size + myInstance.selectedItems[constants.EDGES].size);

            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#processNodes
         * @description Graph initialization: add auxiliary properties and variables to the nodes array
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.processNodes = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            this.nodesById = {};
            this.nodeDataArray.forEach(function (val, idx) {
                if (angular.isUndefined(val.id)) {
                    val.id = idx;
                    //console.error("Undefined [id] in nodes array");
                myInstance.nodesById[val.id] = idx;
                if (angular.isUndefined(val.label)) {
                    val.label = "" + val.id;
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#processEdges
         * @description Graph initialization: add auxiliary properties and variables to the edges array
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.processEdges = function () {
            var myInstance = this, sid, tid, key;
            this.edgesFromNodes = {};
            this.edgeDataArray.forEach(function (val, idx) {
                if (angular.isUndefined(val.id)) {
                    val.id = idx;
                    // console.warn(`Undefined [id] in edge ${val.sourceID} - ${val.targetID}`);
                // Get nodes data from nodes id's
                if (angular.isUndefined(val.sourceID)) {
                    val.sourceID = val.source;
                    //console.error("Undefined [sourceID] in edge #" + val.id);
                val.source = myInstance.nodesById[val.sourceID];
                if (angular.isUndefined(val.targetID)) {
                    val.targetID = val.target;
                    //console.error("Undefined [targetID] in edges #" + val.id);
                val.target = myInstance.nodesById[val.targetID];
                // Build an index to help handle the case of multiple edges between two nodes
                if (angular.isDefined(val.sourceID) && angular.isDefined(val.targetID)) {
                    sid = val.sourceID;
                    tid = val.targetID;
                    key = (sid < tid ? sid + "," + tid : tid + "," + sid);
                    if (angular.isUndefined(myInstance.edgesFromNodes[key])) {
                        myInstance.edgesFromNodes[key] = [idx];
                        val.multiIdx = 1;
                    } else {
                        val.multiIdx = myInstance.edgesFromNodes[key].push(idx);
                    // Calculate base edge offset, from the index in the multiple-edges array:
                    // 1 -> 0, 2 -> 2, 3-> -2, 4 -> 4, 5 -> -4, ...
                    val.basicOffset = (val.multiIdx % 2 === 0 ? val.multiIdx * constants.DEFAULT_EDGE_WIDTH : (-val.multiIdx + 1) * constants.DEFAULT_EDGE_WIDTH);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onWindowResize
         * @description Fix aspect ratios, when the window resizes
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onWindowResize = function () {
            return this.calcFixAspectRatio()

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onForceStart
         * @description Called when a force-simulation is supposed to start.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onForceStart = function () {
            // Prevent simulation when dragging a node
            if (this.isDragging) {
                return this;
            // Proceed with simulation
            return this.calcFixAspectRatio()
                [this.numOfNodes < constants.HEAVY_SIMULATION_NUM_OF_NODES ?
                "runSimulation" : "runHeavySimulation"]();


         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#runSimulation
         * @description
         * Run the force-simulation with control.
         * The DOM is not updated for every tick.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.runSimulation = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            var ticksPerRender,
                simulationStart = performance.now(), simulationDuration, calculationStart, calculationDuration = 0,
                ticks = 0;

            requestAnimationFrame(function render() {
                // Do not accelerate the simulation during dragging, so as not to slow the dragging.
                ticksPerRender = (myInstance.isDragging ? 1 : myInstance.numOfNodes / 7);
                calculationStart = performance.now();
                for (let i = 0; i < ticksPerRender && myInstance.force.alpha() > 0; i++) {
                calculationDuration += (performance.now() - calculationStart);

                if (myInstance.force.alpha() > 0) {
                } else {
                    simulationDuration = performance.now() - simulationStart;
                    console.log(`Force Simulation time = ${(simulationDuration / 1000).toFixed(2)}s, Calculation time =  ${(calculationDuration / 1000).toFixed(2)}s, ${ticks} ticks`);
            }); // render
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#runHeavySimulation
         * @description
         * Heavy graphs version: run the force-simulation with control.
         * The DOM is not updated for every tick.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.runHeavySimulation = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            var ticksPerRender,
                calculationStart, calculationDuration = 0,
                ticks = 0;

