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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="gantt.css"/>
    <title>Gantt chart for Angular.js</title>
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<a href="https://github.com/Schweigi/angular-gantt" target="_blank"><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_red_aa0000.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></a>
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
    <h1>Gantt chart demo</h1>

    <form role="form" class="form-inline">
        <div class="form-group">
            <span class="help-block">Action</span>
            <div class="btn-group">
                <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="addSamples()">Load data</button>
                <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="removeSomeSamples()">Remove some</button>
                <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="removeSamples()">Remove all</button>
        <div class="form-group">
            <span class="help-block">View scale</span>
            <select class="form-control" style="width: 100px;" ng-model="scale" ng-options="s for s in ['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month']"></select>
        <div class="form-group">
            <span class="help-block">Sort order</span>
            <select class="form-control" style="width: 100px;" ng-model="mode" ng-options="m for m in ['name', 'date', 'custom']"></select>
        <div class="form-group text-center">
            <span class="help-block">Max height</span>
            <div ng-show="maxHeight > 0">
                <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="maxHeight = 0">Deactivate</button>
            <div ng-show="maxHeight === 0">
                <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="maxHeight = 300">Activate</button>
        <div class="form-group text-center">
            <span class="help-block">Additional options</span>
            <div class="btn-group">
                <button ng-show="showWeekends" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="showWeekends = false">Hide weekends</button>
                <button ng-show="showWeekends == false" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="showWeekends = true">Show weekends</button>
                <button ng-show="showNonWorkHours == false" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="showNonWorkHours = true; subScale = 6">Show non working hours</button>
                <button ng-show="showNonWorkHours" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="showNonWorkHours = false; subScale = 8">Hide non working hours</button>
    <gantt first-day-of-week="1"
           load-data="loadData = fn"
           center-date="scrollToDate = fn"
           remove-data="removeData = fn"
           clear-data="clearData = fn"
           column-width="scale === 'month' && 20 || (scale === 'week' && 10 || 4)"
           column-sub-scale="scale === 'week' && 7 || 6"
    <small>Gantt chart v0.6.1 for Angular.js by Marco Schweighauser (2014) | MIT License</small>

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.18/angular.js"></script>
<script src="demo_sample_data.js"></script>
<script src="demo.js"></script>
<script src="angular-gantt.js"></script>
 Project: Gantt chart for Angular.js
 Author: Marco Schweighauser (2013)
 License: MIT License. See README.md

var gantt = angular.module('gantt', []);

gantt.directive('gantt', ['Gantt', 'dateFunctions', 'mouseOffset', 'debounce', 'keepScrollPos', function (Gantt, df, mouseOffset, debounce, keepScrollPos) {
    return {
        restrict: "EA",
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: function (tElement, tAttrs) {
            if (tAttrs.templateUrl === undefined) {
                return "template/gantt.tmpl.html";
            } else {
                return tAttrs.templateUrl;
        scope: {
            sortMode: "=?", // Possible modes: 'name', 'date', 'custom'
            viewScale: "=?", // Possible scales: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'
            columnWidth: "=?", // Defines the size of a column, 1 being 1em per unit (hour or day, .. depending on scale),
            columnSubScale: "=?", // Defines how precise tasks should be positioned inside columns. 4 = in quarter steps, 2 = in half steps, ... Use values higher than 24 or 60 (hour view) to display them very accurate. Default (4)
            allowTaskMoving: "=?", // Set to true if tasks should be moveable by the user.
            allowTaskResizing: "=?", // Set to true if tasks should be resizable by the user.
            allowTaskRowSwitching: "=?", // If false then tasks can be moved inside their current row only. The user can not move it to another row.
            allowRowSorting: "=?", // Set to true if the user should be able to re-order rows.
            allowLabelsResizing: "=?", // Set to true if the user should be able to resize the label section.
            fromDate: "=?", // If not specified will use the earliest task date (note: as of now this can only expand not shrink)
            toDate: "=?", // If not specified will use the latest task date (note: as of now this can only expand not shrink)
            firstDayOfWeek: "=?", // 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ... Default (1)
            weekendDays: "=?", // Array of days: 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ... Default ([0,6])
            showWeekends: "=?", // True if the weekends shall be displayed Default (true)
            workHours: "=?", // Array of valid work hours. Default ([8,9,..,16] equals a 8am - 17pm workday)
            showNonWorkHours: "=?", // True if the non work hours shall be displayed Default (true)
            autoExpand: "=?", // Set this both, left or right if the date range shall expand if the user scroll to the left or right end. Otherwise set to false or none.
            maxHeight: "=?", // Define the maximum height of the Gantt in PX. > 0 to activate max height behaviour.
            labelsWidth: "=?", // Define the width of the labels section. Changes when the user is resizing the labels width
            showTooltips: "=?", // True when tooltips shall be enabled. Default (true)
            data: "=?",
            currentDate: "=?", // If not specified will use the new Date() date value
            loadData: "&",
            removeData: "&",
            clearData: "&",
            centerDate: "&",
            onLabelsResized: "&",
            onLabelClicked: "&",
            onLabelDblClicked: "&",
            onLabelContextClicked: "&",
            onLabelHeaderClicked: "&",
            onLabelHeaderDblClicked: "&",
            onLabelHeaderContextClicked: "&",
            onGanttReady: "&",
            onRowAdded: "&",
            onRowClicked: "&",
            onRowDblClicked: "&",
            onRowContextClicked: "&",
            onRowUpdated: "&",
            onScroll: "&",
            onTaskClicked: "&",
            onTaskDblClicked: "&",
            onTaskContextClicked: "&",
            onTaskUpdated: "&",
            onTaskMoveBegin: "&",
            onTaskMoveEnd: "&",
            onTaskResizeBegin: "&",
            onTaskResizeEnd: "&"
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            // Initialize defaults
            if ($scope.sortMode === undefined) $scope.sortMode = "name";
            if ($scope.viewScale === undefined) $scope.viewScale = "day";
            if ($scope.columnWidth === undefined) $scope.columnWidth = 2;
            if ($scope.columnSubScale === undefined) $scope.columnSubScale = 4;
            if ($scope.allowTaskMoving === undefined) $scope.allowTaskMoving = true;
            if ($scope.allowTaskResizing === undefined) $scope.allowTaskResizing = true;
            if ($scope.allowTaskRowSwitching === undefined) $scope.allowTaskRowSwitching = true;
            if ($scope.allowRowSorting === undefined) $scope.allowRowSorting = true;
            if ($scope.allowLabelsResizing === undefined) $scope.allowLabelsResizing = true;
            if ($scope.firstDayOfWeek === undefined) $scope.firstDayOfWeek = 1;
            if ($scope.weekendDays === undefined) $scope.weekendDays = [0,6];
            if ($scope.showWeekends === undefined) $scope.showWeekends = true;
            if ($scope.workHours === undefined) $scope.workHours = [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16];
            if ($scope.showNonWorkHours === undefined) $scope.showNonWorkHours = true;
            if ($scope.maxHeight === undefined) $scope.maxHeight = 0;
            if ($scope.autoExpand === undefined) $scope.autoExpand = "none";
            if ($scope.labelsWidth === undefined) $scope.labelsWidth = 0;
            if ($scope.showTooltips === undefined) $scope.showTooltips = true;
            if ($scope.currentDate === undefined) $scope.currentDate = new Date();

            // Gantt logic
            $scope.gantt = new Gantt($scope.viewScale, $scope.columnWidth, $scope.columnSubScale, $scope.firstDayOfWeek, $scope.weekendDays, $scope.showWeekends, $scope.workHours, $scope.showNonWorkHours);
            $scope.gantt.expandDefaultDateRange($scope.fromDate, $scope.toDate);
            $scope.ganttHeader = $element.children()[1];
            $scope.ganttScroll = angular.element($element.children()[2]);

            $scope.$watch("sortMode", function (newValue, oldValue) {
                if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {

            $scope.$watch("data", function (newValue, oldValue) {
                if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {

            // Add a watcher if a view related setting changed from outside of the Gantt. Update the gantt accordingly if so.
            // All those changes need a recalculation of the header columns
            $scope.$watch('viewScale+columnWidth+columnSubScale+firstDayOfWeek+weekendDays+showWeekends+workHours+showNonWorkHours', function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {
                    $scope.gantt.setViewScale($scope.viewScale, $scope.columnWidth, $scope.columnSubScale, $scope.firstDayOfWeek, $scope.weekendDays, $scope.showWeekends, $scope.workHours, $scope.showNonWorkHours);
                    if (!$scope.gantt.reGenerateColumns()) {
                        // Re-generate failed, e.g. because there was no previous date-range. Try to apply the default range.
                        $scope.gantt.expandDefaultDateRange($scope.fromDate, $scope.toDate);

            $scope.$watch('fromDate+toDate', function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (!angular.equals(newValue, oldValue)) {
                    $scope.gantt.expandDefaultDateRange($scope.fromDate, $scope.toDate);

            $scope.getPxToEmFactor = function() {
                return $scope.ganttScroll.children()[0].offsetWidth / $scope.gantt.width;

            // Swaps two rows and changes the sort order to custom to display the swapped rows
            $scope.swapRows = function (a, b) {
                $scope.gantt.swapRows(a, b);

                // Raise change events
                $scope.raiseRowUpdatedEvent(a, true);
                $scope.raiseRowUpdatedEvent(b, true);

                // Switch to custom sort mode and trigger sort
                if ($scope.sortMode !== "custom") {
                    $scope.sortMode = "custom"; // Sort will be triggered by the watcher
                } else {

            // Sort rows by the current sort mode
            $scope.sortRows = function () {

            // Scroll to the specified x
            $scope.scrollTo = function(x) {
                $scope.ganttScroll[0].scrollLeft = x;

            // Scroll to the left side by specified x
            $scope.scrollLeft = function(x) {
                $scope.ganttScroll[0].scrollLeft -= x;

            // Scroll to the right side by specified x
            $scope.scrollRight = function(x) {
                $scope.ganttScroll[0].scrollLeft += x;

            // Tries to center the specified date
            $scope.scrollToDate = function(date) {
                var column = $scope.gantt.getColumnByDate(date);
                if (column !== undefined) {
                    var x = (column.left + column.width / 2) * $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                    $scope.ganttScroll[0].scrollLeft = x - $scope.ganttScroll[0].offsetWidth/2;

            $scope.autoExpandColumns = keepScrollPos($scope, function(el, date, direction) {
                if ( $scope.autoExpand !== "both" && $scope.autoExpand !== true && $scope.autoExpand !== direction ){

                var from, to;
                var expandHour = 1, expandDay = 31;

                if (direction === "left") {
                    from = $scope.viewScale === "hour" ? df.addDays(date, -expandHour, true) : df.addDays(date, -expandDay, true);
                    to = date;
                } else {
                    from = date;
                    to =  $scope.viewScale === "hour" ? df.addDays(date, expandHour, true) : df.addDays(date, expandDay, true);

                $scope.gantt.expandDefaultDateRange(from, to);

            $scope.raiseLabelsResized = function(width) {
                $scope.onLabelsResized({ event: { width: width } });

            $scope.raiseLabelClickedEvent = function(evt, row) {
                $scope.onLabelClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseLabelDblClickedEvent = function(evt, row) {
                $scope.onLabelDblClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseLabelContextMenuEvent = function(evt, row) {
                $scope.onLabelContextClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseLabelHeaderClickedEvent = function(evt) {
                $scope.onLabelHeaderClicked({ event: { evt: evt, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseLabelHeaderDblClickedEvent = function(evt) {
                $scope.onLabelHeaderDblClicked({ event: { evt: evt, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseLabelHeaderContextMenuEvent = function(evt) {
                $scope.onLabelHeaderContextClicked({ event: { evt: evt, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseRowAddedEvent = function(row, userTriggered) {
                $scope.onRowAdded({ event: { row: row, userTriggered: userTriggered } });

