<!DOCTYPE html>
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data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m, sap.ui.layout"
data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"Quickstart": "./"}'
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
], function (XMLView) {
XMLView.create({viewName: "Quickstart.App"}).then(function (oView) {
<body class="sapUiBody" id="content"></body>
], function(Controller) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("Quickstart.App", {
_aTableData: [],
_aTableFilters: [],
_oTableSort: {},
_devicePhone: false,
_deviceTablet: false,
_selectedCount: "",
_reportData: [],
pressButton: function(params) {
// this._aTableData = oTable.getModel("modelProducts").getData().ProductCollection;
loadJSON: function(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.open('GET', 'data.json', true); // Replace 'my_data' with the path to your file
xobj.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
// Required use of an anonymous callback as .open will NOT return a value but simply returns undefined in asynchronous mode
_sortAndFilterTable: function(aData) {
if (!(aData.length > 0)) return aData;
for (var i = 0; i < this._aTableFilters.length; i++) {
var oTableFilters = this._aTableFilters[i];
var fieldType = typeof aData[0][oTableFilters.filterProp];
if (oTableFilters.filterValue !== null && oTableFilters.filterValue !== "") {
for (var k = 0; k < aData.length; k++) {
var tableRow = aData[k];
if (oTableFilters.filterOperator === "Contains") {
if (!((tableRow[oTableFilters.filterProp]).toString().includes(oTableFilters.filterValue))) {
aData.splice(k, 1);
} else if (oTableFilters.filterOperator === "EQ") {
if (fieldType === "object") {
var oDateFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getDateInstance({
pattern: "dd.M.yyyy"
var compValue = oDateFormat.format(tableRow[oTableFilters.filterProp])
if (!(compValue === oTableFilters.filterValue)) {
aData.splice(k, 1);
} else {
if (!((tableRow[oTableFilters.filterProp]).toString() === oTableFilters.filterValue)) {
aData.splice(k, 1);
// }
if (!(aData.length > 0)) return aData;
if (this._oTableSort.sortProperty !== undefined) {
aData.sort(function(a, b) {
switch (fieldType) {
case "string":
var textA = a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty].toUpperCase();
var textB = b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty].toUpperCase();
if (this._oTableSort.sortOrder === "Ascending") {
return textA.localeCompare(textB);
// return (a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] - b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty])
} else if ((this._oTableSort.sortOrder === "Descending")) {
return textB.localeCompare(textA);
// return (b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] - a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty])
// return textA.localeCompare(textB);
// return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;
if (this._oTableSort.sortOrder === "Ascending") {
if (a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] > b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty]) {
return 1;
if (b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] > a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty]) {
return -1;
return 0;
// return (a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] - b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty])
} else if ((this._oTableSort.sortOrder === "Descending")) {
if (a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] > b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty]) {
return -1;
if (b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] > a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty]) {
return 1;
return 0;
// return (b[this._oTableSort.sortProperty] - a[this._oTableSort.sortProperty])
return aData;
filterGlobally: function(oEvent) {
var sQuery = oEvent.getParameter("query");
this._oGlobalFilter = null;
var aTablex = this._reportData.slice(0);
var foundKey = "";
for (var k = 0; k < aTablex.length; k++) {
var tableRow = aTablex[k];
Object.keys(tableRow).forEach(function(key) {
var value = tableRow[key];
if (key !== "__metadata") {
if (value.toString() !== "") {
if (value.toString().includes(sQuery.toString())) {
foundKey = key;
if (foundKey !== "") {
var filterProp = foundKey;
var filterValue = sQuery;
var filterOperator = "Contains";
filterProp: filterProp,
filterValue: filterValue,
filterOperator: filterOperator
var aTable = this._sortAndFilterTable(aTablex);
} else {
aTable = [];
this.addPaginator("productTable", aTable);
clearAllFilters: function(oEvent) {
var oTable = this.byId("productTable");
// var oUiModel = this.getView().getModel("ui");
// oUiModel.setProperty("/globalFilter", "");
// this._oGlobalFilter = null;
// this._oPriceFilter = null;
// this._filter();
var aColumns = oTable.getColumns();
for (var i = 0; i < aColumns.length; i++) {
oTable.filter(aColumns[i], null);
this.addPaginator("productTable", this._reportData);
_setTableSettings: function(params) {
var oTable = this.getView().byId("productTable");
// var oTableModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var oTableModel = this.getView().getModel("tableItems");
this.loadJSON(function(response) {
// Parse JSON string into object
var actual_JSON = JSON.parse(response);
var aTableData = actual_JSON.ProductCollection;
// var oTableModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
// this.getView().setModel(oTableModel, "tableItems");
this._reportData = aTableData;
this.addPaginator("productTable", aTableData);
oTable.attachSort(null, function(params) {
this._oTableSort = {
sortOrder: params.getParameters().sortOrder,
sortProperty: params.getParameters().column.getSortProperty()
var aTablex = this._reportData.slice(0);
for (var k = 0; k < aTablex.length; k++) {
var element = aTablex[k];
var aTable = this._sortAndFilterTable(aTablex);
for (k = 0; k < aTable.length; k++) {
element = aTable[k];
this.addPaginator("productTable", aTable);
oTable.attachFilter(null, function(params) {
var filterValue = "";
var filterOperator = "";
var filterProp = params.getParameters().column.mProperties.filterProperty;
if (typeof this._reportData[0][filterProp] === "object" || typeof this._reportData[0][filterProp] === "number") {
filterValue = params.getParameters().value;
filterOperator = "EQ";
} else {
filterValue = params.getParameters().value;
filterOperator = "Contains";
for (var j = 0; j < this._aTableFilters.length; j++) {
var element = this._aTableFilters[j];
if (element.filterProp === filterProp) {
this._aTableFilters.splice(j, 1)
filterProp: filterProp,
filterValue: filterValue,
filterOperator: filterOperator
var aTablex = this._reportData.slice(0);
var aTable = this._sortAndFilterTable(aTablex);
this.addPaginator("productTable", aTable);
onAfterRendering: function(params) {},
onInit: function() {
this._devicePhone = sap.ui.Device.system.phone;
this._deviceTablet = sap.ui.Device.system.tablet && !sap.ui.Device.system.desktop;
var oTableModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
this.getView().setModel(oTableModel, "tableItems");
// this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("modelProducts").dataLoaded().then(
// function (params) {
// }.bind(this)
// )
oPagination: {
container: {},
init: function(properties) {
Extend: function(properties) {
properties = properties || {};
this.size = properties.size || 1;
this.page = properties.page || 1;
this.step = properties.step || 5;
this.table = properties.table || {};
this.countTable = properties.countTable || 0;
this.countPerPage = properties.countPerPage || 10;
this.tableData = properties.tableData || 10;
this.devicePhone = properties.devicePhone;
this.deviceTablet = properties.deviceTablet;
Start: function() {
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
var oSelect = new sap.m.Select("selectPage", {
change: this.SelectChange.bind(this),
if (this.size < this.step * 2 + 6) {
this.AddNumber(1, this.size + 1);
} else if (this.page < this.step * 2 + 1) {
this.AddNumber(1, this.step * 2 + 4);
} else if (this.page > this.size - this.step * 2) {
this.AddNumber(this.size - this.step * 2 - 2, this.size + 1);
} else {
this.AddNumber(this.page - this.step, this.page + this.step + 1);
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
var aSelectItems = oSelect.getItems();
for (var k = 0; k < aSelectItems.length; k++) {
var item = aSelectItems[k];
var r = item.getText();
if (r === this.page.toString()) {
} else {
var aButtons = this.container.getItems();
for (var i = 0; i < aButtons.length; i++) {
var oButton = aButtons[i];
if (oButton.getText() === this.page.toString()) {
AddNumber: function(s, f) {
for (var i = s; i < f; i++) {
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: i,
text: i
} else {
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: i,
press: this.ClickNumber.bind(this)
AddFirstNumber: function() {
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: 1,
text: 1
}, 2)
} else {
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: 1,
press: this.ClickNumber.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 2);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "...",
// press: this.Click.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 3);
AddLastNumber: function() {
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: this.size,