            requestAnimationFrame(function render() {
                // Do not accelerate the simulation during dragging, so as not to slow the dragging.
                ticksPerRender = (myInstance.isDragging ? 1 : 30);
                calculationStart = performance.now();
                for (let i = 0; i < ticksPerRender && myInstance.force.alpha() > 0; i++) {
                calculationDuration += (performance.now() - calculationStart);
                if (myInstance.isDragging) {

                if (myInstance.force.alpha() > 0) {
                } else {
                    console.log(`Calculation time =  ${(calculationDuration / 1000).toFixed(2)}s, ${ticks} ticks`);
            }); // render
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#updateGraphInDOM
         * @description
         * Update the force simulation in the DOM
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.updateGraphInDOM = function () {
            var myInstance = this;

            // Update nodes
            //.each(function (d) {
            //    myInstance.preventNodesOverlap(1.0)(d);
                .attr('transform', function (d) {
                    //if (myInstance.isBoundedGraphMode) {
                    //    // Force the nodes inside the visible area
                    //    var radius = myInstance.nodeIconRadius;
                    //    d.x = Math.max(radius, Math.min(constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH - radius, d.x));
                    //    d.y = Math.max(radius, Math.min(constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT - radius, d.y));
                    return `translate(${d.x},${d.y}) scale(${myInstance.fixAspectRatio},1)`;

            // Update labels
            this.labels.attr("x", function (d) {
                    return d.x;
                .attr("y", function (d) {
                    return d.y;

            // Update edges
            this.elements[constants.EDGES].attr("x1", function (d) {
                    return d.source.x;
                .attr("y1", function (d) {
                    return d.source.y;
                .attr("x2", function (d) {
                    return d.target.x;
                .attr("y2", function (d) {
                    return d.target.y;
                // Add some translation, for the case of multiple edges between two nodes
                .attr('transform', function (d) {
                    var offset = helper.calcRightAngledOffset(d.basicOffset, d.target.x - d.source.x, d.target.y - d.source.y);
                    return "translate(" + offset.dx + "," + offset.dy + ")";

            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#updateProgressBar
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.updateProgressBar = function () {
            // Do not update progress bar in fixed nodes mode
            if (!this.fixedNodesMode) {
                    constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH * (1 - this.force.alpha() / constants.MAX_ALPHA));
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onForceEnd
         * @description
         * Called whenever the d3 force-simulation comes to a halt.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onForceEnd = function () {
            // Zoom out the graph, if needed, so that it is fully visible.
            // This is done only on the first time after component start.
            if (!this.isFirstZoomDone) {
                this.isFirstZoomDone = true;
                // Also make the graph fixed, after the first force-simulation
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#zoomToViewport
         * @description
         * Zoom out the graph, if needed, so that it is fully visible.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.zoomToViewport = function () {
            var scale, translate,
                width = constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH,
                height = constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT,
                radius = this.nodeIconRadius,
                maxMarginX = d3.max(this.nodeDataArray, function (d) {
                    return Math.max(-d.x + radius, d.x + radius - width, 0);
                maxMarginY = d3.max(this.nodeDataArray, function (d) {
                    return Math.max(-d.y + radius, d.y + radius - height, 0);
            if (maxMarginX > 0 || maxMarginY > 0) {
                // If the graph (without the current zoom/pan) exceeds the view boundaries,
                // calculate the zoom/pan extent to return it to the viewport.
                var scaleX = width / (width + 2 * maxMarginX),
                    scaleY = height / (height + 2 * maxMarginY);
                scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY) * 0.95;
                translate = [(width / 2) * (1 - scale), (height / 2) * (1 - scale)];
                // If the calculated zoom is bigger than the zoom limit, increase the limit
                if (scale < constants.MAX_ZOOM) {
                    this.zoom.scaleExtent([scale, constants.MIN_ZOOM]);
            } else {
                // If the graph, without the current zoom/pan, is within the view boundaries,
                // then simply reset the zoom/pan extent.
                scale = 1;
                translate = [0, 0];
            return this;

