<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script data-require="firebug-lite@1.4.0" data-semver="1.4.0" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/firebug-lite/1.4.0/firebug-lite.js"></script>
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.0/angular.min.js"></script>
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    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <script src="controller.js"></script>
    <script src="service.js"></script>

    <div ng-controller="SlugCtrl">
      <div data-maincontent="maincontent" id="main-content">expecting remote data with injected directive</div>
'use strict';

 * Main module of the application.
var blancAppApp = angular
  .module('blancAppApp', [
'use strict';

 * @ngdoc function
 * # SlugCtrl
 * Controller of the blancAppApp
  .controller('SlugCtrl', function ($scope, WpApi, $compile, $filter) {
    // the Content to be rendered.
   $scope.post = [];

   // load remote data from the server.
   function loadRemoteData() {
   // The WpApiService returns a promise.
            function( post ) {       
                applyRemoteData( post );       

     // apply the remote data to the local scope.
    function applyRemoteData( newContents ) {    
        $scope.maincontent  = $compile( newContents[0].content )($scope);  
}).directive('maincontent', function() {

    return {
            restrict: 'A',
                scope: {
                    maincontent: '=maincontent'
                link: function (scope, element, attrs) {    
                    element.append( scope.maincontent  );
'use strict';

 * @ngdoc service
 * # WpApi
 * Service in the blancAppApp.
  .service('WpApi', function( $http, $q,  $routeParams, $compile, $rootScope) {

   // Return public API.
		//TODO addContent: addContent,
		getContents: getContents,
		//TODO removeContent: removeContent

    // I get all of the friends in the remote collection.
	function getContents() 
		var request = $http({
			method: "get",
			url: "http://blanc-encens.kakuki.de/wp-json/posts/?type[]=post&type[]=page&filter[name]=blancencens-profile",
			params: {
				action: "get"
		return( request.then( handleSuccess, handleError ) );
// the API response payload.
function handleError( response ) {
if (
! angular.isObject( response.data ) ||
! response.data.message
) {
	return( $q.reject( "An unknown error occurred." ) );
	// Otherwise, use expected error message.
	return( $q.reject( response.data.message ) );
	// I transform the successful response, unwrapping the application data
	// from the API response payload.
	function handleSuccess( response ) {
		return( response.data );