<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/js-data/2.0.0-rc.1/js-data.min.js"></script>
  <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/js-data-http/2.0.0-rc.1/js-data-http.min.js"></script>

  <script src="script.js"></script>

  <h1>Open your console to see the output</h1>

var store = new JSData.DS();
var adapter = new DSHttpAdapter({
  suffix: '.json'
store.registerAdapter('http', adapter, {
  default: true

var Post = store.defineResource({
  name: 'post',
  // When calling findAll with the same params again,
  // instead filter from the store
  useFilter: true

var page_one_posts = [];
var page_two_posts = [];

Post.createCollection(page_one_posts, {
  orderBy: ['id'],
  offset: 0,
  limit: 2
Post.createCollection(page_two_posts, {
  orderBy: ['id'],
  offset: 2,
  limit: 2

console.log('page_one_posts.length', page_one_posts.length);
console.log('page_two_posts.length', page_two_posts.length);

  // ignore the endpoint option, it's just for this contrived plunker example to work
  page_two_posts.fetch(null, { endpoint: '_post' })
]).then(function(results) {
  console.log('results[0] === page_one_posts: ', results[0] === page_one_posts);
  console.log('results[1] === page_two_posts: ', results[1] === page_two_posts);
  console.log('page_one_posts.length: ', page_one_posts.length);
  console.log('page_two_posts.length: ', page_two_posts.length);
  console.log('page_one_posts: ', JSON.stringify(page_one_posts));
  console.log('page_two_posts: ', JSON.stringify(page_two_posts));
  // the posts were injected into the store
  console.log('Post.getAll().length: ', Post.getAll().length);
  console.log('Post.inject({ id: 3 }): ', Post.inject({ id: 3 }));
  return Promise.all([
    // ignore the endpoint option, it's just for this contrived plunker example to work
    page_two_posts.fetch(null, { endpoint: '_post' })
}).then(function(results) {
  console.log('results[0] === page_one_posts: ', results[0] === page_one_posts);
  console.log('results[1] === page_two_posts: ', results[1] === page_two_posts);
  console.log('page_one_posts.length: ', page_one_posts.length);
  console.log('page_two_posts.length: ', page_two_posts.length);
  console.log('collections were updated with the right stuff from the store');
  console.log('page_one_posts: ', JSON.stringify(page_one_posts));
  console.log('page_two_posts: ', JSON.stringify(page_two_posts));
  console.log('Post.filter({ offset: 4, orderBy: ["id"] }): ', JSON.stringify(Post.filter({ offset: 4, orderBy: ['id'] })));
  // the posts were injected into the store
  console.log('Post.getAll().length: ', Post.getAll().length);
  "id": 1
}, {
  "id": 2