        // preventNodesOverlap
        // A collision-detection algorithm, Based on
        // http://www.coppelia.io/2014/07/an-a-to-z-of-extra-features-for-the-d3-force-layout/
        // and http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7881887
        //proto.preventNodesOverlap = function (alpha) {
        //    var radius = this.nodeIconRadius,
        //        padding = constants.NODE_MARGIN,
        //        quadtree = d3.geom.quadtree(this.nodeDataArray);
        //    return function (d) {
        //        var rb = 2 * radius + padding,
        //            nx1 = d.x - rb,
        //            nx2 = d.x + rb,
        //            ny1 = d.y - rb,
        //            ny2 = d.y + rb;
        //        quadtree.visit(function (quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        //            if (quad.point && (quad.point !== d)) {
        //                var x = d.x - quad.point.x,
        //                    y = d.y - quad.point.y,
        //                    l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        //                if (l < rb) {
        //                    l = (l - rb) / l * alpha;
        //                    d.x -= x *= l;
        //                    d.y -= y *= l;
        //                    quad.point.x += x;
        //                    quad.point.y += y;
        //                }
        //            }
        //            return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1;
        //        });
        //    };

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onClick
         * @description
         * Event handler. called when an element is clicked on
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onClick = function (item, element) {
            // Ignore the click event at the end of a drag
            if (!d3.event.defaultPrevented) {
                // If the Ctrl key was pressed during the click ..
                // If the clicked element was marked as selected, unselect it, and vice versa
                if (d3.event.ctrlKey) {
                    this.onSelectInside(element, item, !item.selected);
                } else {
                    // If the Ctrl key was not pressed ..
                    // If the clicked element is selected, unselect the other elements
                    // (if only the clicked element is selected, unselect it)
                    // Else, clear the current selection, and select the clicked element
                    if (item.selected && (this.selectedItems[constants.NODES].size + this.selectedItems[constants.EDGES].size) === 1) {
                        this.onSelectInside(element, item, false);
                    } else {
                        this.onSelectInside(element, item, true, true);
            // Prevent bubbling, so that we can separately detect a click on the container
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onContainerClick
         * @description
         * Event handler. on a click not on a node or edge
         * Cancel current selection
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onContainerClick = function () {
            //console.log("Container was clicked");
            if (this.selectedItems[constants.NODES].size + this.selectedItems[constants.EDGES].size > 0) {
                this.onSelectInside(null, null, null, true);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onHoverInside
         * @description
         * An element was hovered inside this component.
         * @param item A data object
         * @param element The corresponding DOM element
         * @param {boolean} on
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onHoverInside = function (element, item, on) {
            d3.select(element).classed("hovered", item.hovered = on);
            return this.callEventListeners('hover', item);

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onHoverOutside
         * @description
         * An element was hovered outside this component.
         * @param item data object of the hovered element
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onHoverOutside = function (item) {
            var itemType = (item.class === constants.CLASS_NODE ?
                constants.NODES : constants.EDGES);
            this.elements[itemType].filter(function (d) {
                    return d.id === item.id;
                .classed("hovered", item.hovered);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onSelectInside
         * @description
         * Called when an element is meant to be selected inside this component.
         * @param item The data object bound to the selected element
         * @param element The DOM element
         * @param {boolean} on Select or Unselect
         * @param {boolean} clearOldSelection whether to clear first the current selection
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onSelectInside = function (element, item, on, clearOldSelection) {
            var myInstance = this;
            var itemType;

            if (clearOldSelection) {
                for (itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                    myInstance.elements[itemType].filter(function (d) {
                        return myInstance.selectedItems[itemType].has(d.id);
                    }).classed("selected", function (d) {
                        return d.selected = false;

            // Update the DOM element
            if (element) {
                d3.select(element).classed("selected", item.selected = on);

            // Update the labels
            this.labels.classed("selected", function (d) {
                return d.selected;