            $scope.raiseDOMRowClickedEvent = function(e, row) {
                var x = mouseOffset.getOffset(e).x;
                var xInEm = x / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                var clickedColumn = $scope.gantt.getColumnByPosition(xInEm);
                var date = $scope.gantt.getDateByPosition(xInEm);

                $scope.raiseRowClickedEvent(e, row, clickedColumn, date);

            $scope.raiseRowClickedEvent = function(evt, row, column, date) {
                $scope.onRowClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, column: column.clone(), date: date, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseDOMRowDblClickedEvent = function(e, row) {
                var x = mouseOffset.getOffset(e).x;
                var xInEm = x / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                var clickedColumn = $scope.gantt.getColumnByPosition(xInEm);
                var date = $scope.gantt.getDateByPosition(xInEm);

                $scope.raiseRowDblClickedEvent(e, row, clickedColumn, date);

            $scope.raiseRowDblClickedEvent = function(evt, row, column, date) {
                $scope.onRowDblClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, column: column.clone(), date: date, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseDOMRowContextMenuEvent = function(e, row) {
                var x = mouseOffset.getOffset(e).x;
                var xInEm = x / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                var clickedColumn = $scope.gantt.getColumnByPosition(xInEm);
                var date = $scope.gantt.getDateByPosition(xInEm);

                $scope.raiseRowContextMenuEvent(e, row, clickedColumn, date);

            $scope.raiseRowContextMenuEvent = function(evt, row, column, date) {
                $scope.onRowContextClicked({ event: { evt: evt, row: row, column: column.clone(), date: date, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseRowUpdatedEvent = function(row, userTriggered) {
                $scope.onRowUpdated({ event: { row: row, userTriggered: userTriggered } });

            $scope.raiseScrollEvent = debounce(function() {
                if ($scope.gantt.getDateRange() === undefined) {

                var el = $scope.ganttScroll[0];
                var direction;
                var date;

                if (el.scrollLeft === 0) {
                    direction = 'left';
                    date = $scope.gantt.getDateRange().from;
                } else if (el.offsetWidth + el.scrollLeft >= el.scrollWidth) {
                    direction = 'right';
                    date = $scope.gantt.getDateRange().to;

                if (date !== undefined) {
                    $scope.autoExpandColumns(el, date, direction);
                    $scope.onScroll({ event: { date: date, direction: direction, userTriggered: true }});
            }, 5);

            $scope.raiseTaskUpdatedEvent = function(task, userTriggered) {
                $scope.onTaskUpdated({ event: { task: task, userTriggered: userTriggered } });

            $scope.raiseTaskMoveStartEvent = function(task) {
                $scope.onTaskMoveBegin({ event: { task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskMoveEndEvent = function(task) {
                $scope.onTaskMoveEnd({ event: { task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskResizeStartEvent = function(task) {
                $scope.onTaskResizeBegin({ event: { task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskResizeEndEvent = function(task) {
                $scope.onTaskResizeEnd({ event: { task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskClickedEvent = function(evt, task) {
                $scope.onTaskClicked({ event: { evt: evt, task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskDblClickedEvent = function(evt, task) {
                $scope.onTaskDblClicked({ event: { evt: evt, task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            $scope.raiseTaskContextMenuEvent = function(evt, task) {
                $scope.onTaskContextClicked({ event: { evt: evt, task: task, userTriggered: true } });

            // Add or update rows and tasks
            $scope.setData = keepScrollPos($scope, function (data) {
                function(row) {
                    $scope.raiseRowAddedEvent(row, false);
                }, function(row) {
                    $scope.raiseRowUpdatedEvent(row, false);


            // Remove specified rows and tasks.
            $scope.removeData({ fn: function(data) {
                $scope.gantt.removeData(data, function(row) {
                    $scope.raiseRowUpdatedEvent(row, false);


            // Clear all existing rows and tasks
            $scope.removeAllData = function() {
                // Clears rows, task and columns
                // Restore default columns
                $scope.gantt.expandDefaultDateRange($scope.fromDate, $scope.toDate);

            // Bind scroll event
            $scope.ganttScroll.bind('scroll', $scope.raiseScrollEvent);

            // Load data handler.
            // The Gantt chart will keep the current view position if this function is called during scrolling.
            $scope.loadData({ fn: $scope.setData});

            // Clear data handler.
            $scope.clearData({ fn: $scope.removeAllData});

            // Scroll to specified date handler.
            $scope.centerDate({ fn: $scope.scrollToDate});

            // Gantt is initialized. Signal that the Gantt is ready.
;gantt.factory('Column', [ 'dateFunctions', function (df) {
    // Used to display the Gantt grid and header.
    // The columns are generated by the column generator.

    var calcDbyP = function(column, maxDateValue, currentPosition) {
        return Math.round(maxDateValue/column.width * currentPosition / (maxDateValue / column.subScale)) * (maxDateValue / column.subScale);

    var calcPbyD = function(column, date, maxDateValue, currentDateValue, a, b) {
        var factor;

        if (date - column.date > 0 && a !== b) {
            factor = 1;
        } else {
            factor = Math.round(currentDateValue/maxDateValue * column.subScale) / column.subScale;

        return Math.round( (column.left + column.width * factor) * 10) / 10;

    var Column = function(date, left, width, subScale) {
        var self = this;
        self.date = date;
        self.left = left;
        self.width = width;
        self.subScale = subScale;

        self.clone = function() {
            return new Column(self.date, self.left, self.width, self.subScale);

        self.equals = function(other) {
            return self.date === other.date;

    var MonthColumn = function(date, left, width, subScale) {
        var column = new Column(date, left, width, subScale);
        column.daysInMonth = df.getDaysInMonth(column.date);

        column.clone = function() {
            return new Column(column.date, column.left, column.width, column.subScale);

        column.getDateByPosition = function(position) {
            if (position < 0) position = 0;
            if (position > column.width) position = column.width;

            var res = df.clone(column.date);
            res.setDate(1 + calcDbyP(column, column.daysInMonth, position));
            return res;

        column.getPositionByDate = function(date) {
            return calcPbyD(column, date, column.daysInMonth, date.getDate(), date.getMonth(), column.date.getMonth());

        return column;

    var WeekColumn = function(date, left, width, subScale, firstDayOfWeek) {
        var column = new Column(date, left, width, subScale);
        column.week = df.getWeek(date);
        column.firstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek;
        column.daysInWeek = 7;

        column.clone = function() {
            var copy = new Column(column.date, column.left, column.width, column.subScale);
            copy.week = column.week;
            return copy;

        // Adjusts the day so that the specified first day of week is index = 0
        var firstDayIs0 = function(day) {
            return ((column.daysInWeek - column.firstDayOfWeek) + day) % column.daysInWeek;

        // Adjusts the day so that Sunday= 0, Monday = 1, ...
        var firstDayIsSunday = function(day) {
            return (column.firstDayOfWeek + day) % column.daysInWeek;

        var getWeek = function(date) {
            if (column.firstDayOfWeek !== 1) {
                // Adjust date so that firstDayOfWeek is always Monday because df.getWeek returns a ISO week number which starts on Monday.
                // Otherwise if for e.g. firstDayOfWeek is 0 the Sunday would be in week number X while Monday would be in week number Y.
                df.getWeek(df.addDays(date, 1 - column.firstDayOfWeek, true));
            } else {
                return df.getWeek(date);

        column.getDateByPosition = function(position) {
            if (position < 0) position = 0;
            if (position > column.width) position = column.width;

            var res = df.clone(column.date);
            var day = Math.round(calcDbyP(column, column.daysInWeek, position));

            // If day === 7, then jump forward to next week
            var direction = day !== 7 && day < 0 ? -1: 1; // -1: <<<<< | 1: >>>>>

            df.setToDayOfWeek(res, day !== 7 ? firstDayIsSunday(day): firstDayIsSunday(day) + 7, false, direction);
            return res;

        column.getPositionByDate = function(date) {
            return calcPbyD(column, date, column.daysInWeek, firstDayIs0(date.getDay()), getWeek(date), getWeek(column.date));

        return column;

    var DayColumn = function(date, left, width, subScale, isWeekend, daysToNextWorkingDay, daysToPrevWorkingDay, workHours, showNonWorkHours) {
        var column = new Column(date, left, width, subScale);
        column.isWeekend = isWeekend;
        column.showNonWorkHours = showNonWorkHours;

        var startHour = 0;
        var endHour = 24;

        if(arguments.length == 9 && !showNonWorkHours && workHours.length > 1){
            startHour = workHours[0];
            endHour = workHours[workHours.length-1] + 1;

        column.clone = function() {
            var copy = new Column(column.date, column.left, column.width, column.subScale);
            copy.isWeekend = column.isWeekend;
            return copy;

        column.getDateByPosition = function(position, snapForward) {
            if (position < 0) position = 0;
            if (position > column.width) position = column.width;

            var res = df.clone(column.date);
            var hours = startHour + calcDbyP(column, (endHour-startHour), position);

            // Snap is done because a DAY can hide the non-work hours. If this is the case the start or end date of a task shall be the last work hour of the current day and not the next day.
            if(arguments.length == 2){
                if (hours === endHour && snapForward){
                    //We have snapped to the end of one day but this is a start of a task so it should snap to the start of the next displayed day
                    res = df.addDays(res, daysToNextWorkingDay);
                    hours = startHour;
                else if (hours === startHour && !snapForward){
                    //We have snapped to the start of one day but this is the end of a task so it should snap to the end of the previous displayed day
                    res = df.addDays(res, -daysToPrevWorkingDay);
                    hours = endHour;

            return res;

        column.getPositionByDate = function(date) {
            //first check that the date actually corresponds to this column
            //(it is possible that it might not if weekends are hidden, in which case this will be the nearest previous column)
            if (df.setTimeZero(date,true) > df.setTimeZero(column.date, true)) return column.left + column.width;

            var maxDateValue = endHour-startHour;
            var currentDateValue = date.getHours()-startHour;
            if (currentDateValue < 0) return column.left;
            else if (currentDateValue > maxDateValue) return column.left + column.width;
            else return calcPbyD(column, date, maxDateValue, currentDateValue, date.getDate(), column.date.getDate());

        return column;

    var HourColumn = function(date, left, width, subScale, isWeekend, isWorkHour, hoursToNextWorkingDay, hoursToPrevWorkingDay) {
        var column = new Column(date, left, width, subScale);
        column.isWeekend = isWeekend;
        column.isWorkHour = isWorkHour;

        column.clone = function() {
            var copy = new Column(column.date, column.left, column.width, column.subScale);
            copy.isWeekend = column.isWeekend;
            copy.isWorkHour = column.isWorkHour;
            return copy;

        column.getDateByPosition = function(position, snapForward) {
            if (position < 0) position = 0;
            if (position > column.width) position = column.width;

            var res = df.clone(column.date);
            var minutes = calcDbyP(column, 60, position);

            // Snap is done because a HOUR can hide the non-work hours. If this is the case the start or end date of a task shall be the last work hour of the current day and not the next day.
            if(arguments.length == 2){
                if (minutes === 60 && snapForward){
                    //We have snapped to the end of one day but this is a start of a task so it should snap to the start of the next displayed day
                    res = df.addHours(res, hoursToNextWorkingDay);
                    minutes = 0;
                else if (minutes === 0 && !snapForward){
                    //We have snapped to the start of one day but this is the end of a task so it should snap to the end of the previous displayed day
                    res = df.addHours(res, -hoursToPrevWorkingDay);
                    minutes = 60;

            return res;

        column.getPositionByDate = function(date) {
            if (df.setTimeZero(date,true) > df.setTimeZero(column.date, true)) return column.left + column.width;

            return calcPbyD(column, date, 60, date.getMinutes(), date.getHours(), column.date.getHours());

        return column;

    return {
        Hour: HourColumn,
        Day: DayColumn,
        Week: WeekColumn,
        Month: MonthColumn
}]);;gantt.factory('ColumnGenerator', [ 'Column', 'dateFunctions', function (Column, df) {

