<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <link href="//rawgit.com/magnumjs/mag.js/master/src/old/mag.comps.css" rel="stylesheet">


  <h1>Hello Mag.JS!</h1>
  <a target="_tab" href="https://github.com/magnumjs/mag.js">GitHub</a>

  <div id="reactExampleGoesHere">

    <div class="countryList"></div>
    <div class="cityList"></div>

    <div class="template hide">
      <div id="TabList">
        <div class="list">

  <script src="//rawgit.com/magnumjs/mag.js/master/dist/mag.0.15.6.min.js"></script>
  <script src="//rawgit.com/magnumjs/mag.js/master/src/old/mag.addons.js"></script>
  <script src="//rawgit.com/magnumjs/mag.js/master/src/old/mag.comps.js"></script>

  <script src="TabList.js"></script>
  <script src="CountriesComponent.js"></script>

  <script src="app-init.js"></script>



// initialize mag module reference

var citiesPerCountry = [
  ['New York', 'Detroit'],
  ['Ontario', 'Toronto']

var countries = ['USA', 'CAN']

var props = {
  citiesPerCountry: citiesPerCountry,
  countries: countries

 mag.mods.demo.CountriesComponent("reactExampleGoesHere", props)
#Mag.JS Modular namespacing

Hierarchy component dynamic key state


Best practice in creating objects

1. always have one global top level namespace
  e.g. var MyCoolApp = MyCoolApp || {};

2. That is included on every page 

3.All sub modules are based on that
  But they use local vars and return in functions
  4. Always have a top parent moduel container
  5. components are reusable within modules
(function(namespace) {

  // default props to be over ridden
  var props = {
    active: 0

  var TabList = {}

  TabList.controller = function(props) {
    this.active = props.active || 0

  TabList.view = function(state, props) {

    state.list = {
      a: props.items.map(function(item, i) {
        return {
          _className: {
            "excited": i == state.active,
            "neutral": i != state.active
          _href: "#",
          _text: item,
          _onclick: function(a, event) {
            state.active = a
            props.clickHandler(item, a, event);
          }.bind(state, i)

  namespace.TabList = mag.comp('TabList', TabList, props);

(function(namespace) {

  var props = {}

  var CountriesComponent = {}

  CountriesComponent.controller = function(props) {

    this['active-country'] = 0
    this['active-city'] = 0

    this.currentCountry = props.countries[0]

    this.handleClick = function(type, item, index, event) {
      if (type == 'country') this.currentCountry = item
      this['active-' + type] = index


  CountriesComponent.view = function(state, props) {

    state.countryList = mag.mods.demo.TabList({
      key: "countryList",
      active: state['active-country'],
      items: props.countries,
      clickHandler: state.handleClick.bind(state, 'country')
    }, true)

    state.cityList = mag.mods.demo.TabList({
      key: state.currentCountry,
      active: state['active-city'],
      items: props.citiesPerCountry[state['active-country']],
      clickHandler: state.handleClick.bind(state, 'city')
    }, true)


  namespace.CountriesComponent = mag.comp('', CountriesComponent, props);

.hide {
#reactExampleGoesHere a,
#reactExampleGoesHere a {
  border: 1px solid;
  margin-right: 10px;
  text-decoration: none;
  background-color: #2bbb5b;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px;
#reactExampleGoesHere a.excited,
#reactExampleGoesHere a.excited {
  background-color: #2bbb5b;
#reactExampleGoesHere a.neutral,
#reactExampleGoesHere a.neutral {
  background-color: #39a5de;
#reactExampleGoesHere div.list,
#reactExampleGoesHere div.list {
  height: 70px;