            // Update the selectedItems set
            if (item) {
                itemType = (item.class === constants.CLASS_NODE ? constants.NODES : constants.EDGES);
                if (item.selected) {
                } else {

            // In "selectionMode" the unselected nodes are visually marked
                this.selectedItems[constants.NODES].size + myInstance.selectedItems[constants.EDGES].size);

            return this.callEventListeners('select');

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onSelectOutside
         * @description
         * API: Called when elements were selected and/or unselected outside this component.
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onSelectOutside = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            // Update the "selected" css class, and the selected-items sets
            for (var itemType = constants.NODES; itemType <= constants.EDGES; itemType++) {
                (function (mySet) {
                        .classed('selected', function (d) {
                            if (d.selected) {
                                return true;
                            } else {
                                return false;

            // Update the labels
            this.labels.classed("selected", function (d) {
                return d.selected;

            // In "selectionMode" the unselected nodes are visually marked
                this.selectedItems[constants.NODES].size + myInstance.selectedItems[constants.EDGES].size);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onZoom
         * @description
         * Perform pan/zoom
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onZoom = function () {
            var trans = d3.event.translate,
                scale = d3.event.scale;

            if (this.inSvgWrapper) {
                    "translate(" + trans + ")"
                    + " scale(" + scale + ")");
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onDrag
         * @description
         * Node-dragging event handler
         * @param d The data item bound to the dragged node
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onDrag = function (d) {
            // Make the dragged node fixed (not moved by the simulation)
            this.elements[constants.NODES].filter(function (nodeData) {
                return nodeData.id === d.id;
            }).classed("fixed", d.fixed = true);

            if (!this.isDragging) {
                this.isDragging = true;
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onDragEnd
         * @description
         * Event handler, called when a node-dragging ends
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onDragEnd = function () {
            this.isDragging = false;
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#toggleFixedNodesMode
         * @description
         * Called from Pause/Play button
         * Pause fixes all the nodes
         * Play unfixes all the nodes
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.toggleFixedNodesMode = function () {
            if (this.fixedNodesMode) {
                this.elements[constants.NODES].classed('fixed', function (d) {
                    return d.fixed = false;
                this.fixedNodesMode = false;
            } else {
                this.elements[constants.NODES].classed('fixed', function (d) {
                    return d.fixed = true;
                this.fixedNodesMode = true;
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onLabelsShowHideBtnClick
         * @description
         * Show or hide labels
         * Called when the labels button is clicked on
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onLabelsShowHideBtnClick = function () {
            //var myInstance = this;
            if (this.config.showLabels = !this.config.showLabels) {
                this.labelGroup.classed('display_none', false);
                //this.labelGroup.transition().attr("opacity", "0");
                //setTimeout(function () {
                //    myInstance.labelGroup.classed('display_none', true);
                //}, constants.ANIMATION_DELAY);
            } else { // show labels
                this.labelGroup.classed('display_none', true);
                //setTimeout(function () {
                //    myInstance.labelGroup.transition().attr("opacity", "1");
                //}, constants.ANIMATION_DELAY);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onNodeWeightShowHideBtnClick
         * @description
         * Show or hide node weights
         * Called when the node weight button is clicked on
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onNodeWeightShowHideBtnClick = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            this.config.showNodeWeight = !this.config.showNodeWeight;
                .attr("d", d3.svg.symbol()
                    .type(function (d) {
                        return d.shape;
                    .size(function (d) {
                        return myInstance.getNodeIconArea(d);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#onEdgeWeightShowHideBtnClick
         * @description
         * Show or hide edge weights
         * Called when the edge weight button is clicked on
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.onEdgeWeightShowHideBtnClick = function () {
            var myInstance = this;
            this.config.showEdgeWeight = !this.config.showEdgeWeight;
                .attr("stroke-width", (!this.config.showEdgeWeight ? null : function (d) {
                    return myInstance.getEdgeWidth(d);
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#addEventListener
         * @description
         * API: Register event callbacks with this component
         * @param type The event type
         * @param callback The event listener to register
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.addEventListener = function (type, callback) {
            return this;