text: this.size
}, this.size - 3)
} else {
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "...",
// press: this.ClickNumber.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size - 4);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: this.size,
press: this.ClickNumber.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size - 3);
SelectChange: function(oEvent) {
this.page = parseInt(oEvent.getParameters().selectedItem.getText());
ClickNumber: function(oEvent) {
this.page = parseInt(oEvent.getSource().getText());
ClickPrev: function() {
if (this.page < 1) {
this.page = 1;
ClickNext: function() {
if (this.page > this.size) {
this.page = this.size;
ClickFirst: function() {
this.page = 1;
if (this.page < 1) {
this.page = 1;
ClickLast: function() {
this.page = this.size;
if (this.page > this.size) {
this.page = this.size;
setFixedButtons: function(e) {
if (this.devicePhone || this.deviceTablet) {
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
icon: "sap-icon://close-command-field",
press: this.ClickFirst.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 0);
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
icon: "sap-icon://navigation-left-arrow",
press: this.ClickPrev.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 1);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
icon: "sap-icon://navigation-right-arrow",
press: this.ClickNext.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size + 2);
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
icon: "sap-icon://open-command-field",
press: this.ClickLast.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size + 3);
} else {
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "First",
press: this.ClickFirst.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 0);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "Next",
press: this.ClickNext.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, 1);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "Previous",
press: this.ClickPrev.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size + 2);
oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "Last",
press: this.ClickLast.bind(this)
this.container.insertItem(oButton, this.size + 3);
filterTable: function() {
var aData = this.tableData;
var aDatax = [];
var indexes = {
start: (this.page - 1) * this.countPerPage,
end: (this.page - 1) * this.countPerPage + this.countPerPage - 1,
for (var index = 0; index < this.countTable; index++) {
if (indexes.start <= index && indexes.end >= index) {
var item = aData[index];
ProductCollection: aDatax
addPaginator: function(tableId, tableData) {
var oTable = this.byId(tableId);
var oContentHolder = oTable.getParent();
var oVBox1 = new sap.m.VBox("vbox1", {});
var oHBox1 = new sap.m.HBox("hbox1", {
justifyContent: "SpaceBetween",
width: "90%"
var oHBoxPagination = new sap.m.HBox("hboxPagination", {
justifyContent: "Center",
width: "75%"
var oHBox2 = new sap.m.HBox("hbox2", {
justifyContent: "SpaceBetween",
width: "15%"
var oHBox3 = new sap.m.HBox("hbox3", {
alignItems: "Center",
width: "45%"
var oLabel1 = new sap.m.HBox("label1", {
text: "Kalem Sayısı"
var oHBox4 = new sap.m.HBox("hbox4", {
width: "45%"
if (this._selectedCount === "") {
this._selectedCount = "10";
var oComboBoxCount = new sap.m.ComboBox("comboboxCount", {
selectedKey: this._selectedCount,
width: "10em",
change: this.changeComboBoxCount.bind(this)
oComboBoxCount.addItem(new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "10",
text: "10"
oComboBoxCount.addItem(new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "25",
text: "25"
oComboBoxCount.addItem(new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "50",
text: "50"
oComboBoxCount.addItem(new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "100",
text: "100"
oComboBoxCount.addItem(new sap.ui.core.Item({
key: "150",
text: "150"
if (this._devicePhone) {
// oHBox1.addItem(oComboBoxCount);
} else {
// oTable.addDelegate({
// onAfterRendering: function () {
// this.generatePaginator();
// }.bind(this)
// });
changeComboBoxCount: function(oEvent) {
var aTablex = this._reportData.slice(0);
var aTable = this._sortAndFilterTable(aTablex);
this._selectedCount = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedKey();
generatePaginator: function(tableData) {
var oTablex = this.getView().byId("productTable");
// var aData = oTablex.getModel("modelProducts").getData().ProductCollection;
if (tableData === undefined)
var countTable = tableData.length;
var oComboBoxCount = sap.ui.getCore().byId("comboboxCount");
if (oComboBoxCount === undefined) {
count = undefined;
} else {
if (oComboBoxCount.getSelectedKey() !== undefined && oComboBoxCount.getSelectedKey() !== null) {
var count = parseInt(oComboBoxCount.getSelectedKey());
} else {
count = undefined;
if (count !== undefined) {
var countPerPage = count;
} else {
if (this._devicePhone) {
countPerPage = 5;
} else {
countPerPage = 10;
var size = parseInt(countTable / countPerPage);
if (countTable % countPerPage !== 0) {
this.oPagination.container = sap.ui.getCore().byId("hboxPagination");
size: size,
page: 1,
step: 5,
table: oTablex,
countTable: countTable,
countPerPage: countPerPage,
tableData: tableData,
devicePhone: this._devicePhone,
deviceTablet: this._deviceTablet
_destroyControl: function(id) {
var oControl = this.getView().byId(id);
if (oControl !== undefined) oControl.destroy();
oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(id);
if (oControl !== undefined) oControl.destroy();
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<m:Text text="{tableItems>ProductId}"/>
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<m:Label text="Status" />
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path: 'Available',
formatter: '.formatAvailableToObjectState'
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<m:Text text="{tableItems>SupplierName}"/>
"ProductCollection": [{
"ProductId": "HT-1000",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Basic 15 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 15\" LCD, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Basic 15",
"DateOfSale": "2017-03-26",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1000.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 956,
"Width": 30,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1001",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 4.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Basic 17 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 17\" LCD, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Basic 17",
"DateOfSale": "2017-04-17",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1001.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1249,
"Width": 29,
"Depth": 17,
"Height": 3.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1002",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Basic 18 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 18\" LCD, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 1000 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Basic 18",
"DateOfSale": "2017-01-07",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1002.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1570,
"Width": 28,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 2.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1003",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Smartcards",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Basic 19 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 19\" LCD, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 1000 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Basic 19",
"DateOfSale": "2017-04-09",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1003.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1650,
"Width": 32,
"Depth": 21,
"Height": 4,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1007",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Digital Organizer with State-of-the-Art Storage Encryption",
"Name": "ITelO Vault",
"DateOfSale": "2017-05-17",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1007.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 299,
"Width": 32,
"Depth": 22,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1010",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 4.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Professional 15 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 15\" Multitouch LCD, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB SSD - DVD-Writer (DVD-R/+R/-RW/-RAM),Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Professional 15",
"DateOfSale": "2017-02-22",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1010.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1999,
"Width": 33,
"Depth": 20,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1011",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 4.1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook Professional 17 with 2,80 GHz quad core, 17\" Multitouch LCD, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB SSD - DVD-Writer (DVD-R/+R/-RW/-RAM),Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "Notebook Professional 17",
"DateOfSale": "2017-01-02",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1011.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 17,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 2299,