    // Returns a map to lookup if the current day is a weekend day
    var getWeekendDaysMap = function(weekendDays) {
        var weekendDaysMap = {};

        for (var i = 0, l = weekendDays.length; i < l; i++) {
            weekendDaysMap[weekendDays[i]] = true;

        return weekendDaysMap;

    // Returns true if the given day is a weekend day
    var checkIsWeekend = function(weekendDaysMap, day) {
        return weekendDaysMap[day] === true;

    // Returns a map to lookup if the current hour is a work hour
    var getWorkHoursMap = function(workHours) {
        var workHoursMap = {};

        for (var i = 0, l = workHours.length; i < l; i++) {
            workHoursMap[workHours[i]] = true;

        return workHoursMap;

    // Returns true if the given hour is a work hour
    var checkIsWorkHour = function(workHoursMap, hour) {
        return workHoursMap[hour] === true;

    var HourColumnGenerator = function(columnWidth, columnSubScale, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours) {
        // Generates 24 columns for each day between the given from and to date. The task will later be places between the matching columns.
        this.generate = function(from, to) {
            var excludeTo = isToDateToExclude(to);
            from = df.setTimeZero(from, true);
            to = df.setTimeZero(to, true);

            var date = df.clone(from);
            var generatedCols = [];
            var left = 0;
            var workHoursMap = getWorkHoursMap(workHours);
            var weekendDaysMap = getWeekendDaysMap(weekendDays);

            while(excludeTo && to - date > 0 || !excludeTo && to - date >= 0) {
                var isWeekend = checkIsWeekend(weekendDaysMap, date.getDay());

                for (var i = 0; i<24; i++) {
                    var cDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), i, 0, 0);
                    var isWorkHour = checkIsWorkHour(workHoursMap, i);

                    if ((isWeekend && showWeekends || !isWeekend) && (!isWorkHour && showNonWorkHours || isWorkHour)) {
                        var hoursToNextWorkingDay = 1;
                        var hoursToPrevWorkingDay = 1;
                        if(!showNonWorkHours) { //hours to next/prev working day is only relevant if non-work hours are hidden
                            hoursToNextWorkingDay = getHoursToNextWorkingDay(workHoursMap, cDate.getHours());
                            hoursToPrevWorkingDay = getHoursToPreviousWorkingDay(workHoursMap, cDate.getHours());

                        generatedCols.push(new Column.Hour(cDate, left, columnWidth, columnSubScale, isWeekend, isWorkHour, hoursToNextWorkingDay, hoursToPrevWorkingDay));
                        left += columnWidth;

                date = df.addDays(date, 1);

            return generatedCols;

        this.columnExpandNecessary = function(firstColDate, lastColDate, newFromDate, newToDate) {
            // If the To date was excluded from generating then go back one hour.
            if (isToDateToExclude(newToDate)) {
                newToDate = df.addHours(newToDate, -1, true);

            // Set time of newToDate to zero before comparing as the hour columns are generated for the whole day
            // and the newToDate could be e.g. 23:35 while the last column for this date has time 23:00.
            // If we wouldn`t set the time to zero the comparison would trigger an expand in that case.
            return firstColDate > newFromDate || lastColDate < df.setTimeZero(newToDate, true);

        // Columns are generated including or excluding the to date.
        // If the To date time is 00:00 then no new columns are generated for this day.
        var isToDateToExclude = function(to) {
            return df.isTimeZero(to);

        // Returns the count of hours until the next working day
        // For example with working hours from 8-16, Wed 9am would return 1, Thu 16pm would return 16
        // Should also be able to handle gaps like 8-12, 13-17
        var getHoursToNextWorkingDay = function(workHoursMap, hour){
            for(var i = 1; i < 25; i++) {
                var nextHour = (hour+i)%24;
                if(checkIsWorkHour(workHoursMap, nextHour)){
                    return i;
            return 1; //default to 1, should only get here if the whole day is a work day

        var getHoursToPreviousWorkingDay = function(workHours, hour){
            for(var i = 1; i < 25; i++) {
                var prevHour = (((hour-i)%24)+24)%24;
                if(checkIsWorkHour(workHours, prevHour)){
                    return i;
            return 1; //default to 1, should only get here if the whole day is a work day

    var DayColumnGenerator = function(columnWidth, columnSubScale, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours) {
        // Generates one column for each day between the given from and to date.
        this.generate = function(from, to) {
            var excludeTo = isToDateToExclude(to);
            from = df.setTimeZero(from, true);
            to = df.setTimeZero(to, true);

            var date = df.clone(from);
            var generatedCols = [];
            var left = 0;
            var weekendDaysMap = getWeekendDaysMap(weekendDays);

            while(excludeTo && to - date > 0 || !excludeTo && to - date >= 0) {
                var isWeekend = checkIsWeekend(weekendDaysMap, date.getDay());
                if (isWeekend && showWeekends || !isWeekend) {
                    var daysToNextWorkingDay = 1;
                    var daysToPreviousWorkingDay = 1;
                    if(!showWeekends){ //days to next/prev working day is only relevant if weekends are hidden
                        daysToNextWorkingDay = getDaysToNextWorkingDay(weekendDaysMap, date.getDay());
                        daysToPreviousWorkingDay = getDaysToPrevWorkingDay(weekendDaysMap, date.getDay());

                    generatedCols.push(new Column.Day(df.clone(date), left, columnWidth, columnSubScale, isWeekend, daysToNextWorkingDay, daysToPreviousWorkingDay, workHours, showNonWorkHours));
                    left += columnWidth;

                date = df.addDays(date, 1);

            return generatedCols;

        this.columnExpandNecessary = function(firstColDate, lastColDate, newFromDate, newToDate) {
            // If the To date was excluded from generating then go back one day.
            if (isToDateToExclude(newToDate)) {
                newToDate = df.addDays(newToDate, -1, true);

            // Set time of newToDate to zero before comparing as the day columns generated have time 00:00
            // and the newToDate could be e.g. 16:23.
            // If we wouldn`t set the time to zero the comparison would trigger an expand in that case.
            return firstColDate > newFromDate || lastColDate < df.setTimeZero(newToDate, true);

        // Columns are generated including or excluding the to date.
        // If the To date time is 00:00 then no new column is generated for this day.
        var isToDateToExclude = function(to) {
            return df.isTimeZero(to);

        // Returns the count of days until the next working day
        // For example with a Mon-Fri working week, Wed would return 1, Fri would return 3, Sat would return 2
        var getDaysToNextWorkingDay = function(weekendDays, day){
            for(var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                var nextDay = (day+i)%7;
                if(!checkIsWeekend(weekendDays, nextDay)){
                    return i;
            return 1; //default to 1, should only get here if the whole week is the weekend

        // Returns the count of days from the previous working day
        // For example with a Mon-Fri working week, Wed would return 1, Mon would return 3.
        var getDaysToPrevWorkingDay = function(weekendDays, day){
            for(var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                var prevDay = (((day-i)%7)+7)%7;
                if(!checkIsWeekend(weekendDays, prevDay)){
                    return i;
            return 1; //default to 1, should only get here if the whole week is the weekend

    var WeekColumnGenerator = function(columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek) {
        // Generates one column for each week between the given from and to date.
        this.generate = function(from, to) {
            var excludeTo = isToDateToExclude(to);
            from = df.setToDayOfWeek(df.setTimeZero(from, true), firstDayOfWeek, false);
            to = df.setToDayOfWeek(df.setTimeZero(to, true), firstDayOfWeek, false);

            var date = df.clone(from);
            var generatedCols = [];
            var left = 0;

            while(excludeTo && to - date > 0 || !excludeTo && to - date >= 0) {
                generatedCols.push(new Column.Week(df.clone(date), left, columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek));
                left += columnWidth;

                date = df.addWeeks(date, 1);

            return generatedCols;

        this.columnExpandNecessary = function(firstColDate, lastColDate, newFromDate, newToDate) {
            // If the To date was excluded from generating then go back one week.
            if (isToDateToExclude(newToDate)) {
                newToDate = df.addWeeks(newToDate, -1, true);

            // Set time of newToDate to zero before comparing as the week columns generated have day = firstDayOfWeek and time = 00:00
            // and the newToDate could be e.g. day 3 and time 16:23.
            // If we wouldn`t set the day to firstDayOfWeek and time to zero the comparison would trigger an expand in that case.
            return firstColDate > newFromDate || lastColDate < df.setToDayOfWeek(df.setTimeZero(newToDate, true), firstDayOfWeek);

        // Columns are generated including or excluding the to date.
        // If the To date is the first day of week and the time is 00:00 then no new column is generated for this week.
        var isToDateToExclude = function(to) {
            return to.getDay() === firstDayOfWeek && df.isTimeZero(to);

    var MonthColumnGenerator = function(columnWidth, columnSubScale) {
        // Generates one column for each month between the given from and to date.
        this.generate = function(from, to) {
            var excludeTo = isToDateToExclude(to);
            from = df.setToFirstDayOfMonth(df.setTimeZero(from, true), false);
            to = df.setToFirstDayOfMonth(df.setTimeZero(to, true), false);

            var date = df.clone(from);
            var generatedCols = [];
            var left = 0;

            while(excludeTo && to - date > 0 || !excludeTo && to - date >= 0) {
                generatedCols.push(new Column.Month(df.clone(date), left, columnWidth, columnSubScale));
                left += columnWidth;

                date = df.addMonths(date, 1);

            return generatedCols;

        this.columnExpandNecessary = function(firstColDate, lastColDate, newFromDate, newToDate) {
            // If the To date was excluded from generating then go back one month.
            if (isToDateToExclude(newToDate)) {
                newToDate = df.addMonths(newToDate, -1, true);

            // Set time of newToDate to zero before comparing as the month columns generated have day = 1 and time = 00:00
            // and the newToDate could be e.g. day 7 and time 16:23.
            // If we wouldn`t set the day to 1 and time to zero the comparison would trigger an expand in that case.
            return firstColDate > newFromDate || lastColDate < df.setToFirstDayOfMonth(df.setTimeZero(newToDate, true));

        // Columns are generated including or excluding the to date.
        // If the To date is the first day of month and the time is 00:00 then no new column is generated for this month.
        var isToDateToExclude = function(to) {
            return to.getDate() === 1 && df.isTimeZero(to);

    return {
        HourGenerator: HourColumnGenerator,
        DayGenerator: DayColumnGenerator,
        WeekGenerator: WeekColumnGenerator,
        MonthGenerator: MonthColumnGenerator
}]);;gantt.factory('Gantt', ['Row', 'ColumnGenerator', 'HeaderGenerator', 'dateFunctions', 'binarySearch', function (Row, ColumnGenerator, HeaderGenerator, df, bs) {

    // Gantt logic. Manages the columns, rows and sorting functionality.
    var Gantt = function(viewScale, columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours) {
        var self = this;

        self.rowsMap = {};
        self.rows = [];
        self.columns = [];
        self.headers = {};
        self.width = 0;
        var dateRange;

        // Sets the Gantt view scale. Call reGenerateColumns to make changes visible after changing the view scale.
        // The headers are shown depending on the defined view scale.
        self.setViewScale = function(viewScale, columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours) {
            switch(viewScale) {
                case 'hour': self.columnGenerator = new ColumnGenerator.HourGenerator(columnWidth, columnSubScale, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours); break;
                case 'day': self.columnGenerator = new ColumnGenerator.DayGenerator(columnWidth, columnSubScale, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours); break;
                case 'week': self.columnGenerator = new ColumnGenerator.WeekGenerator(columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek); break;
                case 'month': self.columnGenerator = new ColumnGenerator.MonthGenerator(columnWidth, columnSubScale); break;
                    throw "Unsupported view scale: " + viewScale;

            self.headerGenerator = new HeaderGenerator.instance(viewScale);

        self.setViewScale(viewScale, columnWidth, columnSubScale, firstDayOfWeek, weekendDays, showWeekends, workHours, showNonWorkHours);