         * @ngdoc method
         * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#callEventListeners
         * @description
         * Call the registered event listeners, for an event type
         * @param type The event type (hover, select, ...)
         * @param args Arguments for the event listener
         * @returns {ForceHorseFactory} current instance
        proto.callEventListeners = function (type, ...args) {
            this.eventListeners[type].forEach(function (callback) {
            return this;

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.factory:ForceHorseFactory#convertFileDataFormat
             * @description api. See the method in helper.
             * @param fileData
             * @returns {*|*[]}
        proto.convertFileDataFormat = function (fileData) {
            return helper.convertFileDataFormat(fileData);  

        return ForceHorseFactory;

     * @ngdoc constant
     * @name forceHorse.constant:ForceHorseConstants
     * @description A constants object for the forceHorse component
    .constant('ForceHorseConstants', {
        INNER_SVG_WIDTH: 540,
        INNER_SVG_HEIGHT: 480,
        NODES: 0,
        EDGES: 1,
        NODES_ID: 1,
        EDGES_ID: 2,
        CLASS_NODE: 'Node',
        CLASS_EDGE: 'Edge',
        CSS_CLASS_NODE: 'node',
        CSS_CLASS_EDGE: 'edge',
        DEFAULT_EDGE_WIDTH: 1.5,
        DEFAULT_EDGE_COLOR: 'brown',
        DEFAULT_NODE_COLOR: '#6060a0',
        NODE_MARGIN: 10,
        MAX_ZOOM: 0.5,
        MIN_ZOOM: 2,
        ANIMATION_DELAY: 200,
        ALEPHBET: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
        MAX_ALPHA: 0.1,
        DEFAULT_CHARGE_HEAVY: -15000,
        CONFIG_FILE_NAME: 'forceHorse.json',
        get node_size_addition_per_weight_unit() {
            return this.INNER_SVG_WIDTH * this.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT / (54 * 48 * 3);

     * @ngdoc service
     * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper
     * @description A helper object with methods for the forceHorse component
    .service('ForceHorseHelper', ['ForceHorseConstants', '$templateCache', '$compile', function (constants, templates, $compile) {
        return {

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#addButtons
             * @description
             * Add a buttons bar, at the top of the container
             * @returns {ForceHorseHelper} current object
            addButtons: function (scope, container) {
                var template = templates.get('forceHorse/buttons');
                var element = angular.element(template);
                var compiledElement = $compile(element)(scope);
                return this;

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#calcRightAngledOffset
             * @description
             * Calculate where to display edges, for the case of multiple edges between two nodes
             * @param basicOffset The desired distance from the parallel edge to the first edge
             * @param origDx The x-difference between the two end points of the first edge
             * @param origDy The y-difference between the two end points of the first edge
             * @returns {Object} <tt>{dx:dx, dy:dy}</tt> The calculated offset of the parallel edge from the first edge
            calcRightAngledOffset: function (basicOffset, origDx, origDy) {
                var dx, dy;
                if (basicOffset === 0) {
                    dx = dy = 0;
                } else if (origDy === 0 || Math.abs(origDx / origDy) > 1) {
                    dy = -basicOffset * constants.INNER_SVG_WIDTH / constants.INNER_SVG_HEIGHT;
                    dx = basicOffset * (origDy) / origDx;
                } else {
                    dx = basicOffset;
                    dy = basicOffset * (-origDx) / origDy;
                if (!angular.isNumber(dx)) {
                    console.warn(`calcRightAngledOffset: dx is not a number! basicOffset=${basicOffset} origDx=${origDx} origDy=${origDy}`);
                return {dx: dx, dy: dy};

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#computeFrictionParameter
             * @description
             * Compute the friction parameter for the force-simulation, with a mysterious formula supplied by Omer.
             * @param {number} width_in_pixels Width of the simulation area
             * @param {number} height_in_pixels Height of the simulation area
             * @param {number} number_of_nodes No. of nodes in the graph
             * @returns {number}
            computeFrictionParameter: function (width_in_pixels, height_in_pixels, number_of_nodes) {
                var A = 0.0356,
                    B = 1.162,
                    x = 100 * number_of_nodes / (height_in_pixels * width_in_pixels);
                if (x < 0.0634) x = 0.0634;
                return A * Math.pow(x, -B);