"Width": 33,
"Depth": 23,
"Height": 2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1020",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.16,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Digital Organizer with State-of-the-Art Encryption for Storage and Network Communications",
"Name": "ITelO Vault Net",
"DateOfSale": "2017-05-08",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1020.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 459,
"Width": 10,
"Depth": 1.8,
"Height": 17,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1021",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.18,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Digital Organizer with State-of-the-Art Encryption for Storage and Secure Stellite Link",
"Name": "ITelO Vault SAT",
"DateOfSale": "2017-06-30",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1021.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 149,
"Width": 11,
"Depth": 1.7,
"Height": 18,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1022",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "32 GB Digital Assistant with high-resolution color screen",
"Name": "Comfort Easy",
"DateOfSale": "2017-03-02",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1022.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 30,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1679,
"Width": 84,
"Depth": 1.5,
"Height": 14,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1023",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "64 GB Digital Assistant with high-resolution color screen and synthesized voice output",
"Name": "Comfort Senior",
"DateOfSale": "2017-02-25",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1023.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 512,
"Width": 80,
"Depth": 1.6,
"Height": 13,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1030",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 21,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 1920 x 1080 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.27mm",
"Name": "Ergo Screen E-I",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1030.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 230,
"Width": 37,
"Depth": 12,
"Height": 36,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1031",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 21,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 1920 x 1200 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.26mm",
"Name": "Ergo Screen E-II",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1031.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 285,
"Width": 40.8,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 43,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1032",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 21,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 2560 x 1440 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.25mm",
"Name": "Ergo Screen E-III",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1032.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 345,
"Width": 40.8,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 43,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1035",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 14,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 1600 x 1200 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.24mm",
"Name": "Flat Basic",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1035.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 399,
"Width": 39,
"Depth": 20,
"Height": 41,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1036",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 15,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 2048 x 1080 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.26mm",
"Name": "Flat Future",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1036.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 22,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 430,
"Width": 45,
"Depth": 26,
"Height": 46,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1037",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 17,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 2016 x 1512 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.24mm",
"Name": "Flat XL",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1037.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1230,
"Width": 54.5,
"Depth": 22.1,
"Height": 39.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1040",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Alpha Printers",
"WeightMeasure": 32,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Print 2400 dpi image quality color documents at speeds of up to 32 ppm (color) or 36 ppm (monochrome), letter/A4. Powerful 500 MHz processor, 512MB of memory",
"Name": "Laser Professional Eco",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1040.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 21,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 830,
"Width": 51,
"Depth": 46,
"Height": 30,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1041",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Alpha Printers",
"WeightMeasure": 23,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Up to 22 ppm color or 24 ppm monochrome A4/letter, powerful 500 MHz processor and 128MB of memory",
"Name": "Laser Basic",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1041.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 8,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 490,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 42,
"Height": 26,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1042",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Alpha Printers",
"WeightMeasure": 17,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Print up to 25 ppm letter and 24 ppm A4 color or monochrome, with Available first-page-out-time of less than 13 seconds for monochrome and less than 15 seconds for color",
"Name": "Laser Allround",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1042.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 9,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 349,
"Width": 53,
"Depth": 50,
"Height": 65,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1050",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Alpha Printers",
"WeightMeasure": 3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "4800 dpi x 1200 dpi - up to 35 ppm (mono) / up to 34 ppm (color) - capacity: 250 sheets - Hi-Speed USB, Ethernet",
"Name": "Ultra Jet Super Color",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1050.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 17,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 139,
"Width": 41,
"Depth": 41,
"Height": 28,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1051",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 1.9,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1000 dpi x 1000 dpi - up to 35 ppm (mono) / up to 34 ppm (color) - capacity: 250 sheets - Hi-Speed USB - excellent dimensions for the small office",
"Name": "Ultra Jet Mobile",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1051.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 18,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 99,
"Width": 46,
"Depth": 32,
"Height": 25,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1052",
"Category": "Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 18,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "4800 dpi x 1200 dpi - up to 35 ppm (mono) / up to 34 ppm (color) - capacity: 250 sheets - Hi-Speed USB2.0, Ethernet",
"Name": "Ultra Jet Super Highspeed",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1052.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 25,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 170,
"Width": 41,
"Depth": 41,
"Height": 28,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1055",
"Category": "Multifunction Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 6.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1000 dpi x 1000 dpi - up to 16 ppm (mono) / up to 15 ppm (color)- capacity 80 sheets - scanner (216 x 297 mm, 1200dpi x 2400dpi)",
"Name": "Multi Print",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1055.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 99,
"Width": 55,
"Depth": 45,
"Height": 29,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1056",
"Category": "Multifunction Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 4.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1200 dpi x 1200 dpi - up to 25 ppm (mono) / up to 24 ppm (color)- capacity 80 sheets - scanner (216 x 297 mm, 2400dpi x 4800dpi, high resolution)",
"Name": "Multi Color",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1056.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 5,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 119,
"Width": 51,
"Depth": 41.3,
"Height": 22,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1060",
"Category": "Mice",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 0.09,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Cordless Optical USB Mice, Laptop, Color: Black, Plug&Play",