        // Expands the default date range. Even if there tasks are smaller the specified date range is shown.
        self.expandDefaultDateRange = function(from, to) {
            if (from !== undefined && to !== undefined) {
                expandDateRange(from, to);

        var expandDateRange = function(from, to) {
            from = df.clone(from);
            to = df.clone(to);

            if (dateRange === undefined) {
                dateRange = {};
                dateRange.from = from;
                dateRange.to = to;
            } else {
                if (from < dateRange.from) {
                    dateRange.from = from;

                if (to > dateRange.to) {
                    dateRange.to = to;

        // Generates the Gantt columns according to the current dateRange. The columns are generated if necessary only.
        var expandColumns = function() {
            if (dateRange === undefined) {
                throw "From and to date range cannot be undefined";

            // Only expand if expand is necessary
            if (self.columns.length === 0) {
                expandColumnsNoCheck(dateRange.from, dateRange.to);
            } else if (self.columnGenerator.columnExpandNecessary(self.getFirstColumn().date, self.getLastColumn().date, dateRange.from, dateRange.to)) {
                var minFrom = self.getFirstColumn().date > dateRange.from ? dateRange.from: self.getFirstColumn().date;
                var maxTo = self.getLastColumn().date < dateRange.to ? dateRange.to: self.getLastColumn().date;

                expandColumnsNoCheck(minFrom, maxTo);

        // Generates the Gantt columns according to the specified from - to date range. Uses the currently assigned column generator.
        var expandColumnsNoCheck = function(from ,to) {
            self.columns = self.columnGenerator.generate(from, to);
            self.headers = self.headerGenerator.generate(self.columns);

            var lastColumn = self.getLastColumn();
            self.width = lastColumn !== undefined ? lastColumn.left + lastColumn.width: 0;

        // Removes all existing columns and re-generates them. E.g. after e.g. the view scale changed.
        // Rows can be re-generated only if there is a data-range specified. If the re-generation failed the function returns false.
        self.reGenerateColumns = function() {
            self.columns = [];

            if (dateRange !== undefined) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        // Update the position/size of all tasks in the Gantt
        self.updateTasksPosAndSize = function() {
            for (var i = 0, l = self.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
                for (var j = 0, k = self.rows[i].tasks.length; j < k; j++) {

        // Returns the first Gantt column or undefined
        self.getLastColumn = function() {
            if (self.columns.length > 0) {
                return self.columns[self.columns.length-1];
            } else {
                return undefined;

        // Returns the last Gantt column or undefined
        self.getFirstColumn = function() {
            if (self.columns.length > 0) {
                return self.columns[0];
            } else {
                return undefined;

        // Returns the column at the given or next possible date
        self.getColumnByDate = function(date) {
            var columns = bs.get(self.columns, date, function(c) { return c.date; });
            return columns[0] !== undefined? columns[0]: columns[1];

        // Returns the column at the given position x (in em)
        self.getColumnByPosition = function(x) {
            return bs.get(self.columns, x, function(c) { return c.left; })[0];

        // Returns the exact column date at the given position x (in em)
        self.getDateByPosition = function(x, snapForward) {
            var column = self.getColumnByPosition(x);
            if (column !== undefined) {
                if(arguments.length == 2) return column.getDateByPosition(x - column.left, snapForward);
                else return column.getDateByPosition(x - column.left);
            } else {
                return undefined;

        // Returns the position inside the Gantt calculated by the given date
        self.getPositionByDate = function(date) {
            var column = self.getColumnByDate(date);
            if (column !== undefined) {
                return column.getPositionByDate(date);
            } else {
                return undefined;

        // Returns the current Gantt date range or undefined if it has not been defined
        self.getDateRange = function() {
            if (dateRange === undefined) {
                return undefined;
            } else {
                return {
                    from: df.clone(dateRange.from),
                    to: df.clone(dateRange.to)

        // Returns the min and max date of all loaded tasks or undefined if there are no tasks loaded
        self.getTasksDateRange = function() {
            if (self.rows.length === 0) {
                return undefined;
            } else {
                var minDate, maxDate;

                for (var i = 0, l = self.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var row = self.rows[i];

                    if (minDate === undefined || row.minFromDate < minDate) {
                        minDate = row.minFromDate;

                    if (maxDate === undefined || row.maxToDate > maxDate) {
                        maxDate = row.maxToDate;

                return {
                    from: minDate,
                    to: maxDate

        // Returns the number of active headers
        self.getActiveHeadersCount = function() {
            var size = 0, key;
            for (key in self.headers) {
                if (self.headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
            return size;

        // Adds or update rows and tasks.
        self.addData = function(data, addEventFn, updateEventFN) {
            for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
                var rowData = data[i];
                var isUpdate = addRow(rowData);
                var row = self.rowsMap[rowData.id];

                if (isUpdate === true && updateEventFN !== undefined) {
                } else if (addEventFn !== undefined) {

            if (dateRange !== undefined) {

        // Adds a row or merges the row and its tasks if there is already one with the same id
        var addRow = function(rowData) {
            // Copy to new row (add) or merge with existing (update)
            var row, isUpdate = false;

            if (rowData.id in self.rowsMap) {
                row = self.rowsMap[rowData.id];
                isUpdate = true;
            } else {
                var order = rowData.order;

                // Check if the row has a order predefined. If not assign one
                if (order === undefined) {
                    order = self.highestRowOrder;

                if (order >= self.highestRowOrder) {
                    self.highestRowOrder = order + 1;

                row = new Row(rowData.id, self, rowData.description, order, rowData.data);
                self.rowsMap[rowData.id] = row;

            if (rowData.tasks !== undefined && rowData.tasks.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0, l = rowData.tasks.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var task = row.addTask(rowData.tasks[i]);
                    expandDateRange(task.from, task.to);

            return isUpdate;

        // Removes specified rows or tasks.
        // If a row has no tasks inside the complete row will be deleted.
        self.removeData = function(data, updateEventFn) {
            for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
                var rowData = data[i];

                if (rowData.tasks !== undefined && rowData.tasks.length > 0) {
                    // Only delete the specified tasks but not the row and the other tasks

                    if (rowData.id in self.rowsMap) {
                        var row = self.rowsMap[rowData.id];

                        for (var j = 0, k = rowData.tasks.length; j < k; j++) {

                        if (updateEventFn !== undefined) {
                } else {
                    // Delete the complete row

        // Removes the complete row including all tasks
        var removeRow = function(rowId) {
            if (rowId in self.rowsMap) {
                delete self.rowsMap[rowId]; // Remove from map

                for (var i = 0, l = self.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var row = self.rows[i];
                    if (row.id === rowId) {
                        self.rows.splice(i, 1); // Remove from array
                        return row;

            return undefined;

        // Removes all rows and tasks
        self.removeAllRows = function() {
            self.rowsMap = {};
            self.rows = [];
            self.highestRowOrder = 0;
            self.columns = [];
            dateRange = undefined;

        // Swaps two rows and changes the sort order to custom to display the swapped rows
        self.swapRows = function (a, b) {
            // Swap the two rows
            var order = a.order;
            a.order = b.order;
            b.order = order;

        // Sort helper to sort by the date of the task with the earliest from date.
        // Rows with no min date will be sorted by name
        var sortByDate = function (a, b) {
            if (a.minFromDate === undefined && b.minFromDate === undefined) {
                return sortByName(a, b);
            } else if (a.minFromDate === undefined) {
                return 1;
            } else if (b.minFromDate === undefined) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return a.minFromDate - b.minFromDate;

        // Sort helper to sort by description name (switch to localeCompare() in the future?)
        var sortByName = function (a, b) {
            if (a.description.toLowerCase() === b.description.toLowerCase()) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return (a.description.toLowerCase() < b.description.toLowerCase()) ? -1 : 1;

        // Sort helper to sort by order.
        // If a row has no order move it at the end. If both rows have no order they will be sorted by name.
        var sortByCustom = function (a, b) {
            if (a.order === undefined && b.order === undefined) {
                return sortByName(a, b);
            } else if (a.order === undefined) {
                return 1;
            } else if (b.order === undefined) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return a.order - b.order;

        // Sort rows by the specified sort mode (name, order, custom)
        // and by Ascending or Descending
        self.sortRows = function (mode) {
            switch (mode) {
                case "name":
                case "-name":
                case "date":
                case "-date":
                case "custom":
                case "-custom":

    return Gantt;
}]);;gantt.factory('HeaderGenerator', [ 'Column', 'dateFunctions', function (Column, df) {

    var generateHourHeader = function(columns) {
        var generatedHeaders = [];

        var header;
        for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
            var col = columns[i];
            if (i === 0 || columns[i-1].date.getHours() !== col.date.getHours()) {
                header = new Column.Hour(df.clone(col.date), col.left, col.width, col.isWeekend, col.isWorkHour);
            } else {
                header.width += col.width;

        return generatedHeaders;

    var generateDayHeader = function(columns) {
        var generatedHeaders = [];

        var header;
        for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
            var col = columns[i];
            if (i === 0 || columns[i-1].date.getDay() !== col.date.getDay()) {
                header = new Column.Day(df.clone(col.date), col.left, col.width, col.isWeekend, col.daysToNextWorkingDay, col.daysToPrevWorkingDay);
            } else {
                header.width += col.width;

        return generatedHeaders;

    var generateWeekHeader = function(columns) {
        var generatedHeaders = [];

        var header;
        for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
            var col = columns[i];
            if (i === 0 || df.getWeek(columns[i-1].date) !== df.getWeek(col.date)) {
                header = new Column.Week(df.clone(col.date), col.left, col.width, df.getWeek(col.date));
            } else {
                header.width += col.width;

        return generatedHeaders;

    var generateMonthHeader = function(columns) {
        var generatedHeaders = [];

        var header;
        for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
            var col = columns[i];
            if (i === 0 || columns[i-1].date.getMonth() !== col.date.getMonth()) {
                header = new Column.Month(df.clone(col.date), col.left, col.width);
            } else {
                header.width += col.width;

        return generatedHeaders;

    return {
        instance: function(viewScale) {
            this.generate = function(columns) {
                var headers = {};

                switch(viewScale) {
                    case 'hour':
                        headers.hour = generateHourHeader(columns);
                        headers.day = generateDayHeader(columns);

                    case 'day':
                        headers.day = generateDayHeader(columns);
                        headers.week = generateWeekHeader(columns);
                        headers.month = generateMonthHeader(columns);

                    case 'week':
                        headers.week = generateWeekHeader(columns);
                        headers.month = generateMonthHeader(columns);

                    case 'month':
                        headers.month = generateMonthHeader(columns);

                        throw "Unsupported view scale: " + viewScale;

                return headers;
}]);;gantt.factory('Row', ['Task', 'dateFunctions', function (Task, df) {
    var Row = function(id, gantt, description, order, data) {
        var self = this;

        self.id = id;
        self.gantt = gantt;
        self.description = description;
        self.order= order;
        self.tasksMap = {};
        self.tasks = [];
        self.data = data;

        // Adds a task to a specific row. Merges the task if there is already one with the same id
        self.addTask = function(taskData) {
            // Copy to new task (add) or merge with existing (update)
            var task;

            if (taskData.id in self.tasksMap) {
                task = self.tasksMap[taskData.id];
            } else {
                task = new Task(taskData.id, self, taskData.subject, taskData.color, taskData.classes, taskData.priority, taskData.from, taskData.to, taskData.data, taskData.est, taskData.lct);
                self.tasksMap[taskData.id] = task;

            return task;