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#isHebrewString
             * @description
             * Does the given string start with a hebrew letter?
             * @param {string} s
             * @returns {boolean}
            isHebrewString: function (s) {
                var c = s.charAt(0);
                return (c >= 'א' && c <= 'ת');

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#getCurrentDirectory
             * @description
             * See http://stackoverflow.com/a/21103831/4402222
             * @returns {string}
            getCurrentDirectory: () => {
                var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
                var currentScriptPath = scripts[scripts.length-1].src;
                return currentScriptPath.substring(0,currentScriptPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1 );

             * @ngdoc method
             * @name forceHorse.service:ForceHorseHelper#convertFileDataFormat
             * @param fileData
             * @returns {*[]}
             * @description
             * fileData is supposed to be in the format
             * {nodes: [nodeData, nodeData, ...] links: [linkData, linkData, ...]}
             * "edges" are also allowed, in place of "links".
             * If nodeData does not contain an id property, its id is set to its index in the array.
             * If nodeData does not contain a label property, it gets a default label.
             * A "class" property (node class) is also added to each nodeData.
             * If linkData does not contain an id property, its id is set to its index in the array.
             * If linkData does not contain an sourceID property, sourceID is set to source.
             * If linkData does not contain an targetID property, targetID is set to target.
             * A "class" property (link class) is also added to each linkData.
             * Also sourceLabel, targetLabel.
             * The resulting data is returned restructured like:
             * [ {id: constants.NODES_ID, data: nodesArray}, {id: constants.LINKS_ID, data: linksArray} ]
            convertFileDataFormat: function (fileData) {
                // Process nodes
                var nodes = fileData.nodes;
                nodes.forEach(function (node, idx) {
                    if (angular.isUndefined(node.id)) {
                        node.id = idx;
                    if (angular.isUndefined(node.label)) {
                        node.label = "" + node.id;
                    node.class = constants.CLASS_NODE;
                // Process edges
                var edges = (fileData.edges ? fileData.edges : fileData.links);
                edges.forEach( function(edge, idx) {
                    if (angular.isUndefined(edge.id)) {
                        edge.id = idx;
                    if (angular.isUndefined(edge.sourceID)) {
                        edge.sourceID = edge.source;
                    if (angular.isUndefined(edge.targetID)) {
                        edge.targetID = edge.target;
                    edge.sourceLabel = edge.sourceID;
                    edge.targetLabel = edge.targetID;
                    edge.class = constants.CLASS_EDGE;
                // Return the (processed) data
                return    [
                    {id: constants.NODES_ID, data: nodes},
                    {id: constants.EDGES_ID, data: edges}

        }; // return {
    }]) // .service
/* app css stylesheet */

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.menu > li {
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#view3 table tr.hovered {
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#view3 table tr.selected {
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#view3 table td {
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.force-horse {

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.force-horse .opacity_none {
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.force-horse .svgWrapper {
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    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: normal;
    overflow: auto;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg .edge {
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    /*stroke-width: 1.5px;*/

.force-horse svg.graph-svg .edge.hovered {
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.force-horse svg.graph-svg .node {
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    /*fill: #ccc;*/
    stroke: none;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg .node.fixed {
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.force-horse svg.graph-svg .node.hovered {
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    stroke-width: 1.5px;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg .labels text {
    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 0.3px;
    font-size: 11px;
    pointer-events: none;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .node,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .edge,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .labels text {
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.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .node.selected,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .edge.selected,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg.selectionMode .labels text.selected {
    opacity: 1;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg .node.filtered,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg .edge.filtered,
.force-horse svg.graph-svg .labels text.filtered {
    display: none;

.force-horse svg.graph-svg line.progress {
    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 2;

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper {
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    color: lightgray;

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i {
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    cursor: pointer;

