# Compiled languages now supported by Plunker!

After a long deliberation, I had a bit of an epiphany in that adding
compiled language support could be done simply and intuitively.
Originally, I thought that this would have to be something done on the
client-side. That introduced a number of logistical problems and is
not the approach I took.

**DEMO**: http://plnkr.co/edit/0S816U?p=preview

## Supported languages

### Javascript

* Coffee-Script
* Iced-Coffee-Script
* LiveScript
* TypeScript (*coming soon!*)
### CSS

* Stylus (with nib enabled by default)
* Sass (using TJ Hollowaychuck's compiler for now)
* Less

### HTML

* Jade
* Markdown (with Github flavoured markdown enabled)

## How does it work?

When you request `index.html` and a file by that name is not found,
Plunker will search your plunk for an `index.<ext>` file using all
extensions available for languages compiling to html.  Plunker will
then compile the source file and serve it as if it was `index.html`.

### Example using coffee-script

1. In your html, add a `<cript src="script.js"></script>` tag.
2. Create a file called `script.coffee`.
3. Write coffee-script to your heart's content.
4. ...
5. Profit!

### Another example

<link href="http://prismjs.com/prism.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

This Plunk is actually written in 100% Markdown! Here is the source:

  <link href="http://kevinburke.bitbucket.org/markdowncss/markdown.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
  <link href="http://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/prettify.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
  # Compiled languages now supported by Plunker!
  After a long deliberation, I had a bit of an epiphany in that adding
  compiled language support could be done simply and intuitively.
  Originally, I thought that this would have to be something done on the
  client-side. That introduced a number of logistical problems and is
  not the approach I took.
  ## Supported languages
  ### Javascript
  * Coffee-Script
  * Iced-Coffee-Script
  * LiveScript
  * TypeScript (*coming soon!*)
  ### CSS
  * Stylus (with nib enabled by default)
  * Sass (using TJ Hollowaychuck's compiler for now)
  * Less
  ### HTML
  * Jade
  * Markdown (with Github flavoured markdown enabled)
  ## How does it work?
  When you request `index.html` and a file by that name is not found,
  Plunker will search your plunk for an `index.<ext>` file using all
  extensions available for languages compiling to html.  Plunker will
  then compile the source file and serve it as if it was `index.html`.
  ## Example
  This Plunk is actually written in 100% Markdown! Here is the source:


<script src="http://prismjs.com/prism.js"></script>