        // Removes the task from the existing row and adds it to he current one
        self.moveTaskToRow = function(task) {
            self.tasksMap[task.id] = task;
            task.row = self;

        // Remove the specified task from the row
        self.removeTask = function(taskId) {
            if (taskId in self.tasksMap) {
                delete self.tasksMap[taskId]; // Remove from map

                for (var i = 0, l = self.tasks.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var task = self.tasks[i];
                    if (task.id === taskId) {
                        self.tasks.splice(i, 1); // Remove from array

                        // Update earliest or latest date info as this may change
                        if (self.minFromDate - task.from === 0 || self.maxToDate - task.to === 0) {

                        return task;

        // Calculate the earliest from and latest to date of all tasks in a row
        self.setTasksMinMaxDate = function() {
            self.minFromDate = undefined;
            self.maxToDate = undefined;
            for (var j = 0, k = self.tasks.length; j < k; j++) {

        self.setMinMaxDateByTask = function (task) {
            if (self.minFromDate === undefined) {
                self.minFromDate = df.clone(task.from);
            } else if (task.from < self.minFromDate) {
                self.minFromDate = df.clone(task.from);

            if (self.maxToDate === undefined) {
                self.maxToDate = df.clone(task.to);
            } else if (task.to > self.maxToDate) {
                self.maxToDate = df.clone(task.to);

        self.sortTasks = function() {
            self.tasks.sort(function(t1, t2) { return t1.left - t2.left; });

        self.copy = function(row) {
            self.description = row.description;
            self.data = row.data;

            if (row.order !== undefined) {
                self.order = row.order;

        self.clone = function() {
            var clone = new Row(self.id, self.gantt, self.description, self.order, self.data);
            for (var i = 0, l = self.tasks.length; i < l; i++) {

            return clone;

    return Row;
}]);;gantt.factory('Task', ['dateFunctions', function (df) {
    var Task = function(id, row, subject, color, classes, priority, from, to, data, est, lct) {
        var self = this;

        self.id = id;
        self.gantt = row.gantt;
        self.row = row;
        self.subject = subject;
        self.color = color;
        self.classes = classes;
        self.priority = priority;
        self.from = df.clone(from);
        self.to = df.clone(to);
        self.data = data;

        if(est !== undefined && lct !== undefined){
            self.est = df.clone(est);  //Earliest Start Time
            self.lct = df.clone(lct);  //Latest Completion Time

        self.checkIfMilestone = function() {
            self.isMilestone = self.from - self.to === 0;


        self.hasBounds = function() {
            return self.bounds !== undefined;

        // Updates the pos and size of the task according to the from - to date
        self.updatePosAndSize = function() {
            self.left = self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.from);
            self.width = Math.round( (self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.to) - self.left) * 10) / 10;

            if (self.est !== undefined && self.lct !== undefined) {
                self.bounds = {};
                self.bounds.left = self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.est);
                self.bounds.width = Math.round( (self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.lct) - self.bounds.left) * 10) / 10;

        // Expands the start of the task to the specified position (in em)
        self.setFrom = function(x) {
            if (x > self.left + self.width) {
                x = self.left + self.width;
            } else if (x < 0) {
                x = 0;

            self.from = self.gantt.getDateByPosition(x, true);

        // Expands the end of the task to the specified position (in em)
        self.setTo = function(x) {
            if (x < self.left) {
                x = self.left;
            } else if (x > self.gantt.width) {
                x = self.gantt.width;

            self.to = self.gantt.getDateByPosition(x, false);

        // Moves the task to the specified position (in em)
        self.moveTo = function(x) {
            if (x < 0) {
                x = 0;
            } else if (x + self.width >= self.gantt.width) {
                x = self.gantt.width - self.width;

            self.from = self.gantt.getDateByPosition(x, true);
            self.left = self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.from);

            self.to = self.gantt.getDateByPosition(self.left + self.width, false);
            self.width = Math.round( (self.gantt.getPositionByDate(self.to) - self.left) * 10) / 10;


        self.copy = function(task) {
            self.subject = task.subject;
            self.color = task.color;
            self.classes = task.classes;
            self.priority = task.priority;
            self.from = df.clone(task.from);
            self.to = df.clone(task.to);
            self.est = task.est !== undefined ? df.clone(task.est): undefined;
            self.lct = task.lct !== undefined ? df.clone(task.lct): undefined;
            self.data = task.data;
            self.isMilestone = task.isMilestone;

        self.clone = function() {
            return new Task(self.id, self.row, self.subject, self.color, self.classes, self.priority, self.from, self.to, self.data, self.est, self.lct);

    return Task;
}]);;gantt.service('binarySearch', [ function () {
    // Returns the object on the left and right in an array using the given cmp function.
    // The compare function defined which property of the value to compare (e.g.: c => c.left)

    return {
        getIndicesOnly: function(input, value, comparer) {
            var lo = -1, hi = input.length;
            while (hi - lo > 1) {
                var mid = Math.floor((lo + hi)/2);
                if (comparer(input[mid]) <= value) {
                    lo = mid;
                } else {
                    hi = mid;
            if (input[lo] !== undefined && comparer(input[lo]) === value) hi = lo;
            return [lo, hi];
        get: function(input, value, comparer) {
            var res = this.getIndicesOnly(input, value, comparer);
            return [input[res[0]], input[res[1]]];
}]);;gantt.service('dateFunctions', [ function () {
    // Date calculations from: http://www.datejs.com/ | MIT License
    return {
        isNumber: function(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); },
        isString: function(o) { return typeof o == "string" || (typeof o == "object" && o.constructor === String);},
        clone: function(date) {
            if (this.isString(date)) {
                return new Date(Date.parse(date));
            } else if (this.isNumber(date)) {
                return new Date(date);
            } else {
                return new Date(date.getTime());
        setTimeZero: function(date, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            return res;
        setTimeComponent: function(date, milliseconds) {
            return new Date(
        setToFirstDayOfMonth: function(date, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            return res;
        setToDayOfWeek: function(date, dayOfWeek, clone, orient) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            if (res.getDay() === dayOfWeek) {
                return res;
            } else {
                orient = orient || -1;
                var diff = (dayOfWeek - res.getDay() + 7 * (orient || +1)) % 7;
                return this.addDays(res, (diff === 0) ? diff += 7 * (orient || +1) : diff);
        addMonths: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setMonth(res.getMonth() + val);
            return res;
        addWeeks: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setDate(res.getDate() + val * 7);
            return res;
        addDays: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setDate(res.getDate() + val);
            return res;
        addHours: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setHours(res.getHours() + val);
            return res;
        addMinutes: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setMinutes(res.getMinutes() + val);
            return res;
        addMilliseconds: function(date, val, clone) {
            var res = clone === true ? this.clone(date) : date;
            res.setMilliseconds(res.getMilliseconds() + val);
            return res;
        isTimeZero: function(date) {
            return date.getHours() === 0 && date.getMinutes() === 0 && date.getMinutes() === 0 && date.getMilliseconds() === 0;
        getDaysInMonth: function(date) {
            return new Date(date.getYear(), date.getMonth()+1, 0).getDate();
        getWeek: function(date) {
            /* Returns the number of the week. The number is calculated according to ISO 8106 */
            var $y, $m, $d;
            var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, n, s, w;

            $y = date.getFullYear();
            $m = date.getMonth() + 1;
            $d = date.getDate();

            if ($m <= 2) {
                a = $y - 1;
                b = (a / 4 | 0) - (a / 100 | 0) + (a / 400 | 0);
                c = ((a - 1) / 4 | 0) - ((a - 1) / 100 | 0) + ((a - 1) / 400 | 0);
                s = b - c;
                e = 0;
                f = $d - 1 + (31 * ($m - 1));
            } else {
                a = $y;
                b = (a / 4 | 0) - (a / 100 | 0) + (a / 400 | 0);
                c = ((a - 1) / 4 | 0) - ((a - 1) / 100 | 0) + ((a - 1) / 400 | 0);
                s = b - c;
                e = s + 1;
                f = $d + ((153 * ($m - 3) + 2) / 5) + 58 + s;

            g = (a + b) % 7;
            d = (f + g - e) % 7;
            n = (f + 3 - d) | 0;

            if (n < 0) {
                w = 53 - ((g - s) / 5 | 0);
            } else if (n > 364 + s) {
                w = 1;
            } else {
                w = (n / 7 | 0) + 1;

            $y = $m = $d = null;

            return w;
}]);;gantt.filter('ganttColumnLimit', [ 'binarySearch', function (bs) {
    // Returns only the columns which are visible on the screen

    return function(input, scroll_left, scroll_width) {
        var cmp =  function(c) { return c.left; };
        var start = bs.getIndicesOnly(input, scroll_left, cmp)[0];
        var end = bs.getIndicesOnly(input, scroll_left + scroll_width, cmp)[1];
        return input.slice(start, end);
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttLimitUpdater', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
    // Updates the limit filters if the user scrolls the gantt chart

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var el = $element[0];
            var update = function() {
                $scope.scroll_start = el.scrollLeft / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                $scope.scroll_width = el.offsetWidth / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();

            $element.bind('scroll', function() { $scope.$apply(function() { update(); }); });

            $scope.$watch('gantt.width', function(newValue, oldValue) {
                $timeout(function() {
                }, 20, true);
}]);;gantt.filter('ganttTaskLimit', [function () {
    // Returns only the tasks which are visible on the screen
    // Use the task width and position to decide if a task is still visible

    return function(input, scroll_left, scroll_width) {
        var res = [];
        for(var i = 0, l = input.length; i<l; i++) {
            var task = input[i];
            // If task has a visible part on the screen or if the task is currently being moved/resized by the user
            if (task.left >= scroll_left && task.left <= scroll_left + scroll_width ||
                task.left + task.width >= scroll_left && task.left + task.width <= scroll_left + scroll_width ||
                task.left < scroll_left && task.left + task.width > scroll_left + scroll_width ||
                task.isMoving === true) {

        return res;
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttLabelsResize', ['$document', 'debounce', 'mouseOffset', function ($document, debounce, mouseOffset) {

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: { enabled: "=ganttLabelsResize",
                 width: "=ganttLabelsResizeWidth",
                 minWidth: "=ganttLabelsResizeMinWidth",
                 onResized: "&onLabelResized" },
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var resizeAreaWidth = 5;
            var cursor = 'ew-resize';
            var originalPos;

            $element.bind("mousedown", function (e) {
                if ($scope.enabled && isInResizeArea(e)) {

            $element.bind("mousemove", function (e) {
                if ($scope.enabled) {
                    if (isInResizeArea(e)) {
                        $element.css("cursor", cursor);
                    } else {
                        $element.css("cursor", '');

            var resize = function(x) {
                if ($scope.width === 0) {
                    $scope.width = $element[0].offsetWidth;

                $scope.width += x - originalPos;
                if ($scope.width < $scope.minWidth) {
                    $scope.width  = $scope.minWidth;

                originalPos = x;

            var isInResizeArea = function (e) {
                var x = mouseOffset.getOffset(e).x;

                return x > $element[0].offsetWidth - resizeAreaWidth;

            var enableResizeMode = function (e) {
                originalPos = e.screenX;

                    '-moz-user-select': '-moz-none',
                    '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
                    '-ms-user-select': 'none',
                    'user-select': 'none',
                    'cursor': cursor

                var moveHandler = debounce(function(e) {
                }, 5);

                angular.element($document[0].body).bind("mousemove", moveHandler);

                angular.element($document[0].body).one("mouseup", function() {
                    angular.element($document[0].body).unbind('mousemove', moveHandler);

            var disableResizeMode = function () {
                $element.css("cursor", '');

                    '-moz-user-select': '',
                    '-webkit-user-select': '',
                    '-ms-user-select': '',
                    'user-select': '',
                    'cursor': ''