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i:hover {
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    width: 5.5vh;
    height: 6vh;
    margin: 0 1.5vh;
    mask-size: contain;
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.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i.img:hover {
    background-color: black;

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i.img:active {
    background-color: red;;

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i.img.img-node-weight {
    mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/node_weight.png);
    -webkit-mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/node_weight.png);

.force-horse .buttonsWrapper i.img.img-link-weight {
    mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/link_weight.png);
    -webkit-mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/link_weight.png);
<!-- Header -->
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    <div ui-view
<div id="view3" flex layout="row">

    <div flex force-horse

    <div class="external-console" flex="30" layout="column">
            <!--<div layout="row" layout-padding="">Last hovered node = {{lastHoveredNode.label}}</div>-->
            <div layout="row" layout-margin="" layout-align="space-between center">
                <label flex="30" for="numOfNodes">Number of nodes:</label>
                <input flex="15" type="text" pattern="\d+" ng-model="ctrl.numOfNodes" size="4" title="number of nodes to generate">
                <input flex="15" type="range" id="numOfNodes" ng-model="ctrl.numOfNodes" min="10" max="1000">
                <button flex="40" ng-click="ctrl.createRandomGraph()">Create random graph</button>
            <div layout="row" layout-margin="" layout-align="start center">
                <label flex="30" for="predefined-file-read">Predefined demo files:</label>
                <select flex="" id="predefined-file-read" ng-model="ctrl.predefinedFile" ng-change="ctrl.createGraphFromPredefinedFile()">
                    <option ng-repeat="fileName in ctrl.constants.PREDEFINED_FILES" value="{{fileName}}">{{fileName}}</option>
                <!--<button flex="20" ng-click="ctrl.createGraphFromPredefinedFile()">Load file</button>-->
            <div layout="row" layout-margin="" layout-align="start center">
                <label flex="30" for="graph-data-file-read">Create graph from local file:</label>
                <input flex="" type="file" id="graph-data-file-read" file-input-on-change="ctrl.createGraphFromFile">
        <div flex layout="row">
            <div flex layout="column">
                <md-virtual-repeat-container flex="">
                    <table class="nodes-table" flex>
                        <tr class="repeated-item">
                        <tr md-virtual-repeat="node in ctrl.data[ctrl.NODES] | filter:{filtered:'!true'}"
                            ng-class='{hovered: node.hovered, selected: node.selected}'
                            ng-mouseenter="ctrl.onHoverInside(node, true)"
                            ng-mouseleave="ctrl.onHoverInside(node, false)"
                            ng-click="ctrl.onClick($event, node)"
                            <td class="id">{{node.id}}</td>
                            <td class="label">{{node.label}}</td>
            <div flex layout="column">
                <h3>Edges                <i class="mdi mdi-filter"
                                            title="Remove selected elements"
                <md-virtual-repeat-container flex="">
                    <table class="edges-table" flex>
                        <tr class="repeated-item">
                        <tr md-virtual-repeat="edge in ctrl.data[ctrl.EDGES] | filter:{filtered:'!true'}"
                            ng-class='{hovered: edge.hovered, selected: edge.selected}'
                            ng-mouseenter="ctrl.onHoverInside(edge, true)"
                            ng-mouseleave="ctrl.onHoverInside(edge, false)"
                            ng-click="ctrl.onClick($event, edge)"
                            <td class="id">{{edge.id}}</td>

  "showLabels": false,
  "showNodeWeight": false,
  "showEdgeWeight": false,
  "showFilterButton": true,
  "showLabelsButton": true,
  "showNodeWeightButton": true,
  "showEdgeWeightButton": true,
  "forceParameters": {
    "#charge": -350,
    "#linkStrength": 1,
    "#gravity": 0.2,
    "#linkDistance": 10,
    "#friction": 0.5

.auto-force-layout .buttonsWrapper i.img.img-node-weight {
    mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/node_weight.png);
    -webkit-mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/node_weight.png);

.auto-force-layout .buttonsWrapper i.img.img-link-weight {
    mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/link_weight.png);
    -webkit-mask-image: url(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28910567/link_weight.png);