"Name": "Cordless Mouse",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1060.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 25,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 9,
"Width": 6,
"Depth": 14.5,
"Height": 3.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1061",
"Category": "Mice",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 0.09,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optical USB, PS/2 Mouse, Color: Blue, 3-button-functionality (incl. Scroll wheel)",
"Name": "Speed Mouse",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1061.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 7,
"Width": 7,
"Depth": 15,
"Height": 3.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1062",
"Category": "Mice",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 0.03,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optical USB Mouse, Color: Red, 5-button-functionality(incl. Scroll wheel), Plug&Play",
"Name": "Track Mouse",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1062.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 11,
"Width": 3,
"Depth": 7,
"Height": 4,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1063",
"Category": "Keyboards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 2.1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Ergonomic USB Keyboard for Desktop, Plug&Play",
"Name": "Ergonomic Keyboard",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1063.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 14,
"Width": 50,
"Depth": 21,
"Height": 3.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1064",
"Category": "Keyboards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 1.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Corded Keyboard with special keys for Internet Usability, USB",
"Name": "Internet Keyboard",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1064.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 35,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 16,
"Width": 52,
"Depth": 25,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1065",
"Category": "Keyboards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 2.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Corded Ergonomic Keyboard with special keys for Media Usability, USB",
"Name": "Media Keyboard",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1065.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 26,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 26,
"Width": 51.4,
"Depth": 23,
"Height": 4,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1066",
"Category": "Mousepads",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 80,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "Nice mouse pad with ITelO Logo",
"Name": "Mousepad",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1066.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 6.99,
"Width": 15,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 0.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1067",
"Category": "Mousepads",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Oxynum",
"WeightMeasure": 80,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "Ergonomic mouse pad with ITelO Logo",
"Name": "Ergo Mousepad",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1067.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 8.99,
"Width": 15,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 0.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1068",
"Category": "Mousepads",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 90,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "ITelO Mousepad Special Edition",
"Name": "Designer Mousepad",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1068.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 26,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 12.99,
"Width": 24,
"Depth": 24,
"Height": 0.6,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1069",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 45,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "Universal card reader",
"Name": "Universal card reader",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1069.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 22,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 14,
"Width": 6,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1070",
"Category": "Graphic Cards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.255,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Proctra X: PCI-E GDDR5 3072MB",
"Name": "Proctra X",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1070.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 70.9,
"Width": 22,
"Depth": 35,
"Height": 17,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1071",
"Category": "Graphic Cards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Gladiator XLN: PCI-E GDDR5 3072MB DVI Out, TV Out low-noise",
"Name": "Gladiator MX",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1071.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 81.7,
"Width": 22,
"Depth": 35,
"Height": 17,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1072",
"Category": "Graphic Cards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Hurricane GX: PCI-E 691 GFLOPS game-optimized",
"Name": "Hurricane GX",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1072.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 101.2,
"Width": 22,
"Depth": 35,
"Height": 17,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1073",
"Category": "Graphic Cards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Smartcards",
"WeightMeasure": 0.4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Hurricane GX/LN: PCI-E 691 GFLOPS game-optimized, low-noise.",
"Name": "Hurricane GX/LN",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1073.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 5,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 139.99,
"Width": 22,
"Depth": 35,
"Height": 17,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1080",
"Category": "Scanners",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 2.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flatbed scanner - 9.600 × 9.600 dpi - 216 x 297 mm - Hi-Speed USB - Bluetooth",
"Name": "Photo Scan",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1080.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 8,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 129,
"Width": 34,
"Depth": 48,
"Height": 5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1081",
"Category": "Scanners",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 2.4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flatbed scanner - 9.600 × 9.600 dpi - 216 x 297 mm - SCSI for backward compatibility",
"Name": "Power Scan",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1081.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 11,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 89,
"Width": 31,
"Depth": 43,
"Height": 7,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1082",
"Category": "Scanners",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 3.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flatbed scanner - Letter - 2400 dpi x 2400 dpi - 216 x 297 mm - add-on module",
"Name": "Jet Scan Professional",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1082.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 169,
"Width": 33,
"Depth": 41,
"Height": 12,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1083",
"Category": "Scanners",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Printer for All",
"WeightMeasure": 3.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flatbed scanner - A4 - 2400 dpi x 2400 dpi - 216 x 297 mm - add-on module",
"Name": "Jet Scan Professional",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1083.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 189,
"Width": 35,
"Depth": 40,
"Height": 10,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1085",
"Category": "Multifunction Printers",
"MainCategory": "Printers & Scanners",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Alpha Printers",
"WeightMeasure": 23.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Copymaster",
"Name": "Copymaster",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1085.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1499,
"Width": 45,
"Depth": 42,
"Height": 22,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1090",
"Category": "Speakers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Speaker Experts",
"WeightMeasure": 3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "PC multimedia speakers - 5 Watt (Total)",
"Name": "Surround Sound",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1090.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 39,
"Width": 12,
"Depth": 10,
"Height": 16,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1091",
"Category": "Speakers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Speaker Experts",
"WeightMeasure": 1.4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "PC multimedia speakers - 10 Watt (Total) - 2-way",
"Name": "Blaster Extreme",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1091.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 26,
"Width": 13,
"Depth": 11,
"Height": 17.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1092",