                $scope.onResized({ width: $scope.width });
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttRightClick', ['$parse', function ($parse) {

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        compile: function($element, attr) {
            var fn = $parse(attr.ganttRightClick);

            return function(scope, element) {
                element.on('contextmenu', function(event) {
                    scope.$apply(function() {
                        fn(scope, {$event:event});
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttHorizontalScrollReceiver', ['scrollManager', function (scrollManager) {
    // The element with this attribute will scroll at the same time as the scrollSender element

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
}]);;gantt.service('scrollManager', [ function () {
    return { vertical: [], horizontal: [] };
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttScrollSender', ['scrollManager', '$timeout', function (scrollManager, $timeout) {
    // Updates the element which are registered for the horizontal or vertical scroll event

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var el = $element[0];
            var updateListeners = function() {
                var i, l;

                for (i = 0, l = scrollManager.vertical.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var vElement = scrollManager.vertical[i];
                    if (vElement.style.top !== -el.scrollTop)
                        vElement.style.top = -el.scrollTop + 'px';

                for (i = 0, l = scrollManager.horizontal.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var hElement = scrollManager.horizontal[i];
                    if (hElement.style.left !== -el.scrollLeft)
                        hElement.style.left = -el.scrollLeft + 'px';

            $element.bind('scroll', updateListeners);

            $scope.$watch('gantt.width', function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (newValue === 0) {
                    $timeout(function() {
                    }, 0, true);
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttVerticalScrollReceiver', ['scrollManager', function (scrollManager) {
    // The element with this attribute will scroll at the same time as the scrollSender element

    return {
        restrict: "A",
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
}]);;gantt.service('sortManager', [ function () {
    // Contains the row which the user wants to sort (the one he started to drag)

    return { startRow: undefined };
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttSortable', ['$document', 'sortManager', function ($document, sortManager) {
    // Provides the row sort functionality to any Gantt row
    // Uses the sortableState to share the current row

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        scope: { row: "=ngModel", swap: "&", active: "=?" },
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            $element.bind("mousedown", function () {
                if ($scope.active !== true) {


                var disableHandler = function () {
                    $scope.$apply(function() {
                        angular.element($document[0].body).unbind('mouseup', disableHandler);
                angular.element($document[0].body).bind("mouseup", disableHandler);

            $element.bind("mousemove", function (e) {
                if (isInDragMode()) {
                    var elementBelowMouse = angular.element($document[0].elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY));
                    var targetRow = elementBelowMouse.controller("ngModel").$modelValue;

                    $scope.$apply(function() {
                        $scope.swap({a: targetRow, b: sortManager.startRow});

            var isInDragMode = function () {
                return sortManager.startRow !== undefined && !angular.equals($scope.row, sortManager.startRow);

            var enableDragMode = function () {
                sortManager.startRow = $scope.row;
                $element.css("cursor", "move");
                    '-moz-user-select': '-moz-none',
                    '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
                    '-ms-user-select': 'none',
                    'user-select': 'none',
                    'cursor': 'no-drop'

            var disableDragMode = function () {
                sortManager.startRow = undefined;
                $element.css("cursor", "pointer");
                    '-moz-user-select': '',
                    '-webkit-user-select': '',
                    '-ms-user-select': '',
                    'user-select': '',
                    'cursor': 'auto'
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttBounds', [function () {
    // Displays a box representing the earliest allowable start time and latest completion time for a job

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        templateUrl: function (tElement, tAttrs) {
            if (tAttrs.templateUrl === undefined) {
                return "default.bounds.tmpl.html";
            } else {
                return tAttrs.templateUrl;
        replace: true,
        scope: { task: "=ngModel" },
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var css = {};

            if(!$scope.task.hasBounds()) {
               $scope.visible = false;

            $scope.getCss = function() {
                    css.width = $scope.task.bounds.width + 'em';

                    if($scope.task.isMilestone === true || $scope.task.width === 0)
                        css.left = ($scope.task.bounds.left-($scope.task.left-0.3)) + 'em';
                        css.left = ($scope.task.bounds.left - $scope.task.left) + 'em';

                return css;

            $scope.getClass = function() {
                if($scope.task.est === undefined || $scope.task.lct === undefined)
                    return 'gantt-task-bounds-in';
                else if($scope.task.est > $scope.task.from)
                    return 'gantt-task-bounds-out';
                else if($scope.task.lct < $scope.task.to)
                    return 'gantt-task-bounds-out';
                    return 'gantt-task-bounds-in';

            $scope.$watch("task.isMouseOver", function () {
                if ($scope.task.hasBounds() && !$scope.task.isMoving) {
                    $scope.visible = !($scope.task.isMouseOver === undefined || $scope.task.isMouseOver === false);

            $scope.$watch("task.isMoving", function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if ($scope.task.hasBounds()) {
                    $scope.visible = newValue === true;
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttTask', ['$window', '$document', '$timeout', 'smartEvent', 'debounce', 'dateFunctions', 'mouseOffset', 'mouseButton', function ($window, $document, $timeout, smartEvent, debounce, df, mouseOffset, mouseButton) {

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        templateUrl: function (tElement, tAttrs) {
            if (tAttrs.templateUrl === undefined) {
                return "default.task.tmpl.html";
            } else {
                return tAttrs.templateUrl;
        replace: true,
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var resizeAreaWidthBig = 5;
            var resizeAreaWidthSmall = 3;
            var scrollSpeed = 15;
            var scrollTriggerDistance = 5;

            var windowElement = angular.element($window);
            var ganttBodyElement = $element.parent().parent();
            var ganttScrollElement = ganttBodyElement.parent().parent();
            var taskHasBeenChanged = false;
            var mouseOffsetInEm;
            var moveStartX;
            var scrollInterval;

            $element.bind('mousedown', function (e) {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    var mode = getMoveMode(e);
                    if (mode !== "" && mouseButton.getButton(e) === 1) {
                        var offsetX = mouseOffset.getOffsetForElement(ganttBodyElement[0], e).x;
                        enableMoveMode(mode, offsetX);

            $element.bind('click', function (e) {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    // Only raise click event if there was no task update event
                    if (!taskHasBeenChanged) {
                        $scope.raiseTaskClickedEvent(e, $scope.task);


            $element.bind('dblclick', function (e) {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    // Only raise dbl click event if there was no task update event
                    if (!taskHasBeenChanged) {
                        $scope.raiseTaskDblClickedEvent(e, $scope.task);


            $element.bind('contextmenu', function (e) {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    // Only raise click event if there was no task update event
                    if (!taskHasBeenChanged) {
                        $scope.raiseTaskContextMenuEvent(e, $scope.task);


            $element.bind("mousemove", debounce(function (e) {
                var mode = getMoveMode(e);
                if (mode !== "" && mode !== "M") {
                    $element.css("cursor", getCursor(mode));
                } else {
                    $element.css("cursor", '');

                $scope.task.mouseX = e.clientX;
            }, 5));

            $element.bind('mouseenter', function (e) {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    $scope.task.mouseX = e.clientX;
                    $scope.task.isMouseOver = true;

            $element.bind('mouseleave', function () {
                $scope.$apply(function() {
                    $scope.task.isMouseOver = false;

            var handleMove = function(mode, mousePos) {
                if ($scope.task.isMoving === false) {

                moveTask(mode, mousePos);
                scrollScreen(mode, mousePos);

            var moveTask = function(mode, mousePos) {
                $scope.task.mouseOffsetX = mousePos.x;
                var xInEm = mousePos.x / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                if (mode === "M") {
                    if ($scope.allowTaskRowSwitching) {
                        var targetRow = getRowByY(mousePos.y);
                        if (targetRow !== undefined && $scope.task.row.id !== targetRow.id) {

                    if ($scope.allowTaskMoving) {
                        $scope.task.moveTo(xInEm - mouseOffsetInEm);
                } else if (mode === "E") {
                } else {

                taskHasBeenChanged = true;

            var scrollScreen = function(mode, mousePos) {
                var leftScreenBorder = ganttScrollElement[0].scrollLeft;
                var keepOnScrolling = false;

                if (mousePos.x < moveStartX) {
                    // Scroll to the left
                    if (mousePos.x <= leftScreenBorder + scrollTriggerDistance) {
                        mousePos.x -= scrollSpeed;
                        keepOnScrolling = true;
                } else {
                    // Scroll to the right
                    var screenWidth = ganttScrollElement[0].offsetWidth;
                    var rightScreenBorder = leftScreenBorder + screenWidth;

                    if (mousePos.x >= rightScreenBorder - scrollTriggerDistance) {
                        mousePos.x += scrollSpeed;
                        keepOnScrolling = true;

                if (keepOnScrolling) {
                    scrollInterval = $timeout(function() { handleMove(mode, mousePos); }, 100, true);

            var clearScrollInterval = function() {
                if (scrollInterval !== undefined) {
                    scrollInterval = undefined;

            var getRowByY = function(y) {
                var rowHeight = ganttBodyElement[0].offsetHeight / $scope.task.row.gantt.rows.length;
                var pos = Math.floor(y / rowHeight);
                return $scope.task.row.gantt.rows[pos];

            var getMoveMode = function (e) {
                var x = mouseOffset.getOffset(e).x;

                var distance = 0;

                // Define resize&move area. Make sure the move area does not get too small.
                if ($scope.allowTaskResizing) {
                    distance = $element[0].offsetWidth < 10 ? resizeAreaWidthSmall: resizeAreaWidthBig;

                if ($scope.allowTaskResizing && x > $element[0].offsetWidth - distance) {
                    return "E";
                } else if ($scope.allowTaskResizing && x < distance) {
                    return "W";
                } else if (($scope.allowTaskMoving || $scope.allowTaskRowSwitching) && x >= distance && x <= $element[0].offsetWidth - distance) {
                    return "M";
                } else {
                    return "";

            var getCursor = function(mode) {
                switch(mode) {
                    case "E": return 'e-resize';
                    case "W": return 'w-resize';
                    case "M": return 'move';

            var enableMoveMode = function (mode, x) {
                // Raise task move start event
                if(!$scope.task.isMoving) {
                    if (mode === "M")

                // Init task move
                taskHasBeenChanged = false;
                $scope.task.moveMode = mode;
                $scope.task.isMoving = true;
                moveStartX = x;
                var xInEm = moveStartX / $scope.getPxToEmFactor();
                mouseOffsetInEm = xInEm - $scope.task.left;

                // Add move event handlers
                var taskMoveHandler = debounce(function(e) {
                    var mousePos = mouseOffset.getOffsetForElement(ganttBodyElement[0], e);
                    handleMove(mode, mousePos);
                }, 5);
                smartEvent($scope, windowElement, 'mousemove', taskMoveHandler).bind();

                smartEvent($scope, windowElement, 'mouseup', function() {
                    $scope.$apply(function() {
                        windowElement.unbind('mousemove', taskMoveHandler);

                // Show mouse move/resize cursor
                    '-moz-user-select': '-moz-none',
                    '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
                    '-ms-user-select': 'none',
                    'user-select': 'none',
                    'cursor': getCursor(mode)

            var disableMoveMode = function () {
                $scope.task.isMoving = false;

                // Stop any active auto scroll

                // Set mouse cursor back to default
                $element.css("cursor", '');
                    '-moz-user-select': '',
                    '-webkit-user-select': '',
                    '-ms-user-select': '',
                    'user-select': '',
                    'cursor': ''

                // Raise move end event

                $scope.task.modeMode = null;

                // Raise task changed event
                if (taskHasBeenChanged === true) {
                    $scope.task.row.sortTasks(); // Sort tasks so they have the right z-order
                    $scope.raiseTaskUpdatedEvent($scope.task, true);

