<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Sample Application using WeblogNG Standalone logger</title>
  <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://rawgit.com/weblogng/weblogng-client-javascript/master/release/logger.js"></script>

  <h1>Sample Application using WeblogNG Logger</h1>

  <p>Look at source or inspect the DOM to see how it works.</p>

  <button type="button" id="measureOperationBtn-simple">Measure Operation - Simple</button>

  <button type="button" id="measureOperationBtn-useTimerDirectly">Measure Operation - Use Timer Directly</button>

  <button type="button" id="measureOperationBtn-executeWithTiming">Measure Operation - Execute With Timing</button>


    Last Status: <span id="statusMessage">None - Click a button above to measure an operation that simulates a small delay!</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    console.log("document ready, creating logger");
    window.logger = new weblogng.Logger("api.weblogng.com", "93c5a127-e2a4-42cc-9cc6-cf17fdac8a7f", {
      application: 'Javascript Sample App'
      , publishNavigationTimingMetrics: true
      , publishUserActive: true
    console.log("logger: " + logger.toString());

  function generateRandomDelay() {
    return (Math.random() * 50) + 75;

  function updateStatusMessage(message) {

   * Using recordStart and recordFinish is the simplest way to use the Logger.
   * However, the Logger does not support concurrent tracking of a single metric name,
   * so use one of the other approaches if the operation might be executed concurrently.
  $('#measureOperationBtn-simple').bind('click', function() {
    console.log("start simple operation " + new Date());

    //simulate executing a function that will take some time
    setTimeout(function() {
      //now inside the completion callback for our successful 'operation'; record success!
      console.log("finish simple operation " + new Date());
      updateStatusMessage("executed and measured operation-simple");
    }, generateRandomDelay());


   * Use the Timer objects directly to time an operation and then send the metric
   * data to the api using the Logger's sendMetric function.
  $('#measureOperationBtn-useTimerDirectly').bind('click', function() {
    console.log("start use timer directly for operation " + new Date());
    var timer = new weblogng.Timer();

    //simulate executing a function or an async request that will take some time
    setTimeout(function() {
      //now inside the completion callback for our successful 'operation'; record success!
      logger.sendMetric('operation-useTimerDirectly', timer.getElapsedTime());
      console.log("finish use timer directly for operation " + new Date());

      updateStatusMessage("executed and measured operation-useTimerDirectly");
    }, generateRandomDelay());


   * Use executeWithTiming when a function needs to be executed with instrumentation.
  $('#measureOperationBtn-executeWithTiming').bind('click', function() {
    var function_to_exec = function() {
      console.log("start function_to_exec " + new Date());
      setTimeout(function() {
        //now inside the completion callback for our successful 'operation'; record success!
        console.log("finish function_to_exec " + new Date());
        updateStatusMessage("executed and measured operation-executeWithTiming");
      }, generateRandomDelay());


    logger.executeWithTiming("operation-executeWithTiming", function_to_exec);
## WeblogNG Sample Application ##
The WeblogNG Sample Application supports the WeblogNG 
[Javascript client developer documentation](http://weblog-ng-ui.herokuapp.com/app/#/dev-center/javascript).

The sample app demonstrates three ways to measure operations:
1. Using Logger's recordStart and recordFinish functions
2. Using Timer directly in conjunction with Logger#sendMetric
3. Using Logger#executeWithTiming