"Category": "Speakers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Speaker Experts",
"WeightMeasure": 2.1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "PC multimedia speakers - optimized for Blutooth/A2DP",
"Name": "Sound Booster",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1092.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 45,
"Width": 12.4,
"Depth": 10.4,
"Height": 18.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1100",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 1.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, Office Applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentations)",
"Name": "Smart Office",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1100.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 25,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 89.9,
"Width": 15,
"Depth": 6.5,
"Height": 2.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1101",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, Image editing, processing",
"Name": "Smart Design",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1101.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 26,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 79.9,
"Width": 14,
"Depth": 6.7,
"Height": 24,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1102",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, Network Software Utilities, Useful Applications and Documentation",
"Name": "Smart Network",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1102.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 28,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 69,
"Width": 16,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 27,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1103",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, different Multimedia applications, playing music, watching DVDs, only with this Smart package",
"Name": "Smart Multimedia",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1103.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 9,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 77,
"Width": 11,
"Depth": 3.4,
"Height": 22,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1104",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 1.1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, various games for amusement, logic, action, jump&run",
"Name": "Smart Games",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1104.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 55,
"Width": 10,
"Depth": 3,
"Height": 30,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1105",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Brainsoft",
"WeightMeasure": 0.7,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, highly recommended for internet users as anti-virus protection",
"Name": "Smart Internet Antivirus",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1105.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 17,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 29,
"Width": 16,
"Depth": 4,
"Height": 21,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1106",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Brainsoft",
"WeightMeasure": 0.9,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, recommended for internet users, protect your PC against cyber-crime",
"Name": "Smart Firewall",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1106.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 19,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 34,
"Width": 17.9,
"Depth": 4.2,
"Height": 23.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1107",
"Category": "Software",
"MainCategory": "Software",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Brainsoft",
"WeightMeasure": 0.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Complete package, 1 User, bring your money in your mind, see what you have and what you want",
"Name": "Smart Money",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1107.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 18,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 29.9,
"Width": 12,
"Depth": 1.5,
"Height": 19,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1110",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.03,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Robust 3m anti-burglary protection for your laptop computer",
"Name": "PC Lock",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1110.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 8.9,
"Width": 20,
"Depth": 8,
"Height": 4.3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1111",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.02,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Robust 1m anti-burglary protection for your desktop computer",
"Name": "Notebook Lock",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1111.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 6.9,
"Width": 31,
"Depth": 9,
"Height": 7,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1112",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.075,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Color webcam, color, High-Speed USB",
"Name": "Web cam reality",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1112.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 27,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 39,
"Width": 9,
"Depth": 8.2,
"Height": 1.3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1113",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.05,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "10 separately packed screen wipes",
"Name": "Screen clean",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1113.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 17,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 2.3,
"Width": 2,
"Depth": 2,
"Height": 0.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1114",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 1.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook bag, plenty of room for stationery and writing materials",
"Name": "Fabric bag professional",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1114.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 31,
"Width": 42,
"Depth": 32,
"Height": 7,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1115",
"Category": "Telecommunications",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.45,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Wireless DSL Router (available in blue, black and silver)",
"Name": "Wireless DSL Router",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1115.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 49,
"Width": 19.3,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1116",
"Category": "Telecommunications",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Red Point Stores",
"WeightMeasure": 0.45,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Wireless DSL Router / Repeater (available in blue, black and silver)",
"Name": "Wireless DSL Router / Repeater",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1116.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 59,
"Width": 19.3,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1117",
"Category": "Telecommunications",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.45,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Wireless DSL Router / Repeater and Print Server (available in blue, black and silver)",
"Name": "Wireless DSL Router / Repeater and Print Server",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1117.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 69,
"Width": 19.3,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1118",
"Category": "Computer System Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.015,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "USB 2.0 High-Speed 64 GB",
"Name": "USB Stick",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1118.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 35,
"Width": 1.5,
"Depth": 8.7,
"Height": 1.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1120",
"Category": "Keyboards",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Cordless Bluetooth Keyboard with English keys",
"Name": "Cordless Bluetooth Keyboard, english international",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1120.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 29,
"Width": 51.4,
"Depth": 23,
"Height": 4,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1137",
"Category": "Flat Screen Monitors",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 18,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 2048 × 1536 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.24mm",
"Name": "Flat XXL",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1137.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1430,
"Width": 54,
"Depth": 22,
"Height": 38,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1138",
"Category": "Mice",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.02,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Portable pocket Mouse with retracting cord",
"Name": "Pocket Mouse",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1138.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 23,
"Width": 0.3,