            // In case the task has been moved to another row a new controller is is created by angular.
            // Enable the move mode again if this was the case.
            if ($scope.task.isMoving) {
                enableMoveMode("M", $scope.task.mouseOffsetX);
}]);;gantt.directive('ganttTooltip', ['$timeout', '$document', 'debounce', 'smartEvent', function ($timeout, $document, debounce, smartEvent) {
    // This tooltip displays more information about a task

    return {
        restrict: "E",
        templateUrl: function (tElement, tAttrs) {
            if (tAttrs.templateUrl === undefined) {
                return "default.tooltip.tmpl.html";
            } else {
                return tAttrs.templateUrl;
        replace: true,
        scope: { task: "=ngModel" },
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) {
            var bodyElement = angular.element($document[0].body);
            var parentElement = $element.parent();
            $scope.visible = false;
            $scope.css = {};

            $scope.$watch("task.isMouseOver", function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (newValue === true) {
                } else if (newValue === false && $scope.task.isMoving === false) {

            var mouseMoveHandler = smartEvent($scope, bodyElement, 'mousemove', debounce(function (e) {
                if ($scope.visible === true) {
                } else {
            }, 1));

            $scope.$watch("task.isMoving", function(newValue, oldValue) {
                if (newValue === true) {
                } else if (newValue === false ) {

            var getViewPortWidth = function() {
                var d = $document[0];
                return d.documentElement.clientWidth || d.documentElement.getElementById('body')[0].clientWidth;

            var showTooltip = function(x) {
                $scope.visible = true;

                $timeout(function () {

                    $scope.css.top = parentElement[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + "px";
                    $scope.css.marginTop = -$element[0].offsetHeight - 8 + "px";
                    $scope.css.opacity = 1;
                }, 1, true);

            var updateTooltip = function(x) {

                // Check if info is overlapping with view port
                if (x + $element[0].offsetWidth > getViewPortWidth()) {
                    $scope.css.left = (x + 20 - $element[0].offsetWidth) + "px";
                    $element.addClass('gantt-task-infoArrowR'); // Right aligned info
                } else {
                    $scope.css.left = (x - 20) + "px";

            var hideTooltip = function() {
                $scope.css.opacity = 0;
                $scope.visible = false;
}]);;gantt.factory('debounce',['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
    function debounce(fn, timeout) {
        var nthCall = 0;
        return function() {
            var self = this;
            var argz = arguments;
            var later = (function(version) {
                return function() {
                    if (version === nthCall) {
                        return fn.apply(self, argz);
            return $timeout(later, timeout, true);

    return debounce;
}]);;gantt.factory('keepScrollPos',['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
    // Make sure the scroll position will be at the same place after the tasks or columns changed

    function keepScrollPos($scope, fn) {
        return function() {
            var el = $scope.ganttScroll[0];

            // Save scroll position
            var oldScrollLeft = el.scrollLeft;
            var left = $scope.gantt.getFirstColumn();
            var pxToEmFactor = $scope.getPxToEmFactor();

            // Execute Gantt changes
            fn.apply(this, arguments);

            // Re-apply scroll position
            left = left === undefined ? 0: $scope.gantt.getColumnByDate(left.date).left * pxToEmFactor;
            el.scrollLeft = left + oldScrollLeft;

            // Workaround: Set scrollLeft again after the DOM has changed as the assignment of scrollLeft before may not have worked when the scroll area was too tiny.
            if (el.scrollLeft != left + oldScrollLeft) {
                $timeout(function() {
                    el.scrollLeft = left + oldScrollLeft;
                }, 0, false);

    return keepScrollPos;
}]);;gantt.service('mouseButton', [ function () {
    // Mouse button cross browser normalization

    return {
        getButton: function(e) {
            e = e || window.event;

            if (!e.which) {
                return e.button < 2 ? 1: e.button == 4 ? 2: 3;
            } else {
                return e.which;
}]);;gantt.service('mouseOffset', [ function () {
    // Mouse offset support for lesser browsers (read IE 8)

    return {
        getOffset: function(evt) {
            if (evt.offsetX && evt.offsetY) {
                return { x: evt.offsetX, y: evt.offsetY };
            } if (evt.layerX && evt.layerY) {
                return { x: evt.layerX, y: evt.layerY };
            } else {
                return this.getOffsetForElement(evt.target, evt);
        getOffsetForElement: function(el, evt) {
            var bb = el.getBoundingClientRect();
            return { x: evt.clientX - bb.left, y: evt.clientY - bb.top };
}]);;gantt.factory('smartEvent',[function () {
    // Auto released the binding when the scope is destroyed. Use if an event is registered on another element than the scope.

    function smartEvent($scope, $element, event, fn) {
        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
            $element.unbind(event, fn);

        return {
          bindOnce: function() {
            $element.one(event, fn);
          bind: function() {
            $element.bind(event, fn);
          unbind: function() {
            $element.unbind(event, fn);

    return smartEvent;
"use strict";

var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp', ['gantt']);

demoApp.controller("ctrl", ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout) {
    $scope.mode = "custom";
    $scope.maxHeight = 0;
    $scope.showWeekends = true;
    $scope.showNonWorkHours = true;

    $scope.addSamples = function () {
        $timeout(function() {
            $scope.scrollToDate(new Date());

    $scope.removeSomeSamples = function () {
            {"id": "c65c2672-445d-4297-a7f2-30de241b3145"}, // Remove all Kickoff meetings
            {"id": "2f85dbeb-0845-404e-934e-218bf39750c0", "tasks": [
                {"id": "f55549b5-e449-4b0c-9f4b-8b33381f7d76"},
                {"id": "5e997eb3-4311-46b1-a1b4-7e8663ea8b0b"},
                {"id": "6fdfd775-7b22-42ec-a12c-21a64c9e7a9e"}
            ]}, // Remove some Milestones
            {"id": "cfb29cd5-1737-4027-9778-bb3058fbed9c", "tasks": [
                {"id": "57638ba3-dfff-476d-ab9a-30fda1e44b50"}
            ]} // Remove order basket from Sprint 2

    $scope.removeSamples = function () {

    $scope.labelEvent = function(event) {
        // A label has been clicked.
        console.log('Label event (by user: ' + event.userTriggered + '): ' + event.row.description + ' (Custom data: ' + event.row.data + ')');

    $scope.labelHeaderEvent = function(event) {
        // The label header has been clicked.
        console.log('Label header event. Mouse: ' + event.evt.clientX + '/' + event.evt.clientY);

    $scope.rowEvent = function(event) {
        // A row has been added, updated or clicked. Use this event to save back the updated row e.g. after a user re-ordered it.
        console.log('Row event (by user: ' + event.userTriggered + '): ' + event.date + ' '  + event.row.description + ' (Custom data: ' + event.row.data + ')');

    $scope.scrollEvent = function(event) {
        if (angular.equals(event.direction, "left")) {
            // Raised if the user scrolled to the left side of the Gantt. Use this event to load more data.
            console.log('Scroll event: Left');
        } else if (angular.equals(event.direction, "right")) {
            // Raised if the user scrolled to the right side of the Gantt. Use this event to load more data.
            console.log('Scroll event: Right');

    $scope.taskEvent = function(event) {
        // A task has been updated or clicked.
        console.log('Task event (by user: ' + event.userTriggered + '): ' + event.task.subject + ' (Custom data: ' + event.task.data + ')');
function getSampleData() {

    return {
        "data1": [
            // Order is optional. If not specified it will be assigned automatically
            {"id": "2f85dbeb-0845-404e-934e-218bf39750c0", "description": "Milestones", "order": 0, "tasks": [
                // Dates can be specified as string, timestamp or javascript date object. The data attribute can be used to attach a custom object
                {"id": "f55549b5-e449-4b0c-9f4b-8b33381f7d76", "subject": "Kickoff", "color": "#93C47D", "from": "2014-08-07T09:00:00", "to": "2014-08-07T10:00:00", "data": "Can contain any custom data or object"},
                {"id": "5e997eb3-4311-46b1-a1b4-7e8663ea8b0b", "subject": "Concept approval", "color": "#93C47D", "from": new Date(2014,9,18,18,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,18,18,0,0), "est": new Date(2014,9,16,7,0,0), "lct": new Date(2014,9,19,0,0,0)},
                {"id": "b6a1c25c-85ae-4991-8502-b2b5127bc47c", "subject": "Development finished", "color": "#93C47D", "from": new Date(2014,8,15,18,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,15,18,0,0)},
                {"id": "6fdfd775-7b22-42ec-a12c-21a64c9e7a9e", "subject": "Shop is running", "color": "#93C47D", "from": new Date(2014,8,22,12,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,22,12,0,0)},
                {"id": "c112ee80-82fc-49ba-b8de-f8efba41b5b4", "subject": "Go-live", "color": "#93C47D", "from": new Date(2014,8,29,16,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,29,16,0,0)}
            ], "data": "Can contain any custom data or object"},
            {"id": "b8d10927-cf50-48bd-a056-3554decab824", "description": "Status meetings", "order": 1, "tasks": [
                {"id": "301d781f-1ef0-4c35-8398-478b641c0658", "subject": "Demo", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,9,25,15,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,25,18,30,0)},
                {"id": "0fbf344a-cb43-4b20-8003-a789ba803ad8", "subject": "Demo", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,8,1,15,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,1,18,0,0)},
                {"id": "12af138c-ba21-4159-99b9-06d61b1299a2", "subject": "Demo", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,8,8,15,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,8,18,0,0)},
                {"id": "73294eca-de4c-4f35-aa9b-ae25480967ba", "subject": "Demo", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,8,15,15,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,15,18,0,0)},
                {"id": "75c3dc51-09c4-44fb-ac40-2f4548d0728e", "subject": "Demo", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,8,24,9,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,24,10,0,0)}
            {"id": "c65c2672-445d-4297-a7f2-30de241b3145", "description": "Kickoff", "order": 2, "tasks": [
                {"id": "4e197e4d-02a4-490e-b920-4881c3ba8eb7", "subject": "Day 1", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,9,7,9,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,7,17,0,0)},
                {"id": "451046c0-9b17-4eaf-aee0-4e17fcfce6ae", "subject": "Day 2", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,9,8,9,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,8,17,0,0)},
                {"id": "fcc568c5-53b0-4046-8f19-265ebab34c0b", "subject": "Day 3", "color": "#9FC5F8", "from": new Date(2014,9,9,8,30,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,9,12,0,0)}
            {"id": "dd2e7a97-1622-4521-a807-f29960218785", "description": "Create concept", "order": 3, "tasks": [
                {"id": "9c17a6c8-ce8c-4426-8693-a0965ff0fe69", "subject": "Create concept", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,9,10,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,16,18,0,0), "est": new Date(2014,9,8,8,0,0), "lct": new Date(2014,9,18,20,0,0)}
            {"id": "eede0c9a-6777-4b55-9359-1eada309404e", "description": "Finalize concept", "order": 4, "tasks": [
                {"id": "30b8f544-5a45-4357-9a72-dd0181fba49f", "subject": "Finalize concept", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,9,17,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,18,18,0,0)}
            {"id": "b5318fd9-5d70-4eb1-9c05-65647b9aefe6", "description": "Sprint 1", "order": 5, "tasks": [
                {"id": "d1fdf100-534c-4198-afb9-7bcaef0696f0", "subject": "Product list view", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,9,21,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,9,25,15,0,0)}
            {"id": "cfb29cd5-1737-4027-9778-bb3058fbed9c", "description": "Sprint 2", "order": 6, "tasks": [
                {"id": "57638ba3-dfff-476d-ab9a-30fda1e44b50", "subject": "Order basket", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,9,28,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,1,15,0,0)}
            {"id": "df9bb83f-e9de-4cbe-944e-36aec6db53cc", "description": "Sprint 3", "order": 7, "tasks": [
                {"id": "192adc6e-ab17-4cd1-82d8-4a5e7525b169", "subject": "Checkout", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,4,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,8,15,0,0)}
            {"id": "48cbc052-1fd5-4262-a05f-97dad7337876", "description": "Sprint 4", "order": 8, "tasks": [
                {"id": "431dc7be-b61b-49a0-b26d-7ab5dfcadd41", "subject": "Login&Singup and admin view", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,11,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,15,15,0,0)}
            {"id": "34473cc4-5ee5-4953-8289-98779172129e", "description": "Setup server", "order": 9, "tasks": [
                {"id": "43eb6d19-6402-493c-a281-20e59a6fab6e", "subject": "HW", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,18,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,18,12,0,0)}
            {"id": "73cae585-5b2c-46b6-aeaf-8cf728c894f7", "description": "Config server", "order": 10, "tasks": [
                {"id": "8dbfda29-e775-4fa3-87c1-103b085d52ee", "subject": "SW / DNS/ Backups", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,18,12,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,21,18,0,0)}
            {"id": "41cae585-ad2c-46b6-aeaf-8cf728c894f7", "description": "Deployment", "order": 11, "tasks": [
                {"id": "2dbfda09-e775-4fa3-87c1-103b085d52ee", "subject": "Depl. & Final testing", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,21,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,22,12,0,0)}
            {"id": "33e1af55-52c6-4ccd-b261-1f4484ed5773", "description": "Workshop", "order": 12, "tasks": [
                {"id": "656b9240-00da-42ff-bfbd-dfe7ba393528", "subject": "On-side education", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,24,9,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,25,15,0,0)}
            {"id": "bffa16c6-c134-4443-8e6e-b09410c37c9f", "description": "Content", "order": 13, "tasks": [
                {"id": "2f4ec0f1-cd7a-441a-8288-e788ec112af9", "subject": "Supervise content creation", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,26,9,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,29,16,0,0)}
            {"id": "ec0c5e31-449f-42d0-9e81-45c66322b640", "description": "Documentation", "order": 14, "tasks": [
                {"id": "edf2cece-2d17-436f-bead-691edbc7386b", "subject": "Technical/User documentation", "color": "#F1C232", "from": new Date(2014,8,26,8,0,0), "to": new Date(2014,8,28,18,0,0)}
.gantt {
    width: 100%;
    line-height: 1;