"Depth": 0.5,
"Height": 1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1210",
"Category": "PCs",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 2.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "PC Power Station with 3,4 Ghz quad-core, 32 GB DDR3 SDRAM, feels like Available PC, Windows 8 Pro",
"Name": "PC Power Station",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1210.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 22,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 2399,
"Width": 28,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 43,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1500",
"Category": "Servers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 18,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Dual socket, quad-core processing server with 1333 MHz Front Side Bus with 10Gb connectivity",
"Name": "Server Basic",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1500.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 5000,
"Width": 34,
"Depth": 35,
"Height": 23,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1501",
"Category": "Servers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 25,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Dual socket, quad-core processing server with 1644 MHz Front Side Bus with 10Gb connectivity",
"Name": "Server Professional",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1501.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 26,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 15000,
"Width": 29,
"Depth": 30,
"Height": 27,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1502",
"Category": "Servers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 35,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Dual socket, quad-core processing server with 1644 MHz Front Side Bus with 100Gb connectivity",
"Name": "Server Power Pro",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1502.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 34,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 25000,
"Width": 22,
"Depth": 27.3,
"Height": 37,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6130",
"Category": "Flat Screen TVs",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 2.6,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "32-inch, 1366x768 Pixel, 16:9, HDTV ready",
"Name": "Flat Watch HD32",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6130.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1459,
"Width": 78,
"Depth": 22.1,
"Height": 55,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6131",
"Category": "Flat Screen TVs",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 2.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "37-inch, 1366x768 Pixel, 16:9, HDTV ready",
"Name": "Flat Watch HD37",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6131.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 14,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1199,
"Width": 99.1,
"Depth": 26,
"Height": 61,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6132",
"Category": "Flat Screen TVs",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Very Best Screens",
"WeightMeasure": 1.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "41-inch, 1366x768 Pixel, 16:9, HDTV ready",
"Name": "Flat Watch HD41",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6132.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 899,
"Width": 128,
"Depth": 23,
"Height": 79.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-7030",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 0.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Our new multifunctional Handheld with phone function in platinum",
"Name": "Platinberry",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-7030.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 8.1,
"Depth": 13,
"Height": 12.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-7020",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 0.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Our new multifunctional Handheld with phone function in gold",
"Name": "Goldberry",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-7020.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 11,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 8.1,
"Depth": 13,
"Height": 12.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-7010",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 0.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Our new multifunctional Handheld with phone function in silver",
"Name": "Silverberry",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-7010.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 9,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 8.1,
"Depth": 13,
"Height": 12.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-7000",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 0.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Our new multifunctional Handheld with phone function in copper",
"Name": "Copperberry",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-7000.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 5,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 8.1,
"Depth": 13,
"Height": 12.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1095",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 80,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "5.1 Headset, 40 Hz-20 kHz, Wireless",
"Name": "Lovely Sound 5.1 Wireless",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1095.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 49,
"Width": 24,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 23,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1096",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 130,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "5.1 Headset, 40 Hz-20 kHz, 3m cable",
"Name": "Lovely Sound 5.1",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1096.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 18,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 39,
"Width": 25,
"Depth": 17,
"Height": 19,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1097",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 60,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "5.1 Headset, 40 Hz-20 kHz, 1m cable",
"Name": "Lovely Sound Stereo",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1097.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 21,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 29,
"Width": 21.3,
"Depth": 2.4,
"Height": 19.7,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6123",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 267,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "MP3-Player with 80 GB SSD and Color Display, can play movies",
"Name": "Power Pro Player 80",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6123.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 299,
"Width": 4,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 0.8,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6122",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 266,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "MP3-Player with 40 GB HDD and Color Display, can play movies",
"Name": "Power Pro Player 40",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6122.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 167,
"Width": 5.1,
"Depth": 8,
"Height": 9.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6121",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 134,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "ITelo Jog-Mate 64 GB HDD and Color Display, can play movies",
"Name": "ITelo Jog-Mate",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6121.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 63,
"Width": 5.1,
"Depth": 8,
"Height": 9.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6120",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 134,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "64 GB USB Music-on-Available-Stick",
"Name": "ITelo MusicStick",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6120.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 45,
"Width": 1.5,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6111",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 3.1,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "160 GB HDD, CD-RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, MPEG 2 (Video-DVD), MPEG 4, VCD, SVCD, DivX, Xvid",
"Name": "Record Movie",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6111.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 288,
"Width": 38,
"Depth": 26,
"Height": 6.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6110",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Fasttech",
"WeightMeasure": 2.4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "CD-RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, MPEG 2 (Video-DVD), MPEG 4, VCD, SVCD, DivX, Xvid",
"Name": "Play Movie",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6110.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 15,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 130,
"Width": 37,
"Depth": 24,
"Height": 6,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6102",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 2.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1080p, DLP max. 12,3 Meter, 3D-ready",
"Name": "Beam Breaker B-3",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6102.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 889,
"Width": 30.4,
"Depth": 23.1,
"Height": 23,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6101",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1080p, DLP max.9,34 Meter, 2D-ready",
"Name": "Beam Breaker B-2",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6101.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 18,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 679,
"Width": 30.4,
"Depth": 23.1,
"Height": 23,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2002",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Technocom",
"WeightMeasure": 0.72,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "9\" LCD Screen, storage holds up to 8 hours, 2 speakers included",
"Name": "Portable DVD Player with 9\" LCD Monitor",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2002.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 853.99,
"Width": 21,
"Depth": 16.5,
"Height": 14,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-6100",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 1.7,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "720p, DLP Projector max. 8,45 Meter, 2D",
"Name": "Beam Breaker B-1",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-6100.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 32,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 469,
"Width": 30.4,
"Depth": 23.1,
"Height": 23,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2027",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.15,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Removable jewel case labels, zero residues (100)",
"Name": "Removable CD/DVD Laser Labels",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2027.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 25,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 8.99,
"Width": 5.5,
"Depth": 2,
"Height": 2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2026",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Quality cables for notebooks and projectors",
"Name": "Audio/Video Cable Kit - 4m",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2026.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 16,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 29.99,
"Width": 21,
"Depth": 10.2,
"Height": 13,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2025",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.65,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Organizer and protective case for 264 CDs and DVDs",
"Name": "CD/DVD case: 264 sleeves",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2025.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 26,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 44.99,
"Width": 13,
"Depth": 13,
"Height": 20,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2001",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.84,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "10\" LCD Screen, storage battery holds up to 8 hours",
"Name": "10\" Portable DVD player",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2001.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 21,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 449.99,
"Width": 24,
"Depth": 19.5,
"Height": 29,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-2000",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.79,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "7\" LCD Screen, storage battery holds up to 6 hours!",
"Name": "7\" Widescreen Portable DVD Player w MP3",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-2000.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 249.99,
"Width": 21.4,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 27.6,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1603",
"Category": "Desktop Computers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 6.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "3,4 Ghz quad core, 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 4000 GB Hard Disc, Graphic Card: Hurricane GX, Windows 8",
"Name": "Gaming Monster Pro",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1603.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 25,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1700,
"Width": 27,
"Depth": 28,
"Height": 42,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1602",
"Category": "Desktop Computers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 5.9,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "3,4 Ghz quad core, 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 2000 GB Hard Disc, Graphic Card: Gladiator MX, Windows 8",
"Name": "Gaming Monster",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1602.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1200,
"Width": 26.5,
"Depth": 34,
"Height": 47,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1601",
"Category": "Desktop Computers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 5.3,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "2,8 Ghz dual core, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1000 GB Hard Disc, Graphic Card: Gladiator MX, Windows 8",
"Name": "Family PC Pro",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1601.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 900,
"Width": 25,
"Depth": 31.7,
"Height": 40.2,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1600",
"Category": "Desktop Computers",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 4.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "2,8 Ghz dual core, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 500 GB Hard Disc, Graphic Card: Proctra X, Windows 8",
"Name": "Family PC Basic",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1600.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 600,
"Width": 21.4,
"Depth": 29,
"Height": 38,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1119",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 88,
"WeightUnit": "G",
"Description": "Universal Travel Adapter",
"Name": "Travel Adapter",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1119.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 79,
"Width": 2,
"Depth": 3.1,
"Height": 3.9,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-8000",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 4,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook with 2,80 GHz dual core, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 500 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8",
"Name": "ITelO FlexTop I4000",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-8000.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 11,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 799,
"Width": 31,
"Depth": 19,
"Height": 3.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-8001",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook with 2,80 GHz dual core, 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 500 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8",
"Name": "ITelO FlexTop I6300c",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-8001.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 799,
"Width": 32,
"Depth": 20,
"Height": 3.4,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-8002",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 3.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook with 2,80 GHz quad core, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1000 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8",
"Name": "ITelO FlexTop I9100",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-8002.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1199,
"Width": 38,
"Depth": 21,
"Height": 4.1,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-8003",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 3.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Notebook with 2,80 GHz quad core, 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1000 GB Hard Disc, Windows 8",
"Name": "ITelO FlexTop I9800",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-8003.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 22,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1388,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "PF-1000",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.01,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flyer for our product palette",
"Name": "Flyer",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/PF-1000.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 33,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 0,
"Width": 46,
"Depth": 30,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9999",
"Category": "Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 3.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "10.1-inch Multitouch HD Screen (1280 x 800), 16GB Internal Memory, Wireless N Wi-Fi; Bluetooth, GPS Enabled, 1GHz Dual-Core Processor",