.gantt-scrollable {
    overflow-y: hidden;
    overflow-x: scroll;

.gantt-head, .gantt-labels {
    cursor: default;

.gantt-labels {
    float: left;
    border-right: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-labels-head {
    border-top: 1px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-labels-body {
    overflow: hidden;

.gantt-head {
    overflow: hidden;
    border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-head-row, .gantt-labels-head-row {
    height: 2em;
    white-space: nowrap;

.gantt-head-row-bottom {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-head-row span {
    position: absolute;
    border-right: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-labels-row span, .gantt-labels-head-row span, .gantt-head-row span {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 2em;
    text-align: center;
    padding-top: 0.5em;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: clip;

.gantt-labels-row span, .gantt-labels-head-row {
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 12px;

.gantt-labels-head-row {
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;

.gantt-labels-row {
    cursor: pointer;
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;

.gantt-body {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;

.gantt-body-background {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;

.gantt-body-foreground {
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;

.gantt-foreground-col, .gantt-foreground-col-weekend, .gantt-foreground-col-nonworkhour {
    position: absolute;
	display: inline-block;
    height: 100%;
    border-right: 1px solid #dddddd;

.gantt-foreground-col-weekend, .gantt-foreground-col-nonworkhour {
    background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.3);

.gantt-background-row-alt {
	background-color: #EFEFEF;

.gantt-row {
    position: relative;

/* Move row to top when hovering to ensure its tooltips
     appear above other tasks which may have higher z-index.  */
.gantt-row:hover {
    z-index: 999;

.gantt-row-height {
    height: 2em;

.gantt-task {
	position: absolute;
    margin: auto;
    top: 0; bottom: 0;
    min-width: 0.6em;
    height: 80%;
    background-color: grey;
    border-radius: 2px;

.gantt-task-milestone {
    position: absolute;
    margin: auto;
    top: 0; bottom: 0;
    width: 0.6em !important;
    height: 80%;
    background-color: grey;
    border-radius: 0.3em;

.gantt-task-content {
    margin-left: 5px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    margin-top: 0.3em;
    overflow: hidden;

.gantt-task-content span  {
    display: inline-block;
    white-space: nowrap;

.gantt-task-info {
    position: fixed;
    background: #ffffff;
    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    border-radius: 4px;
    box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    padding: 9px 12px;
    opacity: 0;
    z-index: 999;

.gantt-task-info-content {
    line-height: 1.1;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: nowrap;

.gantt-task-infoArrow:before, .gantt-task-infoArrowR:before {
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    width: 0px; height: 0px;
    border-top: 8px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    border-right: 8px solid transparent;
    border-left: 8px solid transparent;
    content: '';

.gantt-task-infoArrow:before {
    left: 10px;

.gantt-task-infoArrowR:before {
    right: 10px;

.gantt-task-infoArrow:after, .gantt-task-infoArrowR:after {
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    width: 0px; height: 0px;
    border-top: 7px solid #ffffff;
    border-right: 7px solid transparent;
    border-left: 7px solid transparent;
    content: '';

.gantt-task-infoArrow:after {
    left: 11px;

.gantt-task-infoArrowR:after {
    right: 11px;

.gantt-task-bounds {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 99;
    border: 1px dashed;
    pointer-events: none;

.gantt-task-bounds-in {
    border-color: #2E4F2E;
.gantt-task-bounds-out {
    border-color: #FF6347;

    width: 1px;
    border-left: 1px solid red;
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;
<div class="gantt">
    <div class="gantt-labels"
         ng-style="(labelsWidth > 0 && {'width': labelsWidth+'px'} || {})"
         gantt-labels-resize="allowLabelsResizing" gantt-labels-resize-width="labelsWidth" gantt-labels-resize-min-width="50" on-labels-resized="raiseLabelsResized(width)" >
        <div class="gantt-labels-head"
             ng-show="gantt.columns.length > 0">
            <div class="gantt-labels-head-row"
                 ng-style="{'margin-top': ((gantt.getActiveHeadersCount()-1)*2)+'em'}">
        <div class="gantt-labels-body"
             ng-style="(maxHeight > 0 && {'max-height': (maxHeight-ganttHeader.offsetHeight)+'px'} || {})"
             ng-show="gantt.columns.length > 0">
            <div gantt-vertical-scroll-receiver
                 ng-style="{'position': 'relative'}">
                <div class="gantt-labels-row gantt-row-height"
                     ng-click="raiseLabelClickedEvent($event, row)"
                     ng-dblclick="raiseLabelDblClickedEvent($event, row)"
                     gantt-right-click="raiseLabelContextMenuEvent($event, row)"
                     ng-repeat="row in gantt.rows track by $index">
                    <gantt-sortable swap="swapRows(a,b)" active="allowRowSorting" ng-model="row">
                        <span>{{ row.description }}</span>
    <div class="gantt-head"
         ng-show="gantt.columns.length > 0">
        <div gantt-horizontal-scroll-receiver
             ng-style="{'position': 'relative', 'width': gantt.width+'em'}">
            <div class="gantt-head-row"
                 ng-class="(gantt.headers.week !== undefined && 'gantt-head-row-bottom' || '')"
                 ng-if="gantt.headers.month !== undefined">
                <span ng-style="{'width': c.width+'em', 'left': c.left+'em'}"
                      ng-repeat="c in gantt.headers.month | ganttColumnLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by $index">
                    {{ c.date | date:'MMMM yyyy' }}
            <div class="gantt-head-row" ng-if="gantt.headers.week !== undefined">
                <span ng-style="{'width': c.width+'em', 'left': c.left+'em'}"
                      ng-repeat="c in gantt.headers.week | ganttColumnLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by $index">
                    {{ c.week }}
            <div class="gantt-head-row" ng-if="gantt.headers.day !== undefined">
                <span ng-style="{'width': c.width+'em', 'left': c.left+'em'}"
                      ng-repeat="c in gantt.headers.day | ganttColumnLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by $index">
                    {{ viewScale === 'hour' && (c.date | date:'dd EEEE') || (c.date | date:'dd') }}
            <div class="gantt-head-row" ng-if="gantt.headers.hour !== undefined">
                <span ng-style="{'width': c.width+'em', 'left': c.left+'em'}"
                      ng-repeat="c in gantt.headers.hour | ganttColumnLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by $index">
                    {{ c.date | date:'HH' }}
    <div class="gantt-scrollable"
         ng-style="(maxHeight > 0 && {'max-height': (maxHeight-ganttHeader.offsetHeight)+'px', 'overflow-y': 'scroll'} || {'overflow-y': 'hidden'})"
         ng-style="{'overflow-x': (gantt.rows.length == 0 && 'hidden' || 'scroll')}">
        <div class="gantt-body"
             ng-style="{'width': gantt.width+'em'}">
            <div class="gantt-body-background">
                <div class="gantt-row-height"
                     ng-repeat="row in gantt.rows track by $index">
            <div class="gantt-body-foreground">
                <div class="gantt-vertical-line" ng-style="{left: (gantt.getPositionByDate(currentDate))+'em' }"></div>
                <div ng-class="(viewScale === 'hour' && !c.isWorkHour && 'gantt-foreground-col-nonworkhour' || (c.isWeekend && 'gantt-foreground-col-weekend' || 'gantt-foreground-col'))"
                     ng-style="{'width': c.width+'em', 'left': c.left+'em'}"
                     ng-repeat="c in gantt.columns | ganttColumnLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by $index">
            <div class="gantt-body-content">
                <div class="gantt-row gantt-row-height"
                     ng-click="raiseDOMRowClickedEvent($event, row)"
                     ng-dblclick="raiseDOMRowDblClickedEvent($event, row)"
                     gantt-right-click="raiseDOMRowContextMenuEvent($event, row)"
                     ng-repeat="row in gantt.rows track by row.id">
                    <gantt-task ng-repeat="task in row.tasks | ganttTaskLimit:scroll_start:scroll_width track by task.id"></gantt-task>

    ******* Inline templates *******
    You can specify your own templates by either changing the default ones below or by
    adding an attribute template-url="<url to your template>" on the specific element.

    <!-- Task template -->
    <script type="text/ng-template" id="default.task.tmpl.html">
        <div ng-class="(task.isMilestone === true && ['gantt-task-milestone'] || ['gantt-task']).concat(task.classes)"
             ng-style="{'left': ((task.isMilestone === true || task.width === 0) && (task.left-0.3) || task.left)+'em', 'width': task.width +'em', 'z-index': (task.isMoving === true && 1  || task.priority || ''), 'background-color': task.color}">
            <gantt-bounds ng-if="task.bounds !== undefined" ng-model="task"></gantt-bounds>
            <gantt-tooltip ng-if="showTooltips && (task.isMouseOver || task.isMoving)" ng-model="task"></gantt-tooltip>
            <div class="gantt-task-content"><span>{{ (task.isMilestone === true && '&nbsp;' || task.subject) }}</span></div>

    <!-- Task tooltip template -->
    <!-- Move ng-if from parent to tooltip directive when https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/7183 is fixed -->
    <script type="text/ng-template" id="default.tooltip.tmpl.html">
        <div class="gantt-task-info" ng-style="css">
            <div class="gantt-task-info-content">
                {{ task.subject }}</br>
                    {{ task.isMilestone === true && (task.from | date:'MMM d, HH:mm') || (task.from | date:'MMM d, HH:mm') + ' - ' + (task.to | date:'MMM d, HH:mm') }}

    <!-- Task bounds template -->
    <!-- Replace ng-show with ng-if when https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/7183 is fixed -->
    <script type="text/ng-template" id="default.bounds.tmpl.html">
        <div ng-show='visible' class='gantt-task-bounds' ng-style='getCss()' ng-class='getClass()'></div>