"Name": "Maxi Tablet",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9999.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 20,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 749,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9998",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.75,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "5 Megapixel Camera, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS Available-GPS support",
"Name": "Smartphone Beta",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9998.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 21,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 30,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9997",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 3.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "6-Inch E Ink Screen, Access To e-book Store, Adjustable Font Styles and Sizes, Stores Up To 1,000 Books",
"Name": "e-Book Reader ReadMe",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9997.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 33,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9996",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.03,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Stylish tablet pouch, protects from scratches, color: black",
"Name": "Tablet Pouch",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9996.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 34,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 20,
"Width": 25,
"Depth": 40,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9995",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Titanium",
"WeightMeasure": 0.02,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Durable high quality plastic bump-sleeve, lightweight, protects from scratches, rubber coating, multiple colors available, Accurate design and cut-outs for your device, snap-on design",
"Name": "Smartphone Cover",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9995.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 15,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9994",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "TV, Video & HiFi",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 3.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "1920x1080 Full HD, image stabilization reduces blur, 27x Optical / 32x Extended Zoom, wide angle Lens, 2.7\" wide LCD display",
"Name": "Camcorder View",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9994.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 50,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 1388,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 27,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9993",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 3.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "7 inch 1280x800 HD display (216 ppi), Quad-core processor, 16 GB internal storage, 4325 mAh battery (Up to 8 hours of active use)",
"Name": "Mini Tablet",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9993.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 10,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 833,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9992",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.75,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "7 inch 1280x800 HD display (216 ppi), Quad-core processor, 16 GB internal storage (actual formatted capacity will be less), 4325 mAh battery (Up to 8 hours of active use), white or black",
"Name": "Smartphone Alpha",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9992.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 13,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 599,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-9991",
"Category": "Accessories",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.02,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Button Clasp, Quality Material, 100% Leather, compatible with many smartphone models",
"Name": "Smartphone Leather Case",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-9991.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 12,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 25,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1251",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flexible Laptop with 2,5 GHz Quad Core, 15\" HD TN, 16 GB DDR SDRAM, 256 GB SSD, Windows 10 Pro",
"Name": "Astro Laptop 1516",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1251.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 989,
"Width": 30,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1252",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.75,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "6 inch 1280x800 HD display (216 ppi), Quad-core processor, 8 GB internal storage (actual formatted capacity will be less), 3050 mAh battery (Up to 8 hours of active use), grey or black",
"Name": "Astro Phone 6",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1252.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 28,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 649,
"Width": 8,
"Depth": 6,
"Height": 1.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1253",
"Category": "Laptops",
"MainCategory": "Computer Systems",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 4.2,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Flexible Laptop with 2,5 GHz Dual Core, 14\" HD+ TN, 8 GB DDR SDRAM, 324 GB SSD, Windows 10 Pro",
"Name": "Benda Laptop 1408",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1253.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 27,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 976,
"Width": 30,
"Depth": 18,
"Height": 3,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1254",
"Category": "Flat Screens",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 15,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution Widescreen max. 1920 x 1080 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.27mm, HDMI, Discontinued-Sub",
"Name": "Bending Screen 21HD",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1254.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 23,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 250,
"Width": 37,
"Depth": 12,
"Height": 36,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1255",
"Category": "Flat Screens",
"MainCategory": "Computer Components",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 16,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "Optimum Hi-Resolution Widescreen max. 2048 x 1080 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.27mm, HDMI, Discontinued-Sub",
"Name": "Broad Screen 22HD",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1255.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 5,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 270,
"Width": 39,
"Depth": 12,
"Height": 38,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1256",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 0.75,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "7 inch 1280x800 HD display (216 ppi), Quad-core processor, 16 GB internal storage (actual formatted capacity will be less), 4325 mAh battery (Up to 8 hours of active use), white or black",
"Name": "Cerdik Phone 7",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1256.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 19,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 9,
"Depth": 15,
"Height": 1.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1257",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 2.8,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "10.5-inch Multitouch HD Screen (1280 x 800), 16GB Internal Memory, Wireless N Wi-Fi; Bluetooth, GPS Enabled, 1GHz Dual-Core Processor",
"Name": "Cepat Tablet 10.5",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1257.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 17,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 549,
"Width": 48,
"Depth": 31,
"Height": 4.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
}, {
"ProductId": "HT-1258",
"Category": "Smartphones and Tablets",
"MainCategory": "Smartphones & Tablets",
"TaxTarifCode": "1",
"SupplierName": "Ultrasonic United",
"WeightMeasure": 2.5,
"WeightUnit": "KG",
"Description": "8-inch Multitouch HD Screen (2000 x 1500) 32GB Internal Memory, Wireless N Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS Enabled, 1.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor",
"Name": "Cepat Tablet 8",
"ProductPicUrl": "test-resources/sap/ui/demokit/explored/img/HT-1258.jpg",
"Status": "Available",
"Quantity": 24,
"UoM": "PC",
"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
"Price": 529,
"Width": 38,
"Depth": 21,
"Height": 3.5,
"DimUnit": "cm"
"ProductCollectionStats": {
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"Total": 123,
"Weight": {
"Ok": 53,
"Heavy": 51,
"Overweight": 19
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"Desktop Computers": 7,
"Flat Screens": 2,
"Keyboards": 4,
"Laptops": 11,
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"Graphics Card": 4,
"Scanners": 4,
"Speakers": 3,
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"Servers": 3,
"Flat Screen TVs": 3
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"Smartcards": 2,
"Alpha Printers": 5,
"Printer for All": 8,
"Oxynum": 8,
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"Ultrasonic United": 15,
"Speaker Experts": 3,
"Brainsoft": 3
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